一直苦苦找关键词网站的大盆友小盆友们, 希望能帮到你哦!1.AdWord & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator http://seo.danzambonini.com/# 2. Answer The Public Answer The Public 与 Google suggest 结合成问题挖掘机 Answer The Public combines Google Autosuggest scraping with a question scraper. http://answerthepublic.com/ 3. FAQfox 问题挖掘机器。 A question scraper tool. http://faqfox.com/ 4. Google Correlate 小额的关键词搜索工具。 An underrated keyword research tool http://www.google.com/trends/correlate 5. Google Keyword Planner 唯一一个直接将关键词从马嘴里送到你手上的工具。 The only keyword tool that gives you data straight from the horse"s mouth. https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner 6. Google Trends 我常常在敲键盘前看看Google Trends,因为我想知道我的输入是否过时。没有这一步,你可能会用过时的关键词优化你的页面。 I always check Google Trends before pulling the trigger on a keyword. Because I want to know whether my keyword is getting more (or less) popular. If you skip this step you risk optimizing your page around a dying keyword. https://www.google.com/trends/ 7. Imforsmb.com"s Bulk Keyword Generator 如果你为当地类似水管工,电工之类的客户做SEO项目时,这个工具会帮助你找到潜在客户搜索的当地关键词。 If you do SEO work for local clients (like plumbers and electricians), this tool can help you find local keywords that potential customers search for. http://www.imforsmb.com/tools/bulk-keyword-generator/ 8. Keyword Combiner Keyword Combiner是为Adwords设计的。但却是出色的关键词搜索工具,也可用于SEO。 Keyword Combiner is designed for Adwords. But it"s a great tool to find keywords that you can use for SEO as well. http://web.forret.com/tools/adwords.asp 9. Seed Keywords 你能看到人们真正在搜索栏输入的是什么内容。 You can find out what people actually type into search boxes. http://www.seedkeywords.com 10. SEO Book"s Free SEO Tools SEO Book 有一系列有用的的SEO 工具,能集中技巧性SEO与关键词搜索。 SEO Book has a set of helpful SEO tools that focus on technical SEO and keyword research. http://tools.seobook.com/ 11. Soovle 从Google, YouTube, Amazon, Wikipedia.等不同引擎中提供自动完善的关键词建议。 pulls autocomplete suggestions from a handful of different sources like Google, YouTube, Amazon, and Wikipedia. http://www.soovle.com/ 12. Suggestion Keyword Finder 关键词头脑风暴工具 A keyword brainstorming tool http://tools.seochat.com/tools/related-keywords-tool/ 13. UberSuggest 第一个挖掘Google Autocomplete数据的工具。 The first tool that scraped Google Autocomplete data. http://ubersuggest.org/ 14. Wordstream"s Free Keyword Tools 有助于在SEO竞选中发现关键词的工具。 It is helpful for uncovering keywords for your SEO campaigns. http://www.wordstream.com/free-keyword-tools 15. Wordtracker Scout 一个非常酷的免费Chrome扩展,能在一段内容中找到关键词。你只需要打开文章,点击W键就可以让这个工具自行浏览并找到关键词。 A very cool (free) Chrome extension that finds keywords within a piece of content. You simply need to head over to an article, click the “W” button and the tool will scan the page for keyword ideas. http://www.wordtracker.com/scout