Please see below documents that are now required to be Completed for all factories being used to produce for Sainsbury"s through Fieldings: - 请看以下文件,任何通过Fielding生产Saisbury的工厂都必须填写:TU Garment Factory Assessment Form TU制衣厂评估表格TU Code of Conduct on Ethical Training (If you could please sign this and scan a copy of the Signed Page only back to me) TU道德培训行为守则(如果条件允许,请签字,并把签字页扫描后回传给我)If you could please Complete these ASAP and send back to me when done. 如果可以,请尽快填写并在完成后回传给我。Please Confirm Receipt 请确认已收到(此文件)