Confusing, fantasy, abnormal state, weak, the action blend, gentleman poise, deep, noble, peculiar, pure, elegant, kind and genial, solitary, docile, pull a prank
static and moving
语言是不能完全翻译的,中文词语在不同的人身上或者不同情况下翻译成的英语很不一样,意义差的很多,比如和善,可以是简单的nice,更可以是benevolent 有仁慈的一点意思。 古怪可以是简单的wired 也可以是bizarre。。。LZ要小心使用机械翻译过的词汇
动静交融--static and moving
Confusing, fantasy, abnormal state, weak, the action blend, gentleman poise, deep, noble, peculiar, pure, elegant, kind and genial, solitary, docile, pull a prank
梦幻 fantasy,
病态 abnormal state,
柔弱 weak,
动静交融 the action blend,
绅士风度 gentleman poise,
高贵 noble,
古怪 peculiar,
单纯 pure,
优雅 elegant,
和善 kind and genial,
善良 docile,
恶作剧 pull a prank
Blurred, dream, morbidity, and tender, action, and profound, noble gentleman, odd, pure and elegant, friendly, lonely, docile, mischief
adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;严重的;知识渊博的n. 〈诗〉深海,大洋;深渊;(灵魂)深处The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger...最强烈的感觉就是深深的震惊和愤怒。2023-07-23 14:28:273
profound [pru0259u"faund] adj. 很深的;深深的 (兴趣等)深厚的;深切的;深刻的 深奥的;渊博的;造诣深的 意味深长的;意义深远的 (注意等)充分的;来自心底的;彻底的 完全的,十分的 谦恭的,低下的 n. [诗歌用语](时间、空间等的)深邃;(灵魂等的)深处 [古语]海,深海;海洋 [古语]深奥的事物 短语: make a profound curtesy (或reverence) 恭恭敬敬地打招呼(或行礼)take a profound interest 感到很大兴趣;十分关切以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》2023-07-23 14:28:341
英语the profound friendship怎么翻译?
深厚的友谊。It is hard for me to respond the profound friendship of the Chinese people.2023-07-23 14:28:418
profound / pru0259"fau028and ; pru0259ˋfaund /英 / pru0259"fau028and /1 having a strong influence or effect 〔影响〕深刻的,极大的profound effect/influence/impact/consequence Tolstoy"s experiences of war had a profound effect on his work.托尔斯泰的战争经历深刻影响了他的作品。The mother"s behaviour has a profound impact on the developing child.母亲的行为对于正在成长的孩子有极大的影响。profound changes in society社会的巨大变革2 showing strong serious feelings 〔感情〕强烈的,深切的,严肃的a profound sense of guilt强烈的内疚感3 showing great knowledge and understanding 知识渊博的;见解深刻的a profound question深刻的问题Jenner is a profound thinker.詹纳是个思想深刻的人。4 deep or far below the surface of something literary 深的;深处的 Her work touches something profound in the human psyche.她的作品触及了人类心灵深处的某些东西。5 complete 完全的profound deafness完全耳聋—profoundly advprofoundly disturbing news令人极其不安的消息2023-07-23 14:29:021
可以更深层次的交流的翻译是:You can communicate deeper2023-07-23 14:29:142
profound 英[prəˈfaʊnd]美[prəˈfaʊnd, pro-]adj. 深厚的; 意义深远的; 严重的; 知识渊博的;n. 〈诗〉深海,大洋; 深渊; (灵魂) 深处;[网络] 深奥的; 深的; 极深的;[例句]The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger.最强烈的感觉就是深深的震惊和愤怒。[其他] 比较级:profounder 最高级:profoundest 形近词: unfound confoundtremendous 英[trəˈmendəs]美[trɪˈmɛndəs]adj. 极大的,巨大的; 可怕的,惊人的; 极好的;[网络] 惊人的; 巨大的,极大的; 了不起;[例句]I felt a tremendous pressure on my chest.我感到胸口堵得难受。[其他] 比较级:more tremendous 最高级:most tremendous2023-07-23 14:29:222
too profound 太深奥例句:This question is too profound for me to understand. 这个问题对我来说太深奥了而不能理解。(How profound it is! 它是多么深奥啊!)2023-07-23 14:30:345
profound和significant区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同significant:英 [su026aɡ"nu026afu026aku0259nt]美 [su026aɡ"nu026afu026aku0259nt]。 profound:英 [pru0259"fau028and]美 [pru0259"fau028and]。 2、意思不同significant:重要的;有意义的;意味深长的;显著的。profound:adj. 深奥的;渊博的;极度的;意义深远的。辨析:significant,important,momentous这些形容词均含“重要的,重大的”之意。significant指某事物由于特别优秀或特别有意义而显得重要与突出。important最普通用词,指有权威、有影响的人或值得注意的、有价值的事物。momentous指极其重要的。2023-07-23 14:30:501
profound可以形容人:通常指形容人的思想,话语,知识等意义深远的;渊博的,学识渊博的,造诣深的;深谋远虑的例:This remark has profound implications.这句话含义深刻。Our professor is a man of profound learning我们的教授是一个学识渊博的人He is a poet of profound learning他是一位才高八斗的诗人2023-07-23 14:31:084
profound的比较级是profounder还是the more profound?
profound虽然是多音节单词,不过特殊的是比较级是profounder, 比较级前修饰词是much, 多音节的比较级是more。,如more beautiful, 修饰词是much精锐长宁天山2023-07-23 14:31:498
deep profound有何区别?
deep指具体的 物质的“深”如水池里的水profound指抽象的深刻,如这句话的含义很“深刻”2023-07-23 14:32:043
英语A profound transformation is taking place怎么翻译?
A profound transformation is taking place.可翻译为一场深刻的变革正在发生。profound 作为形容词,可表示深刻的;知识渊博的;深奥的;极度的,完全的;深远的;渊博的;(感情)强烈的,深切的等意思。例句有:The relationship between parents has a profound impact on a child"s behavior .父母的关系对于孩子的行为有着深刻的影响。transformation 作为名词,可表示变化,改变,改造。例句有:She went through a significant transformation in the last four years .她在过去的四年里经历了巨大的变化。take place 作为动词短语,可表示举行;发生;来例句有:The wedding took place by the lake .婚礼在湖边举行。2023-07-23 14:32:1811
profound implication是什么意思
rofound implication 深奥的含义;奥旨;深刻含义例句筛选1.The most profound implication, however, is that it would abolish the ability tolie.然而,最深刻的意义是,它将消除说谎的能力。2.Huaer which produced in the unique natural and human environment ofNorthwest Plateau has a profound implication of the culture.花儿产生于西北高原独特的自然与人文环境中是具有深厚文化意蕴的。深奥的含义;奥旨;深刻含义2023-07-23 14:33:221
sharp ? 炫丽?....2023-07-23 14:33:421
一、Paradise1、含义:n. 天堂。2、用法paradise的基本意思是“天堂,天国”,即某些宗教指正直者死后的灵魂居住的美好的地方,也可指亚当和夏娃偷吃禁果的地方,即“伊甸园”。作此二解时首字母一般大写。paradise引申可指“乐园,乐土”,即理想完美的地方、人间天堂,是可数名词,常与不定冠词连用。paradise还可指“至福,极乐”,即完美快乐的境界,是不可数名词。Hawaii is called an island paradise.夏威夷被称为海岛乐园。I see no sign of the actual approach of this hundred per cent French paradise.我看不出有什么迹象表明这种十全十美的法国天堂真正会到来。二、fantastic1、含义:adj. 极好的;巨大的;奇异的;难以置信的;幻想的。2、用法fantastic的意思是“荒诞的,奇异的,古怪的”,指凭空想象出来的,使人感到奇怪而不能相信,强调妄想,失去理智,在口语里也可作“极大的,异乎寻常的”“极好的,极出色的,了不起的”解。fantastic无比较级和最高级形式。We watched a fantastic play yesterday evening.昨天晚上我们看了一场非常精彩的演出。I have a fantastic amount of work to do.我有大量的工作要做。三、blossom1、含义:n. 花;开花;全盛期。vi. 开花;成长。2、用法blossom的基本意思是“开花”,指植物达到了开花的状态特别指开始要结果的状态。blossom是不及物动词,其后常接副词out或介词into,表示“成熟,成长”。The sunshine will bring out the blossom.阳光将使花朵开放。The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom.这树开满了美丽的粉红色的花。四、destiny1、含义:n. 命运。2、用法destiny的基本意思是“命运;天命;天数”,多用于单数形式。Destiny is sometimes cruel.命运有时是残酷的。Your destiny is interwoven with mine.你的命运已和我的命运结合在一起了。五、freedom1、含义:n. 自由;直率;特许,特权。2、用法freedom作“自由,自主”解时,可指国家、民族争取或获得自由,也可指人或人的思想等不受控制,是不可数名词。freedom作“自由权”解时,强调无拘束,可以充分按自己的意志办事,一般是指人的行动、言论、思想、写作等方面的自由,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词,常与介词of连用。freedom有时还可接动词不定式作其定语。Democracy is a bulwark of freedom.民主是自由的保障。They bought peace with their freedom.他们牺牲自由换取和平。2023-07-23 14:33:505
The milestone “waves Beijing” is an Olympics milestone.It is engraves in an Olympics epic poem classical beautiful poem with the Chinese nation spirit which, ancient civilized implication writing, the China descendants moral character casts leaves; It is succinct and is profound, is demonstrating a city evolution and the development; It is dignified and is romantic, is manifesting a nationality"s thought and the mood.In leads to “Beijing 2008” in distance, the people will reach agreement through it Beijing, gather China, acquaintance here people. Pledged “waves Beijing” is India of the side China.This side “the Chinese India” engraves one to have 1,300,000,000 populations and 56 nationality"s countries regarding the Olympics movement pledge; Testimony is having the ancient civilized and the modern style nationality regarding the Olympics spirit advocation; Will be presenting one face the future metropolis to the Olympics ideal demand.It is the good faith symbol; It is the self-confident demonstration; It is the 29th session of Olympics games sponsors city Beijing to the world, the universe makes dignified and the sacred pledge.“The absolute sincerity to, the sincerity enough to move popular sentiment”, this speak cogently the creativity, by the inscription on stone tablet and bronze seal take the worthy people of former times as the image conference symbol, is the Chinese people regarding the Olympics respect and sincere.When under our India this side “the Chinese India” time, meant seriously 2008 Beijing, China will unfold one for the world “peace, the friendship, the progress” the sublime drawing, will play the sound “quickly, higher, stronger” for the universe fervor music movement. The image “waves Beijing” is this city facial features.It is one kind of image, is unfolding the Eastern thought and the national tone which the Chinese Chinese character presents; It is one kind of expression, is transmitting the China civilization alone humanities special characteristic and the graceful moral character.Inspiration of taking advantage of the Chinese calligraphy, Beijing “Beijing” the character will evolve for the human body which will wave, in will wield a brush will manifest “new Olympic Games” the idea.The handwritten letter “Beijing 2008” charm of taking advantage of the Chinese character shape, plants surely the Chinese to the Olympics the expression concentration in the succinct stroke.When the people savor engraves in the Chinese character the broad and profound connotation and the flavor, “new Beijing” is born. Beautiful “waves Beijing” is the color which the Chinese advocates.In this sign, is deducted red especially intensely, the fervor makes widely known especially boldly.This is the Chinese to propitious, the happy praise and admiration, this is the Chinese to the life annotation.Red is sun"s color, red is the ceremonial fire color, is representing the life and the new start red.Red is the joyful mood, red is the vigor symbol, red is China to the world blessing and great kindness. The hero “waves Beijing” is summoning the hero.The Olympics games is the achievement hero, the creation miracle, the mold honorable stage.In this stage, each participants all are the indispensable role.This fill strength and the person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project modelling is all participants with the enthusiasm, affected and the fervor writing life poem, is each participant contributes the strength and wisdom taking an oath for the Olympics.The Olympic Games hero inherits sports and the cultural union Olympics movement essence, it cheers for the Olympic Games young hero, cheers for art. The spirit “waves Beijing” is the Chinese nation totem delaying.Runs “the human” the shape, is representing the life beauty and the brightness.The exquisite curve, looks like the dragon to wind the stature, will be narrating for one kind of civilized past and the future; It looks like the rivers, the load bearing glorious years and nationality"s glory; It looks like the blood vessels, is surging the life vigorous vigor.In its waving, “take the athlete as the center” and “humanist” sports connotation by artistic analysis and sublimation.Insufficiency of the word, song it; Insufficiency of the song, the dance steps it.Vigor Beijing was anticipating 2008 revelry, the Olympics were anticipating the universe altogether dances with it. The invitation “waves Beijing” is a great kindness invitation.In the conference symbol opens the double arm, is China is opening wide the mind, welcome various countries, various local people join Olympics this humanity “peace, the friendship, the progress” the magnificent ceremony.“Has the friend to come from the distant place, delight”, this is friendly and the hospitable Chinese"s mood portrayal, also is Beijing"s sincere expression.Comes to Beijing, to read Xie Zheizuo the city the historical style, feels this national the modern breath.Comes to Beijing, to share this city each happiness, realizes this national the vigorous vitality.Comes to Beijing, to let us weave peacefully, the happy dream together in 2008.2023-07-23 14:34:254
People all believe that the new economic policy will have a profound _____ on the environment
effect影响profound [pru0259u02c8faund]adj.意味深长的, 意义深远的, 深奥的渊博的, 造诣深的深刻的; 深切的; 极度的谦恭的, 谦卑的a profound silence意味深长的沉默a profound theory深奥的理论profound knowledge渊博的知识profound sympathy深切[厚]的同情profound regret极为遗憾a profound sleep酣睡make a profound curtsey [reverence]恭敬地打招呼[行礼]take a profound interest深感兴趣, 十分关切翻译:人们都相信,新的经济政策将对环境会有一个深刻的影响2023-07-23 14:34:332
表达"深厚的感情"有几种不同的表达方式,因为可以是友谊感情,对国家的感情或其它等等。【举以下几个例句为你说明】:1.两性之间互相吸引的一种深厚的感情。a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction.2.他们深厚的友情使我们深受感动。Their deep friendship moved us deeply.3.中苏两国人民之间存在着深厚的友谊。Between the peoples of China and the Soviet Union there is a profound friendship.(注:指国家之间深厚的友谊,用profound,而不用 deep)4.他对他老家怀有深厚的感情。His attachment to his old home is very great.希望以上解释,有助于你对“深厚的感情”在英文用法上的理解。2023-07-23 14:34:435
extensive and profound是什么意思
extensive and profound博大精深; 双语例句1The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course.中华民族的传统文化、博大精深,源远流长。2China"s traditional legal culture is of long standing and well established, extensive and profound, intension is extremely abundant.中国传统法律文化源远流长,博大精深,内涵极其丰富。2023-07-23 14:35:001
问题一:反思用英语怎么说。 - self-examination; introspection; rethink profoundly; profound consideration:self-examination literature; introspection literature;反思文学 This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly.该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。 问题二:自我反省用英语怎么说 自我反省用 Self-examination in 问题三:英语反思用英语写 反思 [词典] introspection; self-examination; rethink profoundly; profound consideration; [例句]该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。 This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly. 问题四:反省你自己用英语怎么说好吗? “反省你自己”应该是一个比较典型的中国式说话方式(大概还包括日本人、韩国人等)。因此要找个对应的英语还有点文化上的困难。 我想,如果说能听到欧美人说这种话一般会在两个地方:法庭和家里。要么法官斥责,要么父母训斥。至于英语,大概不外于: Look at yourself! (然后加上一串反省的内容。。。) Think about what you have done...... Why don"t you check back and see what you have done? You need time to reflect... Please do some reflection, OK? 建议大家在正常交往中要这么说话。 问题五:"自我反思"用英语怎么说?帮助 self-examination self-questioning selfreflection 都可以,貌似self-reflection用得最多。 问题六:教学反思用英语怎么说 Reflection of teaching 问题七:反思的英语单词怎么写? reflection是名词reflect 是动词,它的短语是:reflect on sth. 问题八:(反思我们做过的事)英文怎么说? (反思我们做过的事) (reflect on what we have done) (反思我们做过的事) (reflect on what we have done)2023-07-23 14:35:061
中国文化博大精深,源远流长 Broad and grand, sophisticated and profound, Chinese culture is well-established and can be traced back to ancient times.2023-07-23 14:35:163
您好,领学网为您解答:译为:Chinese culture is profound , Chinese culture is extensive and profound,例句:中国文化博大精深,其中更是蕴含了很多独有的文化,如果这些东西能被漫画所运用,中国漫画的腾飞将不会只是一个梦想。Chinese culture is profound, which is contains a lot of unique culture, if these things can be the use of cartoons, comic take-off Chinese will not be just a dream. 中国文化博大精深,为中国绘画注入了丰富的给养。Chinese culture is extensive and profound, so it infuses rich provision for Chinese painting.望采纳!2023-07-23 14:35:322
渊基本字义1、(会意。《说文》古文字形,外边大框象水潭,里面是打漩的水。本义:打漩涡的水)2、深潭 [deep pool]3、人或物聚集的处所 [haunt]4、深;深远;渊博 [deep;profound]组词:渊博、渊薮、深渊、渊源、天渊、渊深、赴渊、渊棷、渊论、渊沉、云渊、严渊、渊沼、渊洿、渊冰、渊黛、郁渊、渊匠、渊懿、渊沦、渊妙、渊角、颓渊、渊客、渊潜、渊泉、渊壤、渊府、渊凝、湘渊、扩展资料字形演变字源解说文言版《说文解字》:渊,回水也。从水,象形。左右,岸也。中象水皃。白话版《说文解字》:渊,洄流的水潭。字形采用“水”作边旁,象形。字形的左右两边,像岸沿,而中间像流水的样子。组词解释:1、渊博:精深广博。柔石 《二月》二:“你学问是渊博的,哥哥常是谈起你。”2、渊薮:渊,鱼聚之处;薮,兽聚之处。泛指人和事物集聚的地方。艾青 《大西洋》诗:“多少年了, 大西洋 啊,成了大海盗的渊薮。”3、深渊:深潭。常用以比喻危险境地。巴金 《灭亡》第六章:“她又觉得自己前面就横着一个深渊,她自己是立在悬崖上的。”4、渊源:水的源头。比喻事物的本原。郁达夫 《文学上的阶级斗争》:“文学上的阶级斗争,若要追求它的渊源,也与人类一样的古。”5、天渊:天上和深渊,比喻差别极大:~之别。相去~。2023-07-23 14:36:154
深的deep英 [diu02d0p]美 [diu02d0p]跟读讲解0:29adj.深的;厚的;纵深的;宽的;有…深的;远至…的;成…排的;深(呼吸)的;深沉的;酣睡的;极度的;强烈的;渊博的;深奥的;专心;靠近对方端线的adv.深深地;在深处;至深处n.海;海洋高考 · CET4 · 考研比较级:deeper最高级:deepest例句词语用例同义词辨析英英释义例句全部深的厚的纵深的有…深的深深地在深处至深处海洋1.The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal 凸凹不平的石墙就像一条很深的运河的河岸。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典2.There was a deep crack in the ceiling above him. 在他头顶的天花板上有一道很深的裂缝。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典查看更多词语用例习语adj.go off the deep end(informal)(突然)火冒三丈,大发脾气,非常激动to suddenly become very angry or emotionalin deep water(s)(informal)在困境中;在危难中in trouble or difficultyjump/be thrown in at the deep end(informal)(使)陷入未曾料到的艰难处境,一筹莫展to start or be made to start a new and difficult activity that you are not prepared forJunior hospital doctors are thrown in at the deep end in their first jobs. 医院的初级医生开始工作时会遇上未曾料到的困难。between the devil and the deep blue sea进退维谷;左右为难in a difficult situation where there are two equally unpleasant or unacceptable choicesin the shitin deep shit遇到麻烦in troubleI"ll be in the shit if I don"t get this work finished today. 要是今天不把这活儿做完,那我就惨了。adv.deep down1在内心深处;在心底if you know sth deep down , you know your true feelings about sth, although you may not admit them to yourselfDeep down I still loved him. 我在内心深处仍然爱着他。2本质上;实际上;事实上if sth is true deep down , it is really like that, although it may not be obvious to peopleHe seems confident but deep down he"s quite insecure. 他好像很有信心,实际上却没什么把握。go/run deep(of emotions, beliefs, etc. 情感、信仰等)强烈;深厚;深入内心to be felt in a strong way, especially for a long timeDignity and pride run deep in this community. 尊严和自豪已深深扎根于这个群体之中。dig deep (into sth)1探究;搜集;细查to search thoroughly for informationYou"ll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want. 你必须仔细查阅档案才能找到你需要的数字。2尽力提供(所需金钱、设备等)to try hard to provide the money, equipment, etc. that is neededWe"re asking you to dig deep for the earthquake victims. 我们请求你们尽力为地震灾民提供财物。still waters run deep(saying)静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑a person who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feelings查看更多同义词辨析deep|abysmal|profound【导航词义:深的】deepadj.深的,深刻的形容具体事物时,指由表及里或由上到下的深度;形容抽象事物时,指内容深奥的或感情深切的。There was a deep pond behind the house. 房子后面曾经有个很深的池塘。The conversations between the two philosophers were too deep for me. 那两位哲学家的谈话对我而言太深奥了。The politician expressed his deep sympathy when he visited the quake-hit area. 那位政治家在访问地震灾区时表示了深切的慰问。abysmaladj.〈文〉无底的,深不可测的通常指由上到下的深度不可测的。The scene in which two actors fought on an abysmal cliff gave me a deep impression. 两名男演员在万丈悬崖上打斗的场面给我留下了深刻印象。profoundadj.〈文〉深的;深刻的多用于形容抽象事物,如影响或效果;指感情深切时可与 deep 换用。His dance touches upon something profound in the human mind. 他的舞蹈触及了人类内心深处的某种东西。The director"s childhood experience has a profound impact on his film. 这位导演的童年经历深深地影响了他的电影。They did the research with profound/deep interest. 他们怀着浓厚的兴趣做此项研究。deep|deeply【导航词义:深深地】deepadv.深深地常用于指具体的深度。They had to dig very deep in order to find the treasure. 为了寻宝,他们必须挖得很深。A farmer found some bones buried deep beneath the ground. 一位农民发现了一些深埋地下的尸骨。deeplyadv.非常,很深地常用于指感情、信念等方面的程度,也可指具体的深度。I am deeply grateful to you. 我深深地感谢你。These words hurt his friend deeply. 这些话深深地伤害了他的朋友。John sank deeply into the mud. 约翰深陷于泥中。查看更多英英释义noun1.literary term for an oceandenizens of the deep 2.a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floorsynonym: trench; oceanic abyss;3.the central and most intense or profound partin the deep of night 查看更多2023-07-23 14:36:505
I have a dream that one day when a like lu xun same writer, with their own pen to awaken more people to peace, love of environmental protection, let more and more people realize that happiness. "This year at the age of 15 LiuHengYu said these things, a pair of intense big yousuf raza gilani eyes with excitement and appear more bright. As the affiliated high school of jilin university student small press corps, and a member of the this ordinary appear some introverted young, however because often interview some people and things and have the opportunity to communicate with more people, and the world happening have more attention. My first interviewee was a nearby house to see the old man shed. When I read in third grade, the teacher arranged the topic, let"s look at interviews with people and things around. I was living in the community for the elderly are more usually very lively, that shed the old man look busy every day, always keen to help others, obligations for all services, often their own home chairs, tables, chess, poker, etc. Give everyone. He is a warm heart, Who has a size of things are willing to go to him in my heart, his image very large, I have always admired him. So, the day interview, I asked him many questions, and I are interested in from the beginning of writing a. "Liu Hengyu said. Liu Hengyu three days of this year, parents are reading the postal system of ordinary workers. However, the work of parents, he was an interview in the school activities of the organization have a profound experience. "That day, the teacher led us to the post office, I am pleased to bad. My family is the Post family, at the beginning, I naturally think about the things I post must be very familiar with. However, with in-depth interviews, I found myself parents work really is not understood. that event, the post office all the work I have interviewed over procedures, including withdrawals, send a letter, parcel, but also interviewed many people. That was my first time participating in social practice investigation, since I know that there is no investigation, no right to speak, and I began the investigation so interested in that sort of thing, more of the problem have their own thinking. "With age, more broad perspective Liu Hengyu , think about more and more. "A reporter should have what kind of quality? My understanding is the first to seriously, but also bold, it should say, I question, to think, to have break awkward. I am very concerned about the society and the world focus on the issues interested in environmental issues, economic concerns and a lot more peace. "" our generation are strong environmental awareness, I"ve seen a lot of books on environmental protection, our politics, language and other courses are also books content on the environmental protection. For example, global temperatures have any effect on our lives and so. "student journalists a few years of life, Liu Hengyu interviewed many and environmental protection, people and events related to the economy, and thus he on these issues have their own ideas more. "What impressed me most is the interviews with school students invited to make a report of several well-known scholars. One time, I asked a scholar: "What the financial crisis effect on China?""As a citizen, how to reduce the burden for the country?" Her answer is simple, impressive, she said "thing to contribute to buy". In 2008, Liu Hengyu know from English textbooks, there is a "World Wide Fund for Nature," a concern that the international environmental protection organizations, went to the Internet to find the address of the organization and became its volunteer registration. "members are more love for the earth, concerned about the protection of people, willing to protect our planet to do their part. " In recent days, Liu Hengyu is the one to do things related to environmental protection efforts, "Next year in February, to be held in Copenhagen meeting of world leaders, will have to discuss global climate change, and now we have a minor site of initiatives, I hope each person to make a lantern, mail to Copenhagen, the leaders drew attention to environmental protection, and I join with the students are actively involved in this activity. " Read the third day of this year LiuHengYu parents are the postal system regular staff. However, for parents" work, he is in the school organization of an interview activity just had profound experience. "That day, teacher took us to the post office, I pleased bad. My house is postal family, to begin with, I take it for granted that on postal things I must be very familiar. But, as the further interview, I found myself on parents" work actually know nothing. The activity, I put the post office all the work procedures were interviewed again, including take money, send a letter, parcel wrapped, still random interviewed many citizens. It was my first time to participate in social practice investigation, from now on I realized, no investigation, no right to speak, thus I began to investigate interested in what kind of problems have oneself more thinking." As the growth of the age, LiuHengYu perspective more and more wide, thinking problem become more and more. "A reporter should have what kind of qualities? My understanding is first must seriously, will brave, should dare to say, dare to ask, dare to think, want to have rushed strength son. I really care about the society, on the world"s problems are interested, focus on the environmental issues, economic and peace concerns more." "Our generation"s awareness of environmental protection are all very strong, I have seen a lot of books about environmental protection, our politics, Chinese, etc course books have also about environmental protection content. For example, global temperatures, what impact on our lives." Years of student reporter interviewed many LiuHengYu life, with the environmental protection, economical related characters and events, and so he about these problems have oneself more ideas. "My impression the interview school please give students a report of several well-known scholars. Once, I ask an academician of financial crisis in China: "what effect?" "as citizens how to reduce burden for the country," she answered simple and impressive, she said "much buy the thing is to make contributions to". In 2008, LiuHengYu from English textbook know that there is a" world wide fund for nature "that focuses on environmental protection problems of international organizations, then arrive online to find the organization"s address, and registered become volunteers." Membership is all some love the earth, pay attention to environmental protection, willing to protect our earth as an own strength. " Read the third day of this year LiuHengYu parents are the postal system regular staff. However, for parents" work, he is in the school organization of an interview activity just had profound experience. "That day, teacher took us to the post office, I pleased bad. My house is postal family, to begin with, I take it for granted that on postal things I must be very familiar. But, as the further interview, I found myself on parents" work actually know nothing. The activity, I put the post office all the work procedures were interviewed again, including take money, send a letter, parcel wrapped, still random interviewed many citizens. It was my first time to participate in social practice investigation, from now on I realized, no investigation, no right to speak, thus I began to investigate interested in what kind of problems have oneself more thinking." As the growth of the age, LiuHengYu perspective more and more wide, thinking problem become more and more. "A reporter should have what kind of qualities? My understanding is first must seriously, will brave, should dare to say, dare to ask, dare to think, want to have rushed strength son. I really care about the society, on the world"s problems are interested, focus on the environmental issues, economic and peace concerns more." "Our generation"s awareness of environmental protection are all very strong, I have seen a lot of books about environmental protection, our politics, Chinese, etc course books have also about environmental protection content. For example, global temperatures, what impact on our lives." Years of student reporter interviewed many LiuHengYu life, with the environmental protection, economical related characters and events, and so he about these problems have oneself more ideas. "My impression the interview school please give students a report of several well-known scholars. Once, I ask an academician of financial crisis in China: "what effect?" "as citizens how to reduce burden for the country," she answered simple and impressive, she said "much buy the thing is to make contributions to". In 2008, LiuHengYu from English textbook know that there is a" world wide fund for nature "that focuses on environmental protection problems of international organizations, then arrive online to find the organization"s address, and registered become volunteers." Membership is all some love the earth, pay attention to environmental protection, willing to protect our earth as an own strength. "2023-07-23 14:37:1415
英语题目,关于and连接用法。 the professor was profound and el
第一个was后面的profound和eloquent都是形容词,而第二个was后面的listened是动词的过去式,and在连接两个词性相同的此时,动词was可以省略,在连接不同词性的时候,was不能省略2023-07-23 14:37:402
他阐述的理论都非常深奥,只能使相当少的科学家对其感兴趣。He 主语,had developed 谓语,theories 宾语, that were profound and capable of exciting relatively few scientists 是 theories 的定语从句。profound 和 capable of exciting relatively few scientists 并列句。capable of 能使得, exciting relatively few scientists 是of 的介词宾语。2023-07-23 14:37:486
深远,深奥,深刻。2023-07-23 14:38:055
《初中英语常用同义词辨析(31)》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 decide, determine, resolve, settle 这些动词都含“决定”之意。 decide : 侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定。 determine : 指经过深思熟虑,决心去做某事并坚持施行。 resolve : 语气较强,强调以坚定不移的信念去做或不做某事,暗含有远大抱负和坚强决心。 settle : 指排除犹豫、怀疑和争论之后作出明确的最终结论。 decorate, ornament 这两个动词均含“装饰”之意。 decorate : 普通用词,指对人或物进行装饰,使之更加完美。 ornament : 指装饰以精美之物,使某处或某物增添美丽的或景色。 decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, dwindle 这些协词的共同含义是“减少,变少”。 decrease : 指逐渐地、不断地减少。 diminish : 侧重大小数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。 lessen : 普通用词,与decrease近义。指数目、程度、价值、实力等的减少。 reduce : 普通用词,含义广。指数量、程度的降低或减少。 dwindle与decrease同义,指逐渐减小,但强调变得越来越少终至全无。 dedicate, devote 这两个动词均有“奉献”之意。 dedicate : 正式用词,指献身于某一崇高事业或目的,也可指把著作题献给他人。 devote : 普通用词,指决心把全部身心、精力、时间等献给某一目标,某一个人或致力于某一事业。 deep, profound 这两个形容词都有表示“深的”之意。 deep : 普通用词,指由上到下,或由表及里的深度,可指具体或抽象事物。 profound : 语气较强,较为庄重,多指抽象的事物,多用于比喻。 defend, protect, safeguard, guard, shield, shelter, harbour 这些动词均有“保护、保卫”之意。 defend : 普通用词,指用武力或其它措施使人或物不受损害,消除危险。用作比喻时,指坚持某种行动、决定或意见。 protect : 普通用词,指用某种手段作为防御工具以防危险或伤害。 safeguard : 语气强,指采取积极措施预防可能发生的一切攻击或危险。 guard : 普通用词,指保持警惕以防可能的攻击或伤害。 shield : 语气比protect强,但侧重防止迫在眉睫的攻击或伤害。 shelter : 通常指寻找安全地方躲避风雨或使人免遭危害。 harbour : 贬义词,指隐匿或非法保护、窝藏。 delay, postpone, defer, suspend, prolong, put off 这些动词或短语动词均有“推延,延期”之意。 delay : 普通用词,多指因外界原因推迟或耽误,也可指有意推迟。 postpone : 正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。 defer : 正式用词,语气强于postpone,多指故意拖延。 suspend : 指暂时中断以待某种条件的实现。 prolong : 指把时间延长至超过正常或通常的限度。 put off : 口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。 delegate, deputy, representative, agent, substitute 这些名词有“代表、代理人”之意。 delegate : 指一般被派参加某一会议的代表。 deputy : 指上级授权代理行事的代表,特指被选择为执行全部或部分公务的人。 representative : 一般指被选举或委派代表某人或一些人或某个较大团体的人,其职务有时是较长期的。 agent : 普通用词,通常指经授权代理另一个人或团体,或指在双方之间代表一方起中间作用的人。 substitute : 主要强调某人或某物可以用来代替别的人或物的作用。 deliberately, on purpose 上述用作副词的词和词组均有“有意地、故意地”之意。 deliberately : 指经过深思熟虑后而行事。 on purpose : 侧重所作所为具有特殊目的。 delicate, fine, subtle 这3个形容词均含“微妙的,细微的”之意。 delicate : 侧重指需要谨慎处理和对待。 fine : 隐含“不易察觉的”意味。 subtle : 侧重有洞察、领悟事物细微差别以及微妙关系的能力。 《初中英语常用同义词辨析(31)》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/2023-07-23 14:38:441
profound meanings/connotationprofound的意思是“深刻的, 意义深远的, 渊博的, 造诣深的”,所以用这个词是最地道的2023-07-23 14:38:525
Thank you for teaching us during the past semester. Even though we had just over 10 oral english classes with you, we really enjoyed your teaching. I"m glad that I"ve made another American friend.I also have some suggestions for you. First, I didn"t feel that we had much interactions in your class. Most of time we listened to you talk. I felt you should make us stand up and practice speaking English, regardless whether we could speak fluently or make any grammar mistakes. Second,I think we should discuss more complex topics in class,instead of just learning simple vocabulary. English is widely spoken in Europe and North America. We need to have a good understanding of the culture to improve our English skills. For example, you could tell us about your experience in the US, and we could provide you our views on things. Then we could both learn from each other and grow together.On the other hand, your class was very relaxing. You alway made us laugh so hard that we would easily forget our problems. Your voice is very nice too. Ms or Mr. xxx, please take my views as constructive criticism. I consider you as our peer and friend. My suggestions are sincere. They are for your reference only. All in all, I think you are a very nice and hard working young man (woman). Let"s all work together. After all, we still have a long way to go.2023-07-23 14:39:078
Far-reaching effectFar-reaching impactFar-reaching influenceProfound and long-term effectProfound and long-term impactProfound and long-term influence2023-07-23 14:39:258
profound implications什么意思中文翻
意思是:深刻的含义,深远的影响例句1.This remark has profound implications. 这句话含义深刻。2.This will have profound implications for the selection and development of leaders.这将对领导人的选择和发展产生深远影响。词汇解释:profound 英[pru0259u02c8fau028and] 美[pru0259u02c8fau028and, pro-] adj. 深厚的; 意义深远的; 严重的; 知识渊博的; n. 〈诗〉深海,大洋; 深渊; (灵魂) 深处; [例句]The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger最强烈的感觉就是深深的震惊和愤怒。implication 英[u02ccu026amplu026au02c8keu026au0283n] 美[u02ccu026amplu026au02c8keu0283u0259n] n. 含义; 含蓄,含意,言外之意; 卷入,牵连,牵涉,纠缠; [逻辑学] 蕴涵,蕴含; [例句]1.The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute司法部长很清楚他决定起诉可能引发的政治后果。2.The implication of silence infers consent.; Silence implies consent. 沉默意味着同意。2023-07-23 14:41:053
[A] intense[B] passionate[C] profound[D] turbulent
【答案】:C50.【解析】选[C]。四个选项中能修饰changes的选项是[C]profound,意为“深刻的,意义深远的”。[A]intense意为“紧张的,强烈的”;[B]passionate意为“热情的,易怒的”;[D]turbulent意为“狂暴的,吵闹的”。2023-07-23 14:41:131
深远的英语是profound and lasting;far-reaching.深远:profound and lasting; far-re ...4次方是:The fourth power of 2 i ...广阔的;深远的:extensive深远的意义:profound significance深远的影响:far-reaching influence意义深远的:of far reaching importance; profound影响深远的:far reaching对…具有深远的影响:have a far-reaching impact on具有深远的影响:h***e a far-reaching impact on; have a far-reaching impact on意义深远的后果:far reaching consequence; far-reaching consequence意义深远的建议:farreaching proposalss2023-07-23 14:41:191
深的英文表达如下:1. Deep:这是最基本、最常用的表达方式,可以用于描述物体、颜色、声音、情感等。- The lake is deep.(湖很深。)- Her voice is deep and soothing.(她的声音低沉而悦耳。)2. Profound:用于形容思想、理论或影响的深远性。- His speech had a profound impact on the audience.(他的演讲对观众产生了深远的影响。)- The book explores profound questions about the meaning of life.(这本书探讨了关于人生意义的深层问题。)3. Intense:用于描述情感、体验或经历的强烈程度。- They had an intense argument.(他们发生了激烈的争论。)- The intense heat made it difficult to breathe.(强烈的炎热使呼吸变得困难。)4. Penetrating:用于形容洞察力或声音的穿透力。- Her penetrating gaze made him uncomfortable.(她锐利的目光让他感到不舒服。)- The sound of the siren was penetrating and could be heard from miles away.(警报器的声音尖锐刺耳,可以听到几英里之外。)5. Bottomless:用于形容深不可测或无穷的事物。- The ocean seemed bottomless as far as the eye could see.(尽管眼前看不到海底,但海洋似乎深不可测。)- The pain in his heart felt bottomless.(他心中的痛苦感觉无尽无绝。)2023-07-23 14:41:371
你是指 profound 吗?如果是 profound 它指深远的,有意义的。例如,The data you obtained this morning is profound. 你今早得到的数据太有价值了。2023-07-23 14:41:572
Wo......至到我遇见了你才开始了解爱UntilImetyoubegintounderstandlove控制不住的心跳Unabletocontroltheheart等待你轻轻呼唤Waityougentlycall才知道我一点都不勇敢IknowI"mnotbrave才知道越在乎也越不安Toknowmoreaboutthemoreuneasy要不是那天你伸出的手Willnotthedayyouhand那么温暖Sowarm我一直在找一个人I"vebeenlookingforaman就算盲目都快乐Eveniftheblindarehappy也只有真心相爱才可能Onlytruelovecanbe了解什么叫深刻Knowwhataprofound我一直在找一个人I"vebeenlookingforaman让我相信幸福是真的Ibelievethathappinessistrue还有什么能够让人更虔诚Whatcanmakepeoplemoredevout身边有你我就有了答案YouandIhavetheanswer你走进我的心里Youwalkedintomyheart如此理所当然Sobehoove就算有理由迷惑吧Ifthereisreasontodoubt你的拥抱却让我明白Youletmeknow才知道我一点都不勇敢IknowI"mnotbrave才知道越在乎也越不安Toknowmoreaboutthemoreuneasy要不是那天你伸出的手Willnotthedayyouhand那么温暖Sowarm我一直在找一个人I"vebeenlookingforaman就算盲目都快乐Eveniftheblindarehappy也只有真心相爱才可能Onlytruelovecanbe了解什么叫深刻Knowwhataprofound我一直在找一个人I"vebeenlookingforaman让我相信幸福是真的Ibelievethathappinessistrue还有什么能够让人更虔诚Whatcanmakepeoplemoredevout身边有你就有答案Youhavetheanswer有谁不是在汹涌人海里Whoisnotintheturbulentseaofpeople寂寞地等待谁呼唤自己的名字Waitingalonewhocallsmyname等待着有天爱让自己变得完整Waitingforthedaytoletoneselfbecomecomplete才知道我一点都不勇敢IknowI"mnotbrave才知道越在乎夜越不安Toknowmoreaboutthenightmoreuneasy.要不是那天你伸出的手Willnotthedayyouhand那么温暖Sowarm我一直在找一个I"vebeenlookingfora就算盲目都快乐Eveniftheblindarehappy也只有真心相爱才可能Onlytruelovecanbe了解什么叫深刻Knowwhataprofound一直在找一个人Havebeenlookingforaperson让我相信幸福是真的Ibelievethathappinessistrue还有什么能够让人更虔诚Whatcanmakepeoplemoredevout身边有你我就有WithyouIhave身边有你我就有了答案YouandIhavetheanswer2023-07-23 14:42:031
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was so profound that only a few scientists could understand it.
【答案】:A句意为:爱因斯坦的相对论是如此的深奥,以至于只有少数科学家能够理解。profound意为“深刻的,深奥的”,与deep(深远的,深奥)意思相近。superior意为“较高的,较好的”;wide意为“宽的”;narrow意为“窄的”。2023-07-23 14:42:221
Wo......至到我遇见了你才开始了解爱UntilImetyoubegintounderstandlove控制不住的心跳Unabletocontroltheheart等待你轻轻呼唤Waityougentlycall才知道我一点都不勇敢IknowI"mnotbrave才知道越在乎也越不安Toknowmoreaboutthemoreuneasy要不是那天你伸出的手Willnotthedayyouhand那么温暖Sowarm我一直在找一个人I"vebeenlookingforaman就算盲目都快乐Eveniftheblindarehappy也只有真心相爱才可能Onlytruelovecanbe了解什么叫深刻Knowwhataprofound我一直在找一个人I"vebeenlookingforaman让我相信幸福是真的Ibelievethathappinessistrue还有什么能够让人更虔诚Whatcanmakepeoplemoredevout身边有你我就有了答案YouandIhavetheanswer你走进我的心里Youwalkedintomyheart如此理所当然Sobehoove就算有理由迷惑吧Ifthereisreasontodoubt你的拥抱却让我明白Youletmeknow才知道我一点都不勇敢IknowI"mnotbrave才知道越在乎也越不安Toknowmoreaboutthemoreuneasy要不是那天你伸出的手Willnotthedayyouhand那么温暖Sowarm我一直在找一个人I"vebeenlookingforaman就算盲目都快乐Eveniftheblindarehappy也只有真心相爱才可能Onlytruelovecanbe了解什么叫深刻Knowwhataprofound我一直在找一个人I"vebeenlookingforaman让我相信幸福是真的Ibelievethathappinessistrue还有什么能够让人更虔诚Whatcanmakepeoplemoredevout身边有你就有答案Youhavetheanswer有谁不是在汹涌人海里Whoisnotintheturbulentseaofpeople寂寞地等待谁呼唤自己的名字Waitingalonewhocallsmyname等待着有天爱让自己变得完整Waitingforthedaytoletoneselfbecomecomplete才知道我一点都不勇敢IknowI"mnotbrave才知道越在乎夜越不安Toknowmoreaboutthenightmoreuneasy.要不是那天你伸出的手Willnotthedayyouhand那么温暖Sowarm我一直在找一个I"vebeenlookingfora就算盲目都快乐Eveniftheblindarehappy也只有真心相爱才可能Onlytruelovecanbe了解什么叫深刻Knowwhataprofound一直在找一个人Havebeenlookingforaperson让我相信幸福是真的Ibelievethathappinessistrue还有什么能够让人更虔诚Whatcanmakepeoplemoredevout身边有你我就有WithyouIhave身边有你我就有了答案YouandIhavetheanswer2023-07-23 14:42:281
i have a profound faith of如何运用?
"I have a profound faith of" 这句话的意思是你非常相信某件事情或某个理念。下面是一些例子来帮助你理解如何运用这个短语:I have a profound faith in the power of education to change lives.(我非常相信教育的力量可以改变人们的生活。)She has a profound faith in the goodness of people, despite all the bad things that happen in the world.(尽管世界上发生了那么多不好的事情,她还是非常相信人的本质是善良的。)They have a profound faith in their religion and attend services every week.(他们非常信仰他们的宗教,并且每周都去参加礼拜。)希望这些例子可以帮助你更好地理解如何使用这个短语。如果你还有其他问题,欢迎随时问我!2023-07-23 14:42:341
Time profound rather than shallow . 什么意思
timeprofoundratherthanshallowtimeprofoundratherthanshallow,pleasedon"tusedtomournratherthanmiss.时光深刻而非浅薄,请别用来悼念而非怀念。2023-07-23 14:42:421
深shēn从表面到底或从外面到里面距离大,与“浅”相对:深水。深山。深邃。深渊。深壑。深海。深耕。深呼吸。深藏若虚。深居简出从表面到底的距离:深度。深浅。。水深三尺久,时间长:深夜。深秋。年深日久程度高的:深思。深知。深交。深造。深谈。深省。深究。深奥。深切。深沉。深谋远虑颜色浓:深色。深红淡浅薄笔画数:11;部首:氵;笔顺编号:44145341234笔画顺序:捺捺横捺折撇捺横竖撇捺详解深shēn【名】。本是河流名。深浅的深,本作“深”。本义:水名)古水名〖ShenRiver〗。即今湘水支流之一的潇水。今潇水上源至江华县一段仍称深水深,深水。出桂阳南平,西入营道。——《说文》从上到下或从外到内的距离〖depth〗穷高极远,而测深厚。——《礼记·乐记》。注:“深厚,山川也。”测土深。——《周礼·大司徒》深四尺。——《仪礼·觐礼》问其深,则好游者不能穷也。——宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》山下皆石穴罅,不知其浅深。——宋·苏轼《石钟山记》深shēn【形】水深。与“浅”相对〖deep〗深矣远矣。——《老子》。注:“深不可测也。”深蒲。——《周礼·醢人》。司农注:“蒲_入水深,故曰深蒲。”郦元以为下临深潭,微风鼓浪,水石相击,声如洪钟。——宋·苏轼《石钟山记》先茔在杭,江广河深,势难归葬。——清·袁枚《祭妹文》又如:深潭;深广;深堑;深隍;深沦;深泓;深泥;深池引申为距离大〖deep〗遥闻深巷中犬吠。——《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》入之愈深,其进愈难,而其见愈奇。——宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》又如:深衢;深禁;深堂;山侧的深裂隙;深峭;深峻;深衣;深靓;深谷底下一条河;深坑〖指颜色〗深暗〖dark;deep〗。如:桃红的颜色比粉红色更深玄妙,深奥〖profound〗夫易,圣人之所以极深而研几也。——《易·系辞》又如:深微;深诣;深赜;深严;深隐;深迂深刻;深远〖penetrating;profoundandlasting〗大贤之深谋远虑,岂庸人所及哉?——宋·司马光《训俭示康》以求思之深而无不在也。——宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》而又含有音乐及诗歌之意味,故感人尤深。——蔡元培《图画》又如:深心;深心达算;深相砥砺;深致;深闳;深策;深渺;深赡;深切著明;深大〖树林、宫殿等〗幽深;幽静〖deepandserene〗望之蔚然而深秀者,琅琊也。——宋·欧阳修《醉翁亭记》奇秀深杳,不可殚。水府幽深,寡人暗昧,失子不远千里,将有为乎?——唐·李朝威《柳毅传》又如:深僻;深房;深_;深豁苛刻〖harsh〗狱中多冤人,用刑深刻。——《后汉书·光武帝纪》又如:深酷;深故茂密〖thick〗。如:深林;深莽;深郁;林深苔滑深厚;亲密〖intimate;close〗即长者之不忘老父,知老父之念长者深也。——明·宗臣《报刘一丈书》纵豆蔻词工,青楼梦好,难赋深情。——宋·姜夔《扬州慢》又如:交情深;深仁厚泽;深眷历时久〖late〗夜深忽梦少年事。——唐·白居易《琵琶行》又如:深秋大,重大〖great〗子布、元表诸人各顾妻子,挟持私虑,深失所望。——《资治通鉴》然则古人所深耻者,后世且行之而不以为耻者多矣。——清·刘开《问说》又如:深恩深重;厉害、严重〖verygrave;extremelyserious〗君有疾在腠理,不治将恐深。——《韩非子·喻老》深shēn【副】很,甚〖very〗面深墨。——《孟子·滕文公上》。注:“深,甚也。”又如:深恐;深奸;深企;深娴;深罪;深韪;深荷深shēn【动】深入、彻底、周详地研究〖godeepinto〗。如:深不下去;深帷深挖〖dig〗。如:决河深川;严城深池测量〖measure〗彼将处乎不深之度,而藏乎无端之纪。——《列子》深奥shēn"ào〖abstruse;profound;recondite;bedifficulttounderstand〗幽深隐秘;不易理解深奥的哲理一种学问,初学起来,是那样深奥,那样枯燥,可是一钻了进去,就觉得趣味无穷。——吴运铎《把一切献给党》深闭固拒shēnbì-gùjù〖obstinate〗指刚愎自用,对新鲜事物或别人的建议拒不接受深不可测shēnbùkěcè〖fathomless;plumbless〗∶不能测得深度的大洋深不可测〖incomprehensible〗∶比喻情况捉摸不透,超越一般理解能力的他的用心深不可测深藏若虚shēncáng-ruòxū〖bemodestaboutone"stalentorlearning;benotgiventoboastingorshowingoff〗原指精於卖货的商人隐藏宝货,不轻易让人看见。后比喻有真才实学的人不露锋芒良贾深藏若虚,君子盛德,容貌若愚。——《史记·老子韩非列传》深长shēncháng〖profound〗∶含义深刻而耐人寻味;深远用意深长〖profound〗∶精深学业深长译者曰,所以昭炯戒,激众愤,图报复也。则其意深长矣。——清·薛福成《观巴黎油画记》深彻shēnchè〖deepandthorough〗深刻透彻他对美学有较深彻的研究深沉shēnchén〖deep〗指声音低沉大提琴深沉的音调形容程度深暮色深沉〖concealingone"srealfeelings〗∶沉稳;不外露深沉的微笑〖deepandserene〗∶幽深闺阁深沉深仇大恨shēnchóu-dàhèn〖peculiaranimosity;deephostility;greatenmity〗形容仇恨极为深重深处shēnchù〖depths;recess〗很深的地方白云深处有人家海洋深处的宝藏内部心灵深处深春shēnchūn〖latespring〗暮春深冬shēndōng〖severewinter〗严冬深度shēndù〖depth;degreeofdepth〗深浅的程度河的深度触及事物本质的程度他的发言缺乏深度深感shēngǎn〖penetrate〗深深感到深感遗憾深根固柢shēngēn-gùdǐ〖inveterate〗使根基稳固,不易动摇。也说“深根固蒂”有国之母,可以长久。是谓深根固柢,长生久视之道。——《老子》深更半夜shēngēng-bànyè〖atdeadofnight〗形容夜深深耕shēngēng〖deepploughing〗一种耕作方式,耕地深度达到六、七寸以上。适度深耕有利于改善土壤,并可防止农作物倒伏,消灭杂草深拱shēngǒng〖rearvault〗∶厚墙上的拱,窗口形成一个有拱顶的空间〖stayathomeidle〗∶拱手深居,指不理政事深拱禁中深沟高垒shēngōu-gāolěi〖deeptrenchesandhighramparts——strongdefence〗深挖壕沟,高筑壁垒。谓构筑坚固的防御工事,也指防御坚固足下深沟高垒,坚营勿与战。——《史记·淮阴侯列传》深谷shēngǔ〖deepvalley〗幽深的山谷深固shēngù〖deepandfirm〗深而牢固建设祖国的信念更加深固深闺shēnguī〖boudoir〗旧指富贵人家的闺房深海shēnhǎi〖deepsea〗水深超过200米的海域深壑shēnhè〖deepgully〗很深的山沟或大坑深厚shēnhòu〖deep;profound〗∶感情深切浓厚结成深厚的战斗友谊在一撮撮看似平凡的泥土里,寄托了人们多少丰富深厚的感情!——秦牧《土地》〖solid〗∶基础扎实坚固深厚的基础〖broadandprofound〗∶形容雄浑、博大北方山川深厚深呼吸shēnhūxī〖deepbreathing;breathdeeply〗把空气深深的吸入肺中,再把它呼出深化shēnhuà〖deepen〗向更深的程度发展认识的深化深晦shēnhuì〖profound〗深奥隐晦哲理深晦深奸巨滑shēnjiān-jùhuá〖shrewd〗形容人深于世故、奸诈狡猾。也作“老奸巨滑”深涧shēnjiàn〖deepmountainstream〗两山中间很深的水高山深涧深交shēnjiāo〖intensifiedcontact〗∶密切地交往你不愿和他深交,也不要得罪他〖profoundfriendship〗∶深厚的交情并无深交深井shēnjǐng〖deepwell〗∶水面的深度超过7米的一种井〖bore〗∶竖直深孔深究shēnjiū〖gointoseriously〗深入追究区区小事,不必深究深居简出shēnjū-jiǎnchū〖liveintheseclusionofone"sownhomeandseldomcomeout;liveasecludedlifewithfewsocialcontacts〗平时总是呆在家里,很少外出。谓避世而独处自摈弃以来,尤自刻励,深居简出,几不与世人相通。——宋·秦观《谢王学士书》深刻shēnkè〖profound〗∶指感受程度很深的受到一次深刻的教育〖deep-going〗∶深入透彻道理讲得很深刻〖severe〗∶严峻苛刻性笃厚,不乐为深刻〖deep〗∶深厚深刻的交谊深空shēnkōng〖deepspace,deepsky〗在地球大气极限以外很远的空间,包括太阳系以外的空间深脉shēnmài〖profunda〗各种深的动脉或静脉肱动脉在上臂的最大分支股深动脉普帕尔氏韧带下方不远处股静脉的属支深秘shēnmì〖abstruseandvague〗深邃隐密用思深秘深妙shēnmiào〖profoundandsubtle〗精深奥妙义理深妙深谋远虑shēnmóu-yuǎnlǜ〖thinkdeeplyandplancarefully;thoughtfulandshrewd〗周密谋划,考虑深远深谋远虑,行军用兵之道,非及向时之士也。——汉·贾谊《过秦论》深浅shēnqiǎn〖deep〗∶指水的深度水很浑浊,无法看清这条河的深浅〖properlimits〗∶比喻言语、行为的分寸说话不知深浅〖shade〗∶〖色彩的〗浓或淡颜色深浅各异的布料摆在柜台上深切shēnqiè〖deep〗∶真挚恳切深切的同情想起它就像想起旅伴和战友,心里充满着深切的怀念。——《记一辆纺车》〖profound〗∶深刻切实对真理的深切追求他对问题有深切的了解深情shēnqíng〖deepfeelings〗∶深长悠厚的情感难忘深情〖deepaffection〗∶怀有深厚感情他又站在高台上,深情地望着兰考的土地。——《鞠躬尽瘁》深秋shēnqiū〖lateautumn〗秋季的末期深入shēnrù〖deep〗∶研究、思考深刻、透彻小心的编纂必须事先对作品的含义进行深入的研究〖godeepinto〗∶进入事物内部或中心深入实际深入浅出shēnrù-qiǎnchū〖explaintheprofoundinsimpleterms;goindeepandcomeouteasy〗内容或道理很深刻,但表达得浅显通俗深入人心shēnrùrénxīn〖strikerootintheheartsofthepeople;bedeeplyrootedamongthepeople;finditswaydeepintothepeople"sheart〗指思想、理论、学说、主张等为人们所理解和接受深山shēnshān〖remotemountains〗处于群山之中,离平原地区很远的山区深山寂寂,空谷鸟鸣今夜要是赶不到山那边的太阳寨,只有在这深山中露宿了。——《驿路梨花》深山穷谷shēnshān-qiónggǔ〖desolateremotemountainousarea〗山的深处,谷的尽头。指荒远偏僻的山野深深shēnshēn〖deep;keen〗∶形容程度深或强烈在深深的痛苦中〖far〗∶指进入的距离远把桩深深打进地下深识远虑shēnshí-yuǎnlǜ〖greatforethought〗谓有深广的见识,长远的考虑深睡shēnshuì〖soundsleep〗以脑电慢波为特征的睡眠周期的第三和第四阶段深思shēnsī〖thinkdeeplyabout〗认真思考,深入考虑深思熟虑深思熟虑shēnsī-shúlǜ〖maturereflections;deepconsideration〗反复地深入细致地思索考虑他向群众请教,和干部商量,每解决一个问题都要经过深思熟虑,然后作出结论。——《任弼时同志二三事》深邃shēnsuì〖deep〗∶深的;幽深深邃的山谷深邃的夜空,星汉灿烂。——《探索星空奥密的年轻人》〖profound〗∶深奥的寓意深邃深谈shēntán〖talkdeeplyinto〗深入交谈我们见过面,但没有深谈深通shēntōng〖master〗熟练地掌握父亲深通日语深透shēntòu〖deepandthorough〗指程度较彻底深挖shēnwā〖dredge〗深深地发掘或挖掘深望shēnwàng〖expect〗寄以深切地期望深微shēnwēi〖profoundandsubtle〗指变化深奥、差别微妙天文学是一门深微的学问深味shēnwèi〖appreciatedeeply〗∶仔细地体会深味其言我将深味这非人间的浓黑的悲凉。——《纪念刘和珍君》〖profoundmeaning〗∶深长的意味深文周纳shēnwén-zhōunà〖carefullyframed-upargumentoraccusation〗苛刻周密地援用法律条文,陷人于罪,泛指不根据事实而罗织罪名深吻shēnwěn〖deepkiss〗唇、舌、齿相接触的长时间或有节奏的互咂舌头的亲吻深恶痛绝shēnwù-tòngjué〖hatebitterly;abhor;detest〗极端厌恶和痛恨。也作“深恶痛疾”于是点上一枝烟,再继续写些为“正人君子”之流所深恶痛疾的文字。——《藤野先生》揭开了“以华制华”的黑幕,他们竟有如此的深恶痛绝。——鲁迅《“以夷制夷”》深悉shēnxī〖understandthoroughly〗指了解得比较透彻深悉官场丑恶深宵shēn西安āo〖lateatnight〗一般指半夜以后深心shēnxīn〖heart;innermostbeing〗内心深处发自深心的感激深信shēnxìn〖accept;believefirmly〗∶坚信不疑他深信人人生来都平等的主张〖believein〗∶特别相信他深信外星人存在的传说深省,深醒shēnxǐng,shēnxǐng〖thoroughlyrealize〗深深地觉醒发人深省的教训深夜shēnyè〖lateatnight〗指半夜以后工作到深夜深意shēnyì〖profoundmeaning〗非常深刻的含意深忧shēnyōu〖greatan西安ety〗忧心忡忡深幽shēnyōu〖deepandserene〗深邃,幽深曲径深幽深渊shēnyuān〖abyss〗∶深潭后墙紧贴着峥嵘的山石,前脸正对着万丈的深渊。——《雨中登泰山》〖deep〗∶特指海渊南太平洋上阿尔求斯海深渊〖danger〗∶比喻险境如临深渊〖metaphoroftheadversecircumstance〗∶比喻无法摆脱的困境苦难的深渊深远shēnyuǎn〖profoundandlasting〗∶影响、意义等深刻而长远无深远之谋〖far-reaching〗∶指时间的久长或空间的深广流布深远深造shēnzào〖takeamoreadvancedcourseofstudyortraining〗进一步学习和钻研,使达到精深的程度送他到体育学院深造深宅大院shēnzhái-dàyuàn〖acompoundofconnectingcourtyards;imposingdwellingsandspaciouscourtyards〗房屋众多,庭院深广。多指豪门富户深湛shēnzhàn〖profound〗精湛深湛的著作技艺深湛深知shēnzhī〖intimate;befullyaware;knowverywell〗十分了解深知现代战争的特点深挚shēnzhì〖sincere〗深厚而诚挚兄弟之间有着深挚的感情深重shēnzhòng〖sore〗∶程度深灾难深重这场罪恶的叛乱给牧民带来多么深重的灾难呀!——《夜明星》〖deep〗∶深厚有不少老同志感情深重地说:自从上了井岗山,毛主席就没有离开过我们一步如今,却要亲自去重庆和蒋介石谈判!——《挥手之间》出处[①][shēn][《__》式_切,平侵,_][《__》式禁切,去沁,_]“_1”的今字从水面到水底的距离大跟“_”相对泛指从上到下或从外到内距离大指从上到下或从外到内的距离凹陷深奥;精微隐藏指人的性格内向犹测深入加深引申为疏浚深知;精通用以指功夫到家甚,超过情意厚色彩浓深远;深刻重大,重要深重;严重严酷,苛刻险要茂盛充分;多历时久谓严密,牢固极力;非常古水名为今湘水支流之一的潇水【巳集上】【水字部】深;康熙笔画:12;页码:页632第01〔古文〕?【唐_】【集_】【__】【正_】?式_切,音?水名【_文】水出桂_南平,西入_道又邃也【增_】深者,_之_【_·邶_】深__,__揭又深微也【易·__】惟深也能通天下之志又藏也【周_·冬官考工_】梓人必深其爪又衣名【_·深衣疏】衣裳相_,被_深邃,故_之深又州名【__】後_博_郡,隋置深州【___】今__定府又【__】【集_】【__】【正_】?式禁切,音_度_深曰深【周_·地官】以土圭_土深【卷十一】【水部】编号:7005深,[式_切],水出桂_南平,西入_道从水__2023-07-23 14:42:491
问题一:知识渊博的有见识的用英语怎么说 知识渊博的有见识 Knowledgeable and knowledgeable 知识渊博的有见识Knowledgeable and knowledgeable 问题二:知识渊博用英语怎么说? Knowledgeable 问题三:他是知识渊博的 英语怎么说 简单点的 he know things.一般用的多的,he is knowledgable/he has profound knowledge (about_) 问题四:英语翻译用range,他是一个知识渊博的教授 He is a professor with / having / getting / gaining / obtaining / receiving a wide range of knowledge. 问题五:如果你知识渊博,那最好不过了用英语怎么说 if you have a profound 激nowledge, that is what i mostly expected. 问题六:“知识渊博”,“学很多的知识”用英语分别怎么说 “知识渊博” Profound knowledge “学很多的知识” Learn a lot of knowledge 问题七:知识用英语怎么说 knowledge英 [?n?l?d?] 美 [?n:l?d?] n. 了解,理解; 知识(表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法); 学科; 见闻 网络 知识; 常识; 了解 The boy"s knowledge was out of the ordinary. 这个男孩懂得的知识非比寻常 问题八:知识渊博用英语怎么说? Knowledgeable 问题九:知识渊博的有见识的用英语怎么说 知识渊博的有见识 Knowledgeable and knowledgeable 知识渊博的有见识Knowledgeable and knowledgeable 问题十:他是知识渊博的 英语怎么说 简单点的 he know things.一般用的多的,he is knowledgable/he has profound knowledge (about_)2023-07-23 14:42:551
extensive and profound是什么意思
你好,知道英语牛人团为你解答。我们来看看这两个单词:应该是在对某事物或者某抽象概念进行描述。2023-07-23 14:43:021
profound knowledge或者直接用knowledgable2023-07-23 14:43:212
have profound effects on是什么意思
have profound effects on有着深远的影响双语对照例句:1.That will have profound effects on society and politics. 这将对社会和政治产生深远的影响。2.A sea change in social attitudes that could have profound effects on politics and the world economy is under way. 一场巨大的社会变化正在发生,这将会对政治和世界经济产生深远的影响。2023-07-23 14:43:271
湛 crystal clear; deep; profound; 湛1 zhàn (1) (形声。从水,甚声。本义:清澈透明) (2) 同本义 [be crystal;clear] 水木湛清华。――谢混《游西池》 (3) 又如:湛明(清滢明亮);湛冽(清冽);湛波(清波);湛清(清澈);湛然(清澈的样子);湛湛(清明澄澈的样子) (4) 露厚重 [dewy] 石林湛雨气,山月连阳晖。――清·谢芳连《孟夏山中晚坐》 (5) 又如:湛露(重露) (6) 深;深沉 [deep] 眼睛暴湛,牙齿横生。――《封神演义》 (7) 又如:湛浮(沉浮);湛湛(水深的样子;深切的样子);湛恩(深恩);湛恩汪秽(恩泽深厚) (8) 饱满;盈满 [full] 湛湛江水兮上有枫,目极千里兮伤春心。――《楚辞》 湛 zhàn 姓 另见dān;jiān 湛蓝 zhànlán [azure blue] 晴天的蓝色;湖海等的深蓝色 湛清 zhànqīng [clear] 清澈 天空湛清如水 湛深 zhànshēn [profound] 深湛;精深 湛深的艺术功力 湛 zhàn ㄓㄢˋ (1) 深:精~。~恩(深恩)。~蓝。 (2) 清澈:清~。澄~。 (3) 姓。 郑码:VEZ,U:6E5B,GBK:D5BF 笔画数:12,部首:氵,笔顺编号:441122111345 crystal clear;deep;profound;2023-07-23 14:43:351
catastrophe和disaster的区别如下所示。1. 释义区别:- "catastrophe"表示灾难性的事件或灾害,通常指巨大的、极其破坏性的事件。- "disaster"表示灾难、灾祸或不幸的事件,可以涵盖各种不同的灾难形式。例句:- The earthquake was a catastrophe, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. (地震是一场灾难,造成了广泛的破坏和生命损失)- The hurricane resulted in a major disaster, with flooding and extensive property damage. (飓风造成了一场重大的灾难,引发了洪水和大面积的财产损失)2. 用法区别:- "catastrophe"通常用于指代具有严重破坏性和致命性的事件,强调其规模和影响。- "disaster"可用于各种不同类型和规模的灾难事件,并强调其对人类、社会或环境的不利影响。例句:- The nuclear meltdown was a catastrophic event that led to long-term environmental consequences. (核泄漏是一场灾难性事件,导致了长期的环境后果)- The forest fire was a disaster for the local community, destroying homes and displacing residents. (森林大火对当地社区来说是一场灾难,摧毁了房屋并使居民无家可归)3. 使用环境区别:- "catastrophe"常用于描述严重的、大规模的、突发的自然灾害或人为灾害。- "disaster"可以用于各种类型和规模的灾难事件,包括自然灾害、意外事故、人为错误等。例句:- The tsunami was a catastrophe, leaving entire coastal towns devastated. (海啸是一场灾难,使整个沿海城镇变成废墟)- The oil spill caused an environmental disaster, harming marine life and polluting the coastline. (石油泄漏造成了一场环境灾难,危害了海洋生物并污染了海岸线)4. 形象区别:- "catastrophe"强调巨大的、毁灭性的事件,绘制出灾难性的图像和后果。- "disaster"强调突发的、不幸的事件,可以形象化地描述出悲惨的情景。例句:- The volcanic eruption was a catastrophe, covering the area in ash and smoke. (火山爆发是一场灾难,覆盖了该地区的灰烬和烟雾)- The flood was a disaster, with homes submerged and people stranded. (洪水是一场灾难,房屋被淹没,人们被困)5. 影响范围区别:- "catastrophe"可用于自然灾害、战争、人为事故等灾难范围的描述。- "disaster"用于涵盖各种类型和规模的灾难事件,包括自然灾害、意外事故、人为错误等。例句:- The earthquake was a global catastrophe, affecting multiple countries in the region. (地震是一场全球性的灾难,影响了该地区多个国家)- The industrial accident was a major disaster for the company, resulting in financial losses and a tarnished reputation. (工业事故对公司来说是一场重大灾难,导致经济损失和声誉受损)2023-07-23 14:43:556