First, Chiji methods (Note matters):
The method of
u2460 Cross with a screwdriver on the Dike will be removed four screws;
u2461 Dike will open with iron battery is, a negative electrode wire bonding, and then Deke will be removed, Deke camera decorative circle posted a protective film to prevent dust into the camera lens, and then tape battery cathode paste living to prevent and repair damage to short-circuit when the battery cell;
u2462 PCB board will be the speaker wire bonding, with a screwdriver will cross the PCB board removed four screws, and then remove PCB motherboard, LCD display and a crust removed from the board; (Note: when the demolition of PCB board pay attention to the LCD cable not force, to prevent LCD monitor cable breakage)
Second, the maintenance of
1 Dead:
u2460 at both ends of the battery positive and negative electrodes leads positive and negative two fuses, will be raised to 3.7 V power supply around long boot by POWER button boot and at the same time observe whether ammeter starting current, without the current inspection POWER patch is a switch No false welding or damage to measurement POWER switch linked to the "VIN"-about whether the voltage of 3.7 V, in the absence of voltage or low voltage detection Q4 there is damage, R102, R103 whether damage to pave the way; carefully to identify the reasons for the replacement of undesirable components;
u2461 P0WER long boot by boot button, and instantly the current 80 mA-140mA, but to return to the initial state after release, this is the first test for the driver MP4 components are lost. If conditions permit can be good from the same type of plane removed FLASH memory IC to be replaced or re-confirmed the escalation trial. Upgrade upgrade method reference manuals.
u2462 such as FLASH memory IC replaced or updated procedures did not improve, he was appointed by 10,000 by measuring U6, U17 and U1 IC pin is the pathway, with a multimeter testing of the IC pins whether it is normal for the resistance, whether electricity feet Open, measuring whether there is a short circuit or open the undesirable phenomena;
u2463 long boot by POWER switches, ammeter shows that current (150 mA-300mA), the reasons for this phenomenon of multiple failures for the mainframe level after the power supply circuit and short circuit or power regulator output circuit abnormal result of this first mainframe If power at all levels: 1.8 V, 3.0V and availability of short-circuit or smaller resistance, such as resistance found smaller or short-circuit should be step by step and disconnect the power supply inductance voltage regulator IC, and the measurement circuit on the resistance to change there, when in a certain disconnect circuit back to normal after the resistance, should focus on the detection circuit components related to whether the breakdown, leakage, damage, etc. If detected on the 1.8 V power supply circuit and Resistance smaller or not normal, first disconnect L14 2.2UH inductance, check whether the short circuit level, and measure whether it is normal load-resistance, such as abnormal load resistance, check C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C68, C78, C84, C90, BC6, U16 TVP5150 and U1 SPMP3052A whether poor or leakage; such as 1.8 V power supply normal again detection U12 regulator IC output of 3.0 V power supply 5 feet on the ground resistivity whether short or resistance Small changes, such as the resistance change is small or short-circuit voltage regulator IC removed measurement of the end-load resistance; such as resistivity anomalies were detected C1, C10, C12, C14, C28, C29, C33, C71, BC4, BC8 , BC10, BC11, BC12, BC13, BC14, U1, U2, U3 (screen), U6, U17 circuit components, and other related damage, or whether the short circuit; carefully to identify the reasons for the replacement of undesirable components; (Note: Due some users in the SD card inserted malpractices led to the SD card inserted deformation caused by shrapnel VDD, VCC, and GND short supply, maintenance, failure to pay special attention here) should be removed to L4 inductance measurement; such as 3.0 V power supply normal again Cece U13 regulator IC output of 3.0 V power supply 5 feet on the resistance there is to short-circuit or smaller resistance, such as resistance change is small or short-circuit measurement removed regulator IC Load end of the resistance if the resistivity anomalies were detected C7, C8, C9, C74, C75, C93, U1, U13, U16 circuit components, and other related damage, or whether the short circuit; carefully to identify the reasons for the replacement of undesirable components;
u2464 such as 1.8 V and 3.0 V with short or smaller resistance phenomenon, be detected "VBAT" positive change of the resistance is small or short-circuit, the normal resistance should be positive in about 50 K-70K, such as BAT +-no signs of short-circuit , the resistance of normal power supply circuit to detect C60, C61, U15, Q3, and other related circuit there are abnormal, identifying the reasons for the replacement of undesirable components;
First, opens machine the method (matters needing attention): The method of u2460 Dismantles with the cross screw-driver"s bottom shell in four screws; u2461 Disassembles the bottom shell, with the iron the battery, the cathode seam welding operates, then takes down the bottom shell, pastes protective film in the bottom shell"s camera decoration circle to prevent the camera lens to enter the dust, uses the gummed paper to glue again battery"s positive electrode, prevents when the service the battery short-circuits damages the battery; u2462 Under the PCB board"s on loudspeaker seam welding, dismantles with the cross screw-driver"s PCB board on four screws, then takes out the PCB motherboard, together takes out the LCD display monitor and in the motherboard shell; (attention: Opens when the PCB board must pay attention the LCD display monitor"s platoon line not to the stress, prevents the LCD display monitor row of line abruption) two, service method 1, to halt: u2460 Draws out the plus and minus two lead wires extremely in the battery positive and negative both sides, transfers to about 3.7V the voltage-stabilized source, whether there is long starting and simultaneously observes the ampere meter starting current according to POWER starting Niu, if whether there is doesn"t have the electric current to inspect POWER to paste the piece switch to assume welds or the damage; Whether there is surveys the POWER switch connection again “VIN” about the end 3.7V voltage, if does not have the voltage or the voltage is low whether there is, then examines Q4 to damage, R102, whether there is do R103 damage the opening; Verifies the reason replacement bad primary device carefully; u2461 Long according to P0WER starting Niu starting, instantaneous electric current in 80mA-140mA, but after loosening, returns to the original state, this time first examines whether is the MP4 complete machine driver loss. If the condition permission may dismantle FLASH from the same model good opportunity memory IC to replace the confirmation or to promote tries it. Promotion method reference promotion instruction booklet. u2462 If after replacing FLASH memory IC or the refresh routine, no matter what has not improved, with multi-purpose surveys U6, whether U17 and U1 the IC various pins circuit, examines each IC pin with the avonmeter to the place resistance number to be whether normal, whether there does each power supply foot lead the way, surveys whether to have the short circuit or the opening undesirable tendency; u2463 Long according to the POWER switch starting, the ampere meter demonstrated that the big electric current (in 150mA-300mA), this breakdown phenomenon"s reason many have after main engine"s level feed circuit and the place short circuit or the power source constant voltage output circuit exceptionally creates, this time first examines main engine"s all levels of power supplies for example: 1.8V, whether there is do 3.0V short-circuit to the place or the resistance number change are small, like the discovery resistance changes small or the short circuit, should progressive separation various constant voltages IC and the power supply inductance, whether there is simultaneously surveys this level of electric circuit"s resistance to ground to change, when after separating some level of electric circuits the resistance reply is normal, should key examine this level of electric circuit"s related part whether there is to penetrate, the leakage, the damage and so on; If examines the 1.8V feed circuit resistance to ground changes small or is not normal, then separates L14 the first 2.2UH inductance, inspects whether this level to short-circuit, and surveys the head end resistance to be whether normal, like is unusual for the load resistance, then inspects C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C68, C78, C84, C90, BC6, U16 TVP5150 and U1 SPMP3052A whether bad or leakage and so on; If 1.8V supplies power normally, whether there is examines U12 constant voltage IC the output the 5th foot 3.0V power supply resistance to ground to short-circuit or the resistance number to change again is small, if the resistance number changes small or the short circuit dismantles the constant voltage IC survey head end resistance to ground; If the resistance to ground isn"t normal examines C1, C10, C12, C14, C28, C29, C33, C71, BC4, BC8, BC10, BC11, BC12, BC13, BC14, U1, U2, U3 (display monitor), U6, whether there is U17 and so on related electric circuit primary device to damage or the short circuit phenomenon; Verifies the reason replacement bad primary device carefully; (attention: Because certain users when inserts the SD card the technique is improper, causes to insert the SD card shrapnel the distortion to create VDD, VCC, the power supply and GND short-circuits, when service wants the special attention here breakdown) to dismantle inductance L4 surveys again; If 3.0V supplies power normally, measured again whether there is U13 constant voltage IC the output the 5th foot 3.0V power supply is the resistance short-circuits to the place or the resistance number changes is small, if the resistance number changes small or the short circuit dismantles the constant voltage IC survey head end resistance to ground; If the resistance to ground isn"t normal examines C7, C8, C9, C74, C75, C93, U1, U13, whether there is U16 and so on related electric circuit primary device to damage or the short circuit phenomenon; Verifies the reason replacement bad primary device carefully; u2464 If 1.8V and 3.0V do not have the short circuit or the resistance number change the small phenomena, examines “VBAT” again the positive electrode to the place resistance number whether to change small or the short circuit, the normal forward resistance should about 50K-70K, like the BAT+ end non-short circuit sign, the resistance number be normal; Examination power circuit C60, C61, U15, whether there is are Q3 and so on again related the electric circuit to exist unusually, verifies the reason replacement bad primary device;