New message from:
Sext! Sext! Sext! Me!
Sext! Sext! Sext! Me!
Sext! Sext! Sext! Me!
Sext! Sext! Sext! Me!
Less than three
Is just a tease.
Send those nudes
And make me drool.
Hit me up.
Make me cum.
Wanna sext?
I"ll show you some!
Sticky drama
All the way
Want my dick?
You gotta pay!
You see what my thumbs can do.
Time to use my tongue on you.
Show me what you"ve got,
On my LCD
Let"s get down to it,
So you can get down on me.
Cybering is so...1999.
You"ve gotta be textually active if you wanna be mine!
I wanna fuck you hard
I wanna feel you deep
I wanna rock your body
I wanna taste your sweet
I wanna fuck you hard
I wanna feel you deep
I wanna ah-ha
I wanna ah-ha
Love me or hate me-
But you wanna fuck me,
My love in unrestricted.
You know you wanna lick this.
I"m stronger than the strongest drug you"ve ever had-
You can mix em" all together and I would still be twice
as bad.
I know you want some more
When I text its sex-sex-sex!
You start to undress-dress!
Poppin" out your chest!
Send your friend"s requests!
Now I"m rockin" on your top.
And you know I just cant stop-stop.
Make you drop.
Feel you up till" I hit the spot.
Cuz I cant take-TAKE TAKE!
I"m so impatient.
You got me waitin".
Cut the shit!
Show your tits!
Flip it out on my sidekick.
Like Quagmire in Family Guy-
Giggity! Giggity! All the time.
I wanna fuck you hard
I wanna feel you deep
I wanna rock your body
I wanna taste your sweet
I wanna fuck you hard
I wanna feel you deep
I wanna ah-ha
I wanna ah-ha
Love me or hate me,
But you wanna fuck me.
My love in unrestricted,
You know you wanna lick this!
I"m stronger than the strongest drug you"ve ever had
You can mix em" all together and I would still be twice
as bad.
There I go!
Sexting all my favorite mother fuckin" hoes!
Stereo! Blast it up! Go rape shit and tear it up!
We can make you look like hoes.
She"s texting if she"s so slow!
Hellz yeah!
Go for more-
Parents bringing down the door!
Oh no!
Caught with my pants down!
Now I gotta leave this town!
I ain"t never lookin" back!
I"m gonna tell your ass straight up!
This is how we live it up,
I just don"t give a fuck!
And if I ever gave a fuck then I will be straight out
of luck!
I wanna fuck you hard!
I wanna feel you deep!
I wanna rock your body!
I wanna taste your sweet!
I wanna fuck you hard!
I wanna feel you deep!
I wanna ah! ah!
I wanna ah! ah!
Love me or hate me,
But you wanna fuck me.
My love is unrestricted,
You know you wanna lick this!
I"m stronger than the strongest drug you"ve ever had,
You can mix em" all together and I would still be twice
as bad.
Ba-a-a-ad. Suck Me !
I know you want some more
这个是与Jeffree Star 混音版的 完整歌词 ,还有一个clean版本的。。
New message from
Sext! Sext! Sext! Me!
Sext! Sext! Sext! Me!
Sext! Sext! Sext! Me!
Sext! Sext! Sext! Me!
Less than three is just a tease
Send Those Noodz, Make Me DrooL
Hit me up - make me cum
Wanna sext? I"ll show you some!
Sticky drama all the way
Want my dick? You gotta pay!
You"ve seen what my thumbs can do
Time to use my tongue on you.
Show Me What Ya Got on my LCD
Lets get down to it, so you can get down on me!
Cybering is So 1999!
You"ve Got To Be Textually Active
If You Wanna Be Mine !
Cuz ...
Love me or hate but you want to fuck me
My love is unrestricted
You know you wanna lick this
I"m stronger than the strongest drug you"ve ever had
Mix "em all together and I would still be twice as bad.
Just woke up an Taylor Swift"s pissin" in my mouth
Fucked so many boys, I"m havin" a drought
I"m on iChat with your father, Facebookin with ya brother
2 fingers in my mouth - 2 fingers in your mother
Thong around my ankles & the web cam"s on
This ain"t Bang Bus but I love double dongs
My phones on vibrate, so don"t stop callin"
Cuz I"ll slit your fucking throat unless I"m done cummin"
Love me or hate but you want to fuck me
My love is unrestricted
You know you wanna lick this *wink*
I"m stronger than the strongest drug you"ve ever had you can mix em all together and I would still be twice as bad....
There I go!
Sexting all my mother fucking favorite hoes
Stereo blast it up! go ape shit and tear it up!!!
We can make you look like hobos
Shes texting if she should swallow
Hellz ya! Go for more
Parents banging down the door...
Oh no!!!!
Caught with my pants down
Now i gotta leave this town
I ain"t never looking back!
I"m gonna tell your ass straight up
This is how we live it up!
I just don"t give a fuck
And if I ever gave a fuck
I would be straight out of luck!
Love me or hate but you want to fuck me
My love is unrestricted
You know you wanna lick this *wink*
I"m stronger than the strongest drug you"ve ever had you can mix em all together and I would still be twice as bad
I know you want some more..
Sexting sexting sexting sexting sexting..
内地的美妆博主无数,张凯丽、小猪姐姐zz、仇仇,韩国还有一个pony。而在欧美,也有一个很有名的时尚美妆博主名叫Jeffree Star,堪称全世界最有钱的美妆博主。 最近网上曝光了Jeffree Star私人住宅里的各种奢侈品,很多人也对这位家里拥有无数gucci、香奈儿奢侈品的有钱人很好奇。本文就来对Jeffree Star个人资料进行详细介绍。 Jeffree Star个人资料 性别 男没做过变性手术 原名 Jeffrey Lynn Steininger 所在地 美国洛杉矶 出生地 洛杉矶 星座 天蝎座 生日 1986年11月15日 职业 模特、设计师、化妆师、DJ、歌手、作曲家、美妆时尚博主 个人经历 Jeffree Star是一个在单亲家庭长大的孩子,父亲在他年仅6岁的时候就去世了,母亲独自把他抚养长大。由于母亲是职业模特,所以家里有很多时尚漂亮的衣服,这给他的时尚审美能力提供了萌芽、生长的摇篮。 因为母亲职业关系,所以上小学的Jeffree Star经常被独自留在家中。出于好奇心理,他开始偷穿妈妈的衣服、使用妈妈的化妆品给自己进行打扮。到了初中的时候,他说服了妈妈让妈妈允许自己化着妆去上学。 年少时的化妆经历使得Jeffree Star对各种化妆技巧了然于心,15岁的时候已经熟能生巧。在上中学后,Jeffree Star开始穿女装、化彩妆,性别为男孩子的他开始以女生形象示人。 在Jeffree Star出名后,粉丝因为他喜欢穿女装,并且拥有比女人还要厉害的化妆技巧,所以称呼他为J姐。 J姐男朋友是谁 J姐男朋友名叫内森,J姐是个GAY,虽然打扮是女生,但并没有做过变性手术。在和J姐谈恋爱之前,内森是个直男,交往对象都是女生,不过遇到J姐之后成功被掰弯。 J姐和男朋友的感情非常好,经常会一起录视频,B站有很多两人的同框视频,狗粮满满。有一次两人一起测试一款宣称啪不到的睫毛膏,于是J姐叫来男朋友,涂好睫毛膏,去房间进行了十八禁测评u2026u2026 很多人都说J姐的男朋友是为了钱和他在一起的,因为他和内森认识的时候,内森只有7件T恤、在宠物店打工、不懂奢侈品。但是J姐自己坦诚过,说遇到内森之前他已经单身6年,第一次感受到被爱。 J姐性格直来直往,有钱有名气,差的只是爱,能遇到内森这样珍惜他的男人也是一件幸运的事,一起祝福他们吧!2023-07-19 10:00:481
如何评价J姐(Jeffree Star)?
J姐的评价:Jeffree是少见的几位敢于和大品牌顶嘴的时尚博主,在他的产品测试中,一切都要凭质量说话。使用感不好的产品,即使再大牌他也敢吐槽,而一些既小众又便宜的品牌,他也很乐意为大家推荐。凭借这份真诚和努力,他成为了最热门的美妆博主之一,拥有着其他人难以比拟的超高人气。除此之外,他的商业头脑极强,他不光创建了自己的品牌,还把美妆中赚的钱拿出来投资各种产业,现在已经成为了博主中的“巨富”。Jeffree走上模特生涯的原因Jeffree在高中毕业后,自己来到了洛杉矶,他靠着精湛的化妆技巧,造型设计同时一些音乐方面的工作来谋生。jeffree后来回忆到,他周末的时间几乎都是在好莱坞的俱乐部度过的,在那里,他使用假名字,穿着迷你裙,踩着9英寸的高跟鞋,那些明星们会与Jeffree签约化妆工作或者聘用Jeffree做模特。Jeffree表示,他周末的俱乐部社交活动和他提倡的一些化妆方面的想法,最终引导他走上了模特生涯。2023-07-19 10:00:551
住上亿豪宅,衣帽间值700万,世界上最有钱的美妆博主居然是男的?也很让人吃惊!大家一定知道,美妆博主是这个时代的新兴职业。大部分是年轻女性。他们依靠在网上发布自己的化妆教程视频来获得粉丝和利润。上面的名字是杰弗瑞星。这位美容博主在youtube上拥有1093万粉丝,住在数亿套豪华住宅中,拥有自己的美容品牌。他在2017年福布斯年度美容博主收入排名中获得第一名,这表明杰弗瑞。 是的,你没看错,边肖也没打错。杰弗瑞是个不折不扣的粗野男人,但边肖想说他可能是世界上最精致的粗野男人。杰夫·弗里斯塔1986年出生于美国加利福尼亚州。他的童年一直是不想回头的时光。6岁时,父亲意外去世。他不得不和他母亲住在一起。因为他妈妈是模特,经常要周游世界,所以他经常把自己留在家里。孤独无聊的杰夫·弗里尔开始尝试用母亲的化妆品来化妆。杰弗瑞回忆道:“我的易装癖和性取向是在那时决定的。高中毕业后,他一个人;爱情在洛杉矶开始兴风作浪,用自己的化妆技术为自己赚了一些名气。那时候他开始尝试换衣服,穿超短裙,脚恨天。随着他夸张的造型,一些造型公司开始找他,开始走上造型的道路。之后,jeffree在YouTube上开设了自己的美容频道。因为她的化妆技术实用简单,他的频道很快吸引了一批粉丝订阅。看到公众的反应,jeffree立即推出了自己的美容品牌。在产品上市之前,jeffree以自己的商业头脑开始了大规模的宣传,结果产品一上市就被抢购一空。随着他的模特生涯和美容品牌的发展,jeffree的价格迅速飙升,在2017年福布斯美容博主中排名第一。自从有钱后,杰弗里开始提高自己的生活质量,花了上亿美元买豪宅,装扮衣帽间。据说他衣帽间的鞋子和衣服加起来价值超过百万美元,豪车和限量版包包自然就有了。怎么样?看了边肖的介绍,男人化妆比女人更有女人味是不是很不可思议?事实上,边肖认为这个时代不会阻止任何人发光,只要你有足够的技能,你就可以在这个高度竞争的社会中拥有自己的位置。杰弗里以他对美的独特理解创造了自己的世界,至今仍值得我们敬佩。如何看待这位美妆博主?欢迎大家在评论区留言!2023-07-19 10:01:164
Jeffree Star的反串型打扮,为什么在欧美不会被嘲笑娘炮?
因为虽然他是反串打扮,但是他身上有很多代表着自由的东西,这正是当代年轻人所向往的,他是一个时装模特,有着自己对时尚独特的见解,还是一个化妆师,还是一个出色的歌手兼作曲家,他还拥有大片纹身,这些都是当代年轻人向往的自由的代表,所以就算他是反串女生打扮,也没有人会觉得他是娘炮,我觉得可能跟西方国家强大的包容性也有关系。Jeffree Star出生于1986年11月15日,他作为一个时装模特、擅长彩妆的化妆师以及歌手兼作曲家长期居住在美国洛杉矶。在网上具有超大的火爆程度,受到了大量fans的疯狂追捧。Jeffree Star使用时下流行的Myspace网站宣传他自己的音乐和时装造型,同时在自己的Blog上畅谈自己对人生、情感、社会的感想,他使用大量夸张的语句,吸引了许多人的关注,在2006年11月,他被确认为“与MySpace的最有关联的人物”。也就是说,人们只要说起MySpace,就会提到Jeffree Star。他具有着美国青少年开放、反叛的所有特质,他变装之后的性感女生形象几乎在一夜之间为他赢得了无数男性粉丝,同时得到了人数更多的女性粉丝们的爱戴!大家喜欢他什么?这个问题,问不同的人,会有不同的答案。有人会告诉你,“我喜欢他的歌声。”也会有更多的人说,“我先是喜欢他的人,才喜欢上他的音乐。”还有人说,我喜欢他的纹身!!对,没错,纹身!!当一个人身上有独特气质吸引你的时候,你就会觉得他的其他缺点并不重要。2023-07-19 10:01:4310
jeffree star - lollipop luxury的歌词翻译。
歌曲:Lollipop Luxury歌手:Jeffree Star专辑:《Beauty Killer》发行时间:2009-09-22具体歌词:I"m on the top我占据上位There"s no luck没什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move让我扭动Make you move让我摇摆Make you wanna hear me talk让你听到我的声音See me walk看我行走See me fuck看我上你See me suck a lollipop看我吸吮棒棒糖Wanna get messy想要弄得污秽I"ll make you hot我会让你欲火焚身Make you rock让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock我将让世界惊诧I"m your tease我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel我是你的源泉I just wanna see you drool我只想看你痴迷于我On your knees pretty please在你的膝上 美女 请求你You wish you were my main squeeze你希望我最想占有的人是你L L L Luxury享受吧Fuck me上我I"m a celebrity谁叫我是名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法离开I"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere我让你上我只是为了到达高潮Fuck me上我I"m a celebrity谁叫我是名流Can"t take your hands off me你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me what you waiting for我知道你想吸吮我的胯下之物 那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock our water pop让我们挺动让我们迸发欲望Can"t take your eyes off me你的视线无法转移I"m all that you can see我是你视线所及的一切Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your feet drop我将让你深陷Can"t take your eyes off me禁锢目光让它无法离开我I"m everything you wanna be我是你欲望所触的全部mmm , hot damn.真TM热here i come.我来了tell me how you want it done.告诉我你想要怎样的玩法at the mall , in the hall.在商场 在大厅on your momma"s bedroom wall.还是你妈卧室的墙壁you can choose , either way.你可以选择 但不管怎样you will end up on the news.你将会出现在新闻里(ha , yeah, just like you want it right?)是你所期望的吧?对吗?do i make you wet?我让你湿了吗?it"s all about the C.U.N.T.全部是关于你的阝月辶首.(i wanna hear you say)我想听你说love my pink knife.你爱死我的粉红的肉刃you wish you had a slice of me.你希望拥有我身体的一部分i"m a celebrity.我可是名流Fuck me上我I"m a celebrity谁叫我是名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光追随着我I"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere我会让你上我是为了到达欲望之巅Fuck me上我I"m a celebrity谁叫我是名流Can"t take your hands off me你的手在我皮肤游走I know you wanna suck me what you waiting for不要等待我知道你想让我见识你的口活Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock our water pop身下已泛滥成灾Can"t take your eyes off me视线在我身上游移I"m all that you can see你的眼睛只能看着我Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your feet drop我会让你沉溺Can"t take your eyes off me眼神在我身上逗留I"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock our water pop胯下已混乱不堪Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法离开I"m all that you can see我是你视线所及的一切Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your feet drop我会让你失去理智Can"t take your eyes off me你的视线无法转移I"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的所有2023-07-19 10:03:015
Jeffree star有可能会参加节目吗
主要还是看她个人意愿是否愿意参加。Jeffree Star原名Jeffrey Lynn Steininger,1986年11月15日出生,是一位美国模特,时装设计师,化妆师,DJ,作曲家和歌手,居住在洛杉矶。在起初,Jeffree用当时很受欢迎的社交网站MySpace进一步来从事他的音乐以及时尚设计生涯。他也会用MySpace的早期的Jstar博客来记录自己的生活,也会发表些自己对"自我形象和信心",名气,美容和生活的看法。jeffree已经在几个网站上建立了粉丝集聚地,这使得很多粉丝在MySpace上关注他,他在MySpace的形象开始给他带来了大量的"朋友"。jeffree在MySpace上发表的相片经常会得到超过50,000条的评论,在2006年11月,他被确认为"与MySpace的最有关联的人物"。而他也被他狂热的FANS们作为"全球最流行的未签约艺人"推到了Myspace的每日排行榜上。毫不夸张地说,Jeffree Star是完全地被互联网捧红的明星。Jeffree Star的第一、二支音乐作品是"Straight Boys"、"We Want Cunt"。2007年3月13日,Jeffree Star发行了自己第一张EP(单曲专辑):Plastic Surgery Slumber Party。几乎是在同时,在2007年3月20日,这支EP被推到了iTunes排行榜的第一名。根据当时在Myspace的个人主页上的调查,有25万人表示自己倾听过"Plastic Surgery Slumber Party"这支EP。有两支歌没有发布在"Plastic Surgery Slumber Party"这支EP里,分别是"Louis Vuitton"、"Don"t Cha (Sex Change Remix)"。2009年jeffree发布了他的第一张录音室唱片Beauty Killer,被allmusic 的评论家 Pemberton Roach 盛赞为一张有趣而没有冗余花边伴舞的唱片以及一 份直率而不虚伪却有着调皮罪恶感般享受的唱片。jeffree还与一些其他的音乐人合作过,包括Deuce(singer),Millionaires(group),Nicki Minaj,acey Schwimmer、IT BOYS、Porcelain Black和Larry Tee。2023-07-19 10:03:161
最近网上曝光了J姐私宅的各种奢侈品,也让不少网友感到惊讶。J姐的男朋友是谁?也成为很多网友关心的问题。近年来,从美妆博客到游戏博客,网络名人不计其数。J姐可以说是化妆品界最成功的网络名人了。今天我们就来详细介绍一下机器人男友和J姐的个人资料。J姐原名JeffreeStar。J姐出生于1986年。她是美国模特、时装设计师和化妆师。我妹妹J在单亲家庭长大。她父亲在她六岁时去世了。她母亲独自抚养他长大。妈妈是职业模特,所以家里有很多好看的衣服,勾勒出J姐对时尚审美能力的培养。因为母亲是职业模特,他上小学的时候,J的姐姐经常一个人在家。出于好奇,他经常偷偷穿上妈妈的衣服和化妆品。初中时,他说服母亲允许他化妆上学。J姐从小就熟悉各种化妆师。他15岁的时候,她就能自己化妆了。后来J姐成名后,粉丝们都很喜欢他,也学了很多其他的化妆师。所以很多网友也很关心J姐的男朋友是谁?纪律检查员的名字是内森。j姐是同性恋。虽然他打扮成女孩,但他从未做过变性手术。姐姐J和男朋友关系很好。他们经常一起录一些视频。他们可以在很多在线视频网站上看到同一帧的视频。从上面我们知道了J姐的男朋友是谁,以及J姐的相关个人资料。我们了解到J姐的性格很直爽。他虽然聪明有钱,但更注重感情。他曾经说过,遇见内森是一个非常珍惜的人,是一件非常幸运的事。让我们祝愿他们未来的生活更加幸福。2023-07-19 10:03:221
Lollipop luxury jeffree star的歌词哦~~中英文对照的那种哦~~好的加分~!
歌名:Lollipop Luxury所属专辑:Cupcakes Taste Like Violence时长:4:07歌手:Jeffree Star歌词:I"m on the top我占据上位There"s no luck没什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop我绝不会改变主意停下来Make my move让我扭动Make you move让你摇摆Make you wanna hear me talk让你听到我的声音See me walk看我行走See me fuck赏我温存See me suck a lollipop看我好好服侍你(Mmm) Wanna get messy嗯,想要更热烈一点I"ll make you hot我会让你浑身火热Make you rock让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees滴在你的双膝Pretty please拜托了 美女You wish you were my main squeeze你希望我最想与之亲热的是你L-L-L-Luxury.享受吧Fuck me, I"m a celebrity和我亲热吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I make you fuck me just to get somewhere你我温存只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuck me, I"m a celebrity和我亲热吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me我知道你想和我亲热What you"re waiting for那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock I wanna pop让我们摇摆,我心潮澎湃Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your (booty drop)我会让你身随我动Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be我就是你想要的一切Hot damn, here I come简直太热了,我要来了Tell me how you want it done告诉我你想怎么弄At the mall, in the hall商场,大厅On your mama"s bedroom wall还是你妈妈卧室的墙壁上You can choose, either way你可任选一种,不管哪种You will end up on the news都会让你上新闻(Yeah, just like you wanted, right?)对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?Do I make you wet我激起你的情趣了吧It"s all about the C-U-N-T全是关于你的宝贝I wanna hear you say我希望听到你说Love my pink knife你爱上了我的宝贝You wish you had a slice of me你希望我们合二为一(I"m a celebrity)我是一个名流Fuck me, I"m a celebrity和我亲热吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I make you fuck me just to get somewhere你我温存只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuck me, I"m a celebrity和我亲热吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I know you wanna suck me我知道你想和我亲热What you"re waiting for那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock I wanna pop让我们摇摆,我心潮澎湃Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your (booty drop)我会让你身随我动Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be我就是你想要的一切I"m a super super star on Hollywood Blvd我是好莱坞大道的超级超级明星And I can make all of the boys come to my yard我可以让所有的男孩来我的院子里You see Jeffree, I can show you how to do it你看Jeffree,我可以告诉你该怎么办呢Make make a lollipop squirt squirt a lot of fluid请做一个棒棒糖水枪喷出大量积液My lip gloss, lip gloss me and all my sick thoughts我的唇彩,唇彩我和我所有的思绪生病I"m such a bad bitch, I get ME pissed off我是这样一个坏婊子,我让我生气I"m really hot, really pretty我真的很热,真的很漂亮I"m into licking lollipops till they"re sticky我开始舔棒棒糖,直到他们变粘I can make them say Nicki我可以让他们说尼基I"m a celebrity我是一个名流Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock I wanna pop让我们摇摆,我心潮澎湃Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your (booty drop)我会让你身随我动Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be我就是你想要的一切2023-07-19 10:03:355
求Lollipop Luxury中英文完整的对照歌词
Lyrics to Lollipop Luxury :中文翻译:青山雀T-A-R/【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?)/(什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch)S-T-A-RI"m on the top/我占据上位There"s no luck/没有什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop/永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move/让我扭动Make you move/让你摇摆Make you wanna hear me talk/让你听到我的声音See me walk/看我行走See me fuck/看我操你See me suck a lollipop/看我吮吸棒棒糖(Mmm)Wanna get messy/(嗯……)想要弄得污秽一团糟I"ll make you hot/我会让你浑身火热Make you rock/让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock/我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease/我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel/我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool/我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees pretty please/滴在你的双膝 拜托了美女You wish you were my main squeeze/你希望我最想上的就是你L L L Luxury/享受吧Fuck me/操我吧I"m a celebrity/谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere/我让你操我只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuck me/操我吧I"m a celebrity/谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me/让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me what you waiting for/我知道你想要吸我的XX那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop/唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock our wanna pop/让我们摇摆我想射Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see/我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop/I"ll make your booty drop/我会让你的双臀摇摇欲坠Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be/我就是你想要的一切mmm " hot damn./真他妈热here i come./我来了tell me how you want it done./告诉我你想怎样来做at the mall " in the hall./在商场,在大厅on your momma"s bedroom wall./还是在你妈妈卧室的墙壁上?you can choose " either way./你可以选一种,不过不管哪种you will end up on the news./都会让你上新闻(ha " yeah" just like you want it right?)/(对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?)do i make you wet?/我让你湿了吗?it"s all about the C.U.N.T./全部是关于你的阴屄(i wanna hear you say)/我希望听到你说love my pink knife./你爱死我粉红的肉刀you wish you had a slice of me./我希望你拥有我身体的一部分i"m a celebrity.Fuck meI"m a celebrityCan"t take your eyes off meI"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhereFuck meI"m a celebrityCan"t take your hands off meI know you wanna suck me what you waiting forLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beOMG " LOL " It"s true but sex will always sell./哦天哪(Oh my god)棒棒糖(lollipop)now it"s time for you to go./现在你该走了(so what " so what)/那又怎样?那又怎样呢?OMG " LOL " It"s true but sex will always sell./now it"s time for you to go./(so what" so what)oh my god " can"t you tell./你难道不能告诉我的XXmy mmmm makes you wanna sweat./它让你大汗淋漓am i all set?/我准备就绪了么?(not yet " not yet.)/还没呢,还没呢oh my god " can"t you tell.my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.am i all set?(not yet " not yet.)Lip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna be2023-07-19 10:03:514
jeffree star的size of your boat中文歌词翻译
size of your boat 歌手:jeffree 词曲: Jeffree Star 专辑:《2011年5月欧美新歌...》 JEFFREE -你的船的大小 如果你的船的大小打在她的喉咙, 就足以使她chockes, 你认为她会打。 一个结了她的内裤, 希望这不是一个填塞袜子, 你需要在海洋只是使赃物的流行运动。! 我有一个小秘密的家伙, 这想知道它的运动或大小。 但如果你是我选的那一个我船船长, 让你在我的海洋宝宝,你会开车吗? 你知道,这些人很快就对他们的巨大, 但大小并不意味着一件事,只是想想泰坦尼克号… 也许我可以伪装,让你觉得你再做伤害; 嗯,打哈欠,你只是不明白… 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 你告诉我,我们要在邮轮… 那么,我们到底是怎么结束这只独木舟的呢? 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 我得到了另一个秘密的家伙 很快就吹牛的人总是谈论他们的大小 但如果我的卧室有一个像过山车一样的信号 你会不会太短,甚至会出现在里面? 因为你知道这些家伙都快告诉你他们行 事实是我看不见它用一些放大镜 也许用一些光,我们可以得到一些行动 男孩,你让我笑 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 你告诉我,我们要在邮轮… 那么,我们到底是怎么结束这只独木舟的呢? 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 沃利沃利动力船 光滑光滑,我留一个浮动 女厕所让我们去投票,只有一次,这就是毒品 可能是大的或可能是小… 我认识一个女人,如果你带她去购物中心 那猴子弗兰克保罗泵 我会把你的战斗船沉下去 我见过比你更大的坦克 你的风帆,准备鱼 在值班的生命守卫,你准备好跳了吗? 这是我嫉妒你 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 你告诉我,我们要在邮轮… 那么,我们到底是怎么结束这只独木舟的呢? 他们说这不是你的船的大小,但在雅的运动 男孩现在排…现在行 这是Jeffree Star和你的女孩对妈妈 是啊我认为它的大小或是它的运动? 我不知道为什么会有所有的骚动! Jeffree star - Size of your boatif the size of your boat hits the tonsils in her throat,just enough so that she chockes,bet you think that shell be socked.Got her panties in a knot,hope that"s not a stuffer sock,you need motion in that ocean just to make that booty pop.!I got a little secret for the guys,that wants to know if it"s the motion or the size.But if you"re the one I pick to be the captain of my ship,let you in my ocean baby, would you drive.?You know that these guys are quick to clam they gigantic,but size don"t mean a thing, just think about the Titanic...Maybe I can fake it, make you think you;re doin" damageUmm yawn, you just don"t understand it...They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowThey say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowYou told me we were goin" on a cruise...So how the hell did we end up on this canoe?They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowI got another secret for the guysWho"s quick to brag an always talk about their sizeBut if my bedroom had a sign like a roller coaster rideWould you be too short to even come inside?Cuz you know that these guys are quick to tell you that they"re packin"The truth is I can"t see it with some magnifying glassesMaybe with some tweezers we can get into some actionAnd boy you got me laughin"They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowThey say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowYou told me we were goin" on a cruise...So how the hell did we end up on this canoe?They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowWally Wally Power BoatSmooth and sleek, I stay a floatLadies.! Lets take a vote, only ride that which is dopeCould be big or could be small...I know a chick who takes it all, if you take her to the mallPump dat monkey Frank like PaulI"ll sink your battle shipI"ve seen tanks much bigger than yours can getYour sails up, ready to fishLife guards on duty, are you ready to jump in.?It"s Jeffree StarThey say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowThey say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowYou told me we were goin" on a cruise...So how the hell did we end up on this canoe?They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowIt"s Jeffree Star & ya girl Muff MommyYeah! I think it"s the size or is it the motion?I don"t know why there"s all the commotion!2023-07-19 10:04:312
求:jeffree star的《lollipop luxury》歌词翻译
Lyrics to Lollipop Luxury :中文翻译:青山雀S-T-A-R【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?) (什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch) (母狗)S-T-A-RI"m on the top我占据上位There"s no luck 没有什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move 做我的爱Make you move做你的爱Make you wanna hear me talk让你听到我的声音See me walk看我行走See me fuсk看我丅操你See me suck a lollipop 看我吮吸棒棒糖(Mmm) Wanna get messy(嗯……)想要弄得污秽一团糟I"ll make you hot我会让你浑身火热Make you rock 让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees滴在你的双膝Pretty please拜托了美女You wish you were my main squeeze你希望我最想上的就是你L-L-L Luxury.享受吧Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I make you fuсk me just to get somewhere我让你操丅我只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me我知道你想要吸我的XXWhat you"re waiting for那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock I wanna pop让我们摇摆我想射Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your (booty drop)我会让你的双丅臀摇摇欲坠Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be我就是你想要的一切Hot damn, here I come真丅他妈的热,我来了Tell me how you want it done告诉我你想怎样来做At the mall, in the hall, on your mama"s bedroom wall在商场,在大厅还是在你妈妈卧室的墙壁上?You can choose, either way you will end up on the news(Yeah, just like you wanted, right?)你可以选一种,不过不管哪种都会让你上新闻(对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?)Do I make you wet我让你湿了吗?It"s all about the C-U-N-T全部是关于你的**【cunt直译为女性生殖器官,英语口语中会作为非常侮辱人的脏话出现】2023-07-19 10:04:396
jeffree star为什么在中国的知名度不高?
其实知名度这种东西仁者见仁,智者见智。我倒是知道他,之前还查过他的资料,觉得声音很好听,也很有个性。但是对于大多数的中国人除了AB站的大绅士们而言,可能不太适应这种类型的明星,举个不恰当的例子吧,像是LADY GAGA我身边很多人并不是太了解她的音乐,最多知道一首poker face,纯粹因为她的穿衣风格把她定义为在雷的行列里,所以可能不少有人看了Jeffree Star的照片不再关心他的歌了。言归正传,你认为什么是知名度?有人说韩国偶像知名度超级高(没有任何贬义),每次都有无数的脑残粉捧场,可是对于像我普通大众却总把他们OR她们的歌甚至组合搞混,这也算是知名度高么?个人角度觉得真正的高知名度还是需要时间的考核,之前还有人说某偶像要比Michael Jackson强什么什么的,可实际上真正知名的还是Michael Jackson,即使死后也有很多人怀念他。你认为Jeffree Star在国外很红,很受追捧,这更多看他以后有没有能力维持住,不说别的,只要他能坚持自己的道路,拥有一份过人的能力,不随意被外人左右,知名度总会高起来的2023-07-19 10:04:521
jeffree star - lollipop luxury 中文歌词
我高高在上很不幸的是我决不会改变主意停下来我会有所动作也会让你动起来让你想听听我的言语看着我向你走来看着我做看着我吮吸着棒棒糖想要变得不洁么?我会让你着火让你扭动着身体我会让世界都震惊我挑逗着你我刺激着你我只想看着你的口水流到膝盖上,求求你你期待着能成为我的情人如此享受与我做吧我是如此有名气你的视线离不开我我会让你到达高潮与我做吧我是如此有名气你的双手放不开我我知道你已经等不及让我舔你唇膏与棒棒糖就让我们在水池里尽情地翻滚吧你的视线离不开我如你所见,这就是我的全部唇膏与棒棒糖我会让你没有力气你的视线离不开我我就是你想要的一切嗯…………辣妹我来了告诉我你想在哪儿做在林荫道上,在走廊上或是在你妈妈卧室的墙面上随你选反正最后你会告诉我哈,其实你就想要这样吧?我让你湿漉漉的了么?在你的花瓣上……我想听见你说喜欢我那粉色的凶器你希望被我的刀切割吧与我做吧我是如此有名气你的视线离不开我我会让你到达高潮与我做吧我是如此有名气你的双手放不开我我知道你已经等不及让我舔你唇膏与棒棒糖就让我们在水池里尽情地翻滚吧你的视线离不开我如你所见,这就是我的全部唇膏与棒棒糖我会让你没有力气你的视线离不开我我就是你想要的一切2023-07-19 10:05:004
jeffree star 的legs up a bit more中英文对照歌词,如果不知道这首歌我可以提供哦
"Legs Up"It"s Jeffree StarDon"t get me wrongI throw my hands up on the dance floorBut the way you work it got me begging you for moreHold me close, let me show you dirtyWe"ll make it hot sweating all through the night singingOhhhI got you dancing on meOhhhWe got our hands up singingOhhhI want you pounding on meOhhhSo get your legs up(Yeah, uh huh, dat"s right)I want your legs upSo getchya legs up (oh, oh, oh)Don"t wantchya hands up (no oh, oh, oh)I want your legs upDon"t wantchya drinks up (no oh, oh, oh)I wantchya legs upPoundin" shots, making sure that you"re a slammerCause the way I role: you can only nail me if we"re hammeredBitch, I"m the queen, on your knees, kiss my feet pleaseI like it kinky, sweating all through the night, singing...Oh, oh, ohI got you dancing on meOh, oh, ohWe got our hands up singingOh, oh, ohI want your body on meOh, oh, ohSo get your legs upSo get your legs upDon"t put your hands upNoI want your legs upSo getchya legs up (oh, oh, oh)Don"t wantchya hands up (no oh, oh, oh)I want your legs up (oh, oh, oh)Don"t wantchya drinks up (no oh, oh, oh)I wantchya legs upFast fast, lets go - legs in the air ain"t taking it slowHot hot, don"t stop - bring ya little friend and we"ll do a little swapFast fast, lets go - legs in the air ain"t taking it slowBoom boom bang bang... oops wait, I forgot your nameOh, oh, ohI got you dancing on meOh, oh, ohWe got our hands up singingOh, oh, ohI want your body on meOh, oh, ohDon"t want your hands upDon"t want your drinks up...I want your legs up(Yeah, uh huh, dat"s right)I want your legs upSo getchya legs up (oh, oh, oh)Don"t wantchya hands up (no oh, oh, oh)I want your legs up (oh, oh, oh)Don"t wantchya drinks up (no oh, oh, oh)I wantchya legs up不要误会我的意思我把我的手在舞池但你的工作方式,它让我求你更多抱紧我,让我告诉你脏我们彻夜唱会使其热出汗哦u301cu301c我得到了你对我跳舞哦u301cu301c我们得到了我们的手唱哦u301cu301c我希望你对我的冲击哦u301cu301c因此,让你的腿(嗯,嗯,DAT的权利)我想你的腿所以getchya腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya手(没有哦,哦,哦)我想你的腿不要wantchya的饮料(没有哦,哦,哦)我wantchya腿,Poundin的投篮,确保你是一个SLAMMER原因作用的方式,我:你只能钉箱机,如果我们敲定母狗,我的女王,你的膝盖上,吻我的脚,请我喜欢淫,出汗通宵达旦,唱歌......哦,哦,哦我得到了你对我跳舞哦,哦,哦我们得到了我们的手唱哦,哦,哦对我来说,我想你的身体哦,哦,哦因此,让你的腿因此,让你的腿不要把你的手没有我想你的腿所以getchya腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya手(没有哦,哦,哦)我想你的腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya的饮料(没有哦,哦,哦)我wantchya腿,快了快了,让我们去 - 四脚朝天不采取慢热得烫手,不停止 - 带来雅的小朋友,我们会做一点点掉快了快了,让我们去 - 四脚朝天不采取慢嘣嘣嘣嘣...哎呀,我忘了你的名字哦,哦,哦我得到了你对我跳舞哦,哦,哦我们得到了我们的手唱哦,哦,哦对我来说,我想你的身体哦,哦,哦不想你的手不要希望你的饮料...我想你的腿(嗯,嗯,DAT的权利)我想你的腿所以getchya腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya手(没有哦,哦,哦)我想你的腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya的饮料(没有哦,哦,哦)我wantchya腿,2023-07-19 10:05:151
一首英文歌男歌手中间一句歌词是fuck me
Lollipop Luxury Jeffree StarL L L LuxuryF uck me/I"m a celebrity/Can"t take your eyes off me/I"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere/F uck me/I"m a celebrity/Can"t take your hands off me/I know you wanna suck me what you waiting for2023-07-19 10:05:234
求Jeffree Star 的《Beauty Killer》歌词中文翻译
song:beauty killer artist:jeffree starIf I can"t be beautiful, I"d rather just dieSo self-obsessed with my mascara and mistakesVanity"s like a funeral and everyone is at my wakeBefore I run out of air there"s more make-up to applyDoll eyes stare into vailium colored skiesI"ve got a sweet tooth and strawberry youthYou wanna be my licorice and misguide the truthAnd right now I"ll show you howI"m a beauty killerRhinestones my eyes closed and please fix my hairThis concealer can hide all my pink nightmaresBefore I run out of air there"s more make-up to applyDoll eyes stare into vailium colored skiesI almost died but it felt greatFaking imperfections was it worth the waitI may be easy, easy to hateI dress so fucking easy, easy to breakI"ve got a sweet tooth and strawberry youthYou wanna be my licorice and misguide the truthAnd right now I"ll show you howI"m a beauty killerI almost died but it felt greatFaking imperfections was it worth to waitI may be easy, easy to hateI dress so fucking easy, easy to breakTell me your secrets and I"ll tell you about liesEverything is monotone in my dead eyesIf I can"t be beautiful, I"d rather just dieI"m a beauty killerA sweet tooth and strawberry youthYou wanna be my licorice and misguide the truthAnd right now I"ll show you howI"m a beauty killerDoll eyes stare into vailium colored skies(x4)I"m a beauty killer (gorgeous killer, hot pink killer, fierce killer)I"m a beauty killer(I"ll fucking kill you)中文歌曲:美丽杀手艺术家:jeffree明星如果我不能漂亮,我宁可死所以自我迷恋我的睫毛膏和错误虚荣就像一个葬礼,每个人都在我的身后是之前,我运行的空气,还有更多的申请娃娃的眼睛凝视vailium色的天空我有一个甜食和草莓青年你想成为我的甘草和误导真相而现在,我会告诉你如何我是一个美丽杀手水钻我的眼睛关闭,请修复我的头发这遮瑕膏可以隐藏我所有的粉红色恶梦之前,我运行的空气,还有更多的申请娃娃的眼睛凝视vailium色的天空我差点死了,但感觉很好伪造的缺陷是它值得等待我可能很容易,容易恨我穿成这样他妈的容易,容易折断我有一个甜食和草莓青年你想成为我的甘草和误导真相而现在,我会告诉你如何我是一个美丽杀手我差点死了,但感觉很好伪造的缺陷是值得等待我可能很容易,容易恨我穿成这样他妈的容易,容易折断告诉我你的秘密,我会告诉你有关在于我死了的眼睛,一切都是单调如果我不能漂亮,我宁可死我是一个美丽杀手甜食和草莓青年你想成为我的甘草和误导真相而现在,我会告诉你如何我是一个美丽杀手娃娃的眼睛凝视vailium色的天空(X4)我是一个美丽杀手(华丽的杀手,热粉红色的杀手,杀手激烈)我是一个美丽杀手(我他妈的杀了你)2023-07-19 10:05:311
求Jeffree Star的Beauty Killer的歌词。
If I can"t be beautiful, I"d rather just die如果我不再美丽,那我宁愿去死So self-obsessed with my mascara and mistakes 如此迷恋于自己的睫毛膏与犯过的错Vanity"s like a funeral and everyone is at my wake 虚荣心就像是一场葬礼,每个人都在我的身旁守护着我Before I run out of air there"s more make-up to apply 在我出门之前还要补补妆Doll eyes stare into valium colored skies人偶的眼睛总是望向变幻莫测的蓝天【I"ve got a sweet tooth and strawberry youth 我有着诱人的牙齿,秀色可餐You wanna be my licorice and misguided truth 你想让我沦陷在你甜美的伪装下And right now I"ll show you how 现在就让我告诉你吧I"m a beauty killer】我是一个Beauty KillerRhinestone my eyes closed and please fix my hair闭上我钻石一样的眼睛,请你好好打理打理我的头发This concealer can hide all my pink nightmares 遮瑕膏可以隐藏我粉红色的梦魇Before I run out of air there"s more make-up to apply 在我出门之前还要补补妆Doll eyes stare into vailium colored skies人偶的眼睛总是望向变幻莫测的蓝天{I almost died but it felt great 将死的感觉很棒Faking perfection wasn"t worth the wait 虚伪的完美不值得等待I may be easy, easy to hate 也许我很容易让人讨厌讨厌But you"re so fucking easy, easy to break}但是你也太TMD让人看穿了吧重复【】重复{}Tell me your secrets and I"ll tell you about lies 告诉我你的秘密,我会告诉你我的谎言Everything is monotone in my dead eyes 在我无神的眼睛下一切都是如此单调If I can"t be beautiful, I"d rather just die如果我不再美丽,那我宁愿去死I"m a beauty killer我是一个Beauty Killersweet tooth and strawberry youth 诱人的牙齿,秀色可餐You wanna be my licorice and misguided truth 你想让我沦陷在你甜美的伪装下And right now I"ll show you how 现在就让我告诉你吧I"m a beauty killer我是一个Beauty KillerDoll eyes stare into vailium colored skies(x4) 人偶的眼睛总是望向变幻莫测的蓝天I"m a beauty killer (gorgeous killer, hot pink killer, fierce killer) 我是一个Beauty Killer(gorgeous killer, hot pink killer, fierce killer)I"m a beauty killer 我是一个Beauty Killer(I"ll fucking kill you)(我真想TMD杀了你)完全受不了往翻译里一扔然后出来的中文了,一个都看不懂2023-07-19 10:05:382
love to my cobain 歌词 加 翻译 jeffree star唱的,谢谢
Jeffree Star - Love to My Cobain LyricsI want a love so goodSo good that it"ll make me sickTo touch, but I need itYou are the love to my CobainBlood to my bladeAnd you"re no good for me baby, no goodYou are the pin in my grenade Can"t pull you awayAnd you"re no good for me baby, no goodGive me kisses againNever gonna quit my addictionAnd I like you keep me so conflictedAnd I like it even when you hit itLa da daDa da daTake it up a notch, I might need stitchesKeep it dirty just like Sid ViciousI know you wanna lick my deliciousDa da daYou are the love to my CobainBlood to my bladeAnd you"re no good for me baby, no goodYou are the pin in my grenade Can"t pull you awayAnd you"re no good for me baby, no goodGive me kisses againYou are the love to my CobainKiss me againYou are the love to my CobainGive me kisses againTie me up - don"t need no restrictionsYou can take it all with such convictionI kinda wish that we could switch positionsLa da daDa da daTake it up a notch, I might need stitchesKeep it dirty just like Sid ViciousI know you wanna lick my deliciousDa da daYou are the love to my CobainBlood to my bladeAnd you"re no good for me baby, no goodYou are the pin in my grenade Can"t pull you awayAnd you"re no good for me baby, no goodGive me kisses againYou are the love to my CobainKiss me againYou are the love to my CobainGive me kisses againI want a love so good, So good that it will make me sickJeffrey Star - 爱我的Cobain歌词我想要一个爱情如此美好很好,它会让我生病要触摸,但我需要它你是对我的Cobain的爱血到我的刀片你对我宝贝不好,没有好处你是我手榴弹的针不能拉你走你对我宝贝不好,没有好处再给我吻永远不会放弃我的瘾我喜欢你让我如此冲突即使你打它也喜欢它拉达达达达达拿起一个档次,我可能需要缝线保持肮脏,就像Sid Vicious我知道你想舔我的美味达达达你是对我的Cobain的爱血到我的刀片你对我宝贝不好,没有好处你是我手榴弹的针不能拉你走你对我宝贝不好,没有好处再给我吻你是对我的Cobain的爱再吻我一次你是对我的Cobain的爱再给我吻连我 - 不需要任何限制你可以用这样的信念来接受这一切我希望我们可以改变职位拉达达达达达拿起一个档次,我可能需要缝线保持肮脏,就像Sid Vicious我知道你想舔我的美味达达达你是对我的Cobain的爱血到我的刀片你对我宝贝不好,没有好处你是我手榴弹的针不能拉你走你对我宝贝不好,没有好处再给我吻你是对我的Cobain的爱再吻我一次你是对我的Cobain的爱再给我吻我想要一个爱情如此美好,太好了,会让我生病2023-07-19 10:05:451
jeffree star的legs up这首歌的中文歌词
不要误会我的意思我把我的手在舞池但你的工作方式,它让我求你更多抱紧我,让我告诉你脏我们彻夜唱会使其热出汗哦〜〜我得到了你对我跳舞哦〜〜我们得到了我们的手唱哦〜〜我希望你对我的冲击哦〜〜因此,让你的腿(嗯,嗯,DAT的权利)我想你的腿所以getchya腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya手(没有哦,哦,哦)我想你的腿不要wantchya的饮料(没有哦,哦,哦)我wantchya腿,Poundin的投篮,确保你是一个SLAMMER原因作用的方式,我:你只能钉箱机,如果我们敲定母狗,我的女王,你的膝盖上,吻我的脚,请我喜欢淫,出汗通宵达旦,唱歌......哦,哦,哦我得到了你对我跳舞哦,哦,哦我们得到了我们的手唱哦,哦,哦对我来说,我想你的身体哦,哦,哦因此,让你的腿因此,让你的腿不要把你的手没有我想你的腿所以getchya腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya手(没有哦,哦,哦)我想你的腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya的饮料(没有哦,哦,哦)我wantchya腿,快了快了,让我们去 - 四脚朝天不采取慢热得烫手,不停止 - 带来雅的小朋友,我们会做一点点掉快了快了,让我们去 - 四脚朝天不采取慢嘣嘣嘣嘣...哎呀,我忘了你的名字哦,哦,哦我得到了你对我跳舞哦,哦,哦我们得到了我们的手唱哦,哦,哦对我来说,我想你的身体哦,哦,哦不想你的手不要希望你的饮料...我想你的腿(嗯,嗯,DAT的权利)我想你的腿所以getchya腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya手(没有哦,哦,哦)我想你的腿(哦,哦,哦)不要wantchya的饮料(没有哦,哦,哦)我wantchya腿,2023-07-19 10:05:522
Jeffree Star的那首Lolipop Luxury歌词。
i"m on the top我在上面there"s no luck没有幸运never turned around to stop不想转身停下这个make my move让我动make you move让你动make you wanna hear me talk让你想听我说see me walk看我走路see me fuck看我fucksee me suck a lollipop看我吃棒棒糖wanna get messy想要变混乱i"ll make you hot我会让你热起来make you rock让你狂野i"ll leave the world in shock我会让这个世界只剩下颤抖i"m your tease我挑逗你i"m your fuel我是你的燃料i just wanna see you droolon your knees pretty please我只想看你跪下说you wish you were my main squeeze美女 让我紧抱你 l l l luxury尤物fuck me上我i"m a celebrity我是名人can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere我会让你在某个地方上我fuck me上我i"m a celebrity我是名人can"t take your hands off me把你的手从我身上拿开i know you wanna suck me what you waiting for我知道你一直在等待吸允我lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切mmm , hot damn.火热的不行here i come.我来了tell me how you want it done.告诉我你想在哪里做at the mall , in the hall.在超市?在门洞?on your momma"s bedroom wall.或者靠著你妈房间的墙you can choose , either way.随你的便you will end up on the news.由你来决定(ha , yeah, just like you want it right?)就像你所要的对吧do i make you wet?你湿了麼it"s all about the c.u.n.t.这都是关於fuck(i wanna hear you say)我想听到你说love my pink knife.我爱你的粉红刀you wish you had a slice of me.我想要我身上的一块i"m a celebrity.我是名人fuck me上我i"m a celebrity我是名人can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere我会让你在某个地方上我fuck me上我i"m a celebrity我是名人can"t take your hands off me把你的手从我身上拿开i know you wanna suck me what you waiting for我知道你一直在等待吸允我lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always sell.我肯定这个交易还会继续now it"s time for you to go.现在你可以走了(so what , so what)怎麼样呢omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always sell.我肯定这个交易还会继续now it"s time for you to go.现在你可以走了(so what, so what)怎麼样呢oh my god , can"t you tell.我的天啊,你不知道吗my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.我让你出汗am i all set?我现在准备好了吗(not yet , not yet.)不是现在oh my god , can"t you tell.我的天啊,你不知道吗my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.我让你出汗am i all set?我现在准备好了吗(not yet , not yet.)不是现在lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切2023-07-19 10:06:121
寻 Jeffree Star 的 《 beauty killer》 歌词 英文的
song:beauty killer artist:jeffree starIf I can"t be beautiful, I"d rather just dieSo self-obsessed with my mascara and mistakesVanity"s like a funeral and everyone is at my wakeBefore I run out of air there"s more make-up to applyDoll eyes stare into vailium colored skiesI"ve got a sweet tooth and strawberry youthYou wanna be my licorice and misguide the truthAnd right now I"ll show you howI"m a beauty killerRhinestones my eyes closed and please fix my hairThis concealer can hide all my pink nightmaresBefore I run out of air there"s more make-up to applyDoll eyes stare into vailium colored skiesI almost died but it felt greatFaking imperfections was it worth the waitI may be easy, easy to hateI dress so fucking easy, easy to breakI"ve got a sweet tooth and strawberry youthYou wanna be my licorice and misguide the truthAnd right now I"ll show you howI"m a beauty killerI almost died but it felt greatFaking imperfections was it worth to waitI may be easy, easy to hateI dress so fucking easy, easy to breakTell me your secrets and I"ll tell you about liesEverything is monotone in my dead eyesIf I can"t be beautiful, I"d rather just dieI"m a beauty killerA sweet tooth and strawberry youthYou wanna be my licorice and misguide the truthAnd right now I"ll show you howI"m a beauty killerDoll eyes stare into vailium colored skies(x4)I"m a beauty killer (gorgeous killer, hot pink killer, fierce killer)I"m a beauty killer(I"ll fucking kill you)2023-07-19 10:06:192
Jeffree Star的那首Lolipop Luxury歌词。
i"m on the top我在上面there"s no luck没有幸运never turned around to stop不想转身停下这个make my move让我动make you move让你动make you wanna hear me talk让你想听我说see me walk看我走路see me fuck看我fucksee me suck a lollipop看我吃棒棒糖wanna get messy想要变混乱i"ll make you hot我会让你热起来make you rock让你狂野i"ll leave the world in shock我会让这个世界只剩下颤抖i"m your tease我挑逗你i"m your fuel我是你的燃料i just wanna see you droolon your knees pretty please我只想看你跪下说you wish you were my main squeeze美女 让我紧抱你 l l l luxury尤物fuck me上我i"m a celebrity我是名人can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere我会让你在某个地方上我fuck me上我i"m a celebrity我是名人can"t take your hands off me把你的手从我身上拿开i know you wanna suck me what you waiting for我知道你一直在等待吸允我lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切mmm , hot damn.火热的不行here i come.我来了tell me how you want it done.告诉我你想在哪里做at the mall , in the hall.在超市?在门洞?on your momma"s bedroom wall.或者靠著你妈房间的墙you can choose , either way.随你的便you will end up on the news.由你来决定(ha , yeah, just like you want it right?)就像你所要的对吧do i make you wet?你湿了麼it"s all about the c.u.n.t.这都是关於fuck(i wanna hear you say)我想听到你说love my pink knife.我爱你的粉红刀you wish you had a slice of me.我想要我身上的一块i"m a celebrity.我是名人fuck me上我i"m a celebrity我是名人can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere我会让你在某个地方上我fuck me上我i"m a celebrity我是名人can"t take your hands off me把你的手从我身上拿开i know you wanna suck me what you waiting for我知道你一直在等待吸允我lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always sell.我肯定这个交易还会继续now it"s time for you to go.现在你可以走了(so what , so what)怎麼样呢omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always sell.我肯定这个交易还会继续now it"s time for you to go.现在你可以走了(so what, so what)怎麼样呢oh my god , can"t you tell.我的天啊,你不知道吗my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.我让你出汗am i all set?我现在准备好了吗(not yet , not yet.)不是现在oh my god , can"t you tell.我的天啊,你不知道吗my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.我让你出汗am i all set?我现在准备好了吗(not yet , not yet.)不是现在lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖let"s rock our water pop让我们云雨can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m all that you can see你能看见我的一切lip gloss and lollipop嘴唇 光泽 还有棒棒糖i"ll make your feet drop我会让你快乐can"t take your eyes off me把你的眼光移开i"m everything you wanna be我是你想要的一切2023-07-19 10:06:391
Jeffree Star-Size of your boat的英文歌词和中文翻译
Jeffree star - Size of your boatif the size of your boat hits the tonsils in her throat,just enough so that she chockes,bet you think that shell be socked.Got her panties in a knot,hope that"s not a stuffer sock,you need motion in that ocean just to make that booty pop.!I got a little secret for the guys,that wants to know if it"s the motion or the size.But if you"re the one I pick to be the captain of my ship,let you in my ocean baby, would you drive.?You know that these guys are quick to clam they gigantic,but size don"t mean a thing, just think about the Titanic...Maybe I can fake it, make you think you;re doin" damageUmm yawn, you just don"t understand it...They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowThey say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowYou told me we were goin" on a cruise...So how the hell did we end up on this canoe?They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowI got another secret for the guysWho"s quick to brag an always talk about their sizeBut if my bedroom had a sign like a roller coaster rideWould you be too short to even come inside?Cuz you know that these guys are quick to tell you that they"re packin"The truth is I can"t see it with some magnifying glassesMaybe with some tweezers we can get into some actionAnd boy you got me laughin"They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowThey say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowYou told me we were goin" on a cruise...So how the hell did we end up on this canoe?They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowWally Wally Power BoatSmooth and sleek, I stay a floatLadies.! Lets take a vote, only ride that which is dopeCould be big or could be small...I know a chick who takes it all, if you take her to the mallPump dat monkey Frank like PaulI"ll sink your battle shipI"ve seen tanks much bigger than yours can getYour sails up, ready to fishLife guards on duty, are you ready to jump in.?It"s Jeffree StarThey say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowThey say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowYou told me we were goin" on a cruise...So how the hell did we end up on this canoe?They say it ain"t the size of your boat but the motion in ya oceanBoy now row... now rowIt"s Jeffree Star & ya girl Muff MommyYeah! I think it"s the size or is it the motion?I don"t know why there"s all the commotion!2023-07-19 10:06:451
求 Jeffree Star 《Lollipop Luxury》 歌词翻译~有MV更好
我在上面 没有运气 从来没有转过身来停止 采取行动 让你移动 让你想听我说话 看到我走 看我妈 看到我发出的棒棒糖 想不想弄乱 我会让你热 让你岩石 我要把世界震惊 我是你的逗 我是你的燃料 我只是想看到你垂涎不已 拜托放在膝盖上 你希望你是我的情人 l l l豪华 操我 我是一个名人 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我会让你操我只是为了去某处 操我 我是一个名人 不能把你的手从我身上拿开 我知道你想把我你等待 唇膏和棒棒糖 让我们一起摇滚我们的水流行 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我完全,你可以看到 唇膏和棒棒糖 我会让你的脚下降 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我所有你想 嗯,热该死。 我来。 告诉我你是怎么做。 在购物中心,在大厅里。 在你的妈妈的卧室的墙上。 你可以选择,这些方式。 你最终将这个消息告诉他。 (ha,是的,就像你想要吗?) 我让你湿? 就是对这种c.u.n.t。 (我想听你说) 爱我的粉红色的刀。 你会希望你一片我。 我是一个名人。 操我 我是一个名人 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我会让你操我只是为了去某处 操我 我是一个名人 不能把你的手从我身上拿开 我知道你想把我你等待 唇膏和棒棒糖 让我们一起摇滚我们的水流行 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我完全,你可以看到 唇膏和棒棒糖 我会让你的脚下降 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我所有你想 唇膏和棒棒糖 让我们一起摇滚我们的水流行 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我完全,你可以看到 唇膏和棒棒糖 我会让你的脚下降 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我所有你想 天那,哈哈,我确信性通常卖。 而现在的时间为您去。 (所以), 天那,哈哈,我确信性通常卖。 而现在的时间为您去。 (所以), 哦我的上帝,你看不出来。 我嗯让你想汗水。 我都准备好了吗? (不,还没有。) 哦我的上帝,你看不出来。 我嗯让你想汗水。 我都准备好了吗? (不,还没有。) 唇膏和棒棒糖 让我们一起摇滚我们的水流行 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我完全,你可以看到 唇膏和棒棒糖 我会让你的脚下降 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我所有你想 唇膏和棒棒糖 让我们一起摇滚我们的水流行 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我完全,你可以看到 唇膏和棒棒糖 我会让你的脚下降 不能把你的目光从我身上拿开 我所有你想2023-07-19 10:06:533
第一首是歌名:We Belong Together歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:The Emancipation of MimiI didn"t mean itWhen I said I didn"t love you soI should have held on tightI never should"ve let you goI did nothing I was stupidI was foolishI was lying to myselfI could not fathom that I would everBe without your loveNever imagined I"d beSitting here beside myselfI didn"t know you I didn"t know meBut I thought I knew everythingI never feltThe feeling that I"m feeling nowNow that I don"t Hear your voiceOr even touch or even kiss your lipsCause I don"t have a choiceOr even touch or even kiss your lipsCause I don"t have a choiceWhen you left I lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseWe belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean onWhen times get roughWho"s gonna talk to meTill the sun comes upWho"s gonna take your placeBaby nobody else We belong togetherI can"t sleep at nightWhen you"re all on my mindBobby Womack"s on the radioSinging to meIf you think you"re lonely nowWait a minuteThis is too deep, too deepI gotta change the stationSo I turn the dialTrying to catch a breakAnd then I hear BabyfaceI only think of youAnd it"s breaking my heartI"m trying to keep it togetherBut I"m falling apartI"m feeling all out of my elementI"m throwing thingsCrying Trying to figure outWhere the hell I went wrongThe pain reflected in this songAin"t even half of whatI"m feeling inside I need youNeed you back in my life babyWhen you left I lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseWe belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean onWhen times get roughWho"s gonna talk to meTill the sun comes upWho"s gonna take your placeThere ain"t nobody elseWe belong togetherWhen you left I lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseWe belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean onWhen times get roughWho"s gonna talk to meTill the sun comes upWho"s gonna take your placeThere ain"t nobody elseWe belong togetherhttp://www.songtaste.com/song/513168/第二首从3分59秒开始到5分05 是Chris Brown的I wanna be歌词:Look.. I know we been friends for a while nowBut, I just feel I can confess to youIt"s gon" be hard but.. Alright here it goesImagine if the pillow that you cried on was my chestAnd the tissue that you wiped your face with was my handGirl, imagine if you needed advice about some other guy,I"m the one that comes to mindNot try"na hear you tell nobody that I"m just a friendJust try"na make sure I"m that body that you call your manAnd anytime you need a shoulder, it"s yours night or dayWell, what I"m try"na say is..I wanna be, the last number you call late at nightSaid I wanna be,the first one that you dial when you open your eyesWanna be the one you run to,wanna be the one that ain"t gon" hurt youI wanna be, yeahWanna be, yeahBe the man makin" all girls jealous (Girl, I wanna be)Be the guy shuttin" ou" all the fellas (ooh)Whatever you need, girl it"s all on meYour soldier or your friend, or your lover (ooh)Girl, I wanna beWould it be cool,would you mind if I called you my boo, (my boo)What if the next whip you was pushin" was the one I bought for youCan I be the one that meets your Pops and take your mama shoppin"Be the only one they liiike (wait!),have you thought about it (wait), Really thought about itMaybe you should take some time,call your girls and talk about it (yeah)Cause I done already made up my mind (my mind)Don"t need no more time to know if I wanna be with youI wanna be, the last number you call late at nightI wanna be, the first one that you dial when you open your eyesWanna be the one you run to,wanna be the one that ain"t gon" hurt youI wanna be, yeahWanna be, yeahBe the man makin" all girls jealous (I wanna)Be the guy shuttin" ou" all the fellas (All the fellas, yeah)Whatever you need, girl it"s all on meYour soldier or your friend or your lover (hey)Girl, I wanna bePut me on your screen-saver,all over your Myspace andMake me one of your five favorites,that"s where I wanna beThe one you cryin" for,stayin" up all night fightin" forWanna be your good, bad, love, hey, Girl!Cross my heart, hope to die, on everything that"s goodI"ma do you right, show you right,Get this understoodCross my heart, hope to die,on everything that"s goodI"ma do you right,show you right, Get this understoodI wanna beeeee,the last number that you call late at night (oh)first one that you dial when you open your eyes(when you open your eyes)Wanna be the one you run toWanna be the one that ain"t gon hurt you (oh)I wanna be, yeah (I wanna be yours)Wanna be, yeahBe the man makin" all girls jealous (Jealous, yeah)Be the guy shuttin" ou" all the fellas (Fellas)Whatever you need, (uhh)Girl, it"s all on meYour soldier, your friend, or your loverGirl, I wanna be yoursGirl, I wanna be, yoursI wanna be, yoursbe yoursI wanna bebe yoursI wanna bebe yourshttp://www.songtaste.com/song/223883/2023-07-19 10:07:023
jeffree star prisoner和bitch please的歌词
他确实是gay,我搜索了一下,资料上说他很小的时候就发现自己是gay了。Jeffree star - prisonerI got no regrets.And I remember the day that we met.There was no way that I could forget you.So I followed you home and I waited till you were alone.And I crept into the room while you sleptAnd layed next to you, and I knewThat I could never let you go.I know this seems so wrongBut I"m just a lovesick criminalYou can arrest me, baby.I don"t wanna leave.Lock me up throw away the key.I don"t care if I"m in trouble deep.I"m addicted to your love.I"ll be your prisoner.I"ll be your prisoner tonight.I-I-I-I"m under your spell.And I just can"t get enough.You woke up to me staring at you in your sleepLike a deer in the headlights, I couldn"t seeAnything else but the way you breathe.And you screamed at the top of your lungs,You couldn"t believe it. You thought you were dreamingI knew I never wanted you to let me go...I know this seems so wrongBut I"m just a lovesick criminalYou can arrest me, baby.I don"t wanna leave.Lock me up throw away the key.I don"t care if I"m in trouble deepI"m addicted to your love.I"ll be your prisoner.I"ll be your prisoner tonight.I-I-I-I"m under your spell.And I just can"t get enough.I wanna pay for all the consequencesBelieve me, I have the worst intentions.I wanna pay for all the consequencesBelieve me, believe me.I wanna pay for all the consequencesBelieve me, I have the worst intentions.I wanna pay for all the consequencesBelieve me, believe me.Never let you go...You can arrest me, baby.I don"t wanna leave.Lock me up throw away the key.I don"t care if I"m in trouble deepI"m addicted to your love.I"ll be your prisoner.I"ll be your prisoner tonight.I-I-I-I"m under your spell.And I just can"t get enough.I"ll be your prisonerTonight.I"ll be your prisonerI-I-I-I"m under your spell,And i just can"t get enough --------------------------Jeffree star - Bitch PleaseAin"t no bitch who can do it like meGo f-u-c-k yourself babyAin"t no bitch who can do it like meThe critics and the press agreeAin"t no bitch who can do it like meJ-e-f-f to the r-e-eAin"t no bitch who can do it like meUh huh - what? - yeah!Slide my panties off in your lamborghiniTmz just saw my coochie like i was britneyBe flo rida an spin me right round roundBut don"t try to bite me like chris brownMake my bottle pop like a pussycat dollSmoked out michael phelps and won a gold medalAin"t no bitch who can do it like meCall me f-a-g, bitch please!Ain"t no bitch who can do it like meYou can l-i-c-k my pussyAin"t no bitch who can do it like meI"m the h-o-t-s-h-i-tAin"t no bitch who can do it like meUh huh - what? - yeah!Flashed my taint ohh! does it turn you on?Gave lil wayne a skirt an some pom pomsThey all go lady gaga over my throat skillsGave zac efron my poker face & left him with chillsAnd 3oh! 3 warned me not to trust you hoesSucked off kanye west now i"m one of the brosAin"t no bitch who can do it like meI"m beautiful, effortlesslyAin"t no bitch who can do it like meI gotta p.h.d. in faggotryAin"t no bitch who can do it like meI s-u-c-k perfectlyAin"t no bitch who can do it like meIt"s a crime to look so pre-prettyAin"t no bitch who can do it like meIf you want my peaches, shake my treeAin"t no bitch who can do it like meI l-o-v-e violentlyAin"t no bitch who can do it like meI"m cuter then hello kittyAin"t no bitch who can do it like meJ-e-f-f to the r-e-e2023-07-19 10:07:081
歌名:爱无怨无悔演唱:星宇歌词:站在黑夜里有点累却怎么疲惫都不想睡今夜只有星星伴我醉我也不会等到谁来陪伤心的泪已忘了我是谁可我却忘不了你的美痛得心已碎也无怨无悔任何的痛都可以面对如果你真的爱上了谁我可以原谅你所有的不对让那所有的痛和伤悲让我一个人背我都无怨无悔如果你真的爱上了谁我可以原谅你所有的不对曾经所有的爱和泪水让我慢慢枯萎我都不后悔站在黑夜里有点累却怎么疲惫都不想睡今夜只有星星伴我醉我也不会等到谁来陪伤心的泪已忘了我是谁可我却忘不了你的美痛得心已碎也无怨无悔任何的痛都可以面对如果你真的爱上了谁我可以原谅你所有的不对让那所有的痛和伤悲让我一个人背我都无怨无悔如果你真的爱上了谁我可以原谅你所有的不对曾经所有的爱和泪水让我慢慢枯萎我都不后悔如果你真的爱上了谁我可以原谅你所有的不对让那所有的痛和伤悲让我一个人背我都无怨无悔如果你真的爱上了谁我可以原谅你所有的不对曾经所有的爱和泪水让我慢慢枯萎我都不后悔2023-07-19 10:07:173
歌曲: Lollipop Luxury S-T-A-R/【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?)/(什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch)/(母狗)S-T-A-RI"m on the top/我占据上位There"s no luck/没有什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop/永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move/让我扭动Make you move/让你摇摆Make you wanna hear me talk/让你听到我的声音See me walk/看我行走See me fuck/看我操你See me suck a lollipop/看我吮吸棒棒糖(Mmm)Wanna get messy/(嗯……)想要弄得污秽一团糟I"ll make you hot/我会让你浑身火热Make you rock/让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock/我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease/我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel/我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool/我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees pretty please/滴在你的双膝 拜托了美女You wish you were my main squeeze/你希望我最想上的就是你L L L Luxury/享受吧Fuck me/操我吧I"m a celebrity/谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere/我让你操我只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuck me/操我吧I"m a celebrity/谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me/让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me what you waiting for/我知道你想要吸我的XX那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop/唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock our wanna pop/让我们摇摆我想射Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see/我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop/I"ll make your booty drop/我会让你的双臀摇摇欲坠Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be/我就是你想要的一切mmm , hot damn./真他妈热here i come./我来了tell me how you want it done./告诉我你想怎样来做at the mall , in the hall./在商场,在大厅on your momma"s bedroom wall./还是在你妈妈卧室的墙壁上?you can choose , either way./你可以选一种,不过不管哪种you will end up on the news./都会让你上新闻(ha , yeah, just like you want it right?)/(对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?)do i make you wet?/我让你湿了吗?it"s all about the C.U.N.T./全部是关于你的阴屄【cunt直译为女性生殖器官,英语口语中会作为非常侮辱人的脏话出现】(i wanna hear you say)/我希望听到你说love my pink knife./你爱死我粉红的肉刀you wish you had a slice of me./我希望你拥有我身体的一部分i"m a celebrity.Fuck meI"m a celebrityCan"t take your eyes off meI"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhereFuck meI"m a celebrityCan"t take your hands off meI know you wanna suck me what you waiting forLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beOMG , LOL , It"s true but sex will always sell./哦天哪(Oh my god)棒棒糖(lollipop)now it"s time for you to go./现在你该走了(so what , so what)/那又怎样?那又怎样呢?OMG , LOL , It"s true but sex will always sell./now it"s time for you to go./(so what, so what)oh my god , can"t you tell./你难道不能告诉我的XXmy mmmm makes you wanna sweat./它让你大汗淋漓am i all set?/我准备就绪了么?(not yet , not yet.)/还没呢,还没呢oh my god , can"t you tell.my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.am i all set?(not yet , not yet.)Lip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna be2023-07-19 10:07:252
J姐。余姚富二代网红爱马仕是J姐,爱马仕多到可以砌墙,说是富可敌国一点也不夸张。就是J姐(男),J姐全名Jeffree Star,是全球知名美妆博主,凭着抓马豪爽,夸张吸睛的造型,和对粉丝极尽温柔的真诚。2023-07-19 10:07:431
一般保质期都是5年的。一般保质期都是5年,但是具体要看产品标注哦,不同的型号生产日期和年份各有不同,购买时一定要认准。不过你买遮瑕膏又不是拿来收藏的,肯定要开封使用,而其在开封的情况下,保质期有六到十二个月的时间。2023-07-19 10:07:521
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可以官网查询,还可以各大美妆软件输入条形码进行查询,也可以咨询你购买的客服查询2023-07-19 10:07:591
一首英文的歌,里面有一段歌词是FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK ME,而且歌名的前两个字母好像是IF。
jeffree star的lollipop luxury肯定是滴~望采纳2023-07-19 10:08:064
lolipop luxuryjeffree star的歌 蛮好听2023-07-19 10:08:144
我只能说是个牛人 经久不衰的牛人 他不是非洲裔的美国人,他是来自非洲塞内加尔的黑人 可是他却在美国取的完美成就 我是非常非常的喜欢他 在告诉你喔,只要和akon合作的艺人都能红喔! 还有那就是akon的歌每首都好听 真的喔!他就是首首都是金曲的代表人物!不信你可以去听听! Akon 原名 Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam(超长的名字) 出生于达喀尔(Dakar), 塞内加尔。 身高;1.78米 生日:1977年4月16日 (akon并不知道自己的生日是哪一天,但是他每年都是在4月16号来庆祝自己的生日~~) 最喜爱歌手:迈克尔·杰克逊 Akon是穆斯林人,出生自非洲西部的陌生国度塞内加尔的Akon,七岁时随父亲举家搬到美国的新泽西州,从第三世界进入水泥丛林,akon始终郁郁寡欢,好在他运动神经发达的本钱让他拿到篮球奖学金,顺利进入大学,无奈就当他意气风发、立志成为职业球员时,不幸摔坏了膝盖。天生反骨的akon开始在街头讨生活,甚至还因为偷车被逮入狱,三年的苦牢让他彻底洗心革面,决心走上正途,于是akon透过音乐、用音乐纪录生活,一人身兼词曲创作/制作编曲,推出首张大碟《爱情烦恼trouble》。好歌不寂寞,专辑一推出就连坐英国金榜2周冠军和R&B榜6周冠军,首支单曲"Lonely"也空降英国金榜冠军蝉连2周。被纽约时报誉为“塞内加尔的惊喜”,寂寞先生akon特有的骚灵嗓音让每首歌都充满全新生命,不论是轻柔饶舌的歌曲、还是派对劲歌都有自己的风格,就像听到一个最原始的非洲灵魂对你亲声吟诵一段段街头故事。未来还可能会参选塞内加尔总统的阿肯,就要走出寂寞,为你歌唱。(不过前一阵 akon对记者说,看了电视剧《24小时》,他觉得作总统是很可怕的事,他放弃了。呵呵,当然 ,这只是个玩笑) [编辑本段]【音乐之路】 源于对父亲的崇拜,akon对音乐的热爱是根深蒂固的,最终他还是走上了音乐的路。akon一开始投入数种打击乐器的演奏,随后还是爱上了嘻哈音乐,虽然起初他对此颇不以为然,“我第一次听到嘻哈音乐的时候,我觉得那真是垃圾~~,只因为我不了解人们为什么要用说的方式来诠释音乐。但当我开始长大,有了点生活体验、再仔细听那些歌词之后,我发现我的生活与那些饶舌者所唱念的歌词有了印证,我可以感同身受。” 嘻哈进入了他的生命,akon的音乐之途从此不可限量,他开始专注于创作、制作他自己的音乐。“Show Out”就是一首关于嘻哈如何影响他的歌曲,在疏落却重拍的节奏里唱着"Don"t tempt me/"Cuz I"m close to the edge/I"m trying not to lose my head",巧妙地融合了原始的歌词,这首歌在保留原味的同时也向过往的嘻哈先锋表达敬意。 2003年,在赢得了很多音乐大奖之后,塞内加尔歌手AKON将更多自己的个人经历和故事倾注到了专辑Konvicted 的制作中。现在,AKON的重心工作就是通过拯救音乐来改造自己。作为著名的爵士音乐家Mor Thiam的儿子,AKON很早就开始接触各种各样的音乐,但是明显的,AKON更加钟爱灵歌,并想把这种音乐形式和其他不同的音乐相融合。AKON在自己的艺术道路上,结合时下流行的音乐元素,不断的尝试各种新的曲风。 AKON的单曲"LOCKED UP"为他赢得了广泛的知名度,而一个艺术家的多面和敏感在他的第二张专辑中得到证实。Konvicted的目前销量已经达到115万张。AKON凭借两首单曲"I Wanna love you"和"Smack that"不仅在Billboard Hot 100音乐榜上包揽了冠、亚军的宝座,同时在MTV榜同样处于领先位置。与此同时,单曲"Smack That"也是Billboard Hot 100欧洲榜的冠军。不仅如此,在iTUNES SINGLES的下载榜单上,AKON的这两首单曲同样取得了第三、第六的好成绩。在欧洲和美国,这两首单曲的铃声/彩铃下载量已经突破36万次。伴随着《Konvicted》的成功,AKON集歌手、创作者、制作人于一身,他排除了各种困难从而证明自己作为一个灵歌歌手在这个多变的新时代的重要性。《Konvicted》就是最好的例证! 纽泽西结束学业后便只身前往亚特兰大的阿肯,年纪轻轻便身兼自己个人首辑的词曲创作与制作人,2004年夏天签入环球唱片大厂祭出首张劲作《TROUBLE/麻烦》满载爆发力,辑中他唱出生活的历历:从非洲到美国、因为讲话有非洲口音而被白人小孩取笑、直到中学都被同学贬称为"Nigga"…,誓言“为尊重/正义而唱”激励着阿肯,"Trouble Nobody"道尽A-K-O-N的全部、多曲直捣嘻哈魔咒的嘻哈呛曲让美国西岸嘻哈版图剧动!"Show Out"唱出曾是他心中所谓“垃圾”到如今是他生命全部的“嘻哈音乐”对他的影响;饶舌嘻哈中带点雷鬼慵懒风景的首发单曲"Bananza (Belly Dancer)”阿肯要大家抛开一切不开心,只管随漂亮美眉摇摆在SUMMER派对里!单曲"Locked Up"获Billboard节奏蓝调榜TOP6 流行榜TOP8、英国节奏蓝调榜亚军 英国金榜TOP5;好歌不寂寞~单曲"Mr Lonely"全球点击率最高的一首歌曲lonely 空降英国金榜冠军 英国节奏蓝调榜亚军、Billboard流行榜TOP4,这首歌让他的名号红遍英国,甚至全世界。 [编辑本段]【Akon 经典歌曲】 1.Lonely (成名曲,收录在 04 Album Trouble) 2.Locked Up - Feat Styles P (收录在 04 Album Trouble) 3.Don"t matter (收录在 06 Album Konvicted) 4.Smack that - Feat Eminem (收录在 06 Album Konvicted) 5.Sorry,Blame It On Me (收录在 06 Album Konvicted) 6.I Wanna Fuck You - Feat Snoop Dogg (收录在 06 Album Konvicted) 7.Never Took The Time (收录在 06 Album Konvicted) 8.Right Now (Na Na Na) (收录在 08 Album Freedom) 9.I"m So Paid - Feat Lil Wayne (收录在 08 Album Freedom) 10.Sunny Day - Feat Wyclef Jean (收录在 08 Album Freedom) 11.Hold My Hand - Feat Michael Jackson (收录在 08 Single Song)2023-07-19 10:08:224
Gregory Gorgeous是做什么职业?歌手?
Gregory Gorgeous 姓名:Gregory Gorgeous 性别:男 国籍:加拿大 出生年月:1992-4-20 素颜性取向:同性 爱好:化妆 做发型 等 能打很响的嗝 做事前会喜欢列个单子,但却从不会用到它 能笑得很大声~very very loud laugh(笑起来还真的蛮+o+神经额。。.) 不是常常运动,真要算的话,潜水是他曾参与过的“运动” 很喜欢吃东西,从不停嘴~eat all the time ! 小癖好:从不踏13级楼梯(也就是说上下楼的时候,第一级和第13级不踏),不然他会认为一天都没有好运气 很讨厌别人用很“做作”的语气打字或说话eg: if you "TyPe LyyKe DiS"---type like this "YuR ReLLah CuuTe"---you are really cute "ii LuFf YuUh"---I love you 有的时候很无聊,喜欢一个人呆着,打哈欠的时候像在哼圣诞歌曲 喜欢做怪腔,发怪音~ (很自恋哦~还喜欢说i"m cool哈哈~) 意大利后裔。 最喜欢的化妆品品牌:MAC (加拿大彩妆第一品牌,现为美国雅诗兰黛旗下所有。) 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色,绿色,黄色,紫色 最离不开的东西:手机,包包 最喜欢的电影:《德州电锯杀人狂》(Texas Chainsaw Massacre ,2003) 最喜欢的偶像:Jeffree Star,布兰妮u2022斯皮尔斯 向往的男朋友:Shamar Moore 最喜欢的食物:比萨饼,糖果,意大利式饺子 最喜欢的科目:media传媒 宠物:两只yorkshire terrier的小爱犬 其他:从不吃辣(否则要自杀了),每天早上都要淋浴2023-07-19 10:08:491
JOUER Co *** etics是哪个国家的牌子 JOUER是什么牌子
【导读】:JOUER Co *** etics也叫JOUER,很多人喜欢用它们价的眼影、唇釉等产品,没接触过可能不了解,这是一个比较小众的品牌。JOUER Co *** etics是哪个国家的牌子?JOUER是什么牌子? JOUER Co *** etics是哪个国家的牌子 JOUER Co *** etics是美国彩妆品牌,2008年创立,近两年非常火。JOUER Co *** etics的眼影、修容粉、唇彩、润肤霜等都非常火。品牌创立人Christina Zilber,初创品牌的主旨很简单,就是希望女性们不需要专业化妆师操刀也可以非常简单的创造出非常自然的妆容。 JOUER是什么牌子 JOUER美国洛杉矶一个小众彩妆品牌,JOUER的眼影、唇釉在网上非常火。不久前JOUER还和知名美国时尚博主J姐Jeffree Star一起推出新系列产品。JOUER是法语里面“玩”的意思,她家的眼影、腮红、修容粉还有唇蜜的包装边缘都有卡槽,和乐高积木一样,不管是后面还是侧面都可以连在一起。 JOUER修容粉非常自然,哑光效果的修容粉,粉末细小,而且非常好上妆,尤其是用刷子,那是相当好刷开。Jouer家的唇彩颜色选择不是很多,但是都是很经典很必备的颜色,比如淡妆妹子最爱的淡粉色,妖姬最爱的大红色,再就是复古的桃红色。它家唇蜜的滋润度那是非常的高。 JOUER的眼影笔也非常热门,非常好画,很适合懒人们,也是和新手。这款眼影笔质地柔软,用在眼部很是舒服,而且里面含有滋养成分,保护眼部娇嫩的皮肤。上妆之后干得非常的快,所以想要晕开一定下手要快。防水效果是不错的。显色度非常高,里面含有细微闪粉,但是定妆之后并没有太过分。2023-07-19 10:08:561
有首英文歌开头star,然后高潮是什么fuck me,什么的,很污
Radioactive (Chuckie) [Big ...播放歌手:Marina & The Diamonds语言:英语所属专辑:Radioactive发行时间:2011-09-302023-07-19 10:09:033
您好:不清楚,但是好听的英文歌好多呢~~~本人学英语的推荐这些吧希望你能喜欢。1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌); 2、Burning--Maria Arredondo; 3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯; 4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听); 5、Apologize--Timbaland; 6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一); 7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫特(绝棒的); 8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚.凯莉; 9、I Didn"t Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,也是我非常喜欢的黑人歌手之一。); 10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐); 11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat; 12、Mad--尼欧; 13、My All--玛丽亚.凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌); 14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。); 15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲); 16、The Saltwater Room--Owl City(最爱的歌手之一,曲风相当特别); 17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~); 18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一); 19、This Is It--迈克尔.杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力); 20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风.以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!); 21、Just One Last Dance--Sarah Connor(这个经典的不用说吧,); 22、Angle--Sarah Mclachlan(天籁之音~~);23、Living To Love You--Sarah Connor(歌词催人泪下,我最喜欢的慢歌之一); 24、Nothings Gonna Change My Love For You--Glenn Mediros(被方大同翻唱过,那肯定好听拉); 25、I Look To You--Whitney Houston; 26、I Got You--丽安娜.刘易斯; 27、Love To Be Loved By You--马克.特伦茨(歌词和曲调非常感人!); 28、Butterfly Fly Away--Miley Cyrus(《乖乖女是大明星》的插曲,讲的父亲对女儿的爱的故事,曲风清新); 29、Eversleeping--Xandria(不会让你失望的慢歌); 30、Wonderful Tonight--Baby Face(也是被方大同翻唱的歌); 31、Still Crazy In Love--Sarah Connor; 32、We Can Work It Out --Sweetbox; 33、Sexy Love--Ne Yo; 34、Happily Never After--Pussycat Dolls; 35、A Fine Frenzy--Almost Lover(后面的才是歌名,曲调有点小特别~); 36、Craigie hill----Cara Dillon(首推这首,温馨极了,好听极了。有点像m2m的声音。) ; 37、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ; 38、Beautiful Boy--Celine Dion(歌手不用介绍.....); 39、A Place Nearby与Unforgivable Sinner--Lene Marlin(挪威创作才女,) ; 40、Scarborough Fair(毕业生):(《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲。本人还是喜欢布莱曼她唱的。 ); 41、classicriver:(第一次听这曲子的时候是在初秋的深夜,偶然听到了它,刹时间时间和空间好象都凝固了一样!听着它,感觉深藏心底的那份无尽地孤独被慢慢地勾起, 曾经的回忆, 失去的快乐,刻骨的伤心,和短暂拥有,都在那一刻漂浮了起来,占据了身边的所有的空间. 它让我感觉到了这世间最珍贵的是亲情,爱情.金钱算得了什么呢). <classicriver>很多人都听过的旋律.这样的经典歌曲是无价之宝.相信当你知道这歌曲之后,如果突然失去它,你会觉得好孤独,无助... 这样的音乐是无价之宝~); 42、If I Were A Boy--Beyonce(可以做铃声!开头就已经把气氛带起来了~); 43、Love You Lately--Daniel Powter; 44、I Hate Love--Claude Kelly; 45、Amarantine--Enya(节奏非常棒的一首天籁,经典慢歌~); 46、Better In Time--Leona Lewis; 47、Crush--David Archuleta; 48、You Raise Me Up--Westlife; 49、Realize--Colbie Caillat(科比.凯拉,几乎她的每一首歌都是那么的特别和好听。非常喜欢的歌手之一); 50、I See You--Leona Lewis(就是《阿凡达》的主题曲,看过电影再听这个歌,我们能听到的,就不止是幻想与憧憬了,还有爱和感动..); 51、Day Too Soon--Sia(也是个所有歌几乎都不错的歌手。); 52、Doesn"t Mean Anything--Alicia Keys(个人钟爱的一首歌!非常非常好听!); 53、It"s Amazing--Jem(节奏非常好!><,不会后悔的歌哦~); 54、Lovebug--Jonas Brothers(高潮非常明快,清新,非常舒服的一首小情歌~喜欢啊~); 55、When You"re Mad--Ne-Yo(尼欧的歌总是那么那么好听,不管是RAP风还是R&B,都非常棒!); 56、One Fine Wire--Colbie Caillat(高潮曲调的设计有点小俏皮。); 57、Vidas Paralelas--Ximena Sarinana(一首法语歌,节奏明快。个人觉得偶尔听听法语歌也是满有趣的。笑~); 58、Wait Til You Here From You--Sarah Connor(开头的独白,那种声音令人放松,接着的曲调非常的好听!推荐!); 59、Sitting Down Here--琳恩玛莲(开头就足以让你喜欢的调调~高潮适合作铃声。); 60、A Place Nearby--琳恩玛莲(全曲以纯明的钢琴和鼓点贯穿。曲调单纯,听了叫人放松。); 61、When You Believe--Mariah Carey&Whitney Houston(两个天后的合音,完美中的完美啊!巨好听!); 62、Dilemma--Kelly Rowland(非常非常好听!高潮部分非常非常适合做铃声!女生手机必备!); 63、No Air--约尔丁斯巴克斯(开头足以定风格,可以作铃声); 64、The Best Day--Taylar Swift; 65、Viva La Vida--Coldplay; 66、Wait For You--Elliott Yamin(非常非常非常好听的!曾经就听过,昨天才终于被我找到~); 67、Time For Miracles--Harald Kloser; 68、When I"m With You--西城男孩(又一首经典旧歌。真的是,开场就征服了我,); 69、A Todo Color--魏如萱(西班牙语,有点甜美的意味。); 70、I Ain"t Tryin"--KeAnthong; 71、Buttons--Sia(曲调小特别~) 72、Little Bit Better--玛丽亚.亚瑞唐多(听这首歌的开头,心里就留下一句话:这歌怎么这么好听啊,笑~); 73、Trip Around The World--Alexz Johnson(可作铃声,女生版清新说唱风,带给你不一样的感觉。); 74、Gonna Get It--Alexz Johnson(开头的尖叫够震撼,够特别,可作铃声); 75、Can Anybody Hear Me--Meredith Andrews(嗓音听起来很舒服,比较喜欢高潮以外的部分。); 76、Eh Eh(Nothing Eale I Can Say--Lady GaGa(GaGa的新歌,开头很特别,可作铃声。感觉风格有点像玛利亚.凯莉~); 77、Before The Down--Jennifer Rush(有点怀旧的感觉。); 78、As Long As It Takes--Meredith Andrews(很纯的嗓音); 79、Stupid In Love--Rihanna(开头的鼓点不错,R的嗓音特别吸引人,但个人还是更喜欢她的快歌); 80、Give You Hell--The All-American Rejects(可爱的背景音乐,很欢快的节奏,不过歌手是男的哟~); 81、Welcome To My Life--Simple Plan(这首要个人慢慢去体味,可能第一遍会觉得一般般,但其实后来会觉得蛮有味道的。)我几乎不听中文歌,所以有很多英文歌都很好听啊。望采纳~~祝好~~~~2023-07-19 10:09:111
歌名:Lollipop Luxury 歌手:Jeffree Star
Lyrics to Lollipop Luxury :中文翻译:青山雀S-T-A-R【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?) (什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch) (母狗)S-T-A-RI"m on the top我占据上位There"s no luck 没有什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move 做我的爱Make you move做你的爱Make you wanna hear me talk让你听到我的声音See me walk看我行走See me fuсk看我丅操你See me suck a lollipop 看我吮吸棒棒糖(Mmm) Wanna get messy(嗯……)想要弄得污秽一团糟I"ll make you hot我会让你浑身火热Make you rock 让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees滴在你的双膝Pretty please拜托了美女You wish you were my main squeeze你希望我最想上的就是你L-L-L Luxury.享受吧Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I make you fuсk me just to get somewhere我让你操丅我只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me我知道你想要吸我的XXWhat you"re waiting for那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock I wanna pop让我们摇摆我想射Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your (booty drop)我会让你的双丅臀摇摇欲坠Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be我就是你想要的一切Hot damn, here I come真丅他妈的热,我来了Tell me how you want it done告诉我你想怎样来做At the mall, in the hall, on your mama"s bedroom wall在商场,在大厅还是在你妈妈卧室的墙壁上?You can choose, either way you will end up on the news(Yeah, just like you wanted, right?)你可以选一种,不过不管哪种都会让你上新闻(对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?)Do I make you wet我让你湿了吗?It"s all about the C-U-N-T全部是关于你的**【cunt直译为女性生殖器官,英语口语中会作为非常侮辱人的脏话出现】2023-07-19 10:09:312
谁有 jeffree star 在beautiful killer 里面那首lollipop luxury 的歌词?
i"m on the topthere is no lucknever turned around to stopmake my movemake you movemake you wanna hear me talksee me walksee me fucksee me suck a lollipopwanna get messyi"ll make you hotmake you rocki"ll leave the world in shocki"m your tease i"m your fueli just wanna see you droolon your knees pretty pleaseyou wish you were my main squeezelllluxuryfuck mei"m a celebritycan"t take your eyes off mei"ll make you fuke me just to get somewherefuck mei"m a celebritycan"t take your hands off mei know you wanna suck me what you waiting forlipgloss and lollipoplet"s rock our water popcan"t take your eyes off mei"m all that you can seelipgloss and lollipopi"ll make your feet drop can"t take your eyes off mei"m everthing you wanna bemmm hot damnhere i cometell me how you want it doneat the mall in the hall on your momma"s bedroom wall you can choose either way you you will end upon the news[ha yeah just like you want it right?]do i make you wetit"s all about the C.U.N.T[i wanna hear you say]love my pink knifeyou wish you had a slice of me2023-07-19 10:09:371
Lollipop LuxuryS-T-A-R/【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?)/(什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch)/(母狗)S-T-A-RI"m on the top/我占据上位There"s no luck/没有什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop/永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move/让我扭动Make you move/让你摇摆Make you wanna hear me talk/让你听到我的声音See me walk/看我行走See me fuck/看我操你See me suck a lollipop/看我吮吸棒棒糖(Mmm)Wanna get messy/(嗯……)想要弄得污秽一团糟I"ll make you hot/我会让你浑身火热Make you rock/让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock/我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease/我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel/我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool/我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees pretty please/滴在你的双膝 拜托了美女You wish you were my main squeeze/你希望我最想上的就是你L L L Luxury/享受吧Fuck me/操我吧I"m a celebrity/谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhere/我让你操我只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuck me/操我吧I"m a celebrity/谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me/让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me what you waiting for/我知道你想要吸我的XX那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop/唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock our wanna pop/让我们摇摆我想射Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see/我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop/I"ll make your booty drop/我会让你的双臀摇摇欲坠Can"t take your eyes off me/你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be/我就是你想要的一切mmm , hot damn./真他妈热here i come./我来了tell me how you want it done./告诉我你想怎样来做at the mall , in the hall./在商场,在大厅on your momma"s bedroom wall./还是在你妈妈卧室的墙壁上?you can choose , either way./你可以选一种,不过不管哪种you will end up on the news./都会让你上新闻(ha , yeah, just like you want it right?)/(对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?)do i make you wet?/我让你湿了吗?it"s all about the C.U.N.T./全部是关于你的阴屄【cunt直译为女性生殖器官,英语口语中会作为非常侮辱人的脏话出现】(i wanna hear you say)/我希望听到你说love my pink knife./你爱死我粉红的肉刀you wish you had a slice of me./我希望你拥有我身体的一部分i"m a celebrity.Fuck meI"m a celebrityCan"t take your eyes off meI"ll make you fuck me just to get somewhereFuck meI"m a celebrityCan"t take your hands off meI know you wanna suck me what you waiting forLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beOMG , LOL , It"s true but sex will always sell./哦天哪(Oh my god)棒棒糖(lollipop)now it"s time for you to go./现在你该走了(so what , so what)/那又怎样?那又怎样呢?OMG , LOL , It"s true but sex will always sell./now it"s time for you to go./(so what, so what)oh my god , can"t you tell./你难道不能告诉我的XXmy mmmm makes you wanna sweat./它让你大汗淋漓am i all set?/我准备就绪了么?(not yet , not yet.)/还没呢,还没呢oh my god , can"t you tell.my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.am i all set?(not yet , not yet.)Lip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna beLip gloss and lollipopLet"s rock our water popCan"t take your eyes off meI"m all that you can seeLip gloss and lollipopI"ll make your feet dropCan"t take your eyes off meI"m everything you wanna be2023-07-19 10:09:441
Lollipop Luxury的中文歌词是什么啊?Jeffree Star唱的~
i"m on the topthere is no lucknever turned around to stopmake my movemake you movemake you wanna hear me talksee me walksee me fucksee me suck a lollipopwanna get messyi"ll make you hotmake you rocki"ll leave the world in shocki"m your tease i"m your fueli just wanna see you droolon your knees pretty pleaseyou wish you were my main squeezelllluxuryfuck mei"m a celebritycan"t take your eyes off mei"ll make you fuke me just to get somewherefuck mei"m a celebritycan"t take your hands off mei know you wanna suck me what you waiting forlipgloss and lollipoplet"s rock our water popcan"t take your eyes off mei"m all that you can seelipgloss and lollipopi"ll make your feet drop can"t take your eyes off mei"m everthing you wanna bemmm hot damnhere i cometell me how you want it doneat the mall in the hall on your momma"s bedroom wall you can choose either way you you will end upon the news[ha yeah just like you want it right?]do i make you wetit"s all about the C.U.N.T[i wanna hear you say]love my pink knifeyou wish you had a slice of me2023-07-19 10:09:511
jeffree star的lollipop luxury中文歌词
我高高在上很不幸的是我决不会改变主意停下来我会有所动作也会让你动起来让你想听听我的言语看着我向你走来看着我做看着我吮吸着棒棒糖想要变得不洁么?我会让你着火让你扭动着身体我会让世界都震惊我挑逗着你我刺激着你我只想看着你的口水流到膝盖上,求求你你期待着能成为我的情人如此享受与我做吧我是如此有名气你的视线离不开我我会让你到达高潮与我做吧我是如此有名气你的双手放不开我我知道你已经等不及让我舔你唇膏与棒棒糖就让我们在水池里尽情地翻滚吧你的视线离不开我如你所见,这就是我的全部唇膏与棒棒糖我会让你没有力气你的视线离不开我我就是你想要的一切嗯…………辣妹我来了告诉我你想在哪儿做在林荫道上,在走廊上或是在你妈妈卧室的墙面上随你选反正最后你会告诉我哈,其实你就想要这样吧?我让你湿漉漉的了么?在你的花瓣上……我想听见你说喜欢我那粉色的凶器你希望被我的刀切割吧与我做吧我是如此有名气你的视线离不开我我会让你到达高潮与我做吧我是如此有名气你的双手放不开我我知道你已经等不及让我舔你唇膏与棒棒糖就让我们在水池里尽情地翻滚吧你的视线离不开我如你所见,这就是我的全部唇膏与棒棒糖我会让你没有力气你的视线离不开我我就是你想要的一切2023-07-19 10:09:581
求 jeffree star 《lollipop luxury》 歌词翻译 ~
我高高在上很不幸的是我决不会改变主意停下来我会有所动作也会让你动起来让你想听听我的言语看着我向你走来看着我做看着我吮吸着棒棒糖想要变得不洁么?我会让你着火让你扭动着身体我会让世界都震惊我挑逗着你我刺激着你我只想看着你的口水流到膝盖上,求求你你期待着能成为我的情人如此享受与我做吧我是如此有名气你的视线离不开我我会让你到达高潮与我做吧我是如此有名气你的双手放不开我我知道你已经等不及让我舔你唇膏与棒棒糖就让我们在水池里尽情地翻滚吧你的视线离不开我如你所见,这就是我的全部唇膏与棒棒糖我会让你没有力气你的视线离不开我我就是你想要的一切嗯…………辣妹我来了告诉我你想在哪儿做在林荫道上,在走廊上或是在你妈妈卧室的墙面上随你选反正最后你会告诉我哈,其实你就想要这样吧?我让你湿漉漉的了么?在你的花瓣上……我想听见你说喜欢我那粉色的凶器你希望被我的刀切割吧与我做吧我是如此有名气你的视线离不开我我会让你到达高潮与我做吧我是如此有名气你的双手放不开我我知道你已经等不及让我舔你唇膏与棒棒糖就让我们在水池里尽情地翻滚吧你的视线离不开我如你所见,这就是我的全部唇膏与棒棒糖我会让你没有力气你的视线离不开我我就是你想要的一切2023-07-19 10:10:041
求Jeffree Star - Legs Up 中英歌词
我高高在上很不幸的是我决不会改变主意停下来我会有所动作也会让你动起来让你想听听我的言语看着我向你走来看着我做看着我吮吸着棒棒糖想要变得不洁么?我会让你着火让你扭动着身体我会让世界都震惊我挑逗着你我刺激着你我只想看着你的口水流到膝盖上,求求你你期待着能成为我的情人如此享受与我做吧我是如此有名气你的视线离不开我我会让你到达高潮与我做吧我是如此有名气你的双手放不开我我知道你已经等不及让我舔你唇膏与棒棒糖就让我们在水池里尽情地翻滚吧你的视线离不开我如你所见,这就是我的全部唇膏与棒棒糖我会让你没有力气你的视线离不开我我就是你想要的一切嗯…………辣妹我来了告诉我你想在哪儿做在林荫道上,在走廊上或是在你妈妈卧室的墙面上随你选反正最后你会告诉我哈,其实你就想要这样吧?我让你湿漉漉的了么?在你的花瓣上……我想听见你说喜欢我那粉色的凶器你希望被我的刀切割吧与我做吧我是如此有名气你的视线离不开我我会让你到达高潮与我做吧我是如此有名气你的双手放不开我我知道你已经等不及让我舔你唇膏与棒棒糖就让我们在水池里尽情地翻滚吧你的视线离不开我如你所见,这就是我的全部唇膏与棒棒糖我会让你没有力气你的视线离不开我我就是你想要的一切My superiorUnfortunatelyI"ll never change my mind to stopI can do somethingWill make you moveLet you to listen to my wordsLook at my coming to youWatch what I doLook at me suck a lollipopWant to become unclean?I"ll let you fireLet you writhingI will let the world shockedI tease youI spurred youI just want to look at your mouth water to the knees, please.You expect to be my loverSo enjoyAnd I do it.I was so famousThe sight of you cannot do without meI"ll let you climaxAnd I do it.I was so famousYour hands without meI know you can"t wait to let me lick yourLipstick and lollipopLet us enjoy the tumbling in the pool.The sight of you cannot do without meAs you can see, this is my allLipstick and lollipopI"ll let you have no strengthThe sight of you cannot do without meI"m all you wantWell............ The Spice GirlsI"m comingTell me where do you want to doOn the avenue, in the corridor.Or in your mother"s bedroom wall.As you chooseAnyway, finally you will tell meHa, you actually want that?I let you wet the?In your petals......I want to hear you sayLike the pink.You want to be my knife.And I do it.I was so famousThe sight of you cannot do without meI"ll let you climaxAnd I do it.I was so famousYour hands without meI know you can"t wait to let me lick yourLipstick and lollipopLet us enjoy the tumbling in the pool.The sight of you cannot do without meAs you can see, this is my allLipstick and lollipopI"ll let you have no strengthThe sight of you cannot do without meI"m all you want2023-07-19 10:10:111
好听劲爆的英文歌,类似Bang Bang 。。。歌手名也要
《lolipop luxury》《prom night》《beauty killer》——jeffree star2023-07-19 10:10:195
Jeffree Star是gay吗?
是的。2023-07-19 10:10:332
lollipop luxury ——jeffree star 这首歌吧_(:_」∠)_ 自我感觉歌词有点露骨吧。。2023-07-19 10:10:421
您好!我的答案如下:Since Jeffreestar gave you point of praise, I undertake to pay attention to you as best I can.希望可以帮到你!2023-07-19 10:11:002
有一首jeffree star的歌里面有一句词好像是particular『听着像』,单词成句,很有
i"m on the top there is no luck never turned around to stop make my move make you move make you wanna hear me talk see me walk see me fuck see me suck a lollipop wanna get messy i"ll make you hot make you rock i"ll leave the wou30022023-07-19 10:11:071