帮助分析亚马逊类目市场及竞争环境的。通过他们可以看出市场竞争激不激烈,是否存在垄断性,新品占比多少,FBM占比多少等等,从中可以粗略判定是红海还是蓝海。另外,上面说的是插件。他们的软件是选品用的,选品方法很不错,可以看看2023-07-19 08:11:131
买了插件,19.9一个月,还有用的,直接图表呈现数据,都不用手动统计了,提高效率2023-07-19 08:11:211
求推荐亚马逊免费选品软件文末有福利亚马逊可售品类50000种,目前卖家品类集中在1%,如何发掘剩下的99%未知市场?sorftime推出亚马逊DSF双排序过滤选品法,针对每个类目进行超过20个不同数据维度的分类统计和整理,可马上知道哪个品类平均价格最高?哪个品类A+占比最低?哪个品类新品占比最高?哪个品类亚马逊自营比例最低?Sorftime亚马逊标配选品工具,随性的亚马逊新华词典,随时随地查看亚马逊全行业,全品类市场情况。Sorftime 手机端能够为你做什么?1、在展会中、日常生活中、亚马逊前台浏览时、同行聚会时…等各种空间,我们总是会遇见感兴趣的陌生产品。敏感而理智的亚马逊卖家,第一时间会想了解这个产品所在的品类目前市场环境怎样?自己是否适合进入这个品类?这个品类哪几个数据维度存在垄断?需要推广多久、花多少推广费才能稳定权重,实现盈利?前期的推广费自己是否能够承受?2、我们准备进入或已经运营的品类我们是否希望随时查看爆款是谁?新品爆款是谁?垄断品牌和卖家是谁?是否希望随时了解市场环境的变化,竞争格局的变化以及对手新品的进展?如今的亚马逊,市场情况实时调研必不可少!在此之前,要做到详细调研一个品类(细分市场),做到对目标市场形势的预判,做到良好的投资风控.....我们需要一个成熟运营花3天进行统计、整理几十种维度,分析和总结十几张表格。期间,随时变动的亚马逊数据会让统计过程异常艰难、让人抓狂,导致分析效率极低或者出现误导,也让我们对更多机会品类的探索望而却步.......这些都是我们曾经亲身经历的痛点!!!所以,我们通过此次活动决定将Sorftime 1.0 手机版赠送给部分亚马逊卖家永久免费使用!这将提高整个亚马逊卖家群体78.54%市场分析工作效率!它将随时随地为你提供亚马逊全类目超过3万份每天更新的各级行业/市场调研报告,你现在只需一键即可瞬间查看。Sorftime 手机版包括:品类综合数据5个市场垄断维度分析图表新品活跃度品类价格区间品类开发空间售后成本风险Listing打造成本及风险类目流量路径盈亏计算器等内容和功能福利来啦!看过来!一夜燃爆亚马逊朋友圈的大数据分析神器Sorftime福利大派送啦!!2023-07-19 08:11:292
Tim,叫罗挺。之前到处讲课的。亚马逊官方招商团队培训他都是讲师。早起做卖家还挺成功。后来把他成功的方法做成软件系统了。2023-07-19 08:11:351
百度他们官网,找他们销售。如果只是看类目市场、竞争情况,一个月19.9就行了,还是很便宜。如果要选品就要用他们的软件,他们软件标价是4千多,好像找他们销售可以便宜点。2023-07-19 08:11:431
他们是根据实际销量来做的,比那些用搜索量来得准些。但是现在市场上都没得100%准的,主要看个竞争环境,不需要分毫不差,看图形就明白了2023-07-19 08:11:501
插件是安装在浏览器上的,你看Amazon Best Sellers的时候安装的插件会自动显示出来,主要是展示你正在看的这个Amazon Best Sellers类目的市场、竞争报告。2023-07-19 08:12:111
卖家精灵用的人更多,有折扣码,单人版:LAX72,其他版本:LAX78,包月:LAX902023-07-19 08:12:291
跟卖说白了就是跟风售卖,插空赚钱。举个例子,当卖家甲创建了一个产品页面,卖家乙发现这个产品销量很好,于是也跟卖着这个产品。而且不同卖家之间的同款产品共用同一个详情页面,这就是跟卖。插空赚钱是因为跟卖毕竟不算很上台面的事,需要在被正规卖家发现之前快速撤掉。所以基本需要趁正规卖家休息时进行售卖,也就是传说中的“阴间作息”。它要求跟卖方的跟卖产品必须与被跟卖方的产品一模一样,包括产品的品牌、外观、包装、功能、颜色、大小等。例如亚马逊出售的办公用品位于黄金购物车,而在右下角出现的“Others Sellers on Amazon”就是其他跟卖的卖家,他们也在出售同款产品,可以看到所有的跟卖卖家,以及各个卖家的产品价格,运费、配送物流等信息。2023-07-19 08:12:393
插件:月度、季度、年度。软件:年费、终身2023-07-19 08:12:581
亚马逊跟卖选品的方法与技巧:1.不选大牌的产品跟卖大品牌首先就要面对授权问题,拿不到授权就直接是侵权了。毕竟大品牌怎么可能不做商标注册和品牌备案呢?而授权又不是谁都能拿到的,所以敬而远之就好。2.不跟卖没有人跟卖或者只有几个跟卖的产品没有人跟卖的产品就很可能是进行品牌备案的产品。而跟卖只有几个的也不一定是潜力产品,这种情况一般是一些有进行注册和备案的小牌子卖家自己在跟卖自己。3.不跟卖利润低的产品跟卖本身就是通过打价格战来吸引消费者。谁的价格低就能有更多的单量这确实没错,但是跟卖本身就是在压缩卖家的利润空间来吸引消费者,如果再选择低利润的产品去打价格战,那就是赔本买卖干赚吆喝。4.不跟卖很多人跟卖的产品不要去找太过于火爆的产品和很轻松能够找到的产品,太过引人注目,万一引来亚马逊官方干预就凉凉了。这条也不仅仅是跟卖的选品策略,做其他模式也同样适用。5.不盲目跟卖同行如果想要跟卖同样做跟卖的卖家,可以选择用不同的关键字去搜索产品,挑同一品类的卖家去看看。如果店铺没有注册品牌,同时还跟卖了很多listing,在无法确定对方的listing那些可以跟的时候,可以选择对方所有的自建listing进行跟卖。2023-07-19 08:13:082
直接用Sorftime,全品类40个维度排序,先初步筛选出一些符合的类目,然后在分析测算,找出最适合自己的能够长期盈利的类目。2023-07-19 08:13:161
亚马逊产品定价分三步走:1.给产品的品质定位:了解不同价格区间分别对应什么品质的产品,和自己的产品对比,精准定位。2.给自己的需求定位:明确是想薄利多销、还是厚利少销。3.给自己的价格定位:明确以上两点之后,一般可以选择和自己产品品质相近,销量占比更大的价格带;高端产品促销时则需对标销量更高的低价格带。一般的选品软件都会有关于价格的数据,还蛮清晰的,我个人用的sorftime,一个月倒也不贵。2023-07-19 08:13:231
作为一个电商平台来说,如果是选择做跨境,它有这几个优势:1.平台体量大:亚马逊平台所覆盖的市场,是跨境卖家所需的最为核心的市场。如:美国、加拿大、墨西哥、日本、英国等,这些国家和地区经济发展情况好,亚马逊也都是最大的网购平台,在美国,亚马逊的发展势头高于沃尔玛等一系列电商平台。2.平台发展成熟:亚马逊一直秉持“以客户为中心”的观念,虽然这对于卖家来说有些严格,但不得不说,平台生态比较好,对于消费者来说也很有竞争力。3.平台规范:亚马逊重产品、轻店铺,未来的发展肯定是产品为王,精品化运营是肯定的,所以对卖家来说,踏踏实实卖东西都是有机会的,只是前期选品就格外重要。可以辅助一些工具来选品,我用Sorftime还不错,数据挺全的。2023-07-19 08:13:303
真实销量任何平台都看不见的,Sorftime可以看到预测销量,这个是根据亚马逊数据测算的,准确率达85%以上2023-07-19 08:13:401
现在销量前十有五个是纸巾,还有2个零售。其后大多数都是日程生活用品,比如牙刷,牙膏,洗洁精等。类目的话,LED灯、小夜灯、纸巾、耳机这些是卖得好的。但这个我建议你不要简单的看什么卖得好就跟进,他们大多数竞争比较大。进入市场前先评估市场竞争性和前期进入时投入的资金成本是中小卖家不采坑的必要前提。建议你去看看Sorftime的东西,可以让你少采坑,找到低竞争性的蓝海市场。2023-07-19 08:13:491
老卖家朋友都知道选品作为亚马逊卖家刚开店铺最为重要的步骤之一,是很多卖家所关注的,因此关于亚马逊选品的工具也不在少数。在众多选品工具中Jungle Scout是一个至发展以来最受欢迎的亚马逊工具。Jungle Scout赢得了它在此名单中排名第一的位置。看看各种渠道上对其的评价吧:“宇宙中最有用的亚马逊软件” – Huffington Post“用于数据驱动选品的最好的资源” – Forbes“帮助了数以千计的亚马逊企业避免失败” – Inc.“在大数据分析领域是举足轻重的” – Entrepreneur首先,它能够帮你过滤整个亚马逊的数据库,避免遗漏掉来自利基市场的重大机会。当然,你也可以用它来跟踪对手正在最什么。通过这种方式,当对手有价格变动或其它活动时,你能得到相应。同时,Jungle Scout提供了一个Chrome插件,这样你在访问产品详情页面时就能获得实时洞察 —— 看到产品大致的销量,评价数量等等。希望可以帮助到您2023-07-19 08:13:582
用的Sorftime,他们支持12大站点的数据分析选品。最近还出了微信小程序,有意思的,你可以搜索试试看。2023-07-19 08:14:191
1.市场调研老生常谈,也是必经之路,我们一定要对目标市场国家的消费市场做一个详尽的市场调研,知道我们的客户需求是什么,需要细分到各个站点季节气候的需求,节日产品供应,不同年龄段、不同阶层的消费者的消费习惯以及能力。从这几个点详细分析找到相对合适的大致产品类目方向。2.数据分析定好要做的类目后,找到该类目下的几个产品,根据排名分为BST,大类前50名,大类前100名。用一周左右的时间去监控销量,如果只有BST的销量比较高,其他中下排名销量都非常小,就说明这个产品市场切入难度偏高,前几名已经稳占市场,后来者很难再做起来,可以考虑先放弃。如果大部分排名靠前的销量都还可以,并且关注下中等排名上架日期是否相对时间较短,如果是短时间排名和销量能冲进前面,说明这个产品有一定的市场潜力,同时也可以了解到该类产品哪个样式以及颜色比较受欢迎,此时我们切入时机还不晚,可以放手去做。3. Review分析对一个产品,我们需要了解到市场客户对这个产品的满意度是否OK,就要从review来看,找到较多review的listing,把review好的和不好的全部罗列出来,总结出此类产品客户比较满意的点和不满意的点,不满意的地方可以看看我们是否有能力将产品改良优化,把别人做不到点作为我们自己的特点去卖,更能吸引到顾客。4.站内站外信息参考站内我们可以借助到的是类目下BST前100看到此类别下哪种产品比较受欢迎;Hot New Releases可以看出近期上升较快的产品,以此可以判断近期市场的消费趋势;Most Wished For可以判定客户的消费需求以及期望。站外我们可以多关注下国外购物以及社交视频网站分析近期人们的消费趋势。5.产品寿命周期调查没有季节性,比较通用性产品,一般来说市场竞争力比较大,Winnie认为一个产品只要有利润,没有侵权风险,都是可以做的,只是做起来以后,我们需要对这个产品的生命周期做一个大概预估,比如是在什么季节比较好卖,可以通过市场调研,也可以通过老卖家的留评时间判断,时间比较集中的,相对来说销量较好,所以在我们卖起来以后补货时一定要把控好时间节奏,避免积压库存。6.产品价值定位很多新卖家一开始都只是盯着相对定价普通性产品,这种产品风险小,但是利润也少,竞争力较大。建议大家不妨把目光可以转向中高价值的产品,例如小型电子类,还有一些高价值家具类产品,电子产品大家担心的是售后问题,不妨可以在上架之前,花时间仔细做一个具体的研究使用,模拟消费者立场对这个产品的各个性能方面做出详细解答方案,写好LISTING,做好Q&A,让消费者能直观的了解到产品的功能以及如何使用,并做好一个详细的说明书,发给每一个顾客,以减少客户因为产品不会用而投诉产品无法使用的问题,而且这类产品相对来说竞争较小,利润空间比较大。2023-07-19 08:14:282
1.广告暂停:因为关键词质量得分降低,导致了即便出价更高也很难恢复到原来的状态;2.Listing优化频繁:Listing权重重新计算;3.增加变体:流量分流,权重分出去;4.产品涨价:产品的转化率降低;5.断货:影响产品的转化率和权重;广告还是比较烧钱和费神的,最省心的方式还是在选品的时候,就选择进入推广费用需求相对较低的类目,别选那些产品上架很久、评价多、老产品权重很高的类目,去找一些新品活跃、竞争对手权重较低的类目,这能在广告投放上省不少事儿。我一般用选品工具Sorftime,会确认上架时间、新品活跃都、评价数量、星级等这些维度,来加以判断。2023-07-19 08:15:081
利用平台自带的搜索功能,分析买家热门需求和潜在需求。基本上各个跨境电商平台都有搜索框,通过这个搜索框则可以判断需求。以速卖通为例,打开速卖通的买家页面,在搜索框下面会显示mechanical keyboard,camera drone,rings for women,cat eye sunglasses,3d printer等许多关键词,对页面刷新,每次出现的词都会不一样,这些词就是俗称的热门关键词,通过热门关键词可以了解到哪些产品在国外需求量比较大。2023-07-19 08:15:185
看你倾向于做什么产品,是跟热卖的、或者市场体量一直很大的,还是那些竞争小但有一定销量的小众蓝海类目,我是通过Sorftime软件来选那些竞争难度小的,进入风险小的类目。2023-07-19 08:15:371
很多做亚马逊的卖家都在问Listing怎么优化?Listing的重要性不言而喻,做得好不但有高的点击和精准的客户,还能获得更高的销售转化。Listing优化是亚马逊重要的事项,Listing优化包含的因素有:1、产品标题2、产品图片3、ST关键词4、产品描述5、产品Review6、Q&A的提问和解答一、亚马逊产品标题命名规则1.标题的中需要包含产品的关键词,明确说明主题。2.增加适当的修饰语增加标题关键词吸引力,提高点击。比如:空调价格 修饰后:2018最新空调价格。二、产品的图片规则1.产品图片最长边必须至少为1000像素,需要有各个角度的图片,还需要具有产品图片放大缩小细看的功能。清晰明了的图片能增加客户对产品的了解,增加成交可能。2.产品的图片必须是产品的实拍图,不能是手绘、修改或是ps图片。3.产品主图片的背景必须是使用纯白色,不要添加其它颜色。三、ST关键词书写规则1.ST有关键词的字符限制,为250字符,在撰写ST关键词的时候主要不要超出字符数。一个字为2个字符、一个字母为1个字符。2.不要重复出现关键词,如果标题中已经存在了这个关键词,ST关键词里面就不需要再写了。3.ST关键词必须是与产品有关的关键词或品牌词,不能放不相关的关键词。4.尽量不要使用过于专业买家看不懂的关键词。四、产品的描述规则1.产品的描述应该站在客户的角度来写,需要了解客户需要的是什么。2.产品的描述中需要包含有关键词,可以对关键词进行加粗突出重点,适当加入品牌词。3.产品描述中应突出产品的优势,能为客户带来什么样的效果。五、产品Review1.产品的评价直接影响到产品的销量,因此我们要引导客户进行好的评价。如:产品的售后服务卡中2.遇到差评的时候应理性对待,和客户沟通是什么原因,看看能否做出补偿或更换。3.能及时回复处理客户所提出的问题,让客户感觉能得到重视,体现良好的售后。六、Q&A问答1.早期可以通过找人提问的方式,解答产品使用或购买所常见的问题。2.问答应该站在客户使用产品后的角度思考,解决隐性的问题和不足。2023-07-19 08:15:475
都很重要,但如果一定要比一个的话,运营决定了你的操作方法,但是选品决定了你的市场、你的竞争对手、你的发展前景。大家都说的“三分运营,七分选品”我觉得是没错的,选错市场直接踩雷出局,实在是没意思。所以建议在选品的时候多花点心思,好好做做功课吧,现在也不像刚开始了,以前我们都是熬夜自己做表格对比,现在很多工具软件也很好用了,直接用它不香吗?用的Sorftime。建议不要忽视选品这一步,好好选,机会更大。2023-07-19 08:17:021
新卖家在亚马逊初期运营店铺时,每天需要进行例行监控的指标有订单数量、小红旗、邮件、流量、feedback、review、跟卖信息、关键词搜索排名变化等等。这里选择几个主要方面。①选品:亚马逊新卖家初期,需要投入一定的时间和精力选择选品,选品对于新卖家后期的运营是很重要。选品的时候需要观察产品的市场容量,数据是支撑一切的基础,在选品时,不妨借助一些工具来让你的选品更加轻松准确,如Amzhelper的数据选品,可以让你获得产品更加直观的数据。②listing:亚马逊新卖家需要展示产品的优点和卖点,优化产品的标题、关键词、描述和图片等等。③review:新卖家需要每天了解review、跟卖、流量、产品关键词搜索排名的变化。④跟卖:亚马逊是允许跟卖的,但是新卖家如果有注册品牌,就需要关注自己的产品是否被跟卖,在发现跟卖时,及时做相应的处理。⑤关键词排名:新卖家通过产品关键词的排名的变化,了解流量和销量的情况。⑥FBA:新卖家在亚马逊销售产品时,根据自己的情况选择是否使用FBA配送方式。⑦差评:亚马逊新卖家在面对差评时,需要了解客户留差评的原因,再与客户取得联系,以诚恳友好的态度帮客户解决问题。⑧站内广告:对于亚马逊怎么做广告投放,这需要亚马逊新卖家根据具体情况投放站内广告,提升产品的曝光率和点击率。2023-07-19 08:17:115
Sorftime选品软件可以试试,亚马逊全类目选品,一键排序快速对比,瞬间发现哪些产品卖得最好。2023-07-19 08:17:441
你说的插件还是软件?软件有一个功能体验版,但只能看到少部分数据。插件可以到他们官网问问他们销售,他们销售经常有一些插件免费体验名额2023-07-19 08:17:521
根据每个关键词的预测竞价与每次点击费用来决定,建议出价比每次点击费用高0.2-0.5美金,这样就会有优势了,如果你高出$1美金以上,就没什么意义。CPC的点击价格是由第二名的出价+第一名与第二名之间差价的百分比+你的表现,综合得出的。也就是说有一定额度的上限,并不是出价越高越有竞争力。当然最重要的还是选品,什么套路都不如一个好的产品,产品行,闭着眼睛打广告转化都好,这里推荐一下,选好品用Sorftime~2023-07-19 08:17:591
真不知道怎么回答!消费电子是这两年绝对的主力。比如手机膜,手机壳超级热门。阿里巴巴卖几块钱,美国亚马逊要买8 9美元。但是一般人去做都是憨憨,全是韭菜。这就要说到亚马逊选品分析思路了,发现市场,分析竞争环境,测算进入成本。比如确定手机壳市场,分析竞争环境和测算进入成本的时候就会发现存在巨大的风险。都是看到价差大就去做,来多少死多少。其实更难的是发现市场,有很多你完全没听说过的类目是很赚钱的。我有个朋友做了个小众类目(这里不能告诉你)每个月稳定出个几十单,基本不需要投广告,小日子过得贼舒服。建议你去看看Sorftime的东西,学会这些东西你就入门了。他们的方法论其实比较通用,教你怎么分析市场,怎么测算成本。有了这些你还可以用他们的产品,提供给你全部的数据,根据自己情况选择合适的。2023-07-19 08:18:082
亚马逊数据分析工具Sorftime还可以,但更推荐Jungle Scout中的JS 插件,Jungle Scout在亚马逊产品数据分析领域,有超过60万全球卖家正在使用Jungle Scout ,每天处理20亿个数据点,数据精准度高达90% ,支持亚马逊17个站点。JS插件是亚马逊数据分析工具的必备软件,其新功能有:1、快速透视,Listing页面数据。进入任一listing详情页,无需点击,JS插件即自动呈现页面内嵌数据:月销量、日销量、价格和排名的历史趋势等关键数据,便于一目了然商品生命周期,分析热销潜力商品;知己知彼,合理安排自己的运营策略。2、解放运营双手,批量营销。通过JS插件批量发送邮件,效率提升80%,同时也保留了“单独发送请求”的功能,做精细化运营的卖家可以通过控制变量测试发送的效果。JS插件还能智能地识别出发起过退货、换货申请的买家。针对这些买家,系统会自动过滤,不发送邀请提醒,从而减少带来的差评概率。想要了解更多有关数据分析的相关信息,推荐咨询Jungle Scout。Jungle Scout倡导数据化智能选品、打造精品店铺、通过高效运营技巧和策略来获得中国品牌跨境出海成功,是亚马逊跨境电商行业的领军品牌,影响了全球超过100万亚马逊从业者;并成为全球成功卖家的首选,实力强大,值得选择。}2023-07-19 08:18:281
根据自己的情况,选择合适的市场。如果你自己有意向的类目,就用他们插件,一个月19.9。帮助分析市场和竞争情况2023-07-19 08:18:451
可以的,他们支持360,谷歌,火狐浏览器。到他们官网找到对应浏览器安装行了2023-07-19 08:18:521
有,官网有个教学视频区2023-07-19 08:18:581
推荐我正在用的Sorftime。8.亚马逊数据分析软件哪个好用?Sorftime好用,操作简单,适合小白。2023-07-19 08:19:071
你购买后会收到一条短信,里面就有注册码2023-07-19 08:19:141
在用Sorftime插件,数据准确率达到85%以上,各种报表也很清晰;他们还有个选品软件,一键排序2023-07-19 08:19:211
判断市场容量,分析竞争对手,测算进入成本。基于这几个方面做分析报告。以前我们公司自己做,市场分析团队3个人,做一个类目要2、3天。现在我们用Sorftime,上面提到的几个报告他们直接都有,看懂就是了。2023-07-19 08:19:301
我们选品应该避开被自营和第三方卖家垄断的类目,避免成为炮灰,我是用Sorftime的排序功能,全品类排序可以直接看到自营占比高的类目,遇到这种我一般都直接跳过。2023-07-19 08:19:511
家居类目太大了。我所知道的很多朋友都在做这个类目,还挺不错的。推荐一个类目,Decorative Hanging Ornaments。就很不错。竞争性低,新品率高,评价数低,评星高。反之就是满足很多蓝海市场要素。其他还有很多这种小东西,中等月销量,但确实是闷声发财那种。你可以看看Sorftime的东西,用他们的东西可以排序找出很多这样不错的小市场。其实说来也清楚,比如用新品占比高的排序。肯定就发现新兴市场啦。2023-07-19 08:20:001
现在的亚马逊不像前几年了,很容易选出好卖的产品,现在就是想办法在红海里找蓝海,我用Sorftime软件排序,还是会发现很多销量还不错的竞争没那么激烈的市场。2023-07-19 08:20:101
Sorftime吧,里面有个功能就是中国卖家排序,一下就看见哪些类目最多了2023-07-19 08:20:191
CCPIT是指中国国际贸易促进委员会,简称中国贸促会,是全国性对外贸易投资促进机构,成立于1952年。主要职责:1、落实国家有关重大发展战略,促进对外贸易、双向投资和经济技术合作;2、推进与境外对口机构机制化合作;接待境外高层次经贸代表团来访,组织中国经贸代表团出访;3、管理全国出国举办经贸展览会,负责中国参加国际展览局和世界博览会事务;4、举办和组织企业参加经贸展览会、论坛、洽谈会及有关国际会议;5、在外经贸领域代言工商,参与经贸政策法规制定、对外经贸谈判和国际商事规则制定;6、开展法律顾问、商事调解、经贸和海事仲裁等工作,签发和出具出口商品原产地证明书、对外贸易有关文件和单证,提供专利申请、商标注册、诉讼维权等知识产权服务;7、组织产业和企业应对经贸摩擦;提供经贸信息、经贸培训等服务。扩展资料:历史沿革:中国贸促会成立于1952年5月,当时正值西方国家对新中国实行经济封锁和禁运,中国贸促会同世界各国的民间贸易团体积极开展双边和多边交往,为发展国际间的正常经济贸易关系而努力。至六十年代中期,中国贸促会已同日本、英国、法国、联邦德国、意大利、奥地利、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、加拿大等许多当时尚未同中国建交的国家,建立和发展了民间贸易联系,并先后同日本、联邦德国、法国、奥地利等国的有关团体签订了民间贸易 或经济关系的协定。1994年,中国全国人民代表大会先后颁布了《对外贸易法》和《仲裁法》,在《对外贸易法》中,明确了中国贸促会作为贸易促进组织所应具备的职能和承担的任务;在《仲裁法》中,明确了中国的涉外仲裁机构由中国国际商会设立,从而确立了中国国际商会涉外仲裁机构的法律地位。1986年,中国国际贸易促进委员会以国家委员会名议申请加入国际商会,经过8年多的谈判和努力,1994年11月,国际商会第168次理事会正式通过决议,同意中国加入国际商会并组建国际商会中国国家委会。1995年1月1日国际商会中国国家委员会在北京正式成立,包括中国国际商会在内的 171家工商组织、经贸团体及企业作为创始会员,中国国际商会作为主席单位。参考资料:中国国际贸易促进委员会官网2023-07-19 08:21:251
中国国际贸易促进委员会简称中国贸促会;英文名称为:China Council for the Promotion of International Trade,英文缩写为 CCPIT。 中国贸促会的宗旨是:遵循中华人民共和国的法律和政府的政策,开展促进对外贸易、利用外资、引进外国先进技术及各种形式的中外经济技术合作等活动,促进中国同世界各国、各地区之间的贸易和经济关系的发展,增进中国同世界各国人民以及经贸界之间的了解与友谊。 经中国政府批准,中国贸促会1988年6月组建了中国国际商会(China Chamber of International Commerce,英文缩写为CCOIC)。2023-07-19 08:21:413
贸促会,即中国国际贸易促进委员会,是由中国经济贸易界有代表性的人士、企业和团体组成的全国民间对外经贸组织,成立于1952年5月。负责指导、协调中国贸促会各地方分会、行业分会、支会和各级国际商会的工作;负责对各分支机构及会员的服务及培训工作。负责国际商会中国国家委员会的日常工作,协调国际商会的对华业务和国际商会中国国家委员会会员与国际商会交往的有关事宜。办理其它促进对外经济贸易活动的有关事宜。2023-07-19 08:21:511
中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT,英文全名China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)成立于1952年,是全国性对外贸易投资促进机构。中国国际贸易促进委员会章程第一章 总 则第一条 中国国际贸易促进委员会,简称中国贸促会,英文名称为CHINA COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE,英文简称CCPIT。第二条 中国贸促会是由中国经济贸易界有代表性的人士、企业和团体组成的全国民间对外经济贸易组织。第三条 中国贸促会的宗旨是,根据中华人民共和国的法律、法规,参照国际惯例,开展促进中国与世界各国、各地区之间的贸易、投资和经济技术合作活动,增进中国人民同世界各国、各地区人民和经济贸易界的相互了解与友谊,维护中国公民、法人在海外的正当权益。第四条 根据中国政府的授权,中国贸促会承办相关工作,并接受政府的指导。第五条 中国贸促会系法人。可以同各国、各地区有关组织和机构、国际组织签订促进贸易、投资和经济技术合作的协议、议定书和其他文件。第六条 中国贸促会会址设在北京。第七条 在中华人民共和国县以上行政区域内可以设立地方贸促机构,在国内有关行业可设立行业贸促机构。中国贸促会指导和协调地方、行业贸促机构的工作。第二章 职 责第八条 中国贸促会的职责是:(一)邀请和接待国外经贸界人士和代表团来访;组织中国经济贸易代表团出国访问与考察,与有关国际组织、区域性组织及各国贸促机构和商协会开展交流与合作;参加有关国际组织及其活动;组织、参加或与国外相应机构联合召开有关经济贸易技术合作和法律方面的国际会议;负责与国外对口组织在华设立的代表机构以及外国在华成立的商会进行联络;推动在国外组建中资企业商协会;(二)促进内地与香港、澳门特别行政区,祖国大陆与台湾地区的经贸交流,为内地同香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区工商界之间的交流与合作提供服务;(三)根据国务院授权,审批和管理各地区、各单位出国举办经贸展览会;代表国家参加国际展览局的活动,负责我国参加国际展览局和世界博览会相关事宜的组织、协调、监督和管理工作;在国外主办中国贸易展览会,参加国际贸易博览会和展览会;在境内主办经济贸易展览会和博览会;审批中国贸促会系统在境内举办的涉外经济技术展览会;(四)收集、整理、传递和发布经贸信息;承办中外经济技术合作项目的评估和可行性研究工作;联系、组织经贸洽谈和技术交流活动;向国内外有关企业和机构提供培训、经贸信息、咨询和资信调查等各类服务;编辑、出版报纸、刊物、电子出版物及其他出版物;(五)为中国企业提供服务;向政府有关部门反映企业界有关情况和意见;研究经贸领域的有关问题,向企业提供参考意见;协调国际商会的对华业务和国际商会中国国家委员会与国际商会交往的有关事宜;(六)代表贸促会和商界向国家立法部门提供立法建议,参与制订、修改、翻译国际贸易惯例;办理国际和国内外企业的商事活动进行法律咨询,受理商务投诉,提供法律帮助;国内商事仲裁、海事仲裁、域名争议及其有关调解业务,用仲裁、调解等多元争议解决方式处理纠纷;与各国商会、律所及其他法律服务组织合作,建立国际商事法律服务平台;签发货物原产地证明书和商事证明书,出具不可抗力证明,代办涉外商事文件的领事认证业务;受理共同海损和单独海损理算业务;进行涉外商事法律及争议解决的理论和实务研究,组织涉外商事法律方面的对外交流活动;对企业进行法律培训,制定编撰国际商事惯例。(七)代理中国企业和个人在国内外或外国企业和个人在中国的专利申请和商标注册业务,提供知识产权的咨询、争议解决等法律服务;开展技术贸易等工作;向国家立法部门提供上述方面业务的立法意见。(八)组织、帮助或代理中国企业和个人在海外维权,处理法律事务,办理反垄断、反倾销等涉及中国企业或个人的诉讼案件。(九)作为中国国际商会及其他全国性社会团体的业务主管部门,主管其业务工作。(十)办理国务院授权或交办的其他工作。第三章 全国委员会第九条 全国委员会(简称“全会”)是中国贸促会的咨询议事机构,由对外经济贸易有关的人士、企业和团体代表组成。第十条 全会的职责是:(一)根据国家法律和中国企业的需求,对中国贸促会的工作提出建议,进行监督;(二)聘请特邀顾问;(三)审议并批准会长的工作报告;(四)审定年度财务计划、收支决算;(五)决定工作机构的设置、变更和撤销;(六)指导和协调地方、行业贸促机构的工作;(七)制定、修改中国贸促会章程;(八)参加中国贸促会的相关活动。第十一条 全会的产生全会由在中国对外经济贸易领域有代表性的人士、企业和团体代表组成,人员可从相关国家政府部门、商协会组织、社会团体和企业推举产生。第四章 组织第十二条 全会每届任期五年,全会会议每年召开一次,全会认为必要,可以召开临时全会代表大会。每次会议有过半数委员出席方为有效。第十三条 全会作为中国贸促会的咨询议事机构,每年对中国贸促会的工作进行审议,内容包括方针政策、重大任务和规划等。第十四条 会长主持中国贸促会的日常工作,负责召集全会会议,对内领导贸促会日常事务,对外代表中国贸促会签署协议和有关文件。副会长协助会长工作。会长空缺或因故不能履行职权时,由一名副会长代行会长的职权。第五章 财 务第十五条 中国贸促会财务独立,依法拥有自己的财产。根据业务需要可以设立实行独立经济核算并具有法人地位的企事业单位。第十六条 中国贸促会的经费来源是:(一)政府资助;(二)服务收入;(三)捐赠;(四)其他。第十七条 中国贸促会的会计年度为1月1日至12月31日。第六章 地方、行业贸促机构第十八条 地方、行业贸促机构设立地方委员会,其委员由该地方或行业中有代表性的人士、企业、机构和团体组成。第十九条 地方、行业贸促机构的宗旨是,开展促进该地区、该行业与世界各国、各地区之间的贸易、投资和经济技术合作活动,增进中国人民同世界各国、各地区人民和经济贸易界的相互了解与友谊。第二十条 地方、行业贸促机构系独立的法人,可依照本章程的规定独立开展业务,对外签订有关促进经济贸易的协议、议定书和其他文件。第二十一条 地方、行业贸促机构有自己的财务计划,可以以自己的名义获得财产,承担有关义务。根据业务需要可以设立实行独立经济核算并具有法人地位的企事业单位。第二十二条 地方与行业贸促机构可以发展会员。第二十三条 地方与行业贸促机构会员分个人会员、企业会员、团体会员:(一)与对外经济贸易有关的人士,经申请、批准可以成为地方与行业贸促机构的个人会员;(二)与对外经济贸易有关的企业,经申请、批准可以成为地方与行业贸促机构的企业会员;(三)与对外经济贸易有关的团体,经申请、批准可以成为地方与行业贸促机构的团体会员。第二十四条 地方与行业贸促机构会员有下列权利:(一) 有表决权、选举权和被选举权;(二) 对地方与行业贸促机构的工作提出建议,进行监督;(三) 参加地方与行业贸促机构的有关活动;(四) 优先得到地方与行业贸促机构提供的服务。第二十五条 地方与行业贸促机构会员有下列义务:(一)遵守中国贸促会章程;(二)支持和承担地方与行业贸促机构委托的工作;(三)交纳会费(个人会员免交会费)。第七章 仲裁和调解机构第二十六条 在中国贸促会内设立中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,受理经济贸易仲裁案件。第二十七条 在中国贸促会内设立中国海事仲裁委员会,受理海事仲裁案件。第二十八条 在中国贸促会内设立调解中心,受理民商事、海事调解案件。第八章 附 则第二十九条 根据需要,可在中国贸促会内附设其他机构,在境外设立代表处和派遣驻外代表。第三十条 中国贸促会可向长期热心从事促进同中国贸易和经济技术合作的外国经贸界知名人士授予“中国贸促会荣誉顾问"称号,并由会长签发证书。第三十一条 本章程经中国贸促会第五届委员会议讨论通过,于2015年2月1日起施行。2023-07-19 08:22:032
大。ccpit证书贸促会ccpit认证,哥伦比亚自由销售证书,专业办理团队。国际商事证明CCPIT认证是企业、公司、商事机构、自然人在进行国际间用于确认货物是否真正出口或者进口,是海关出具的进出口的正式凭证。其作用为:企业出口退税和企业结汇核销,是一个含金量比较高的证书。2023-07-19 08:22:121
去餐厅吃饭 或者是去购物等 都是会利用到大数据的。2023-07-19 08:09:203
Step 1Follow the trends. What"s popular in fashion changes all the time, and it"s important to stay on top of the style changes if you want to look your best. Be aware of the changes with each season, new designers that are popular and trends that were once hot that are going out of style. Being caught in last season"s popular clothes will make you look dated and out of touch. Step 2Watch television. One of the best ways to stay current with what"s hot and what"s in style is by paying attention to what the celebrities are wearing. Watch television shows that feature your favorite celebrity icon, entertainment news shows that follow all the aspects of Hollywood and style and pay special attention during award show season as there will be extra attention on fashion trends in clothing, hair and accessories. Know how the celebrities are looking cool and try to find an equivalent that fits your budget -- and your body. Step 3Invest in the classics. No matter what the seasonal trends are, there are certain iconic pieces of clothing that never go out of style and always look cool. For men, it"s the dark suit, a nice dress shirt and a well-fitting leather jacket. Every woman needs to have a white dress shirt, a good pair of high heels and, of course, the all-important little black dress. Make sure your wardrobe includes these basic staples, and you will be able to incorporate them into whatever trend is hot at the moment. Step 4Have a signature piece. Even if you follow all the latest trends, it"s always fun to have a signature piece in your wardrobe that you always wear and for which you are known. Jackie Kennedy had her pillbox hats, Bono has his signature shades and Madonna has had a different signature piece for every new album she"s put out. Your signature piece can be an accessory, like a pendant or a favorite pair of shoes that you always wear, or it can be an article of clothing, like a vintage dress or a T-shirt that you bring back every summer. Whatever your favorite is, wear it with confidence, and you will be able to make it cool. Step 5Be yourself. Someone who isn"t afraid to interpret style for themselves and make fashion their own is always going to look cool. So find the latest trends that you like the most and then make them fit your unique style. 1Look in fashion magazines and notice how the models are wearing the clothes. Is the model wearing her boots over her pants or under?2Find out what line of clothes is it. Are the clothes the Juicy Couture"s Spring fashion line or is it the Juicy Couture"s Autumn Fashion line? Usually, it doesn"t really work when you wear autumn clothes in Summer.3Find your inner fashion designer. What colors clash and what colors work like two peas in a pod. Sometimes you can put an outfit together by taking a picture of you, draw clothes, and cut them out and see if they look good on your "paper doll self."4Ask around. Sometimes the best ideas come from others. Ask people around your neighborhood and ask what they think the word "fashion" means to them. Also, browse around mags and cut out the outfits that you like and paste them to paper.5Browse. You can get inspiration from what people are wearing. If you like a person"s style, observe how they wear their certain style. If they are wearing a scarf thrown over their shoulders artfully. Imagine if you"d look good in that style. If you are out-going, ask that person where they buy their clothes.6Search. Go to your fave search website such as Google or Yahoo. Go to "images" and search"supermodels."You"ll get great ideas and you"ll save yourself the extra money from magazines. Remember to add the date and season like,"models spring, 2007"If you have a problem with colors, such as if you have problems with deciding which colors clash or which don"t, then the world of model-like clothes is not for you. Harajuku style is a style that might suit you if you like to mix it up. Need help? Ask anyone who is a bit more fashion-keen than you. You don"t need to spend thousands of moolah, yen, pesos, or money to buy that new fashion line. Look around places like Ross, Marshalls, Old Navy, or thrift stores. You can buy the latest styles for less. Another really cool thing you can do is wear lots of scarves. Try something like a pink shirt with a black scarve or a black shirt with a black and red scarve. the possibilities are endless with scarves. You can do almost anything to have a cute but simple outfit (this is pointed mostly toward females). Don"t be afraid if it comes out ugly. Everyone has days when they don"t look their best. So don"t sweat it. Adding your own style can be like wearing a hat a different way or mixing more then one color. Have fun. Finding your own style should be fun. And by having your own twist to cool styles will make you unique and more noticeable. A good style can be easily massacred by a bad personality or just one stupid thing that you"re wearing, so walk confidently use conditioner, acne gel, fit the style in the school, but fit your own at the same time. A lot of girls love the ghetto style. To look ghetto, wear baggy jeans and loose belts. For shirts find black, white or shirts with splashes of colors and most ghetto boys have braids or buzz cuts and an earring. If you want to dress goth/emo, wear lots of black. Vans/skate shoes, Converses, tight pants, and chains are typical goth/emo clothing. Ray-Bans, Christmas sweaters and ugly shoes are all in if you"re trying to look cool this semester. Geek-chic is in.While most of the university is getting by in sweatpants or blue jeans, you have decided that you will rise above the rest and achieve a coolness factor that is only found in the most stylish of UMKC students. So, what are you to do?You will complete the same steps every other self-declared, nonconformist fashionista has completed. However, be warned. These fashionistas are not easy to spot. Their entire goal is to project the image they don"t care about fashion or style at all. They want you to think their disregard for style has caused them to wear a flannel shirt belted at the waist with snakeskin leggings tucked into old-school Converse sneakers.Don"t be fooled. Despite their supposed inattention to clothing choices, the individual has put a lot of money, time and effort into looking like they don"t care. Because they will be unwilling and too cool to talk to you about their decidedly un-cool, haphazard, totally random attire, I have compiled some basic steps on how to achieve the counter-culture appearance that is currently sweeping campus culture. By following these simple steps, you will look exactly like every other un-cool cool kid in your class. QUIET YOUR INSTINCTS:If you"re sifting through your closet or walking through the aisles at some department store, put on anything that makes you think, "Eww, that is so ugly!" The uglier, the better. The more out-of-date, the more stylish. Counter-culture kids wear anything that makes everyone else uncomfortable. When you talk to her, ask her where all her clothes from the "80s and "90s are. When she informs you of their location, put all that crap in the trunk of your car, drive home, and relish in your newfound wardrobe.That old pair of "80s secretary glasses? Gold! "90s one-piece jumpsuits with shoulder pads? You will be the envy of all the cool kids!2023-07-19 08:09:002
[急需]寿险责任准备金 的中英文对照文献
英文文献原文Setting Realistic Reserves -- Projecting the Company"s Future ObligationsBy Robert J. Prahl, CPCUDirector of EducationAmerican Association of Insurance Services (AAIS), Wheaton, ILAccording to a recent National Underwriter article, property casualty insurers collectively made reserve adjustments totaling approximately $20 billion in 2002. The companies that announced these reserve increases were among the most conservatively managed operations in the business, which suggests that there may be more companies yet to "take a hit." There is concern that these reserve deficiencies will further weaken insurer balance sheets and limit future growth, and that some companies may not be able to pay, while others will dispute claims.What is a reserve and why can they have such a dramatic effect on the underlying financial strength of the property-casualty industry?A reserve, stated simply, is a sum of money that is set aside from surplus into the liability account to meet some future obligation. Since reserves represent future obligations of an insurance company, they are classified as liabilities on the company"s balance sheet. Reserves are obviously important since they can be a measure of a company"s financial health. Improper reserves, either inadequate or excessive, can present a false picture of a company"s financial condition and lead to serious problems.The two principal types of reserves established by insurance companies are claim reserves and unearned premium reserves. Unearned premium reserves represent that portion of the premium that has not been earned or used up at any particular time. For example, the earned premium on a one-year policy generating $1,000 in premium that is canceled after three months is $250. (One-fourth of $1,000 has been earned.) The unearned portion of the premium at this point is $750. Since the company has not yet earned the $750, it must be set aside as a reserve. Although unearned premium reserves are an important factor in determining a company"s financial position and future production capacity, the focus of this discussion is on claim reserves. To understand the significance of claim reserves, it is necessary that three basic questions be answered. They are:1. What is a claim reserve?2. Why are claim reserves necessary?3. How are claim reserves established?What Is a Claim Reserve?A claim reserve is an estimate of what a claim will cost. The reserve represents money that is set aside for the eventual payment of a claim. From the company"s standpoint, a claim is incurred when it happens, regardless of when in the future it is paid.Some companies include estimated claim expenses in the reserve amount while others establish a separate reserve for the claim and a separate reserve for anticipated expenses, such as independent adjuster fees, legal fees, charges for police reports, hospital records, appraisals, and so on.Still others "bulk" reserves for expense amounts.Why Are Claim Reserves Necessary?Insurance is characterized as an "intangible" product because the insured does not receive anything material or tangible for his or her premium dollar until a claim is paid. The payment of a claim is what consummates the insurance contract. It is especially important, therefore, that when claims become due, money is available to meet those obligations. Insurance companies are regulated for solvency so that they will be able to pay claims in the future.With respect to liability claims, and particularly bodily injury liability claims, years may pass before a claim is paid. This might be due to the fact that time is needed for the injury to heal or because the claim is in litigation. Because of the extended time involved before such claims are finally settled and closed, bodily injury liability claims are sometimes referred to as "long tail" claims.Since an insurer has an obligation to pay covered claims, it is understandably important that funds be available for this purpose when claims are ultimately settled.Claim reserves are necessary to properly recognize, at any given time, a company"s future obligations.The importance of proper reserving is further demonstrated by the fact that claim reserves are required by insurance regulatory law. In addition, the reserving practices of companies are periodically audited by state insurance departments in an effort to recognize potential problems and to take corrective action to avoid company insolvencies.The importance of reserving was expressed by Conning Research & Consulting, Inc., in a January 2003 report titled "Property-Casualty Reserve Adequacy; Digging Deeper."". . . . The ongoing recession, the rising cost of medical care, the emergence of mold and re-emergence of asbestos and other environmental claims, and the lingering impact of September 11, have all contributed to the pressure mounting on P-C insurers" reserves. Despite the fact that loss reserves are the largest liability on insurers" balance sheets, most stakeholders (employees, regulators, investors and agents/brokers) do not critically examine their adequacy. Individual company results, particularly for a single line, are likely to differ, often dramatically, from those of the industry. The survival of some insurers and reinsurers may well depend on their ability to accurately reserve and appropriately price."The report is available by calling toll free (888) 707-1177, or by accessing the company"s Web site at www.conningresearch.com.Improper reserving, both under-reserving and over-reserving, adversely affect a company"s financial position. Inadequate reserves understate a company"s liabilities and overstate its surplus. The following example, although admittedly an oversimplification, should help demonstrate the effect of under reserving. A basic accounting principle is that assets minus liabilities equal surplus.In this hypothetical example, assume that assets are $1,000 and liabilities are $750. For purposes of illustration, assume further that liabilities are comprised totally of claim reserves.Suppose, however, that this particular company has a serious under-reserving problem, and as claims are ultimately settled, they actually cost $950, instead of the $750 originally estimated. Under these circumstances, the balance sheet would appear as follows:It is evident here that as claims are settled, the company must draw from its surplus in order to meet its claim settlement obligations. If such a situation continues unchecked, and surplus is depleted, the company faces insolvency.In addition to the fact that inadequate reserving understates the company"s liabilities and overstates its surplus, it also may have a negative effect on rate making. Since reserves are an integral part of rate making, inadequate reserves can result in rates that are lower than they should be and this may hasten a company"s decline.Over-reserving can create problems as well. Over-reserving understates a company"s financial strength and may create the false impression that rate increases are necessary or justified. In addition, since earnings are understated, the company pays less taxes. A company suspected of over-reserving invites audits by the tax authorities that could result in penalties being assessed against it.In summary, claim reserves are necessary to properly recognize a company"s future obligations. Proper reserving is important in order to accurately reflect a company"s financial position. The importance of proper reserving is further demonstrated by the attention given to companies" loss reserving practices by the various state insurance departments.How Are Claim Reserves Established?Claim reserves are established essentially in two ways:1. statistically or actuarially by monitoring past lostexperience and projecting future losses;2. subjectively by the claim person"s judgment.Types of ReservesAverage or Formula reserves - Average or formula reserves are set statistically by the actuarial or accounting department and are based on past loss experience and adjusted periodically.Assets - Liabilities = Surplus$1,000 - $750 = $250Assets - Liabilities = Surplus$1,000 - $750 = $250 (estimated)$1,000 - $950 = $ 50 (actual)This reserving method usually is applied to high-volume type claims such as auto collision, comprehensive, property damage, and medical payments where payments generally are minimal and claims settled fairly quickly. The extent to which average reserves are used varies by company and by line of insurance. Since these reserves are set, for the most part, by the accounting or statistical department, they are not of primary concern to claim people.Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) - Frequently, losses or accidents that have already happened are not reported for weeks, months, or even years after the incident. This is quite common after a catastrophe such as a hurricane or tornado, when early on the company does not know with any accuracy the number or amount of claims that will be generated as a result of the catastrophe. It knows losses have been incurred, but realizes that many of those losses will not be reported immediately. In such cases, it estimates the losses it believes to have been incurred but not yet reported. Despite the fact that these claims have not been reported, they are incurred from the company"s standpoint when they happen. Hence, the phrase "incurred but not reported" is used to describe this type of reserve.With regard to liability claims, accident reports may be delayed for a variety of reasons. Aside from the normal time lag in reporting claims, the insured may be initially unaware that insurance coverage is available for the claim or the claimant may not immediately recognize that the policyholder may have been responsible for the accident. Products liability, medical malpractice, and latent disease claims (i.e., asbestos or leadrelated claims) where injuries may not be evident for years after the occurrence or exposure, have magnified reserving problems associated with properly estimating IBNR reserves.Whatever the reason for the delayed report, it is reasonably safe to assume that a company always has outstanding claims that have not yet been reported. Estimates for IBNR reserves ordinarily are based on past experience, to the extent possible. They may be further modified by what actuaries believe are relatively certain projections regarding claim frequency and severity. With respect to catastrophe losses, the claim practitioner can estimate the areas (states, counties, etc.) and number of insureds who may have sustained damage to arrive at an IBNR reserve, which may change from month to month.In any event, such reserves are established by actuaries and senior management and, like average reserves, do not require the attention of claim people.Individual Case Reserves - Individual case reserves are reserves set subjectively by the claim person on an individual claim basis. After considering the many factors associated with the claim, the claim handler uses his or her judgment to set the case reserve. Case reserves are typically applied to claims that remain open for an extended period of time and are most commonly associated with bodily injury liability claims. Many companies modify case reserves statistically, based on past and projected loss experience.There is no magic or proven formula for setting individual case reserves. They are established essentially by the judgment and experience of the claim practitioner. Proper and realistic case reserving is one of the primary responsibilities of the claim department. Who sets the reserve, whether it be the adjuster, supervisor, or manager, is determined by individual company claim policy. Regardless of who sets the reserve, however, the claim adjuster is in an ideal position to furnish the kind of information necessary to set accurate and realistic case reserves. This necessary information includes the adjuster"s opinion of legal liability, nature and extent of the injury or damage, medical bills, and so on.Precisely when in the life of a claim a case reserve is established varies by company and by line of insurance .Some companies require that case reserves be established immediately after the initial investigation is completed or within 30 days from notice of claim. Other companies defer setting case reserves for as long as three or even six months, so that sufficient information can be obtained to set a relatively realistic reserve. Until that time, these claims usually carry an average reserve.The more specific information the adjuster obtains about the loss or claim, the more accurate the reserve will be. With the necessary information, the person responsible for setting the reserve can make a fairly accurate assessment of the company"s exposure and decide upon a monetary figure that represents the ultimate cost of the claim.In those cases in which little or no payment is contemplated, such as where the insured"s liability is doubtful and the case will be defended or settled on a compromise basis, the expense factor must be considered. An expense reserve is usually established to reflect the fact that considerable investigative and legal expenses will be incurred to defend the claim.One of the problems with setting case reserves for a bodily injury claim is that it is difficult to estimate the ultimate cost of a claim with only limited information about the injury and no specific indication of how and to what extent the injured person will recover. In addition, important information about the claim or injury ma2023-07-19 08:08:531
Customer"s information, the quality requests a circumstance.(the anti- for anticipating of the color prison degree, noodles tore to pull the dint, color bad grade, exhaust a rate, short overflow the rate, door, hand feeling, pack, hair goods method, acceptance standard...etc.)2.Order an amount.(minimal rise to order to measure 100 meters, very rules and 5 colors above rise order to measure to 500 meters)3.Price(back a version or back version price to have a dissimilarity not), method of payment.(new customer generally and all is the style arrives hair goods)Greatly single and nasty and single contract judgeThe organization buys, establish to make supervisor, adjust a degree, produce a manager, print paper and print cloth supervisor to the technique, equipments, original material supply, hand over period"s etc. to go a judgeThe new craft contract judgesThe organization buys, establish supervisor, adjust a degree, produce a manager, print paper and print cloth supervisor to control to the production line of the craft technique carry on a judgeLabel contract1.According to the assurance contract name of the 坯 cloth supply circumstance, the guest provides a cloth label 《the stamp-tax process contract 》, if from buy cloth then a label 《the product buy to sell contract 》.2.The integrity draws up a contract contents.3.Especially the customer"s special request with try the improvement in the kind progress to order beard to describe in details.4.If the guest provide cloth and should hand over big goods to expect and the 坯 cloth supply time to contact together.The contract contents beard writes clear:A.Make a contract groundB.Price and method of paymentC.The quality requests(color prison degree, allow the anti- that a set of version error margin, noodles anticipates to tore to pull the dint, color bad grade, exhaust a rate, short overflow the rate, door, hand feeling, )D.The other is special to requestE.The 坯 cloth supplies.If from buy noodles to anticipate to make a standard examination four cents with the United States, if guest quality problem and the service cost of[with] connection which be provided for noodles to anticipate to result in are undertaken by the customer.F.The packing requests.Note customer appointed label, the 唛 is first-classG.Hand over a period.H.Deliver goods a way.I.The acceptance is standard and check goods time limit:1, if have a quality problem can not open to cut, otherwise we don"t undertake a responsibility;2, if in ten days have no quality problem feedback to then recognize tacitly for all qualified.Give order1.The earnest norm fills in 《produce order contact list 》4 allied.2.The business assistant distributes the row single, salesman and print cloth, finished product warehouse each an allied.3.Provide to produce standard kind(nuance kind), like this new the version produces beard customer or salesman signing to confirm landscape result directly.Manage with list1.Understand production progress in time, , to according to the date the product can"t delivered goods want to advance with produce, the customer communicate afresh confirmation to hand over a period.Avoid causing a guest to tell complaint.2.The processing of[with] quality problem:When ① received the quality control feedback 坯 cloth cover to anticipate a quality problem, from connect a single member or buy a member to contact to provide the cloth the company immediately, due-in arrive customer of written form confirm the information notified again a quality control section organization a processing;The cloth of ②坯 , flower the slight problem of the paper, color...etc., salesman and production moderate a common signing confirmation;The more serious hour of problem of ③ quality shuts down to organize quality control, business a personnel to conduct trial jointly a processing from the production department.3.Order alteration:Receive customer written form confirm order cancellation, color adjust, hand over to expect advance or push behind, the informations such as increment or decrease(include cancel tail list of circumstance) etc. of the order amount and at that time fill in 《the information alteration contact list 》6 allied(1 allied subsist) send production department manager(distribute nuance to line up list, print cloth, finished product warehouse), quality control section representative director...etc. Be subsisting allied the last label accept.4.With production, quality control the personnel moderate a hospitality door to check a goods work.Take delivery of goods a management1.Delivered to confirm the customer"s packing request again before the goods.(such as outside list have settle long, special kind label etc.)2.Request an integrity to fill in according to the customer 《deliver a goods information a list 》2 allied, an allied hand over a vehicle dispatcher, an allied hand over finished product warehouse, outrun 100 kilometer send out goods beard to predict a dispatcher a day in advance.3.The business personnel wants at 8:00 understood the class of night production circumstance ago, filled in to send out a goods information to hand over vehicle a dispatcher to arrange shipment, because quality or other reason didn"t press to hand over to expect to request fore a day, the night class finished product, line up possibly in the next day to deliver goods, to customer especially the one who need beg urgently to can fill a list request to deliver in the afternoon/deliver goods.Follow after selling1.The company has no stock flower paper to repair a list to persuade customer not to repair as far as possible.The customer insists on to repair list hour the root of whiskers carries on price and hands over the judge of period according to the single quantity.2.The payment recovers.Count votes, follow the label of invoice to take back to spread, urge a debt to the debt.3.Understanding the customer"s product develops trend.4.Periodically return to visit and make satisfaction inquisition.The goods work. 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