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目前,随着我国旅游业的快速发展,旅游内容越来越丰富,旅游的形式也在朝着多方面发展,然而在这些旅游形式当中,沿山地带的旅游资源也在开始不断发展庞大,成为当今旅游的一个新潮,不过,很多沿山地带的开发力度和知名度还不够,还需要政府和居民共同努力。四川省德阳市虽然平原居多,但是也不乏山地旅游资源,只是开发力度不够,自从08年5.12汶川地震发生后,德阳沿山地带的旅游资源也异军突起,迅速发展,本文将继续讨论和研究德阳沿山地带旅游资源的概况、发展现状、存在的问题、资源开发和进一步推进的方案,对德阳沿山地带旅游进行全面阐述,并对其发展中存在的问题做了总结,提出相应的解决措施,从而使德阳沿山地带的经济得到更好的发展,使山区居民脱贫致富,过上小康生活。At present, with the rapid development of China"s tourism industry, tourism increasingly rich content, the form of tourism is also in many aspects of development, but in these forms of tourism, the tourism resources along the mountain zone is also at the start of the continuous development of large, become a new tourism, however, many along the mountain zone development efforts and the visibility was not enough, also need the joint efforts of government and residents. Sichuan Province Deyang City, although the majority of the plain, but also there is no lack of mountain tourism resources, but the development is not enough, the 08 years since the 5.12 Wenchuan after the earthquake, Deyang along the mountain area tourism resources are A new force suddenly rises., rapid development, this paper will continue to discuss and study in Deyang area along the mountain tourism resources survey, development status, existing problems, resources development and further promote the scheme of Deyang, along the mountain area tourism comprehensively, and make a summary of the problems in its development, puts forward corresponding solving measures, so that the Deyang along the mountain zone economy get better development, make the mountain residents to take off deficient to become rich, live a well-off life.双语对照如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!


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