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quantify and qualify什么意思

quantify and qualify定量和定性双语例句1Recommends test procedures for testing components and systems to properly quantify and qualify sound/ vibration related parameters. 推荐测试元件的测试程序,使系统完全量化,限定噪音/振动的相关参数。2The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is now completing a systematic survey in order to quantify and qualify the population of contract labour employees in Israel.劳工和社会事务部目前正在完成一项系统调查工作,目的是确定以色列境内合同工人口的数量并证明他们的资格。

quantify 和quality的区别

quality:n质量quantity:n数量怎么记忆不会混呢?quantity 中有n,即number,数量,所以quantity为数量而quality中没有n