在线翻译Google,百度,阿里翻译1688,有道各有所长吧,中文类的百度、有道有优势;商贸和旅游咨询类的阿里有优势(alifanyi1688.com);多语种的google比较强;2023-07-26 13:25:332
Please see below documents that are now required to be Completed for all factories being used to produce for Sainsbury"s through Fieldings: - 请看以下文件,任何通过Fielding生产Saisbury的工厂都必须填写:TU Garment Factory Assessment Form TU制衣厂评估表格TU Code of Conduct on Ethical Training (If you could please sign this and scan a copy of the Signed Page only back to me) TU道德培训行为守则(如果条件允许,请签字,并把签字页扫描后回传给我)If you could please Complete these ASAP and send back to me when done. 如果可以,请尽快填写并在完成后回传给我。Please Confirm Receipt 请确认已收到(此文件)2023-07-26 13:26:294
英译汉在线翻译扫一扫翻译成英语是:A sweeping sweep of online translation between English and Chinese2023-07-26 13:26:475
翻译如下:在伦敦,如果你在公交或是地铁上遗失了物品,你可以去伦敦市中心的伦敦交通遗失财产办公室寻求帮助。“在这什么样的失物都有,真难以想象人们丢东西的能力”,办公室负责人穆林博蒙特拿出一盒假牙说到,“怎么会有人在公交上拿着假牙?”“如果失物上有人名或是地址,我们会尝试联系失主并归还。故而伦敦的游客往往在他们的东西失而复得时万分吃惊。如果没有任何信息,我们也找不到失主,那么我们只好代替他们保管几个月希望有人来这申领。实在没有人来领走,我们就会将其卖掉。”“这工作很有趣,我们很乐意分享失主们寻回他们的东西时的喜悦。”2023-07-26 13:27:293
原文:本文从课改中小学信息技术改革、创新的必要性入手,重点阐述了“要用教材教,而不是教教材”,在课堂当中合理组织教学,激发学生兴趣,让学生想、敢、能、会创新。最后结合常用的几种科学的教学法的合理运用,进一步教师要以培养学生的创新意识为根本,采取有效的创新教学策略,大胆实施,大胆改革,使课堂真正成为:“处处是创新之地,天天是创新之时,人人是创新之人”的创新摇篮。翻译为:In this paper, information technology in primary and secondary schools from the curriculum reform, the need for innovative approach, focused on "teaching materials to use, instead of teaching materials," among the rational organization in the classroom teaching, to stimulate interest in students to enable students to think, dare to, will be innovative. Finally, several commonly used in science and the rational use of teaching methods, and further training of teachers to students as a fundamental sense of innovation, innovation and effective teaching strategies, the implementation of bold, bold reforms in order to truly become a class: "all the land of innovation every day is a time of innovation, innovation that everyone who is "the cradle of innovation.创新: Innovation 发展 :Development改变: Change 学习法 :Learning2023-07-26 13:27:394
不好意思,请到这边开单(收据)然后拿这张单到前面(那边)收银台结账.不需要排队.然后拿收银单(结账单)回到这边(我这里)取你需要的红酒.谢谢你再次光临. Please take this invoice to check out at the register right there (in the front). You do not have to line up. After the transaction is done, and then return to this counter with your receipt to pick up your items. Thank you for shopping here!我不认为应该直接翻译“不好意思”如果直接翻译的话是sorry或excuse me。我认为如果是帮助别人,在英文里没有必要说sorry或excuse me,这是贬低自己,没必要,为别人服务也应是自信自豪的。2023-07-26 13:28:1010
Google Translate 比较推荐的是谷歌翻译,翻译的精确度非常高,而且非常好用,以前使用谷歌翻译还要翻墙,现在可以直接使用了谷歌翻译支持网页翻译,浏览器插件和手机app,在安卓端和苹果端都有。 Google翻译研发时间笔记哦啊早,再加上现在的技术创新,使用神经网络系统进行翻译,可以大大的提高翻译的准确度。 谷歌翻译有一项神奇的功能,可以拍照及时把文字翻译显示在屏幕上,可以说是一样非常实用的功能。 Bing Translator 第二个我要推荐的是必应翻译 Bing Translator 是微软旗下的翻译软件,必应翻译采用语料库分析确定释义,翻译还是相当准确的。 英语翻译软件涵盖的范围还是比较大的。分为以下集中分别作答。 【词典软件】 词典软件推荐有道词典和金山词霸 个人觉得金山词霸略胜一筹,稍微方便好用一点,而有道词典在专业词汇的单词量会稍微胜过金山词霸。都是老牌的词典软件了,两个软件都可以划词取义,十分方便PC上跨页面进行翻译。 谷歌翻译也有Chrome插件完成划词取义。 近来的发展趋势使这些词典都扩充了许许多多的单词,应该是够用的了。当然,一些太过专业的词汇就要求助于英英词典。 【翻译软件】 首选Trados 。但Trados学起来还是有点困难的,使用语料库什么的可以到某宝上搜搜,不用自己去整理那么麻烦。 其次可以试下 Transmate ,用户体验很不错,而且也是免费的,许多功能可以自己挖掘。 国内的还有雪人,需要付费,价格不便宜。没用过就不多评价了。 最新的译马网也可以了解一下。 【其他软件】 翻译有时候绕不开格式的转换,最经常需要用到的是PDF转Word的文件。此处推荐 Solid Converter v9 ,功能强大。当然,如果你会用Trados,可以直接用Trados进行格式的转换,但时不时需要使用多个软件才能取得最佳的转换结果。 我想问的是在Linux系统上能用的[捂脸],百度和谷歌在线翻译还可以,就是电脑不是一直都有网,所以想弄一个翻译软件,可以离线用。目前找到两个:stardict的和goldendict 对英语较差或不懂英语的朋友,如遇到不认识的英语单词或句子而身边又没人懂英语确实是件麻烦事,如今身上只要带有智能手机、电脑就可以解决很多事情了,在电脑上或手机装翻译软件,有了这些翻译软件就可以解决了,还可以对英语学习及其它语言学习、出国 旅游 都有很大帮助,如下介绍几个翻译软件: 一、金山词霸 软件具有在线翻译、在线词典、英语口语、英语学习资料、汉语词典,金山词霸下载等服务,致力于为您提供优质权威的在线英语服务。 二、网易有道 是免费中英文翻译软件,实时收录最新词汇,原声音频视频例句,五国语言全文翻译,屏幕取词划词释义。 三、灵格斯词霸 是一款简明易用的词典与文本翻译软件,支持全球超过80多种语言的词典查询、全文翻译、屏幕取词、划词翻译、例句搜索、网络释义和真人语音朗读功能。 四、百度翻译 有在线翻译、手机APP翻译,能翻译10种语言,拍照后涂抹文字、对话翻译、离线翻译等功能。 作为本科英语专业,研究生计算机专业写过英语论文的老学长,简单介绍一下题主所提的内容。 翻译软件准确率越来越高,但是无法替代人工。 最常用的翻译网站、软件 常见的翻译网站: 谷歌翻译、百度翻译。 有道翻译、必应翻译 之前也参与过腾讯云+翻译组,参与最新的外文计算机文章翻译,他们采用翻译引擎先帮译者翻译成中文,减少工作量,但是最终还是要根据译者的所学来调整成流畅的语句。 常见的翻译软件: 有道翻译官 http://fanyiguan.youdao.com/ 讯飞还出了一款可以随身携带的一款翻译工具:讯飞 · 译呗 常见的语法检查软件 1、 grammarly https://www.grammarly.com/ 该软件还有Office插件、软件版本和浏览器插件版,免费版可以检测基本的拼写错误和语法错误。 2、 nounplus https://www.nounplus.net/ 我的建议 翻译软件(网站)只能是辅助作用,如果是文字翻译,使用时可以一句话复制到多个翻译网站中,然后根据对比,根据自己的翻译知识进行调整。 总之这些都是辅助性质,真正灵活运用还是需要自己能够有一定的英语基础,自己能够掌握英语。 腾讯翻译君,网易有道词典,英语流利说 一般就是用网易有道词典,微软翻译等。 还可以尝试一下讯飞听见,有网站还有APP,网站包含人工翻译有多语种翻译,机器翻译支持中英文互译, APP暂时只支持中英和中俄翻译,实时语音翻译。 下面是操作步骤 讯飞听见APP使用步骤 第一步:下载讯飞听见APP,各大应用市场搜索“讯飞听见”即可下载。 第二步:注册,即可领取新人免费试用券 第三步:点击翻译,可以切换中英文还是中俄,直接说话即可转换。 二、讯飞听见网站使用方法: 第一步:打开网站 讯飞听见点击此处可直接打开,或是百度搜讯飞听见。 第二步:点击免费注册,会有免费试用2小时 第三步:点击多语种翻译--机器翻译。注:机器翻译可以免费试用,而且只支持中英互译。 第四步:点击上传文档,选择英译中或中译英,点击立即翻译,翻译过程中不要离开,大概30秒左右就好了。 第五步:下载翻译结果,即可查看,这是我翻译结结果。 需要更多语种就要用到人工翻译了! Eotu浏览器!挺实用的!自动翻译,出国 旅游 挺好用的! 英语翻译软件其实并不能说什么好用什么不好用。 首先 ,如果大家使用翻译软件只是去查查一些英文单词的话,我认为市面上所有的软件都可以做到这一点,选一些主流的软件即可。 其次 ,就是如果大家想去学习一些课文,英语句子的的话,百词斩,网易,扇贝都是很好的拓展功能,能帮助大家学习到句型和文章。 最后 ,如果大家是想要去浏览国外的英文网站,那么仅仅靠查几个单词是不够的,当然只是对于新手来说,大神随便。那么这个时候我们就需要一些网页的翻译插件去翻译了,我认为谷歌浏览器的插件是十分好用的,其中我们可以找到两款 1、谷歌翻译,不需要直接点击,打开插件遇到英文网站自动翻译。 2、有道网页翻译 可以选择翻译的等级,也方便自己去学习,缺点就是每次都要去点击翻译才会翻译。 是不是很优秀呢?插件可在设置中,直接下载。(可能需要翻墙)~ 以上就是我对此问题的看法,希望可以帮助到大家。 世界很大,幸好有你 欢迎在关注女陶,留下你的问题或困惑,我将每天与你分享我的观点和心得。 聚焦最新 科技 咨讯,探寻未来智能领域,我是女陶。 支持网易有道翻译2023-07-26 13:28:372
语音翻译器,这是我一直在使用的手机翻译软件,支持中英文语音在线翻译与文本在线互译功能,支持十几种语言间的相互翻译,操作也非常简单。操作步骤:1:打开我们的翻译工具“语音翻译器”后,首先选择好翻译模式,总共有语音翻译和文本翻译两种方式可以选择,小编选择文本翻译模式。2:选择语种,源语种选择中文,目标语种选择英文,点击中间的交换按钮,可以进行中英文翻译互换。3:点击文本框,输入或者粘贴你想要进行翻译的英文长文本,输入完成后点击翻译按钮,开始进行翻译。4:翻译结果在以中英文文字展现的同时,还会播放英文语音,如果第一遍英文语音你没有听清,点击文本框中的喇叭按钮,可以进行重复播放。5:文本收藏,点击文本框中的星星标志按钮,那是收藏工具。之后点击左上角的设置按钮,打开收藏夹,可以对你的收藏文本进行各种编辑。2023-07-26 13:29:043
楼上的机译,句子连主语都没有!In college(university), I participated in many kinds of school activities besides working hard in academics, in order to improve my leadership qualities and managing abilities. I"m good at bringing things into effct and team work; I do not mind doing trivial things because I think I can always learn from them. I am responsible and prudential. I like learning new things, and being challenged by them. I always work hard to improve myself in every perspective.我不是完全按照字面翻译的,但是表达的意思是一致的。2023-07-26 13:29:439
英语英文翻译为:English。 English:n.英语;英文;(作为一门学科的)英语语言文学;英语学科;英格兰人(有时误用以指包括苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人在内的英国人); adj.英格兰的;英格兰人的;英语的 扩展资料 American English is significantly different from British English. 美国英语与英国英语有很大差异。 Is English an official language in your country? 英语在你们国家是官方语言吗? Sorry, my English is not very good. 对不起,我的"英语不太好。 The college is not an officially recognized English language school. 那所学院不是官方认可的英语学校。2023-07-26 13:30:011
翻译用英语翻译为:translate。 translate:v.翻译;译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变,变为; 第三人称单数: translates现在分词: translating过去式: translated过去分词: translated 扩展资料 He translated not only from the French but also, on occasion, from the Polish. 他不仅做法文翻译,有时也做些波兰语翻译。 The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate. 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。 I couldn"t read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate. 我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。 Despite his illness, he remained actively engaged in translating documents. 虽然生病了,他还是积极地参与文件的翻译。2023-07-26 13:30:271
你去年是怎么过的?(一个有趣的经历。)(那时)你在法国的那个地方?(法国南部。)你去过一个小村庄吗?(是的,去过。)你开车去过哪里?(接下来的城镇。)在路上,谁向你招手了?(一个年轻人(招手了)。)他向让你做什么?(搭车。)你什么时候对他说的“早上好”?(他一进车我就说了。)你用的是什么语言?(法语。)你的乘客用法语回答了吗?(是的,回答了。)你知道多少法语单词?(只知道一些。)在途中你跟他交谈了吗?(没有。)在什么时候,他突然说了些话?(在我们马上就到达那个城镇的时候。)他问你些什么?(他问我是否能说英语。)2023-07-26 13:30:446
手机里可以下载的翻译软件有很多,比如有道翻译 外交官,你可以免费下载这些APP的,这些都用起来根据提示都很方便实用,希望能帮到你。手机里可以下载的翻译软件有很多,比如有道翻译 外交官,你可以免费下载这些APP的,这些都用起来根据提示都很方便实用,希望能帮到你。手机里可以下载的翻译软件有很多,比如有道翻译 外交官,你可以免费下载这些APP的,这些都用起来根据提示都很方便实用,希望能帮到你。手机里可以下载的翻译软件有很多,比如有道翻译 外交官,你可以免费下载这些APP的,这些都用起来根据提示都很方便实用,希望能帮到你。2023-07-26 13:31:155
这个真不好说,毕竟每个人使用软件都有自己的标准,不过我可以推荐给楼主一款自己使用时间较长感觉也不错的翻译软件 语音翻译器。中韩语在线翻译操作步骤:1:打开应用市场的手机翻译工具“语音翻译器”,打开后我们选择语音翻译模式,如果小伙伴们不喜欢语音翻译,我们还有文本翻译可选择。2:选择语种,目标语种选择韩语,源语种我们在中文和中文繁体中选择,如果你是说粤语的,那么你就可以选择中文繁体作为源语种。3:调节语速,语音播放时的语速过快或者过慢都会引起别人的反感,所以我们要事先调节好语速。点击最上角设置按钮,里面有一个语速调节,可以快速的调节语速。4:翻译页面,点击中文按钮,开始说话,录音完成后点击完成按钮,开始进行中文翻译韩文的过程,当然这个过程是很快的。2023-07-26 13:32:016
Guilin,innortheasternguangxi,isaworldfamoustouristresortandhistoricalandculturalcity.Lijiangriverislocatedinthewestbank,e.g.osmanthus,forestnamedcinnamon.Thetypicalkarsttopographyconstitutetheuniquetheguilinlandscape,guilinlandscapeisthefloorboardofguilin"stourismresources.Guilinlandscapeofreferredrangeisverywide,variousprojects.Guilinlandscapehasalwaysbeenwithmountaingreen,watershow,theholestrange,beautifulandstoneas"landscapeenjoys"reputation,guilinlandscapeincludingmountain,water,karstcaves,monuments,stonecarvings,etc.Dragonborndragonridgeistheworldoutstandingterracedriceculturelandscape,issituatedinthebigguilininaspecificofepicproportionsstereoidyllicpoems.Asatourismbrand"thestar",thedragonridgepictureoftheterraceoftenappearintelevision,newspapersandallkindsofadvertisingandpromotionalmaterials,becometheprideofChina.Dragonridgebypeacezhuangterraceandterracegoldpitfurnaceofredterrace.Intwoterraceisthemodellingofwonder,thereisalwaystheartisticconception,thescaleandverve,stereofeelingstrong,thebeautyoflineandcolor,containstherichethniccultureandprotectionofthecomplete,fortheworldexceedterrace,isthemostoftheworld.Herethemountain,thegrounduprooted,appearancecondition;Thewateroftheriver,twistsandturnstidycityasamirror;Manymountainshaveholes,cavesJingJi;Thepeakinthehole,Guilinlandscapeoffers,fullofbeautifulthingsineyes,andformeda"mountainclear,watershow,hole,stone"sbeautiful"guilin"fouraway,"andhasa"guilin"laudatoryname.Weststreetisyangshuocountyanoldpedestrianstreet,locatedinyangshuoofold,localmarblepavement,housingconstructionantique,stronglocalcharacteristics.Thestreetsarefullofagresticbreath,andwithastrongexoticemotionalappeal.Astheextensionofweststreet,"weststreetfolkcorridor"openstreet,thereismoreemotionalappeal.Alltheoldyangshuodomesticarchitecture,theroadisallgreenflagpavedtheway.Alayerofwaterinbars,secondfloorisfolksnack,folkcrafts,nativeproducts,threelayeristhehotel.Walkintothismorethantheweststreetarticlewithnationalcharacteristicsofbuildings,asifreturnedtohundredsofyearsago,jiangnantown.Inrecentyears,newYuanMingvillabuiltinorganicpartofscenicspot,shirt-sleevesuzhougardenlayoutandtheresidenceinnorthguangxiarchitecturalstyle,emphasizesopenawindow,awindowonescene,walkchangescene.InYuanMinghomestillcanlookbackthegloryoftheancientcivilizations,ancientwine-making,papermaking,printing,launched,woodcarving,potteryperformance,representthewisdomoftheChinesenation.2023-07-26 13:32:406
always me 总是我the 8 vegetables few people knows 很少有人...notify 9 setences 打招呼9句艾玛·沃特森 【艾玛·沃特森 简介】中文名:艾玛·沃特森 全名: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 昵称: Em 生日: 1990/4/15 身高:170cm 学校:大学1年级 星座:白羊 头发颜色: Blonde 眼睛颜色: Brown 家乡:英国的牛津郡 校园剧: Arthur: The Younger Years [Morgan La Fay], The Swallow and The Prince [The Swallow], The Happy Prince [unknown lead role], and Alice in Wonderland [the angry cook] Accomplishments: 1st place in the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition [1997], winning the role of Hermione out of thousands of other girls [2000], a Young Artists Award [2002] 偶像: Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie Hawn, and John Cleese 家庭 父母: Jacqueline and Chris [离异] 弟弟: Younger brother [3岁], Alex 奶奶: Freda Watson 宠物: Bubbles and Domino (猫) 地址Emma Watsonc/o HP ProductionLeavesden StudiosP.O.Box 3000Leavesden, HerfordshireWD2 7LTUnited Kingdom在电影《哈利波特与魔法石》中: 最喜欢的情景: Troll Scene (stunts galore!) 最喜欢的魔咒: "Petrificus Totalus!" 在电影《哈利波特与密室》中 On-Set Nickname: One-Take Watson! 最喜欢的场景: The Gilderoy Lockhart scenes 最不喜欢的场景:在最后拥抱哈利[Daniel] "开始我很害怕,但后来就好了." 所获得的奖项 Best Youth Performance Outstanding Supporting Actress --- American Moviegoer Awards Best Ensemble in a Feature Film --- Young Artists Award Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film - Young Artists Awards Best Acting Ensemble Best Performance By a Youth - Female Best Supporting Actress --- AOL Moviegoer Awards Favourites [General HP] 最喜欢的HP的书:《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》 最喜欢的HP角色: Hagrid ("because he is funny!" 最喜欢的[Misc] 衣服牌子: DKNY, Gap and Harvey Nichols 音乐: Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Dido, and Samantha Mumba. "I enjoy all the latest stuff on the radio." Jelly Bean Flavour: Sherbert Lemon 动物: Cats 运动: Tennis, Hockey and Rounders [有点像棒球] 电影: Julia Roberts movies (Pretty Women, Notting Hill, etc) Good Books (but not a Favourites!): The Phantom Tollbooth and I Captured Castle 学校科目: 艺术 食物:意大利食物 (意大利面,比萨, 等等) 和巧克力! 不喜欢的[关于 HP] 她的电影名字: " [My friends] do not go around calling me Hermione Granger. I am me." When People Pronounce Hermione wrong. 不喜欢 [Misc] 音乐类型:古典或歌剧 学校科目: 地理, 数学和拉丁文 食物: 蔬菜 其他的 Quidditch Postion She Want to Play: Chaser Holiday (2001) Wish: "I wish there was peace between America and Afghanistan." Set Piece She would Steal: One of the Chess Pieces or her Wand Invisibility Cloak Uses: Sneaking into movies or concerts Her First Interview: August 2000 (Announcing Cast) 迷恋: 威廉王子和布莱德·彼得 第一次去美国: NY Premiere of Harry Potter 喜欢: Books by Dahl (Think James and the Giant Peach) 她爸爸第一次读给她听的书: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (by same author as above!) 仍然喜欢圣诞老人 希望在圣诞节得到更多衣服 16岁的艾玛·沃特森(在哈利·波特中饰 赫敏·格兰杰)再次出色地扮演了好心的书呆子赫敏·格兰杰,一个刚开始对除了书之外的其他东西感兴趣的角色。 在第一部哈利·波特系列影片中扮演赫敏是艾玛的首次职业演出,尽管她从很小就表现出了天赋。 她扮演赫敏的出色表现已经为艾玛在全球赢得了大量的影迷。两年前,她凭《哈利·波特与密室》及《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》获得了美国在线最佳女配角奖。她还因《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》被《完全电影》杂志的读者选为最佳新人。 艾玛继续在拍片的同时处理好学业,她还热衷于冰球、无挡板篮球、网球和跑圈子比赛,并且是一位出色的田径运动员。她还是位艺术学者,在片厂里面有着最华丽最有创意的化妆间。她的其他爱好包括和朋友家庭聚会、旅游、跳舞(街头爵士、街舞、莎莎舞和她的角色在《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中跳的交谊舞)和唱歌。【《魔法小公主艾玛沃特森》】 想成为哈利·波特骨灰级粉丝吗?想知道银幕下的小女巫赫敏是什么样的吗?请立即翻看《哈利·波特魔法小公主》,全面了解一个真实的小女巫赫敏——艾玛·沃森!它会在中国小巫师范聚会上,让你狠露一把脸,说点别的哈迷们都不知道的幕后新闻! 本书首次翔实生动地讲述了《哈利·波特》系列电影女主角赫敏的扮演者艾玛·沃森的日常生活,以及参加电影拍摄的幕后故事。 它用幽默风趣的语言,向哈利·波特迷们介绍了银幕下的小女巫赫敏,亦即可爱少女艾玛·沃森的麻瓜生活:她的家庭和朋友,她的演艺生活,她的绯闻男友,她的爱好与烦恼,她的欢乐与眼泪,她的梦想与未来! 同进本书还涉及了丹尼尔、鲁伯特、加里·奥得曼、阿方索·卡隆、罗琳等一批著名演员、导演及作家台前幕后的故事,披露了哈利·波特系列电影片场拍摄的许多独家新闻,以及影片背后最感动我们的故事。本书绝对会让众多狂爱哈利·波特图书和电影的哈迷们,毅然决然地摆掉冲关的阻碍,立即晋级为骨灰级的哈利·波特粉丝!【目录】第一章 小女巫的麻瓜生活天降小女巫巴黎宝贝三个愿望艾玛的第一份工作小姐姐艾玛第二章 小女巫的校园生活校园小明星爸爸妈妈分开了万圣节的魔法小女巫选拔赛我是赫敏!第三章 接过魔杖看我七十二变拍电影原来是这样!艾玛施魔法想家了首映式第四章 魔法少女初长成我还是艾玛小巫师大罢工和赫敏一起成长密室里的巫师们离别的庆功会第五章 明星零距离天堂里的魔法师新导演身边的大明星两个艾玛我们的魔法世界第六章 锵锵三人行帅哥集中营我们的野蛮女友三人组巫师摇滚乐团未来大预言第七章 爱情大魔咒走近布莱德·皮特谁让我心动我的绯闻男友青春恋人事件我的王子会出现第八章 少女艾玛之烦恼嫉妒的火焰杯艾玛的巫婆汤青春圆舞曲谣言四起战痘!战痘!!战痘!!!第九章 小女巫的星光大道艾玛的美丽魔法点燃希望我的未来第一章小女物的麻瓜生活天降小女巫麻瓜公历1990年4月15日,法国巴黎,风和日丽。没有被施了魔法的汽车从天上飞过,也没有谁家养的龙在喷火。但某医院的产房外,律师沃森先生有点火冒三丈了。等在产房外面的几位老兄有些怜悯的看着近乎歇斯底里的沃森先生。“是第一个孩子吧。”一位四十多岁的先生友好的挪了挪身子,给沃森先生腾了个座。“是啊,杰奎琳进去很久了,为什么还没有消息,哦……天啊,会出什么事……”沃森先生压根么看到座位,继续在原地打转。“沃森先生,”关了很久的门砰的打开,一位胖胖的护士笑眯眯地走出来,“恭喜你,你的夫人生了个可爱的天使。是女孩,太可爱了,母女平安。”沃森太太的这个小宝贝就是爱玛沃森,即使十一年后风靡世界的小女巫《哈利波特》电影里女一号赫敏的扮演者。当然,这个时候的沃森先生和沃森太太可不知道。“噢,哦,哦,哦。”沃森先生激动得浑身发抖,“感谢上帝,感谢医院,感谢杰奎琳!”他语无伦次地向在场所有医生护士以及准爸爸们表示他的谢意。大家颇有礼貌的接受这位初为人父的先生的精彩致谢。等沃森先生终于平静下来,他见到了可爱的小女儿。护士说得没错,杰奎琳生了一个天使,襁褓里的小天使睁开美丽的大眼睛看着这个世界,她的眼睛是棕色的,闪烁着琥珀般的光芒。皮肤如蔷薇花瓣一样的娇嫩鲜艳,一头金色的胎发柔软细密。“克里斯,我们的孩子可爱吗?”躺在床上的新妈妈虚弱的问丈夫。“她是世界上最可爱的孩子,最美丽的宝贝,她长得真像我的祖母,那是我见过得最美丽的女士。”沃森先生凝视着女儿甜甜的笑脸声音有些发颤。“噢,太好了。给我们的宝宝起个名字把。”妈妈幸福的微闭双眼。“艾玛-夏洛特-杜尔勒-沃森,”克里斯对妻子微微一笑,“我记得你很喜欢艾玛这个名字,夏洛特-杜尔勒是我祖母的名字,希望我的老祖母在天堂保佑他的曾孙女健康,快乐。”“艾玛,我亲爱的小艾玛……”妈妈轻轻念着这个名字,襁褓里的小艾玛好奇的看着爸爸,看着妈妈,看着这个世界。沃森先生和沃森太太是英国人,他们暂时在法国工作。在异乡生下女儿有诸多不便,沃森太太看着粉嫩的宝贝,有点想家了。在沃森太太怀念美丽家园的同时,一位年轻的姑娘坐上了从英国曼彻斯特出发开往伦敦国王车站的火车。她容貌清秀,举止优雅,火车的误点也没让她发火。这位金发姑娘着迷的看着窗外,透过车窗,她好像看到了一个黑发瘦弱,带着眼镜的小男孩其在扫帚上对她微笑。“你是小巫师吗?”她对小男孩友善的说。小男孩冲她眨眨眼睛,噗的一声,好像气泡一样消失了。“这可是个有趣的故事。”姑娘兴致勃勃的双手托腮,开始天马行空的想象。这位胡思乱想的姑娘叫乔安妮-凯瑟琳-罗琳,简称J-K-罗琳,25岁。就是后来《哈利波特》的作者。如果世上所有的人每天都有记日记的习惯,那么我们会惊喜地发现,这个世界上每个人的联系是多么奇妙,就好像一个神奇的魔法师施了魔法。这个神奇的魔法师默默地看着我们出生,成长,悄悄的安排者冥冥中的定数,也许,霍格沃茨教授占卜课的特里劳妮教授都无法预测和解释。对于如何看待命运的奇妙安排,我们就像邓布利多校长那样微笑吧!相信那位神奇的魔法师也在微笑,微笑的看着那个从天而降的小女巫挨骂,看着她一天天健康快乐的长大。巴黎宝贝巴黎是一个风格独特,迷人浪漫的城市。既古老又现代,庄重中带着妩媚。塞纳河,埃菲尔铁塔,卢浮宫,巴黎圣母院,还有她的美食,美酒,服装,香水……吸引着全世界人涌来。我们的小艾玛在这样的城市里自在的成长。艾玛的生长速度和正常的孩子一样,妈妈不担心她长的慢,她总是说:“噢,我的小宝贝,你刚生下来才那么点大,现在已经是个小淑女了。”爸爸在小淑女艾玛身上看到了未来体育明星的希望,她发现艾玛的四肢比其他孩子要灵活的多,这很像他!爸爸在少年时代梦想成为冰上曲棍球选手,当然梦想没有实现,但是他在叼着奶嘴的女儿身上看到了希望。未来的体育明星被兴致勃勃地父亲抱着,在电视机前看了一场又一场比赛。虽然在激烈的比赛过程中,艾玛小宝贝习惯流着口水呼呼睡去,但是沃森先生还是坚定地对妻子强调:“艾玛就是这块料!”沃森太太无奈的从丈夫手中接过张着小嘴打呼噜的艾玛,放进兔子床上。她才不信他的小艾玛将来会成为什么体育明星,这么激烈的运动可不适合女孩子。她的宝贝应该是个美丽的淑女,上名牌大学,有一份得体的工作,舒服地生活,浪漫而优雅。沃森先生和沃森太太都是律师,做事理性公正。但是面对他们可爱的小女儿,两个人不约而同显示出了狂想症患者的一些症状,据说这些症状经常出现在刚做父母的人群身上。艾玛在沃森先生的梦境中刚蝉联了奥运会的冠军,又要赶着去沃森太太的梦境中过罗马假日。我们的小艾玛在爸爸妈妈殷切的期盼中自由的成长。才满一岁,艾玛开始蹒跚走路。当她拿着曲棍球棍当拐杖摇摇晃晃走到父亲面前时,沃森先生从嗓子眼里发出了一声呜咽,他的女儿在还没握好叉子之前就握住了球棍,这样的幸福他有些承受不起。当小艾玛用胖乎乎的小手拉着衣角给母亲行了个屈膝礼的时候,虽然艾玛几乎跌坐在地上,但是沃森太太仍被这一幕激动得热泪盈眶。在她心中,小宝贝已经可以去参加舞会了,她要给艾玛订做礼服!艾玛很快学会了走路,跑也不成问题。一岁半的时候,她已经在家里四处溜达了,两岁的时候,艾玛开始跟着爸爸妈妈在外面溜达。巴黎塞纳河左岸拉丁区的居民和游客们,在天气晴好的日子里,常常能看见一个漂亮的小宝贝和爸爸妈妈一起在塞纳河畔散步。艾玛像个洋娃娃,粉嫩的小脸蛋,明亮的大眼睛,卷曲的进发。她可不像别的孩子那样牵着爸爸妈妈的衣角,小艾玛神气活现地走在前面,忽闪着眼睛四处张望。“噢,我的曲棍球明星!”“哦,我的舞会女王!”爸爸妈妈望着活泼的女儿,心里发出不同的感慨。“兔子,爱丽丝,美人鱼!”艾玛好像发现了目标的小猎犬,加快脚步,兴高采烈的冲进了一家店里。“哦,是亲爱的艾玛,”老板布朗低下头,慈爱的摸摸小艾玛的满头卷发。“你来看望美人鱼吗?”这家店主要经营和童话有关的产品。店里摆满了童话里的主人公,有梦游仙境的爱丽丝和兔子,有化成泡沫的美人鱼,还有长鼻子的匹诺曹……小艾玛每天晚上都是在妈妈的童话故事中入睡的,她对故事中的主人公有着深厚的感情,自从知道了这家店后就常来拜访。布朗对这个漂亮宝贝已经很熟悉了。小艾玛的习惯是和每个童话娃娃都聊上一句。“美人鱼,你的脚还疼吗?”“你好,穿靴子的猫咪,妈妈也给我买了双靴子,好看吧。”艾玛从自己的口袋里拿出个小苹果,坚持要老板送给白雪公主,“这样她就不会吃坏皇后的毒苹果了。”布朗推辞不了只好欣然接受,并且保证一定送到白雪公主手中。艾玛满意的点点头,和布朗告别。我们的艾玛昂着她漂亮的小脑袋,继续散步。夕阳照在塞纳河上,波光闪闪,来往的行人对这位小淑女微微含笑。三个愿望尽管沃森先生和沃森太太关于小艾玛的未来发展有无尽的想象,小艾玛还是像一个普通的麻瓜女孩一样成长着。不过让爸爸欣慰的事,小艾玛对冰上曲棍球很感兴趣,已经陪父亲去看了几场比赛,现在几乎可以分辨出哪些队员属于自己支持的球队哪些队员属于别的球队了。当然,妈妈看到小艾玛大段大段的时间都在听广播里的音乐,并且随着音乐自编自导的翩翩起舞时,她的自豪感就油然而生了。“哦,瞧我们的艾玛多了不起!”爸爸妈妈看着可爱的女儿,愉悦的感慨……奶奶弗莱达-沃森太太从英国大老远跑来看孙女,奶奶对于可爱的小孙女可是有着不同的期待。“克里斯,杰奎琳,我们的小艾玛也许不会按照你们设想的那样成长,她是个特别的孩子,她会有不同于常人的未来。”奶奶若有所思的看着在院子里玩耍的小艾玛。“当然了妈妈,我们的小艾玛是独一无二的。“沃森先生得意地说。“哦,克里斯,你应该明白我的意思,”奶奶轻轻摇摇头,“艾玛和别的孩子不一样,她对事情有种特殊的……激情。也许这个词用在一个三岁的孩子身上不太合适,可是艾玛是这样的,她对一切都那么好奇,那么热情……”奶奶一边说着,一边拿着相机给艾玛拍照,她没有打扰正在照顾玩具熊谁叫得挨骂,只在旁边抓拍艾玛快乐的面孔,认真的表情。“宝贝,它睡着了吗?”奶奶轻声问小心翼翼把小熊抱到床上的艾玛。艾玛点点头,拉着奶奶蹑手蹑脚走出房间。“那么,我的小宝贝,坐在这里,奶奶给你拍张正面的照片。”奶奶让艾玛坐在客厅的椅子上,“看着镜头,它可以把你漂亮的样子照下来。宝贝,对着相机来许愿吧!告诉奶奶,你想成为什么样的人?”奶奶从镜头里看着坐的端端正正的艾玛。“是冰上曲棍球选手吗?”爸爸激动地说。“还是和爸爸妈妈一样的律师?还是舞蹈演员?”妈妈也迫不及待地问。“我想成为……一位公主,一个仙女,一名演员!”艾玛快乐的大声宣布。“咔嚓”,照片拍下了艾玛甜甜的笑脸。“你每天晚上都给她讲故事,也许是讲得太多了。”沃森先生无奈的看着妻子。“亲爱的,我可没有跟她讲演员的故事,演员这个词她是从哪学来的?”沃森夫人不解的看着小艾玛。“当然是和你一遍遍看《罗马假日》学来的。”沃森先生的语气略有些不满。“啊哈,那也没有和你一起看曲棍球的次数多。”沃森太太也毫不示弱。“宝贝,你知道什么是演员吗?”奶奶问艾玛。小艾玛跳下椅子,跑向电视,指着电视机上的人,大声说:“这就是演员。”电视上正在播出的是第65届奥斯卡的颁奖典礼,演员艾玛-汤普森获得了最佳女主角。“我聪明得挨骂,你太让我惊奇了,”奶奶喃喃地说道,目光从艾玛身上落到电视上,“艾玛-汤普森拿到了小金人,她也叫艾玛,也是英国人。哦,这太神奇了,简直像是……施了魔法!”奶奶抱着艾玛看完了奥斯卡的颁奖,她无法确定怀里的小孙女对于今天许下的愿望是否了解,也许只是小女孩的信口开河。可是,直觉告诉奶奶,艾玛今天许下的愿望一定会对她的未来有影响。“生活是如此美丽与神奇,宝贝,你明白吗?”奶奶亲了亲艾玛的小脸蛋,艾玛似懂非懂的点点头,挣开奶奶的怀抱,去照顾他的熊宝宝了。几天后,奶奶要回国了,艾玛和爸爸妈妈把奶奶一直送到机场。“克里斯,杰奎琳,记住艾玛的许愿吧!也许……她的愿望都会实现。”奶奶使劲亲了一下艾玛的小脸蛋,艾玛“咯咯”的笑着,好奇的打量着机场来来往往的人群。“这可是小艾玛第一次许愿呢,她一下子就许了三个愿望,而且,很完美不是吗?”沃森太太笑着说。沃森先生抱起小艾玛,“宝贝,如果实现了这三个愿望,那你可就了不起了!我想,只有小女巫才能把这先愿望都实现吧!”“女巫?”艾玛重复着爸爸的话,欢快的笑着。我们不得不说,当时间带走人们的青春和美丽时,也会留下相应的礼物——智慧。当爸爸妈妈还在为小艾玛究竟向什么方向发展争论时,奶奶在飞机上已经开始幻想在若干年后,另一个英国的艾玛——艾玛-沃森也拿到了小金人。命运的魔法师进行了怎样精心的安排啊!爸爸妈妈一定无法想象,八年后,小艾玛得到《哈利-波特》中赫敏的角色,成为了魔法世界最出色的小女巫,功力和小仙女相当了,她也是无数影迷心目中美丽的小公主,当然,她还是个演员,优秀的小演员。小艾玛在三岁时许下的愿望几乎都实现了,后来奶奶回忆这些事情时,脸上总带着狡黠的微笑,“亲爱的,这是魔法的力量啊,难道不是吗?我的小艾玛从小就会魔法,她是上天送给我们的礼物,是给我们带来快乐的小女巫!”《All Stars》杂志列出了Emma的十件事1,她说她经常进行自我批评,在看到电影中自己的形象时尤甚。 2,她喜欢做平平常常的事,去平平常常的地方玩。她在家里不喜欢被人看作一个明星。她只有在每次的首映式上才感到自己是个公众人物,其余时间她只想让大家把她当个普通人看待。 3,她很爱运动,特别喜欢滑雪和曲棍球。但她不喜欢备考赶工。 4,她讨厌那些说她爱上Daniel的人,也讨厌传她和Rupert或Tom绯闻的人。 5,她写东西的时候总习惯咬自己的舌尖。 6,她觉得赫敏是个喋喋不休的人,而她要演绎这点很难。可能对Emma来说,学小把戏这类的活儿只是开头难,学会就好了;而要演赫敏必须得每时每刻很快地说话,这是件苦差事。 7,她觉得花束是最好的礼物。小伙子们为了获得她的注意,最好送花给她。 8,Emma惯用右手,不过她还是把手表戴在右手上。 9,任何有朱莉亚·罗伯茨的电影她都百看不厌。 10,Emma不知道什么能真正打动她的心。 附:艾玛·沃特森网站:http://www.emmaempire.net/ http://emmawatson.net/ http://www.ewonline.net/2023-07-26 13:32:573
你可以上网搜搜,Babylon,这个软件它是国外做的一个翻译软件,免费的,我觉得翻译的挺地道的,你可以试试2023-07-26 13:33:074
My beloved: I do not know why you would react like this when you heard someone held my hand, your tone changed immediately. Maybe it"s just a gossip, but I hope it"s not true,either. I once felt that what you and I had is different, and I was so flattered. But now I feel like I"m left out ... ... I know that we had known each other for two years, I remember that the first year when we were not quite close , I would always cry, you always served as a comfort to me by my side. Little by little, I put my trust on you, when you"re not by my side, I would naturally think that the brightest star is you looking at me, and I would stop crying. When we when we have known each other for one and a half years, you always encouraged me to go further, I also prayed for you, hoping that you would catch up with your opponent, and we strived together for the high school entrance exam, I waited for your call, but you didn"t call, I was afraid... Known for two years, we have become indifference to each other and i"m nothing to you now. But I am still me, not changing a little bit. No matter what you what you did to me, I"m still me. I bet you certainly do not understand why I"m always angry with you, that"s because you do not know how I feel, girls have vanity, in fact, I hope that you can think of me first in your heart,not last, but you are always consider others more important than me. Maybe you don"t think that matters that much. Perhaps i"m nothing to you, that"s all... ... I hope that you can get what you really want! We agreed on a trip in Europe 10 years later, do you still remember? Don"t lose heart, let"s strive together!2023-07-26 13:33:599
1.巴金被认为是一位伟大的作家(consider)Bajin is considered to be a great writer2.科学家们正在进行一项重要的实验(carry out)The scientists are carrying out an important experiment3.越来越多的美国人开始担心自己的安全(worry)More and more Americans start to worry about their security4.我们盼望能参加北京奥运会的开幕式(look forward to)we are looking forward to attending the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic games.5.这个现代化的地方以前只是个小村庄(used to be)This modern area was used to be a small village6.除了东方明珠电视塔和金茂大厦外,外国游客们还游览了人民广场一些主要购物街(visit)The foreign tourists also visited the shopping streets in People"s square besides east pearl TV tower and Jinmao tower.7.他自从到了美国之后,每隔一个星期至少和父母通一次电话(once every other week)He called his parents at least once every other week since his arrival at America.8.昨天我做作业时,听到有人在敲我的门(hear sb doing)I heared someone knocking at the door when i was doing my homework9.我越忙越高兴(the more ...the more)The busier i am, the happier i am.10.我相信北京的奥运会肯定会取得圆满的成功(be sure)I am sure that the Beking Olympic games will achieve fully success.11.你明天必须尽早赶到学校,因为我有很多事要做(as...as possible)Because I have so many things to do tomorrow, you must come to school as early as possible.12.所有的规则都要严格遵守(obey)You must obey all the regulations13.在一天的工作之后,他累得已经没力气做作业了(too...to)He was too tired to do his homework after a whole day work14.在过去几年中,北京交通已大有改善(improve)The transportation in Beijing has been improved a lot in the past few years.15.是这个驾驶员的粗心导致了这场车祸吗(cause) is it the driver"s carelessness caused the accident?16.我们仍然记得去年我们在巴黎一起度过的日子(定语从句)we still remember the days when we spent in Paris last year17.使我们吃惊的是,老师也无法阻止他这样做(to one"s surprise stop..from doing)To our surprise, the teacher can"t stop him from doing that either.18.我们上次见面到现在已有两年(since)it had been two years since we met last time.19.我下决心假期里要努力学好英语(make up one"s mind) I make up my mind that i will study hard on English during holiday20.你能告诉我李先生上周去那里旅行了吗?(宾语从句)would you please tell me where Mr. Li had a tour last week?2023-07-26 13:34:196
1. 英语作文翻译网 Deal Liu Tao, Thanks for writing me the letter. I would be very happy if my suggestions can be of help for you. First you may need to improve your listening skills by listening to the tapes, or joining an English club. They are both very effective means to help you understand what your teacher says. If you feel nervous for your exam, you could try to relax yourself. Walking is a very good exercise to help you feel calm At last I wish you could achieve excellent result in your exam! Yours sincerely Alice 2. 英语作文在线翻译 Dear teacher, dear students: Good evening, my speech today is entitled "I have a dream!" In order to share a mon dream we have a convergence, we uphold the literary blood, we have to bear the ideal backpack. We have to pursue a better future for our pursuit of wisdom, we eulogize freedom to express our passion in the hearts of our poetry to the language of artificial blood of our surging. Read 100 books, 100 kinds of living life. Life, nothing can be done with such books as the strength. The book is a lonely friend, who was abandoned partner, who is unhappy joy, despair is the hope, frustration is the Huan Chang, is to help the dispossessed, who is the dream of dawn. Today, I have a dream. I hope that students pick up the pen in the hands of colorful, painted a beautiful blueprint for take-off from here, you dream of flying, such as Kua Fu pursue our dreams. Life can not dream, we are proud of the times, the future of the motherland, I hope that we can continue to progress beyond the self, the world-minded. I hope that each and every student in the knowledge of ocean travel, in the spirit of the free world fighting. Bath late philosopher Qianxian brilliant ideas, to listen to inculcate the Master Ren Ren. The magnificent temple of literature, we have with a red hot heart with the love of literature, we have e, we fear, because of the outstanding passion. As long as we go to practice, as long as we love reading and writing as long as we like, our spirit is free, and we are open to the idea, as long as we work hard writing, as long as we tirelessly pursue, as long as we have a firm belief that as long as we have the courage to The spirit of exploration, as long as we dare, I envisage our dream will bee reality, we will be seeking the return. I would like to! I do! My success! Today, I have a dream! I dream of the future of the classroom is the spiritual home of the free, teachers, students freely in the knowledge of the ocean travel. I no longer dream of the future performance is everything, our students will be happy to learn of freedom. I dream of students, such as hand-foot-beeen, the elimination of contradictions, full of the spirit of fraternity. I dream of our school is a temple of knowledge, book of the sea, the cradle of human resources. This is my dream. However, all we need to advance wave upon wave, we can not wait for God"s favor, we must work hard to up and transform themselves and transform human society. The Eastern Jin Dynasty poet Tao Qian said there is poetry: no longer in their prime years, when encouraged in a timely manner. Let us work together to portray a brilliant future, to write the Haozhuang vowed never to create a work of virgin land. Let us hand in hand, the flying dream, a dream to fight!。 3. 在线英语作文翻译 Jack, Hi, nice to meet you. My name is King and I"m 15 years old. I study in Secondary Two and my school is located in ( ). My life is simple and have a fixed routine, We study in school for five days per week. During weekends, I would go back home and help my mother with some household chores to ease her burden. Hope to hear from you soon,bye! King 4. 英语作文该怎么写 1最基本的好作文就是文章简单通俗易懂,并且没有语法错误,这样的作文一般能拿B.不过这样的文章也不是很好写,这些文章一般都由一些简单的短句构成,加入适当的正确的长句,如定语从句什么的.在写作中尽量少用那些你用文曲星查出来的自认为好的单词,因为英语中单词往往都会有褒义贬义与中性之分,用的不对反而笑话百出.在英文写作中要慎用被动语态和完成时.这些在我们看来理所当然,其实并不为老外所喜欢.被动语态只有在三种情况下才用,一是主语或动作的执行者不重要时,二是他们不明确的时候,三是主语太长,为了使句子平衡才用.而现在国外一般都用现在过去将来三种时态,完成时是在很正规的场合才用.还要注意句子的主语一般都用具体的人或物来表示.如果你要引用或介绍书上的内容时一般都用现在时,一些科学原理也是如此.另外在写英语文章时,要注意要写得明确,一段写一个内容,有时候每个小分段前加一个明显的能概括全段的大写字母也是个不错的选择(我的第一篇影评被老师表扬就是这个原因).如果想要得A,那你一定得坚持天天读一些美文才行,注意记和灵活运用里面的美句.如果你一直得B+或B,那也不能沾沾自喜,我的写作一直被全班甚至我自己公认为是最好的,但是有一天写作老师当着全班的面点评我的文章时说,她现在已经找不出我文章中的语法错误了,但是如果我在这样一直写下去就没有提高了,本来是一篇可以拿A的文章却被我写成了B+,就是因为不是一篇美文.当然我说的是大学的作文,如果你还是中学生的话,就参照B的那种吧,在尽量往上提高.我能想到的就是这些了,希望对你有些用,也希望你不要犯和我一样的错误,加油!2英语作文如何得高分一般说来,每次考试后,阅卷老师要在很短的时间内评阅完大量的试卷,工作量非常大.尽管作文评分有具体的标准,但它仍然是主观性较大的部分,而且写作部分没有“半分”的评分标准,有时我们阅卷之时的一念之差,就可能令你失去宝贵的一分.因此,这里我觉得介绍一些这些阅卷老师阅卷时的心理,对考生是极为有用的.1.整洁的卷面和漂亮的书写 漂亮的书写令人赏心悦目,可使阅卷老师从疲惫不堪中解脱出来,给阅卷老师留下良好的第一印象.就我而言,每次批改作业,如遇龙飞凤舞、字迹较为潦草者,均“押后处理”.说老实话,当改至后期,我便两眼发直,精神极度疲惫,于是也龙飞凤舞,草草给个分数,算是交差了.2.字数要达到最低要求 因为作文对字数要求高,每篇小作文的字数在100-150字左右,大作文的字数必须达到160~200字左右,所以考生切记要在规定的范围内完成自己的工作.但是,有些考生在写作过程中总存在这样的想法:写的越长,阅卷老师的分数肯定会打得更高,其实未必.有时候,甚至会适得其反.试想,考生的文章是写长了,但是考生同时又将自己的弱点暴露得“一览无余”,那样,考生怎么可能得到高分呢?所以,考生应注意在写作中长度一定要适当.3.结构完整,脉络清晰 考试时作文阅卷时间紧,且采用global scoring(整体评分)方法,因此阅卷老师不可能慢悠悠地欣赏你的大作.作文阅卷老师都是经验非常丰富的大学英语教师,他们要在数分钟内浏览完考生作文,给出评分意见.如何吸引阅卷老师的注意呢?我认为,一个完整框架是必不可少的,首先应让阅卷老师觉得你的文章是结构完整合理、符合要求的.换言之,即具备英语文章的基本要素:引言段、扩展段和结尾段.引言段中要包含thesis statement(中心句),扩展段的每段均应有topic sentence(主题句),结尾段应该是一个自然收尾的段落.中文讲究意合,而英语注意形合,要求句与句、段与段之间运用恰当的过渡词,把上下文有机地连接起来.因此,应适当运用关键词组、套句,以吸引阅卷老师的“眼球”.有些写作的大作文要求用160~200词写出一篇高质量的议论文,其形式有图示、漫画、情景等专门类型.近几年来则集中体现为灵活多变、隐含寓意的图示/漫画作文和具有学术分析特点的图表作文.这要求考生要精确设置构架,内容、例子紧扣主题,并且严谨地遣词造句.。 5. 英语作文带翻译 介绍学校的英语作文 悬赏分:0 - 提问时间2009-7-21 07:01 First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.(tell you a secret:I like it because it is cool in summer and warm in winter Now,I will tell you more about my friends &teachers. Over here teachers are friendly to us,so we never say a bad word about them.Because of these,students can get good grades at my school.(Would you like to e?) I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it. 的翻译 首先这是我们最喜欢的地方我们beautifui花园许多许多树木和花草了。然后你可以进入它。现在,你知道我们为什么喜欢它的权利。我们可以写红色和聊天了。 (告诉你一个秘密:我喜欢它,因为它是在夏季凉爽,冬季温暖 现在,我会告诉你更多关于我的朋友和老师。这里的教师是友好给我们,所以我们从来没有说一个坏字约them.Because这些,学生可以取得好成绩在我的学校。 (您要来吗? ) 我想我的学校是最好的学校, world.Because我们有好老师好学生,一切都显得那么美丽。我喜欢它,每一个在它喜欢它 6. 英语作文带翻译 When I was a child,I always dream of being a teacher. I think teacher is a scared occupation.It is teacher who teach us knowlege and tell us how to be a good man when we were young.They lead us to the right direction.They often sacrifice their fine mind together the thing. If the people are not happy, so long as eats a such candy, will be joyful - -, but this will not be the pure joy, but in others need to help time will provide the joy which to the human the help will obtain。 7. 英语作文带翻译 how to keep Healthy ?Firstly,you should do exercise at least three times a week to strengthen your bodies.Secondly,you should eat less meat,but more vegetables and fruits. You shouldn"t eat fried food ,because it"s bad for health. You should never go to bed late.You must be sure that you sleep nine houres a day.It is very important to wash hand before eat food.We should not stay long nailsIf.When you getting ill ,you must go to the hospital.you keep a good habit, it will make your healthy and help you study better. If you can do these,i believe you can keep healthy.如何保持健康呢?首先,你应锻炼身体,一周至少三次来加强你的身体。其次,你应该少吃点肉,但是更多的蔬菜和水果。你不应该吃油炸食物,因为它有害健康。你应该不要去睡觉晚了。你必须保证一天睡9个小时。我们要饭前洗手。我们不应该留长指甲。当我们有病的时候,我们要去看医生。如果你保持良好的习惯,它将使你的健康和帮助你学习得更好。 如果你能做到这些,我相信你可以保持健康。2023-07-26 13:34:461
翻译工具哪个好啊?在生活和工作中,有好多地方都能用到翻译工具,今天小编给大家整理了6个免费的翻译工具,每一个工具都操作简单,容易上手,有需要的朋友快来跟小编看看吧!1.DeepL for mac免费翻译器DeepL for mac是当今市面上一款准确、高效、非常棒的翻译软件,能更快、更安全、更好,为你和你的团队解锁世界上最好的在线翻译器的全部功能,并尝试添加特殊的语言细微差别和表达方式。2.沙拉查词saladict desktop for mac桌面翻译词典saladict desktop for mac是聚合了 N 多词典的桌面翻译与划词工具,功能强大,一款超强桌面划词翻译词典软件,于需要在线查询单词的朋友很有帮助,这款软件附加到电脑桌面,启动软件就可以显示单词输入查询界面,支持有道,谷歌,必应等主流的翻译平台,同样也支持划词翻译。3.bob for mac菜单栏翻译软件mac上有什么好用的菜单栏翻译软件吗?为您推荐Bob Mac中文版,Bob翻译软件支持划词翻译,截图翻译和手动输入翻译,支持的翻译源有道翻译、百度翻译和谷歌翻译,使用起来非常不错。4.Tern for Mac免费好用的字幕文件批量翻译工具英文字幕的教程和视频看不懂?手动翻译字幕文件太麻烦?这时候你需要的是一款强大的字幕机翻工具,来试试看小编今天推荐的Tern for Mac怎么样?Tern,一款免费好用的字幕文件批量翻译工具。5.小翻译 for Mac即时英语翻译软件小翻译 for Mac版帮你翻译超过100种语言的单词和短语,使用文本到语音转换,并浏览历史上已经完成的翻译,你还可以使用Control + S在弹出窗口中快速交换语言。6.知云文献翻译 for mac知云文献翻译Mac版是一款十分专业且功能实用的文献翻译工具。知云最新版专为研究生服务的学术文献翻译神器,翻译精准高效完全免费,从此再无看不懂的文献。知云文献翻译官方版专注文献翻译,确保文献原文排版,全面提升了准确率、速度、稳定性,是研究生非常喜欢的一款文献翻译神器。以上就是小编给大家带来的6个免费的翻译工具,希望对大家有所帮助,想了解更多关于Mac相关内容,请关注macz吧!2023-07-26 13:34:565
免费中英文翻译app如下:1、《网易有道词典》。这款APP内收录了牛津词典等多本专业的英语词典,在这里大家可以看到很多词汇的偏僻的意思,大家可以一键拍照上传图片,即可获得即时的翻译。2、《轻松翻译中英互译》。这款app有三种翻译模式,第一种文本翻译,输入句子快速为你输出结果。如果打字太过麻烦,使用拍照翻译,自动识别翻译图片上的内容;或者选择语音输入翻译,能准确识别语音,高效翻译。3、《翻译器》。这款翻译APP是一款免费的简洁实用的翻译软件。文本翻译器应用程序完全免费,可以非常快速翻译您的单词,帮助您与外国人交流。4、《有道翻译官》。这款APP不仅仅支持英文翻译,更是支持超过107种语言的翻译,支持拍照翻译、语音翻译、同传翻译、实景AR翻译等多种翻译方式。5、《拍照翻译》。这款APP主要针对于大家拍照进行翻译,在这里大家可以将自己所要翻译的内容进行拍照上传之后,就可以获取到翻译之后的内容,操作非常简单。2023-07-26 13:35:121
什么翻译软件是免费的:有百度翻译,有道翻译官,出国翻译官,翻译助手,小牛翻译等。1、百度翻译多样化的翻译功能,可以让用户在任何环境当中,快速针对各类外语进行检测。智能小助手将开放语音功能,大家只需要通过说话的方式来下达命令,AI就会进行相应的操作。软件内包的各种词典也方便大家针对不同的外语单词进行查找,以便各位能够充分了解更多不同的寓意,而用户也可以因此学习到丰富的语言知识。2、有道翻译官在简单的操作界面当中,大家可以很快了解到整个app的使用逻辑,没有任何的繁琐步骤,遇到想要翻译的单词和句子直接进行输入即可。系统会针对大家想要的语言类型给出一个不错的翻译效果,适合正在学习一门外语的用户来使用,同时也可以在一些工作环境当中针对大量外语文章来进行批量化的翻译操作。3、出国翻译官出国的同时担心自己不会外语?有了这款app之后就可以帮助用户解决这一问题,软件当中会开放实时翻译功能,大家只需要利用语音的方式来讲话,系统就会自动进行翻译。同时,多种针对英文的小工具也会帮助大家学习到更多翻译相关的知识,而app当中还会开放大量出国的必备资讯内容,让各位轻松畅游世界。4、翻译助手如果你刚好是一个在工作当中需要对大量文本进行翻译的用户,那么来使用这款翻译助手就在合适不过了。本款app支持大家将本地的外语文件上传至应用内进行翻译操作,系统会针对大家想要的语言类型来进行识别,很快各位就将得到一个完全翻译的文档,在工作当中也将有效帮助大家节约自己的时间。5、小牛翻译一款专业的英语翻译软件,在翻译的过程当中系统还会针对不同的单次,为用户提供多种环境下的寓意提示,方便各位更系统性的来了解这些单词应该如何运用。同时,简单的操作界面当中,各位还可以找到针对文字和文档的识别翻译功能,拍照翻译也将免费开放,让用户可以得到更多实际的操作体验。使用翻译软件,需要注意以下事项:1、认真阅读翻译内容:使用翻译软件时,应该认真阅读翻译内容,检查是否符合原文含义和语法逻辑。可以多次翻译并对比不同软件的结果,再进行参考和判断。2、辨别优劣:不同的翻译软件有着不同的基础技术和算法,对不同类型的文本翻译效果也会有所不同。用户应该辨别优劣,选择适合自己使用的翻译软件。3、避免过分依赖:翻译软件的翻译能力还不如人工翻译准确,不能完全取代人工翻译。在必要时,应该参考一些来源可靠的译文或者请有翻译能力的人员进行审查和修改,以确保翻译质量和准确性。4、注意版权:使用翻译软件时,应该注意使用公开的、没有版权问题的翻译软件。对于版权问题的翻译软件,仅仅是为了方便而使用可能会涉及版权纠纷和法律责任。5、养成良好的使用习惯:使用翻译软件时,需要养成良好的使用习惯,保证翻译的效率和质量,不要滥用翻译软件,否则可能会影响沟通效果和个人信用。总之,使用翻译软件需要谨慎使用,对结果要进行检查和修改,避免出现翻译错误和版权问题。2023-07-26 13:35:2810
1. Guidelines to complete the application:完成申请的准则2. Fields marked with * are madatory.please fill in the form in English un less specified标有*的区域是必须要填的,请用英文填写表格除非被指定用其他文字。3. Please verify that ehe desired program/course is not already on TA Pre-Approved course List and does meet the TA program/course eligibility criteria in accordance with the TA policy.请确认内皮瘤所需的程序/当然不是电讯已经预先核准和不符合电讯程序的课程/课程是按照课程合格标准与电讯政策制定的EMPLOYEE"S DETAILS * (To be completed by employee)雇员的详细资料 (由雇员自己完成填表)PROGRAM/COURSE DETAILS 计划/课程介绍program/course Title(in english)计划/课程题目 (用英文填写)(in local language)(用本地语言)Type of program/course键入计划/课程please specify for"Others"请注明为“其他的”Program/course计划/课程Description描述Program/course Website http:\计划/课程 网址Name of institution *机构名称Country *国家Email of institution机构的邮箱地址Phone电话ENDORSED BY(To be completed by reporting within 7 days upon receipt of application.)授权机构(在完成申请后七天内得到回复)the above program/course meets the TA criteria in accordance with the policy.以上的计划/课程符合电讯标准政策 Comments:评论Name & signatyre of reporting manager 报告人的名字和签名Employee"s ID雇员的身份证(号码)Date日期REVIEWED BY(To be completed by local HRS within 7 days upon receipt of endorsed application.)审查者(在当地的HRS机构完成审查后七天内批准申请)the above institution is registered with the country"s local government-regulated education department(or its equivalent).上述机构由该国的当地政府的监管或教育部门登记注册(或其他相当的部门)APPROVED BY (To be completed by APAC rewards by end of the month following the end of each quarter.)批准人(在每季度末的接下来的每个月底的亚太地区奖励结束后批准)Approve to include in TA Pre-Approved course list effective _______(Course code_________)批准包括在电讯预先核准的课程名单有效 (课程代码)Reject application 拒绝申请2023-07-26 13:39:492
汤姆很早就来到了公共汽车站,来乘坐去巴黎的公共汽车。去往巴黎的汽车在11点55分才发车。他看见很多人在车站候车。有一些人在排队,其他的人四处闲逛。有一群校园里的女生。他们的老师正试着保持他们站成直线。汤姆四周环顾,但是没地方坐下。他走进车站的咖啡馆里,他抬头看了看那里的钟。才11点40.他找了个座位,在墙上的一面大镜子前坐下。就在那时,麦克,汤姆的一个同事进来,坐在汤姆旁边。“你几点的车?”麦克问。“还有一些时间。”汤姆回答。“好吧,那我给你再拿些茶。”麦克说。他们边喝边聊。汤姆又看了一下钟。“哦!这个钟怎么往回走啊!”他喊道。“几分钟前是11点40,现在是11点半”“你看的是镜子里的钟”麦克说。汤姆很难过。下班车在一个小时后才发车。从此以后汤姆从不喜欢镜子。2023-07-26 13:40:005
1. During the great Wenchuan Earthquake, I went onto the street to collect donation with my colleague.2. I had two short working experiences, one is working as an intern in XX company, the other is in XX company.3. I am fond of anything exciting and interested in challenging new things.4. I hope that one day I can communicate with foreigners in English smoothly.2023-07-26 13:40:208
为什么会发生地震?科学家解释说地球的表面是由许多不同的板块构成的。例如,在旧金山的太平洋板块正向西北移动,连接北美板块。太平洋板块移动得非常缓慢 —— 每年5.3厘米。有时,这两大板块会停留不动多年。然后突然,它们暴跳,就会感到地震。由于这些板块的运动,美国西部附近海域一直都是地震常发区带。当1906年地震发生后,太平洋板块向北跃升5-6米。我们无法阻止地震,但我们可以未雨绸缪,以确保不会整个城市遭破坏。首先,沿着两个地球的板块连接处建房屋不是什么好主意。第二,如果你觉得可能是地震,在岩石层上建造房屋总比在沙地上稳固。第三,你的房子应尽可能坚固。不坚固的建筑物会在地震时塌下来,但坚固的可保持屹立不倒。~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~原文如下:Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists explain that the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates. For example, at San Francisco the Pacific Plate which is moving towards the northwest meets the North American Plate. The Pacific Plate is moving very slowly - at 5.3 centimetres a year. Sometimes these two plates stop and do not move for years. Then suddenly, they jump and an earthquake is felt. As the movement of these plates, West America near the sea has always been a bad place for earthquakes. When the 1906 earthquake happened, the Pacific Plate jumped 5-6 metres to the north.We cannot stop earthquakes, but we can do things to make sure they don"t destroy the whole of cities. First, it is not a good idea to build houses along the lines, where two of the earth"s plates join together. Second, if you think there may be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock not on sand. Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.2023-07-26 13:40:515
在线zàixiànelec. be on lineon-line; in-line2023-07-26 13:41:081
1 How is the weather today? How is today"s weather?2 What date is today? Today is November 17/3 What day of the week is today? Today is Wednesday.4 They like to watch movies in the cinema.5 Flowers blossom in spring.6 What do you like to do during the Spring festival?7 I like to play with my friends8 She likes to play with dolls most.9 Which subject do you like best? I like English best.10 What is the time now? It is 2:30 now.11 The wind is blowing the willow leaves.人手翻译2023-07-26 13:41:173
百度翻译、在线翻译iciba、Google翻译1、登录百度翻译官方网页2、点击右上角:下载翻译APP支持拍照翻译3、进入下载页面点击下载扩展资料:百度翻译百度翻译是百度发布的在线翻译服务,依托互联网数据资源和自然语言处理技术优势,致力于帮助用户跨越语言鸿沟,方便快捷地获取信息和服务。百度翻译支持全球28种热门语言互译,包括中文(简体)、英语、日语、韩语、西班牙语、泰语、法语、阿拉伯语、葡萄牙语、俄语、德语、意大利语、荷兰语、希腊语、爱沙尼亚语、保加利亚语、波兰语、丹麦语、芬兰语、捷克语、罗马尼亚语、瑞典语、斯洛文尼亚语、匈牙利语、越南语、粤语、文言文和中文(繁体)等,覆盖756个翻译方向。世界很复杂,百度更懂你”,百度翻译拥有网页版和手机APP等多种产品形态,此外还针对开发者提供开放云接口服务。日均响应上亿次翻译请求。除文本翻译外,结合用户多样性的翻译需求,推出网页翻译、网络释义、海量例句、权威词典、离线翻译、语音翻译、对话翻译、实用口语、拍照翻译、AR翻译、趣味配音等功能,同时还针对对译文质量要求较高的用户,提供人工翻译服务,让用户畅享每一次翻译体验参考资料来源:百度翻译官网:百度翻译APP参考资料来源:在线翻译iciba参考资料来源:google翻译参考资料来源:百度百科:百度翻译2023-07-26 13:41:2811
translator就是一个单词。这个单词可以表示翻译家。也可以是表示用来翻译的机器。2023-07-26 13:43:384
Along with the science high speed development, optics are getting more and more important in the present society"s status, optics curriculum is in the College basic subject the graph are most the curriculum which, the concept is abstract difficultly, to understand. Traditional optics teaching, what are more is conducts the research, the efficiency in the plane space to be low, the visual effect difference, transfers student"s spatial three-dimensional thought that the student to accept the difficulty with difficulty, these become the bottleneck which optics education breaks through with difficulty. Adds the nowadays optics science rapidly expand, higher education faced with modernized technology challenge, therefore introduces the computer aided teaching (CAI) to be possible very good solution these difficulties. this courseware uses the Authorwera software manufacture, alternates the animation, the picture. Must manufacture a set finally after system"s design with and so on education publishing house publications "Optics Course (the Second Edition)" the fifth chapter of light polarization content synchronized teaching courseware necessary, complete, the effective high grade teaching courseware.2023-07-26 13:44:022
关于你在哪个方面有机会我们无法给于你意见,但是我们可以让你了解我们寻找的是怎样的申请人。基本上来说,我们要找的是对许多东西都有强烈兴趣的学生,不管是学术方面的还是费学术方面的兴趣,而且他们要严格认真地完成学业,成绩优秀。我们希望看到学生们因为喜欢某样东西而去从事这件事情,而不是因为某个活动会让他们的履历表或大学申请表看起来比较好看。我们希望寻找那些敢于冒风险的学生,而且我们会选择那些我们认为会给麻省理工学院带来一些特别的东西的学生。麻省理工学院录取时没有特别的要求的科目,但是我们认为认真准备数学,微积分,物理,化学,生物和四年的英语学习是比较理想的选择。麻省理工学院要求所有的申请人都提供以下几门测试的成绩,不管你是否完成the international Baccalaureate, A Levels,the French Baccalaureate, CBSE, IELT,还有一些其他的测试。虽然你的成绩只是你申请的一部分,但是你还是必须提供这些信息。SAT推理测试或者附带笔试的ACT。另外,我们需要两门SAT科目的测试成绩:一门是数学(1级或2级)另一门是科学(物理,化学,或者生物)。我们不设最低分数线,但是我们认为650分及以上的分数是比较有竞争力的分数。测试结果必须直接从测试中心发送到麻省理工学院。我校SAT和托福的代码是3514,ACT的代码是1858。 如果英语不是你的母语,或者你使用英语少于5年,或者你在家时不说英语,你可以有两个选择:1)参加以英语为母语的学生准备的测试(如上述)2)你可以参加托福考试和两门SAT科目考试,一门是数学(1级或2级)另一门是科学(物理,化学,或者生物)。如果你使用英语少于5年,或者你在家时不说英语,我们强烈建议你参加托福考试,但是这还是由你申请人本人自行决定。英语是我们学校的语言,所有的学员都必须让我们看到他们在我们的学校里面会茁壮成长。因为SAT在中国没有考点,所以中国的学生可以参加托福考试和GRE考试来完成我校的考试要求。请务必将GRE成绩单的复印件和你的申请表一同寄往招生办公室。你可以通过http://www.collegeboard.com得到更多信息,并且在这个网址登记报名SAT,托福报名请进http://www.ets.org, ACT报名请进http://www.actstudent.org. 想要得到更多我校招生信息,请访问我们的招生网站http://www.mitadmissions.org/.2023-07-26 13:44:474
“Cheung”和“Chang”两种表达方式都存在,按不同情况可以甄别使用,具体标准如下:1、按中国国内的标准: Zhang;2、按港澳的英文拼音惯例:Cheung;3、按台湾的英文拼音惯例: Chang。扩展资料:1、多数情况下,张姓人填写姓名的拼音就可以了,护照上面也是姓名的拼音,至于你如何翻译“张”,通常来说,就是“Zhang”,没有什么特别后面两个发音的拼写虽然也是“张”的意思。2、主要是用于某种品牌或者名人,比如张裕葡萄酒的名字,这是因为他们或者产品在国外也有知名度,但是英语中没有“zh”的发音,于是在口口传递中出现了差别,这才会反应在拼写上。3、中国的方言比较多,尤其是广东话,去国外的广东人也很多,所以很多中文中的物品在英语中的发音是来源于粤语的,比如旗袍的英文是cheong-sam,因为在粤语中是长衫。参考资料来源:有道英语-在线翻译2023-07-26 13:44:5510
正品genuine仿品imitation正品是指某个品牌原创出产的产品,而对应的词汇就是“假货”“产品”。完全符合质量标准的产品。正品数量在全部产成品中所占的比重称为“正品率”,它反映企业生产的技术水平。正品也有以“合格品”、“一等品”、“优等品”表示的。 与"副品"对称。扩展资料:区分方法:一、查看注册商标、质量标示、厂家名称、地址、生产日期、成分及食品保质期等,是否清晰显示。正品都是按照国家有关法规和标准生产并达到要求的产品,不是三无产品。二、很多品牌产品为了防止假冒伪劣商品,有损品牌形象增加了防伪标示或防伪查询号,进入商城先查身份,因为国家工商局已颁布实施《网络商品交易及相关服务行为管理暂行办法》要求实名制,依据网上工商标示链接可以查阅店家身份,并依据店家身份确定与所提供商品和服务的关系,是官方自营还是授权。不要简单依信誉高低和广告词来识别商品。商品和服务描述详尽,包涵商品颜色、成分、特点、价格及注意事项等。资料来源:百度百科 正品2023-07-26 13:45:536
现在噪音污染正在对我们的健康造成很大的危害。噪音是一种无形的杀手。越来越多的学生很喜欢听音乐。当他们在收听MP3播放器的时候,他们总是把声音调的很大;在看电视的时候,他们也总是喜欢把声音调高。但是他们没有意识到噪音正在减弱他们的听力。事实上,噪音不仅仅影响家庭的每一个成员的生活,同时也对邻居造成了影响。在我们的社会中,噪音是人们的痛苦源头之一。如果人们经常被噪音打扰,他们会觉得很不舒服或者沮丧。更糟糕的是,噪音有时候会让人们变得暴躁易怒。如果一个工人在打印厂工作太长时间,他的听力的弱化会比一个在较为安静的环境中工作的普通人快很多。所以每个人都应该关注噪音污染。下面几个简单的方法可以用来避免噪音。尽量用噪音较少的设备(比如洗衣机就应该少用)尽量把电视,收音机,音乐的声音调的越小越好,尤其是在深夜的时候。如果你的狗在被单独留下的时候会狂吠,最好把它留给你的朋友照看。如果你要开派对,记得要提前告诉你的邻居并且把声音尽量放低一点。我认为当地的环境保护部门应该采取措施来控制噪音的底线。但是保持一个安静的环境同时也是每个人的责任。2023-07-26 13:46:505
杜绝机译,保证质量,请明鉴。Conditions: 条件. Successful completion of your current studies meeting the minimum academic requirements.·成功完成你目前满足最低学术要求的学业。 .Your final academic transcript and testamur. ·你的最后成绩单和考试及格证Please provide an original or certified copy of your final academic transcript and testamur (graduation certificate) indicating that you have completed tertiary study. 请提供一份你最后成绩单和考试及格证(毕业证书)的原件或经过认证的副本,以表明你已完成了第三阶段(高等)教育。The transcript should show the subjects you have studied and the marks/results you have obtained. 成绩单应表明你学过的科目和你获得的分数和成绩。If applicable, testamurs should indicate the date of your graduation, the final result and the discipline in which you graduated. 如果可以,考试及格证应表明你毕业的日子,你毕业的最后成绩和学科。If you have not completed your tertiary study, please forward the final documents to our office as soon as they become available.如果你还没有完成你的第三阶段学业,请一旦获得,就向我们的办公室提交这些最后文件。 You must also provide a certified English translation for all documents not issued in English.你还必须为所有不是用英语发布的文件提供一份经过认证的英语翻译文本。Please note: If you are currently completing your degree at the University of Sydney, the International Office will automatically retrieve your final transcripts when the semester results have been released.请注意:如果你目前正在悉尼大学完成你的学位,那么在学期成绩已经发布时,国际办公室将自动检索你的最后考试及格证。 You do not need to take any action regarding this request at this stage.在这一阶段,你不需要对这一要求采取任何行动。 Your eligibility for credit is currently being assessed by the Faculty. The outcome will be provided to you as soon as the Faculty notifies the International Office. 你的信誉的合格性目前正在由老师评估中。一旦老师通知国际办公室,评估结果就会提供给你。When submitting your academic records, you must submit complete and accurate official academic transcripts. 当提交你的学业成绩时,你必须提交完整而准确的正式成绩单。These must list every subject you undertook during your studies and the respective grade/mark.这些成绩单必须列出你在学习期间学过的每一学科,以及分别的等级/分数。 Submission of academic transcripts or other documents that have been amended in any way, including deletion or omission of subjects or amendments to subject results is not acceptable. 提交以任何方式修改过的成绩单或其他文件, 包括删除或略去某些学科,或修改学科成绩是不能容忍的。The University of Sydney regularly verifies transcripts with the university from which they were issued.悉尼大学定期与发放考试合格证的大学验证这些证书。 If any transcript you submit is found to be inconsistent with the official university records, your application to the University of Sydney may be cancelled.如果发现你提交的任何考试合格证与正式的大学记录不符,你向悉尼大学的申请就会被取消。2023-07-26 13:47:073
Physics is close to people"s lives is a noble discipline. It logical thinking ability in improving the people very helpful. While the physical process of everyone in the school will face many difficulties, but once you understand it, you"ll The following sub-ideas that flow up and began to feel physically simple. I am very hard to learn physics.Every weekend to spend some time to do physical exercises and reading popular science articles. I know it fascinating. I hope everyone can fall in love with physics.2023-07-26 13:47:174
那个图片 的j解答 灰常之准确哈^^我再补充补充:on which draw → draw on which 在…上提取interest 利益 rate比率draw 与 to give society 要分开来想。这个从句中只能有一个谓语draw(提取),所以give不能单独出现;又因为,俩动词有先后顺序:先提取、再give(给予)社会,∴ 用不定式 to give来修饰第二个动词,让它变为非谓语 。 直译:Basic research基础研究 provides提供 the capital fund of scientific knowledge基础资金 关于科学知识的 on which the applied researchers应用研究人员在科学知识上 draw提取 to give society去给予社会 a rich rate of interest一个高利率基础研究 提供给 科学知识的基础资金,应用研究人员 在这上面 提取高利率 以给予社会。2023-07-26 13:47:384
我很喜欢你写的,我会尽全力翻译完你相信我,我在国外念书不需要翻译器,不过语法方面请你看一下!^^ 看完了我也学到了很多。。。今天是公元2009年,一直都想写一个关于自己的故事,但却不知从何说起。也许是要说的太多太多。Today is 2009 A.D, I have always wanted to write a story about myself, but I don"t even know where to start. Perhaps there is just too much to say.当时光匆匆流逝,我们不在年轻的时候。惘然回首才回忆起了很多往事.........When time starts passing by us quicker than ever, when we are no longer young, looking up I suddenly remembered many things about the past.爱情,是生命中无法远离的主题.每个人都希望有一份感情,它真真切切地只属于我们自己.或许是浪漫的,或许是感伤的,或许是平淡的......就如鱼儿离不开水。Love, is the one thing live is nothing without. Everyone hope to have they kind of feeling, and it really only belongs to ourselves, maybe it was romantic, maybe it was sad, or maybe it was just plain……just like a fish is nothing without water.人,离得开爱情吗? 失去后才珍惜,还有什么意义,还是有人不肯去忘记,忘不了那一段回忆。People, can they really leave love behind? Only after it"s gone will people start cherishing it, then what meaning is there, or are there people unwilling to forget, forget that particular piece of memory.刹那间,开始怀疑,自已的命运像一场电影,不断的重复上映,抓不住的情绪逃不了的陷阱,凌乱的心情,这样纠缠下去,该怎么去抚平。 At that moment, I start doubting myself, my life is like a movie, it kept playing and playing before me, the intangible feeling and inescapable trap, those messy strands of feeling, how do I sort out this sort of entanglement? 爱总是在离别之前,让每个人能看清一点,犯下的错,该如何放下,该如何放手,再怎么去挽回,一道裂痕隐隐约约的掠过........Love always shows everyone its true side before its departure, letting each person know the mistakes they made, and how to let go, how to make up, all the pieces of scars vaguely passing by…2002年夏日,学生时代永远是最美好的时光。我们跟其他恋人一样,在老套的剧情下相恋了。她给了我很多帮助。The summer of 2002, many fond memories of student life. We are just like the other lovers, falling in love like in those cliché movies. She gave me a lot of help.一天中最希望的事情就是能在睁开眼睛的时候就见到她。她给了我太多的第一次。。。。她叫于哲!The one thing I look forward to the most is opening my eyes and seeing her. She has been my firsts, for a lot of things…her name was Yu Zhe!2004年夏日,一个女孩不知不觉的就爱上我了。她并没有很漂亮的外表,但有着善良般的心灵。The summer of 2004, a girls somehow fell in love with me. She was no beauty to the eye, but she was a kind hearted soul.她不张狂,很稳重。她不求回报,只是一味的付出又付出。如果非让我选择个恋爱结婚的人。我想我无疑的会选择她。她叫葛清。She was not impudent, but a very sedated person, she is a constant giver. If I were ever given the choice to choose someone to fall in love and marry, doubtlessly it would be her, her name was Ge Qing.2006年4月15日,晴。这一天我遇见了至今为止我最爱的女孩,那一夜我没有回家。April 15th, 2006 Weather: Sunny. Today I met a girl that even till today, I"m still in lover with, that night I did not return home.我不知道该怎么去形容她。她有点坏,有点清秀,还有点小文学。她喜欢大清早起床就开启电视机看《百家讲坛》,她喜欢洗澡的时候不打沐浴露,她喜欢吃我做的炒苦瓜(即使做的很难吃),她喜欢把衣服折叠的像专卖店那样整齐。她叫谷小牧!I don"t know how to describe her. She is a bit bad, yet a bit refreshing and pretty, a bit literate too. She likes to wakeup early in the morning and turn on the TV to watch百家讲坛(怎么翻译你自己看吧), she doesn"t like to put on shower lotion when she takes a shower, she likes to eat the stir fried bitter melon I made (it actually tastes really bad), she likes to fold clothes like those ones on display in stores, her name was Gu Xiao Mu.2007年2月14日,大雪。故事总是那么戏剧化的在不断进行着,一个网络聊天室引发了一段恋情。February 14th, 2007 Weather: Heavy snow. The story always keeps on going in such dramatic ways, an online chatting room started my next relationship在还没有放下上一段感情的前提下,其实我们是不应该开始新的一段恋情的。而我却伤害了她。But this was before I could put behind my feelings from my previous relationship, we actually shouldn"t have started this in the first place. But I did hurt her.我一直不敢承认对她的伤害,那是因为我自私。她有点可爱,有点聪明,还有一些经历。我喜欢她吻我的唇,我喜欢她大半夜偷跑出来就为见我一面,我喜欢她坐在电脑前关注屏幕可爱的样子,她也是我今生第一个送花女孩。她叫赵枫桐!I never could admit the hurt I brought upon her, it was because I was selfish. She is a bit cute and a bit smart, and has had some experience before. I like the feeling of her lips on mine, I like her sneaking out at night just to see me, I like that adorable look she has when she is sitting in front of the computer focusing on the screen. She was the first girl I gave flowers to, her name was Zhao Feng Tong.2008年9月,晴。人生总是那么无常,明天要发生什么事情你永远不会知道,她就这样的闯入了我的生活。September, 2008 Weather: sunny. Life is always so unpredictable, you will never know what"s going to happen to you tomorrow, and just like that, she came into my life.她很男人性格,豪爽,大方,善良,勤劳,贤惠。甚至在某些事情上我到成了女人。她什么都不会做,但依然过的很快乐。Her personality is quite masculine, she"s bold, generous, kind-hearted, hard-working, virtuous. Even making me the woman in some cases. She doesn"t know how to do anything, but we were still very happy.我想,可能她才找到了人生的真谛。跟她在一起的时候感觉很踏实。但她对我而言,只适合做朋友,却不是情侣。她叫奕萍!I think she may have found the true meaning of life. I feel so steady when I"m with her. But to me, she is only fit to be a friend, not a lover. Her name was Yi Ping.关于友情常听人说,人世间最纯净的友情只存在于孩童时代。One of the most often heard sayings about friendship is that friendship in its purest form can only be found in childhood.这是一句极其悲凉的话,居然有那么多人赞成,人生之孤独和艰难,可想而知。Such a sad and dreary thing to say, yet so many people agree to it, you can imagine the hardships and loneliness in life.我并不赞成这句话。孩童时代的友情只是愉快的嘻戏,成年人靠着回忆追加给它的东西很不真实。I don"t quite agree with this saying. The friendship in childhood were merely happy giggles and play, it is unreal for adults to relay on things formed through past memories.友情的真正意义产生于成年之后,它不可能在尚未获得意义之时便抵达最佳状态。The real meaning of friendship forms years later in adulthood, it can not reach it"s best when the meaning of it is still unclear.其实,很多人都是在某次友情感受的突变中,猛然发现自己长大的。Accutallly, many people find themselves quickly growing up after a sudden emotional change.仿佛是哪一天的中午或傍晚,一位要好同学遇到的困难使你感到了一种不可推卸的责任,你放慢脚步忧思起来,开始懂得人生的重量。It"s like some day, afternoon or night, a good friend of yours is in trouble and you feel this undeniable responsibility, you slow your steps to think, and start to understand the weight of life.就在这一刻,你突然长大。 印象中有几个一辈子的朋友足够了,至于其他人对我来说根本不是很重要。关于亲情,在我来说以前和现在都是一样的,从来没有改变过。And at that moment you suddenly grew up. Looking back, only a few lifelong friends are needed, the others are of no importance to me. When it comes to family, it is the same to me as before, it never changed.也是唯一能让我欣慰的情感。人生一世,亲情、友情、爱情三者缺一,已为遗憾;三者缺二,实为可怜;三者皆缺 ,活而如亡。 And this is the only sort of emotional comfort I can get. One life time, family friendship, love, even if you lack just one, you will surely regret, if you lack two, then it is pitiful, if you lack all three, then your life would equal death.2023-07-26 13:47:5515
http://www.hao123.com/ss/fy.htm这是一个很好的翻译网站,世界主流语言都可以翻译,只要输入你想翻译的句子,再点翻译就可以。2023-07-26 13:48:254
跪求 各位大哥哥大姐姐 帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢
The soccer, did not dispute the world first movement, constantly does not receive Wan Zhong the attention from date of birth. Ancient times the soccer stemmed from China, the modern soccer stems from Britain, the soccer birth started from October 26, 1863, to have 1-and-a-half century soccer sports development to be rapid, its rule and tactical, the lineup evolution has manifested humanity"s wisdom. The 20th century"s last stage, the soccer commercialization was obvious gradually, various countries" soccer league tournament was like a raging fire, the broadcasting right, the player transferred and so on aspects to compete also draw close the whiteglow. The European four big league tournament Italy Spain and UK Germany also becomes the professional sports event"s model, but the World Cup and Olympic Games" football competition also becomes various national team to the high honor. Beauty the soccer, is needs to go to the feeling to become aware attentively, thinks deeply about, appreciates. The sports is the peace period war, the soccer is in this war the most intense fight, its antagonism is self-evident, but this is also only in a soccer small part, the player, coach, the location, the weather even referees have the possibility to become a competition"s key aspect. But its result is actually forever is indefinite, you cannot affirm that who can certainly defeat anyone, cannot affirm that in this 90 minutes will have anything. As the human body action art, the soccer is unable for person"s esthetic pleasant sensation to compare. The soccer has filled beauty the strength, kicks preceding performance each people from a wings foot to be able to achieve by no means that as soon as but Carlos records the shooting speed to be possible to reach as high as unexpectedly for 149 kilometers/hours, impressive really. In the soccer quick and skillful is also esthetic sense manifestation, looked that Henry fast, Bacjo light and lively, Bogekanpu ingenious, Batty"s wildness, which one isn"t completely relaxed, on the grass the black and white interaction"s soccer after masters indicated that deducts the innumerable classics. Certainly, the soccer is not only the idealization, is the reality. When the trade and the soccer unify, the soccer is also one kind of regular manifestation. It not only manifests after the victory the bonus, star players" trade speaks on another"s behalf after each season draws bonus, when after the people loathe the modern society has “the hidden rule” all kinds, choice soccer this naturally real swords and spears" humanity which carries on in the rule permission"s scope greatly contends fiercely, this kind “broad daylight” under gambling and test of strength. The soccer is drafting humanity"s spirit likely, no matter is one kind of existence spirit, one kind of pursue spirit. It needs brave, tenacious, tenacious, courageous, self-confident and the will, also needs vigilant, cleverness, the adaptation and the inspiration; Needs to break through enemy lines individual hero, also needs the flawless whole cooperation; Needs the strength, also needs the opportunity; Needs to display oneself unique style superiority incisively, also needs the showy creation with to create again. Its all victories stem from the attack, in all honors holds the sacrifice and dauntless, the humanity is closes right up against this spirit to move toward today from the ancient times. When soccer and initiative peace, unity, progress Olympics movement meet, the soccer boundary character word is sublimated, although is inferior to the World Cup to be such colorful, although does not compare European four big league tournament such Wan Zhong to focus attention on, but the Olympic Games soccer"s significance is chaster, the goal is greater, the member also has the vigor, pays attention to the Olympic Games soccer, is appreciating the Olympics spirit. “will be quicker, is higher, is stronger” will obtain the bright illustration in the Olympic Games soccer field. 累死我了啊,希望可以帮到你啦。2023-07-26 13:48:517
The heights of the tilted block were also measured using the laser displacement sensor on the top surface at a total of 17 points spaced at an equal interval of 10 mm. 倾斜玻璃块的高度也用激光位移传感器在总共17个以10mm等间隔隔开的点的顶表面就行了测量。 The height data of laser measurement were also linear fitted using the least-squares method and tilt angle was obtained from the gradient of the linear fitted data. 激光测量的高度数据也用最小二乘法线性拟合,并由线性拟合数据的梯度获得倾斜角。The tilt angle calculated using phase shifting technique was compared with the tilt angle calculated using laser measurement as shown in Fig. 8(a)–(c). 用相位偏移技术计算得到的倾角与用激光测量计算得出的倾角做了对比,如图8(a)-(c)所示。The data were linear fitted, and the tilt angle was calculated from the gradient value of each tilted block data set. 数据被线性拟合,而倾斜角由每一倾斜玻璃块的数据集的梯度值加以计算。The tilt angle calculated from the laser measurement data for block A, B and C were, respectively, 0.46°,0.57° and 0.72°. 由A块、B块和C块的激光测量数据计算得到的倾角,分别是0.46°,0.57° 和 0.72°。The maximum difference was for block C (15%). 最大的差别是在C块情况下。Figures 8(a)–(c) show that the difference between the profile measured using the phase-shift method and laser measurement is greater towards the end of the block length where the height is greatest. 图8(a)-(c)表明,用相位偏移法和激光测量法测得的分布之间的差别,朝玻璃块长度的末端比较大,在那里,高度是最高的。The difference in measurement increases with the increase in tilt angle. 测量值的差别随着倾角的增大而增大。However, for small tilt angle the laser and phase shifting measurement agree closely. 可是对于小的倾角来说,激光测量和相位偏移测量密切一致。The possible source of error in measurement for blocks B and C is due to the scaling factor and inaccuracy of the θ-L relationship. 在B块和C块的测量中可能的误差源是由于θ-L 关系的比例因子和不精确引起的。This is because the actual scaling factor changes with height of the block, but in this case the scaling factor used was for the reference block height. 这是因为,实际的比例因子随着玻璃块的高度而变化,但是在这一情况下,所用的比例因子是针对参考玻璃块的。The scaling factor was assumed fixed for the tilted blocks because its value cannot be computed for a tilted block if the height is not known. 我们假设比例因子对于倾斜的玻璃块是固定的,因为如果高度未知的话,对于一块倾斜玻璃块来说,它的值就不能计算。 The other source of error is the θ-L relationship that was derived for the reference block height. 另一个误差来源是针对参考玻璃块的高度推导出的θ-L 关系。However, in a tilted surface the relationship between θ -L varies because θ is also a function of the height y. 然而,在一个倾斜的表面上,θ-L 之间的关系会变化,因为θ也是高度y的一个函数。The difference between the two results for block B and C in Fig. 8(b)–(c) could be due to the linear fitting process on the phase-shift data. 图8(b)-(C)中B块和C块两个结果之间的差别可以因相移数据的线性拟合过程而引起。However, accuracy in small angle measurement is more crucial as large angle tilts rarely occur in an actual PCBA. 不过,由于大角度倾斜在实际的印制电路板(PCBA)组件中很少发生,所以小角度测量中的精度更为关键。3 Connector tilt measurement on PCBA 3. PCBA上连接器倾角的测量This part of the work was done to demonstrate the capability of the phase-shift technique in detecting tilts on actual PCBA connectors. 进行这一部分研究是为了实验验证相位偏移技术在检测实际PCBA连接器的倾角的能力。Due to the protruding leads on the underside of the PCBA, the best horizontal position was created by attaching several bolts of 11.76 mm thickness underneath. 由于在PCBA下侧突出的引线,所以最好的水平位置是通过在下面附上若干11.76mm厚度的螺栓来创造的。Figure 9(a) shows a plan view of the connectors superimposed with projected fringes. 图9(a)示出了与投影条纹叠加的连接器的平面图。 A total of five PCI connectors (A to E) were inspected. 一共检验了5个PCI连接器(A到E)。The connector heights were approximately 12 mm each and the scaling factor calculated is 0.264 mm/pixel. 连接器的高度每个大约为12mm,计算得到的比例因子为0.264mm/像素。The relationship between θ and L, derived for the height 11.57 mm from the reference table, is given by在11.57mm高度由参考表推导出的θ 和 L之间的关系给出如下:(一个数学公式)2023-07-26 13:49:105
Owe adjacent flourishing company free trade harbour Hong Kong , close neighbour 106 national roads, only, 40 minutes lathe a city , have transport facilities from Zhuhai airport. Zhong Shan City wood cube wood job Ltd. prelife is always to be engaged in the log import processing , to give birth to a child , sell , the beginning of the year engages Germany wood product expert in 2008 , adopt Finland wood to handle a technology , enter floor industry steadily, at the same time, be equivalent to the level floor expert and much family the wood research institute in reaching technology alliance , study the floor having sent out and applying for many using a patent with in the homeland.2023-07-26 13:49:305
(急)英语翻译(中译英)(要求语法正确)(在线等 如很好可加分)
everybody needs buy things in stores, and all of us wanna buy them with a cheap price. But do you know how to bargain with a person who can only speak English? If you want to bargain directly, you can say like this, "I"d buy this if it were cheaper", or "that"s unreasonable! I"d take it for (100 yuan)". If you want to do it indirectly, you can say words like "I like everything about it except the price", or "lower the price, and I"ll consider it". If you want to do it slyly, you can say, "If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount?" You can also say, "I"ve seen this cheaper (in) other places."Lastly, wish everybody bargains satisfactorily!这个翻译应该没有语法上的问题,就是不知道是否地道,毕竟咱也没在国外生活过~有些地方我意译了,没有逐字翻译,不知道你满意否~2023-07-26 13:49:476
1. Americans have a craze for the sun, a belief that the sun will cure chronic illness and that where there is sunshine there will be a job---or, if not a job, at least a warm, pleasant place to be unemployed.美国人对于太阳有种狂热的信仰,他们相信阳光能治愈慢性疾病,而且阳光照耀到的地方就会有工作,或者说,即使没有工作,至少也会有一个温暖舒适的地方。2. Amid mounting social discontent over inflation, the government leaders have used swift police action to drive home the futility of public protest.当四周都是公众对于通货膨胀不满的声讨时,政府领导人已经迅速动用了警力把毫无意义的抗议示威者驱赶回家。3. These are disorientating times for younger Americans. After a childhood of suburban ease and coming of age in the years of endless promise, they are now struggling to adjust to a life of contracting limits not suffered by their parents.这是使得年轻一代美国人感到迷茫的时代。在经历了童年平淡舒适的生活以及伴随年纪增长而来的对于前途的无穷畅想后,他们现在正在挣扎着适应合约限制的生活,而这种限制是他们的父母所没有体验过的。4. Somehow a balance must be struck. The government runs the risk of drawing fire from conservative Malay political quarters if plans to boost English fluency appear to threaten the status of the Malay language. But judging from the pragmatism now coloring government development programs, some of the nationalistic obsessions of the past appear to be receding.不管怎样,我们都应该找到一个折中的办法。如果政府试图提高英语流畅度的计划威胁到马来语的存在,那么政府就要冒着在马来保守的政党的引起怒火的危险。但从影响这回发展计划的实用主义的观点来评判,过去的一些民族主义狂热份子开始放弃这种看法。5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though unthinkable in these Communist nations just a few years ago, is a far cry from the free-market economics practiced in the West and will probably remain so for a long time.产生于东欧的温和资本主义在几年前的社会主义国家是难以想象的,它与西方国家实行的自由市场经济体制大相径庭,而且在之后的长时间内,它会继续保持现状。6. The company"s top executives are all refugees from the country"s bureaucratic and underfinanced state research sector.公司的高层主管们都是国家官僚机构和资金不足的政府调查部分的遭殃者。7. The anxiety of growing up is attributed to the lack of adult role models and a break in communications between generations.成长的焦虑被归因于缺乏成年人的引导和不同代人之间的沟通。8. Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;关心过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度,即成贪婪。9. Britain will have the chance in the next few months to try out an emerging technology that could put mobile telephones within the reach of even modest domestic budgets.英国将有可能在未来的几个月里研制出一种新兴的技术,这种技术能使移动电话的价格在家庭的预算中只占很小一部分。10. Reluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivations, mainly of money rather than of attachment to work很多人不愿意退休是因为退休会让他们失去一些东西,与其说他们对工作太过留恋,倒不如说是因为钱的问题。2023-07-26 13:50:035
1.Upper and lower molds use large die-casting to press casts,it is not easily deformed,and has a simple structure and good performance,cylinder is equipped with a guides bar to stop rotating and make the work more accurately,and the space can be adjusted as you want 2.the machine can be operated simply,equipped with two-hands push-button switch(foot switch),which has the function of counting time and quantity;using compressed air at 0.2-1 MPA as power source with low noise and no pollution,the minimum speed of cylinder can be adjusted,and so is stroke of cylinder.3.This series of presses pneumatic is light and not taking up much space,which is suitable for processing small objects,and Widely used in the areas of electronics, home appliances, printing, packaging, plastics, furniture, automotive and other industries.(such as :forming, punching, bending, riveting, printing, branding, etc.——precise parts of job).2023-07-26 13:50:227
新疆棉花事件来龙去脉 有关新疆棉花事件来龙去脉
1、最先开始是HM集团在其官网发布声明拒绝使用来自新疆的棉花作为原材料,以所谓的“强迫劳动”为借口,提出“抵制新疆棉花和纺工厂”的口号。随后,耐克官方也跟着作死发布声明明确表示,不仅自己不用新疆棉花,更要求合作的供应商自查不许用新疆的棉花。 2、随着各大品牌抵制新疆棉花热搜话题爆发后,不少网友都自发留言开始抵制,纷纷抵制H&M、耐克、优衣库等品牌。王一博、谭松韵、黄轩等多名中国代言人火速切割、各平台全面下架、国内消费者愤怒。据悉,这次新疆棉花事件背后“推手”是BCI,一家成立于十多年前年的NGO组织。 3、宣称就所谓的“强制劳动”与中国企业断绝往来。对于已经成为世界纺织制造中心的中国而言,BCI的这一决定瞄准的显然不是所谓的劳动问题,而是中国的棉纺织产业。2023-07-26 13:50:531
中美在阿拉斯加的唇枪舌战刚刚落下帷幕,瑞典服装企业 H&M 就迫不及待地出来作妖,编造出一系列涉疆谎言,带头抵制新疆棉花。而这次的谎言的编造者显然不只 H&M 一家,耐克、阿迪、优衣库这些洋品牌也都粉墨登场。 事件发酵后,民众怒不可遏,数亿网友联合捍卫新疆棉花,一天内43位明星合作艺人都先后解约,各大电商平台更是直接让 H&M 查无此牌。 他们的言论到底能荒谬到什么程度呢?这些快消品牌学着西方政客的拙劣表演,编造出“强迫劳动、性虐待和酷刑“等一系列谎言,在他们的说法里,中国正强迫着成千上万的的少数民族,在新疆的棉田从事体力劳动。 最可笑的是,这些言之凿凿的指控却连一张图片或者一段视频都没有,说辞全部都是据可靠证据表明。真就是一开局张嘴,内容全靠编。 在事件发酵之前,新疆棉农就曾多次邀请欧盟驻华使节参访,但是对方却百般拖延,就是害怕自己的谎言被戳穿,可见你永远也叫不醒一个装睡的人。 其实这些品牌的背后推手都是一个名为BCI的棉花发展组织,而帮助BCI从名不见经传到迅速壮大的金主就是美国。 有个论断很经典,那就是人类无法想像出没有见过的东西,也无法编造出自己完全不熟悉的事情。而美国在棉花上,是有原罪的——棉花黑奴。他们每一句指责中国的话,其实都在含沙射影他们自己。 而目的,根本就不是为了维护农民的利益,只是想要砸掉让棉花烂在地里,砸掉农民的饭碗。只有打压新疆的棉花,美国自己的棉花才有机会趁虚而入,流向世界。 说到底他们就是不愿相信,中国已经可以平视这个世界了,中国并非离不开他们。这些西方的品牌永远带着一股傲慢,虽然 H&M 的衣服质量有目共睹的差,但它就是傲慢的觉得中国人人追捧它的衣服,虽然耐克阿迪早就转移到越南开工建厂了,但他们就是傲慢的觉得中国失去他们就会有无数人下岗。 这股迷之自信就是他们有恃无恐的底气。 但是他们没有想到中国人民的脊梁是直的,膝盖是硬的,在他们肆意抹黑中国的时候,就被我们判了死刑。 有一句话很适合送给 H&M 之流,那就是:端起碗吃饭,放下碗骂娘。 对于这些居心叵测、罔顾事实、颠倒黑白的人,想要一边散布谣言,一边赚中国的钱,给你四个大字:痴心妄想!2023-07-26 13:51:001
求人工翻译 机器走开 14
(四)评估案例:Case studies of the assessment:案例一 金都景苑中庭苑6-2-402号宿舍Case studies 1: number 6-2-402 staff quarters, Centre Court, Golden Capital View Gardens资产占有单位:同恩(嘉兴)有限公司One of the assets possessed units: Company同恩 (Jiaxing) co. Ltd明细表序号:固定资产--房屋建筑物评估明细表(嘉兴公司)第3项资产名称:金都景苑中庭苑6-2-402号宿舍Serial number of the list: Fixed assets – the assets name of third item of the Jiaxin Company in the buildings and properties assessment details list: : number 6-2-402 staff quarters, Centre Court, Golden Capital View Gardens1 资产概况Assets details本项目系由资产占有单位2003年2月27日购置,评估基准日,强弱电、供水、消防等设施齐全,处于正常使用状况,账面原值为美元59,292.50元、净值为美元34,267.30元。This item of the assets possessed units was purchased on February 27, 2003. On the base date of the assessment, it had the complete strong and weakelectricity supplies, water supply, fire precaution and so on facilities. All were in normal working conditions. The original book value was 59,292.50 US dollars and its net book value was 34,267.30 US dollars“金都景苑”位于嘉兴市中山西路958号,共计30栋,中庭苑为第6栋,框架结构,南北朝向,全封闭阳台、铝合金玻璃窗、夹心防火门、防盗门,外墙为条形瓷砖贴面至顶,室内地面为实木地板铺贴,内墙及天花板均为乳胶漆饰面。委估资产位于中庭苑第二单元第四层,国有土地使用证编号为嘉土国用(2003)字第119021号、房权证编号为房权证禾字第00096791号、契税凭证编2020937号。委估资产建筑面积为137.99平方米,宗地规划用途为住宅,地上总层数为6层,地下1层,钢混结构,土地法定使用年限为70年,即自2000年5月22日起至2070年5月21日止。“Golden Capital View Gardens” is located at number 958, West Zhong Shan Road in Jiasxing City. There are a total of 30 blocks. Centre Court is the sixth block with the frame structure, facing the south and north and with completely covered up balconies, double glazed aluminium windows, sandwich fire and anti-theft doors. The outside walls are tiled from the bottom to the top with rectangle ceramic tiles. Indoor floor boards are laid with hard wood. Inner walls and ceilings are painted with emulsion paints. The assessed asset is located on the fourth floor of Centre court"s Unit 2. The stat owned land certificate number is: Jiaxing State Owned Land (2003) certificate No. 119021. The property"s rights certificate number is: ( the word 禾) 0009691. The title deed tax certificate number is: 2020937. The building area of the assessed assets is 137.99 sq m. The planning of land is for residential use. The total number of storey above ground is 6 and one ground floor. Steel and concrete structure, maximum term of land use is 70 years, which is from May 22, 2000 to May21, 2070.“金都景苑”位于嘉兴市中山西路与昌盛中路交汇处。东临常秀街、嘉兴市烟草局、检察院、法院等;南紧临吉扬路、京杭运河;西临昌盛中路、浙江禾城农村信用社等;北临中山西路、嘉兴市公安局、财富广场、财富假日酒店、交通银行、邮政储蓄银行、中信银行、兴业银行、招商银行和湖州银行等嘉兴中山西路支行。附近有K03、K09、K23、125路、78路、K192路等多条公交线路经过,周围地势平坦、交通极为便利,公共设施和基础设施较齐全。“Golden Capital View Gardens” is located at the junction of the West Zhong Shan Road and the Central Chang Sheng Road. On its east, there are the Changxiu Street, Jiaxing Tobacco Bereau, the procuratorate and magistrate courts etc. On its south, there are the Ji Yang Road and the great Beijing and Hangzhou Canal etc. On its west, there are the west Chang Sheng Road and the Zhejiang He Cheng Rural Credit Cooperatives etc. On its north, there are West Zhong Shan Road, Jiaxing City Police Station, Wealth Square, Wealth Holiday Hotel, Bank of Communications, Post Office Savings Bank, China CITIC Bank, Industrial bank, China merchants bank and huzhou bank and son all Jiaxing"s west Zhong Shan Road branches. Nearby, there are the K03, K09, K23, Route 125, Route 78, K129 and son on major by pass roads. The landscape is flat all round. The transport is convenient. Complete with public facilities and all basic facilities.经现场勘查:After the onsite investigations:a、基础承载能力良好,未出现不均匀沉降等异常现象;The basic bearing capability is good. Did not appear to have any uneven settlement and so on other abnormal situationsb、主体承重结构强度良好,具有继续承重和使用的功能;The main body"s weight bearing structure is good, having the continuous weight supporting and operating functions. c、配套管线基本完好,使用状况正常。Supporting lines were basically intact and the operating conditions were normal.今天无意思中又找到了你这道题,所以我便再一次替你效努,希望不会太迟,你仍能满意采纳,谢谢。2023-07-26 13:24:415