MURCHANT DOLLAR 是在MURCHANT特约商户签账时赚的,也只能在这些商户使用。MURCHANT DOLLAR仅仅是一个统称,包括有BELLE DOLLAR(百丽旗下多个品牌),大昌DOLLAR(大昌食品),三联DOLLAR(三联书店),SA SA DOLLAR(莎莎香港分店),TRAVEL EXPERT DOLLARS(专业旅运) UA DOLLARS(UA戏院)。对应的MURCHANT DOLLAR只能在对应的商户赚取和使用,不能混合使用。1 MURCHANT DOLLAR当1元现金使用。有效期跟CASH DOLLARS一样计算。 另外,CASH DOLLAR除了可以换礼品或者现金券,也可以在CASH DOLLAR特约商户消费当现金使用,也是1 CASH DOLLAR=1现金。具体商户名单可以参考恒生网页:
bus iness man . 开音节2023-07-17 12:53:152
英语里商人叫做merchant。2023-07-17 12:54:072
“货方”(MERCHANT)包括发货人、托运人、收货人、受货人、货主、本提单的合法持有人或被背书人,或与货物或本提单具有现时或未来利益关系的任何人,或被授权代表前述任何一方行事的任何人。2023-07-17 12:54:493
merchant, businessman, trader, tradesman, dealer这些名词均有“商人”之意。merchant: 指从事批发生意的大商人,尤指从事国际贸易的大商人,但在美国或苏格兰等地,也指一般商人。businessman: 指有经验、善于经营、从事各种买卖活动的买卖人、实业家或工商业家。trader: 指从事贸易工作的人,也指贩子。tradesman: 指零卖商人,开小店的商人。dealer: 指商人时多与表商店的字连用。distributor:经销商拓展资料:学好英语的技巧:1.首先,我们应该热爱学习英语。把学习英语当作一件爱的事情,而不是被迫去做某事。为什么有些学生总是学不好英语?大部分的原因是我讨厌甚至讨厌学习英语,所以当我把学习英语作为我的爱好时,学习英语并不那么无聊。2.第二,记住单词。单词是学习英语的“大头”。如何在没有特定词汇的情况下阅读,这样至少你可以一目了然,并且可能知道这意味着什么,你没有问题。如何记住单词?我的建议是同时使用“眼睛、耳朵和手”。看音标,听发音,写单词。这种方法虽然愚蠢,但很实用。反复背诵,并牢记在心。有些词有派生词,我们也可以把它们联系起来。3.第三,有一个良好的环境。学习环境和语言环境都非常重要。如果考试简单易学,几个人可以组成一个小组来监督学习,互相帮助和监督。如果你学习英语是为了学习英语,如果你在家有条件的话,你可以去语言机构或请外教学习,这对你的英语口语很有帮助。4.然后是英语语法。这本教科书的课文很有价值。这些参考文章中有许多语法,可以与课外练习和内容一起学习。你也可以买一本与你的水平相匹配的课外读物来提高你的英语能力。5.最后是英语作文。找一篇经典作文,仔细阅读,逐句翻译和背诵,理解它的意思,语法,再背诵几篇范文,你的脑海中就会有一些东西。写作文时,写高级词汇可以给作文加分!2023-07-17 12:55:082
Merchant是商人银行。商人银行(Merchant Bank),主要经营(但不限于)国际贸易、长期企业贷款以及包销的银行。经营部分银行业务的金融机构,主要办理承兑和经营一般业务,对国外的工程项目提供长期信贷和发放国外贷款。商人银行的业务起源于十八世纪的欧洲商业活动。商人银行不向普罗大众提供一般的银行服务。 商人银行业务的发展与贸易和资本市场的发展有苞密切的联系。商人银行的业务大体包括短期和中期资金融通、长期融资、投资管理、经纪服务及其它新兴服务。与传统的商业银行相比,商人银行对市场的依赖性更强。 商人银行发展至今,主要有以下几种存在形式: 1、商业银行通过兼并、购买、参股或建立附属公司拥有商人银行,这类方式较为普遍。 2、独立的商人银行。 3、全能性银行直接经营商人银行业务2023-07-17 12:55:141
trader merchant businessman的区别
trader merchant businessman的区别为:指代不同,用法不同,侧重点不同一、指代不同1、trader:商人。2、merchant:批发商。3、businessman:企业家。二、用法不同1、trader:trader指从事贸易工作的人,也指贩子。指零卖商人,开小店的商人。指商人时多与表商店的字连用。2、merchant:merchant通常指较大的批发商,尤指从事国际贸易的大商人,或经销某一专门商品的人。3、businessman:businessman指有经验、善于经营、从事各种买卖活动的买卖人、实业家或工商业家。三、侧重点不同1、trader:特指在投资银行。2、merchant:俗称的小贩。3、businessman:凡是从商的不管干什么都可以。2023-07-17 12:55:293
merchant与business man有何区别
merchant与businessman的区别如下: merchant指从事批发生意的大商人,尤指从事国际贸易的大商人,但在美国或苏格兰等地,也指一般商人。 businessman指有经验、善于经营、从事各种买卖活动的买卖人、实业家或工商业家。 其他近义词还有:trader、tradesman、dealer、pedlar、salesman。 trader指从事贸易工作的人,也指贩子。tradesman指零卖商人,开小店的商人。dealer不单独使用,必须和表示行业的词连用(例如book dealer)。pedlar指走街串巷叫卖的“小贩”。salesman通常指“售货员,推销员”。2023-07-17 12:56:043
商人用英语怎么说 无法解答 商人用英语怎么拼 business man 是商人,用英语怎么说? I am a busines *** an :我是商人 商人用英语怎么说 商人 busines *** an (常用); merchant ; tradermerchant 商人;尤指进出口批发商人 ; 零售商;店主 trader 商人; (证券等的)投机商 女商人business woman 不法商人 lawbreaking merchants 乔装成商人 disguise oneself as a merchant 古董商人 antiquary 皮货商人 furrier 印度商人 banian 外国商人 alien merchant 金融商人 trader-financier 食品商人 provision merchant 商人用英文怎么说 商人 busines *** an; [例句]她是个精明的女商人。 She"s a shrewd businesswoman 商人的英文是什么? busines *** an 我的父母都是商人用英语怎么写 Both of my parents are doing business 商人的英文翻译 busines *** an 我的爸爸和妈妈都是商人用英文怎么写 My father and mother are busines *** en.2023-07-17 12:56:221
商人 businessman (常用); merchant ; trader merchant 商人;尤指进出口批发商人 ; 零售商;店主 trader 商人; (证券等的)投机商 女商人business woman不法商人 lawbreaking merchants 乔装成商人 disguise oneself as a merchant古董商人 antiquary皮货商人 furrier印度商人 banian外国商人 alien merchant金融商人 trader-financier食品商人 provision merchant2023-07-17 12:56:329
商人的单词有:merchant,dealer,huckster,shopkeeper,trader。商人的单词有:hardwareman,merchantman,shopkeeper,speculator,huckster。结构是:商(上下结构)人(独体结构)。拼音是:shāngrén。注音是:ㄕㄤㄖㄣ_。词性是:名词。商人的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】商人shāngrén。(1)以买卖商品谋利的人。二、引证解释⒈贩卖货物的人。引《左传·僖公三十三年》:“郑商人弦高,将市於周。”宋曾巩《义仓》:“至开元,自王公以下至於商人皆有入,故义仓之实,至六千万以上。”老舍《四世同堂》四五:“北平人准知道这些分散在各胡同里的日本人是侦探,不管他们表面上是商人还是教师。”三、国语词典从事买卖的人。如:「商人甲骨,周人金文都是珍贵的古史资料。」词语翻译英语merchant,businessman德语H_ndler(S,Wirtsch)_,Gesch_ftsmann(S)_,Kaufmann(S,Wirtsch)_法语commer_ant,marchand四、网络解释商人(职业名)商人是指以一定的自身或社会有形资源或无形资源为工具获取利润并负有一定社会责任的人,或者是指以自己名义实施商业行为并以此为事业的人。关于商人的近义词估客贩子市井关于商人的诗词《商人妇》《商人》《咏史五首其四·商人》关于商人的诗句今法律贱商人一曲清商人物商人已富贵矣;关于商人的成语含商咀徵商彝夏鼎商山四皓动如参商重农轻商富商蓄贾共商国是富商巨贾商彝周鼎商鉴不远关于商人的词语移商换羽富商巨贾兄弟参商无尖不商动如参商富商蓄贾商山四皓豪商巨贾重农轻商共商国是关于商人的造句1、这几个朋比为奸的商人和官员,最后都被移送法办。2、解放前繁重的捐税,使商人们叫苦连天。3、不要被打折的现象蒙蔽了,精明的商人是不会做赔钱的生意的。4、西双版纳森郁的林木吸引了众多商人。5、中国的改革开放,吸引了大批的国际旅游者和商人。点此查看更多关于商人的详细信息2023-07-17 12:56:471
businessman - 商人,凡是从商的不管干什么都可以,包括金融,营销,个体老板,乌拉乌拉各种merchant - 这个就是俗称的小贩,一般自己开小店卖东西的这么叫trader - 直译是交易者,但是现在一般特指在投资银行或者大型金融机构做证券交易的人也就是说businessman是统称,trader是一种高级白领,而merchant就朴素多了如果还有问题可以找我2023-07-17 12:56:541
trader merchant businessman的区别
businessman-商人,凡是从商的不管干什么都可以,包括金融,营销,个体老板,乌拉乌拉各种merchant-这个就是俗称的小贩,一般自己开小店卖东西的这么叫trader-直译是交易者,但是现在一般特指在投资银行或者大型金融机构做证券交易的人也就是说businessman是统称,trader是一种高级白领,而merchant就朴素多了如果还有问题可以找我2023-07-17 12:57:012
merchant有一个音节。英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。对于初学者来说,若采用集中教学,要学会48个音素的发音并区别开,确实不易。笔者对音标的教学采用了相对集中的方法,即从字母名称教学过渡到部分音标教学。1、将字母分类英语的26个字母分两种类型:一种叫元音字母,另一种叫辅音字母。元音字母有:a,e,i,o,u五个,其余为辅音字母。将字母按发音共同点分类,然后总结字母名称的读音规律,从中可直观地学习七个元音音素,即[ei][i:][ai][u0259u][u:][e][a:]。2、用掐头去尾法学习17个辅音音素 所谓“掐头去尾”,就是将字母名称音中的元音音素去掉(去掉第一个音,或去掉最后一个音),余下的辅音音素即是它在单词中的读音。如S这个字母,名称音为[es],把[e]音素去掉,余下[s]这个辅音音素,即叫“掐头”;B这个字母,名称音为[bi:],把[i:]音素去掉,余下[b]这个辅音音素,即叫“去尾”。在26个字母中有15个辅音字母和一个元音字母及一个半元音字母可用“掐头去尾法”得到它们的辅音音素。2023-07-17 12:57:081
sell主要就是卖,出售得意思2023-07-17 12:57:411
商人就是以买卖商品谋利的人,比如中间商人。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 商人英语单词1: busines *** an 商人英语单词2: merchant 商人英语单词3: trader 商人的英语例句: 他是一个不诚实的商人。 He is a dishonest merchant. 来自苏黎世的艺术品商人 An art dealer from Zurich 然而,商人往往不相信这一谣传。 However, traders tended to discount the rumor. 银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。 The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester busines *** an. 他是一个精明的商人,深知自己的利益所在。 He was a shrewd busines *** an. He knew which side his bread was buttered on. 这个商人向他行贿。 The busines *** an offers bribes to him. 一个成功的商人必须有进取心。 A successful busines *** an must be aggressive. 这个商人因为成功而狂喜。 The busines *** an was intoxicated by his success. 我建议你不要和那个不诚实的商人合作。 I advise you not to cooperate with that deceitful busines *** an. 商人以低价购进货物,再用高价格卖出。 Merchants buy things at a lower price and sell them at a higher price. 我们给商人贷款,让商人入股。 We should grant loans to busines *** en and allow them to buy shares. 弗里德曼曾经说过:“商人没有钱可以花在社会责任上,除非他拥有垄断的权力。 As Friedman said, “ no busines *** an has money to spend on social responsibility unless he has monopoly power. 那商人收到一份购买大量煤的订单。 The merchant received a large order of coal. 他从一名受人尊敬的学者到一个度日艰难的小商人的瞬间沦落 His swift descent from respected academic to struggling *** all busines *** an 别的不说,道格起码是个精明务实的商人。 If nothing else, Doug is a hard-nosed busines *** an. 他的父亲不爱与人交往,却又是个成功的商人。 His father was a misanthropic but successful busines *** an. 持英国护照旅行的南非商人 A South African busines *** an travelling on a British passport 托马斯先生,一个想法怪异的商人 Mr Thomas, a busines *** an with eccentric views 问题在于,对农民来说,不若商人,不是每件事都发展良好,结果就是农民谴责商人毁掉了他们应得的。 Consequentially the farmers accuse the traders of spoiling things for them.2023-07-17 12:57:561
planning是做采购计划的,对内的,主要和生产部门沟通。Merchant是负责采购订单和采购过程到位的,对外的多些,主要和供应商打交道。2023-07-17 12:58:021
问题一:商贸 的英文缩写是什么? 商贸外文名:trade and business,缩写:tb。 商贸即为商业零售企业,小规模商贸企业登记注册需要三万元资金。商业零售企业是指设有商品营业场所、柜台,不自产商品、直接面向最终消费者的商业零售企业,包括直接从事综合商品销售的百货商场、超级市场、零售商店等。根据《财政部国家税务总局关于下岗失业人员再就业税收政策的补充通知》(财税[2003]133号)规定:《财政部国家税务总局关于下岗失业人员再就业有关税收政策问题的通知》(财税[2002]208号)中的“商贸企业”界定为商业零售企业。 问题二:商贸有限公司 用英文怎么写 XXX Trading Co., Ltd. 例如: Quanzhou Keen Field Trading Co., Ltd. 泉州启丰商贸有限公司 英语翻译专业出身,手工翻译,希望可以帮到你,过年快乐~ 问题三:“商贸有限公司”用英语怎么说 你好 你说的意思是公司英文抬头吗?如果是的话前面公司的名字后面加Trading Co.,LTD 问题四:"贸易有限公司" 的英文写法 Trading Limited比较对称美观,国际上用得也比较多点 问题五:贸易商用英文怎么写 说法很多 给你几个主要的 1.trafficker 2.【经】 merchant 3.trader 问题六:商贸股份有限公司的英文及缩写? 中文名 商贸有限公司 外文名 mercial and Trading Co.,Ltd 也可以用 trading co., ltd 没见有啥缩写 问题七:“商贸有限责任公司”英文怎么写拜托各位大神 Trade limited liability pany 问题八:北京xx商贸有限责任公司 英语怎么翻译 Beijing XX mercial and Trade Co., L订d 这是专业说法,合胃口不? 问题九:顶尖商贸的英文怎么写 顶尖商贸. 英语: 1) Top trading. 2) The first-class business.2023-07-17 12:58:081
奸商 翻译
奸商 [jiān shāng]n. profiteermisc. unscrupulous merchant ; dishonest trader ; profiteering merchant ; commercial racketeer在例句中比较网络释义专业释义汉语词典The Profiteer记忆快速、高效!阅读能力和词汇能力同时入步 ... what the cat saw猫之所见 the profiteer奸商 new kind of school新型学校 ...profiteering merchant商业贸易行业专业英语第169页 ... profiteer 奸商 profiteering merchant 奸商 profiteering 乘机渔利 ...Profiteers(Vandals)意于毁坏或变动Web页面; 奸商 (Profiteers)意于长处,如把握 系统打单年夜略盗取数据得利。dishonest merchantexploringlyKTVrapture of ... ... excitron [电子]单阳极汞池整流管,汞气整流管 dishonest merchant 奸商 deletion 删除, 删除部分, 被删除的字句、章节 ...短语战争奸商 War Agent奸商客服 FGHI投机的奸商 Venture Profiteer2023-07-17 12:58:287
“企业家” 和 “商人” 英文怎么说?
entrepreneur企业家, merchant商人2023-07-17 12:58:574
1:Net Business: 网络生意,不是商人2:Net businessman:按字翻译是网络商人,但是不是怎么叫得。3:Network business:Network的网络不是互联网,是关系网,所以不能怎么用。 ten net businessman of 2007: 2007年的十大网商(指最成功的)网络商人是internet businessman, e-businessman, 或最长用的internet seller缩写:IBO Internet Business Ownere-biz 网络商业2023-07-17 13:00:0514
merchant token 什么意思
你是找亚马逊后台的merchant token吗?该页面的位置,请看截图:第一步,在设置里点击账户信息第二步,点击“卖家记号”第三步,这个页面就是merchant token我也是找了很久,英文不太好,找起来费劲,把我的成果写下来,希望可以帮到有需要的人。如果我的回答对您有用,请顺手点个赞,不胜感谢!2023-07-17 13:00:292
Merchant Bank和commercial bank有什么区别?
主业区别:商业银行(Commercial Banking):主要从事信贷业务,即存款、贷款等;商人银行(Merchant Banking):主要提供股权投资业务,即PE直投;投资银行(Investment Banking):主要从事中介业务,如承销保荐、财务顾问。简单理解:商业银行借钱,商人银行投资,投资银行拉皮条2023-07-17 13:00:554
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves from the 1001 Nights In a town in Persia there dwelt two brothers, one named Cassim, the other Ali Baba. Cassim was married to a rich wife and lived in plenty, while Ali Baba had to maintain his wife and children by cutting wood in a neighboring forest and selling it in the town. One day, when Ali Baba was in the forest, he saw a troop of men on horseback, coming toward him in a cloud of dust. He was afraid they were robbers, and climbed into a tree for safety. When they came up to him and dismounted, he counted forty of them. They unbridled their horses and tied them to trees. The finest man among them, whom Ali Baba took to be their captain, went a little way among some bushes, and said, "Open, Sesame!" so plainly that Ali Baba heard him. A door opened in the rocks, and having made the troop go in, he followed them, and the door shut again of itself. They stayed some time inside, and Ali Baba, fearing they might come out and catch him, was forced to sit patiently in the tree. At last the door opened again, and the Forty Thieves came out. As the Captain went in last he came out first, and made them all pass by him; he then closed the door, saying, "Shut, Sesame!" Every man bridled his horse and mounted, the Captain put himself at their head, and they returned as they came. Then Ali Baba climbed down and went to the door concealed among the bushes, and said, "Open, Sesame!" and it flew open. Ali Baba, who expected a dull, dismal place, was greatly surprised to find it large and well lighted, hollowed by the hand of man in the form of a vault, which received the light from an opening in the ceiling. He saw rich bales of merchandise -- silk, stuff-brocades, all piled together, and gold and silver in heaps, and money in leather purses. He went in and the door shut behind him. He did not look at the silver, but brought out as many bags of gold as he thought his asses, which were browsing outside, could carry, loaded them with the bags, and hid it all with fagots. Using the words, "Shut, Sesame!" he closed the door and went home. Then he drove his asses into the yard, shut the gates, carried the money-bags to his wife, and emptied them out before her. He bade her keep the secret, and he would go and bury the gold. "Let me first measure it," said his wife. "I will go borrow a measure of someone, while you dig the hole." So she ran to the wife of Cassim and borrowed a measure. Knowing Ali Baba"s poverty, the sister was curious to find out what sort of grain his wife wished to measure, and artfully put some suet at the bottom of the measure. Ali Baba"s wife went home and set the measure on the heap of gold, and filled it and emptied it often, to her great content. She then carried it back to her sister, without noticing that a piece of gold was sticking to it, which Cassim"s wife perceived directly her back was turned. She grew very curious, and said to Cassim when he came home, "Cassim, your brother is richer than you. He does not count his money, he measures it." He begged her to explain this riddle, which she did by showing him the piece of money and telling him where she found it. Then Cassim grew so envious that he could not sleep, and went to his brother in the morning before sunrise. "Ali Baba," he said, showing him the gold piece, "you pretend to be poor and yet you measure gold." By this Ali Baba perceived that through his wife"s folly Cassim and his wife knew their secret, so he confessed all and offered Cassim a share. "That I expect," said Cassim; "but I must know where to find the treasure, otherwise I will discover all, and you will lose all." Ali Baba, more out of kindness than fear, told him of the cave, and the very words to use. Cassim left Ali Baba, meaning to be beforehand with him and get the treasure for himself. He rose early next morning, and set out with ten mules loaded with great chests. He soon found the place, and the door in the rock. He said, "Open, Sesame!" and the door opened and shut behind him. He could have feasted his eyes all day on the treasures, but he now hastened to gather together as much of it as possible; but when he was ready to go he could not remember what to say for thinking of his great riches. Instead of "Sesame," he said, "Open, Barley!" and the door remained fast. He named several different sorts of grain, all but the right one, and the door still stuck fast. He was so frightened at the danger he was in that he had as much forgotten the word as if he had never heard it. About noon the robbers returned to their cave, and saw Cassim"s mules roving about with great chests on their backs. This gave them the alarm; they drew their sabers, and went to the door, which opened on their Captain"s saying, "Open, Sesame!" Cassim, who had heard the trampling of their horses" feet, resolved to sell his life dearly, so when the door opened he leaped out and threw the Captain down. In vain, however, for the robbers with their sabers soon killed him. On entering the cave they saw all the bags laid ready, and could not imagine how anyone had got in without knowing their secret. They cut Cassim"s body into four quarters, and nailed them up inside the cave, in order to frighten anyone who should venture in, and went away in search of more treasure. As night drew on Cassim"s wife grew very uneasy, and ran to her brother-in-law, and told him where her husband had gone. Ali Baba did his best to comfort her, and set out to the forest in search of Cassim. The first thing he saw on entering the cave was his dead brother. Full of horror, he put the body on one of his asses, and bags of gold on the other two, and, covering all with some fagots, returned home. He drove the two asses laden with gold into his own yard, and led the other to Cassim"s house. The door was opened by the slave Morgiana, whom he knew to be both brave and cunning. Unloading the ass, he said to her, "This is the body of your master, who has been murdered, but whom we must bury as though he had died in his bed. I will speak with you again, but now tell your mistress I am come." The wife of Cassim, on learning the fate of her husband, broke out into cries and tears, but Ali Baba offered to take her to live with him and his wife if she would promise to keep his counsel and leave everything to Morgiana; whereupon she agreed, and dried her eyes. Morgiana, meanwhile, sought an apothecary and asked him for some lozenges. "My poor master," she said, "can neither eat nor speak, and no one knows what his distemper is." She carried home the lozenges and returned next day weeping, and asked for an essence only given to those just about to die. Thus, in the evening, no one was surprised to hear the wretched shrieks and cries of Cassim"s wife and Morgiana, telling everyone that Cassim was dead. The day after Morgiana went to an old cobbler near the gates of the town who opened his stall early, put a piece of gold in his hand, and bade him follow her with his needle and thread. Having bound his eyes with a handkerchief, she took him to the room where the body lay, pulled off the bandage, and bade him sew the quarters together, after which she covered his eyes again and led him home. Then they buried Cassim, and Morgiana his slave followed him to the grave, weeping and tearing her hair, while Cassim"s wife stayed at home uttering lamentable cries. Next day she went to live with Ali Baba, who gave Cassim"s shop to his eldest son. The Forty Thieves, on their return to the cave, were much astonished to find Cassim"s body gone and some of their money-bags. "We are certainly discovered," said the Captain, "and shall be undone if we cannot find out who it is that knows our secret. Two men must have known it; we have killed one, we must now find the other. To this end one of you who is bold and artful must go into the city dressed as a traveler, and discover whom we have killed, and whether men talk of the strange manner of his death. If the messenger fails he must lose his life, lest we be betrayed." One of the thieves started up and offered to do this, and after the rest had highly commended him for his bravery he disguised himself, and happened to enter the town at daybreak, just by Baba Mustapha"s stall. The thief bade him good-day, saying, "Honest man, how can you possibly see to stitch at your age?" "Old as I am," replied the cobbler, "I have very good eyes, and will you believe me when I tell you that I sewed a dead body together in a place where I had less light than I have now." The robber was overjoyed at his good fortune, and, giving him a piece of gold, desired to be shown the house where he stitched up the dead body. At first Mustapha refused, saying that he had been blindfolded; but when the robber gave him another piece of gold he began to think he might remember the turnings if blindfolded as before. This means succeeded; the robber partly led him, and was partly guided by him, right in front of Cassim"s house, the door of which the robber marked with a piece of chalk. Then, well pleased, he bade farewell to Baba Mustapha and returned to the forest. By and by Morgiana, going out, saw the mark the robber had made, quickly guessed that some mischief was brewing, and fetching a piece of chalk marked two or three doors on each side, without saying anything to her master or mistress. The thief, meantime, told his comrades of his discovery. The Captain thanked him, and bade him show him the house he had marked. But when they came to it they saw that five or six of the houses were chalked in the same manner. The guide was so confounded that he knew not what answer to make, and when they returned he was at once beheaded for having failed. Another robber was dispatched, and, having won over Baba Mustapha, marked the house in red chalk; but Morgiana being again too clever for them, the second messenger was put to death also. The Captain now resolved to go himself, but, wiser than the others, he did not mark the house, but looked at it so closely that he could not fail to remember it. He returned, and ordered his men to go into the neighboring villages and buy nineteen mules, and thirty-eight leather jars, all empty except one, which was full of oil. The Captain put one of his men, fully armed, into each, rubbing the outside of the jars with oil from the full vessel. Then the nineteen mules were loaded with thirty-seven robbers in jars, and the jar of oil, and reached the town by dusk. The Captain stopped his mules in front of Ali Baba"s house, and said to Ali Baba, who was sitting outside for coolness, "I have brought some oil from a distance to sell at tomorrow"s market, but it is now so late that I know not where to pass the night, unless you will do me the favor to take me in." Though Ali Baba had seen the Captain of the robbers in the forest, he did not recognize him in the disguise of an oil merchant. He bade him welcome, opened his gates for the mules to enter, and went to Morgiana to bid her prepare a bed and supper for his guest. He brought the stranger into his hall, and after they had supped went again to speak to Morgiana in the kitchen, while the Captain went into the yard under pretense of seeing after his mules, but really to tell his men what to do. Beginning at the first jar and ending at the last, he said to each man, "As soon as I throw some stones from the window of the chamber where I lie, cut the jars open with your knives and come out, and I will be with you in a trice." He returned to the house, and Morgiana led him to his chamber. She then told Abdallah, her fellow slave, to set on the pot to make some broth for her master, who had gone to bed. Meanwhile her lamp went out, and she had no more oil in the house. "Do not be uneasy," said Abdallah; "go into the yard and take some out of one of those jars." Morgiana thanked him for his advice, took the oil pot, and went into the yard. When she came to the first jar the robber inside said softly, "Is it time?" Any other slave but Morgiana, on finding a man in the jar instead of the oil she wanted, would have screamed and made a noise; but she, knowing the danger her master was in, bethought herself of a plan, and answered quietly, "Not yet, but presently." She went to all the jars, giving the same answer, till she came to the jar of oil. She now saw that her master, thinking to entertain an oil merchant, had let thirty-eight robbers into his house. She filled her oil pot, went back to the kitchen, and, having lit her lamp, went again to the oil jar and filled a large kettle full of oil. When it boiled she went and poured enough oil into every jar to stifle and kill the robber inside. When this brave deed was done she went back to the kitchen, put out the fire and the lamp, and waited to see what would happen. In a quarter of an hour the Captain of the robbers awoke, got up, and opened the window. As all seemed quiet, he threw down some little pebbles which hit the jars. He listened, and as none of his men seemed to stir he grew uneasy, and went down into the yard. On going to the first jar and saying, "Are you asleep?" he smelt the hot boiled oil, and knew at once that his plot to murder Ali Baba and his household had been discovered. He found all the gang was dead, and, missing the oil out of the last jar, became aware of the manner of their death. He then forced the lock of a door leading into a garden, and climbing over several walls made his escape. Morgiana heard and saw all this, a2023-07-17 13:01:051
店主的英语翻译 店主用英语怎么说
店主 [词典] shopkeeper; merchant; storekeeper; shopman; [电影] The Storekeeper; [例句]店主们把窗户都封上了。Shopkeepers have boarded up their windows.2023-07-17 13:01:143
jump to the merchant websit中文意思是跳转到商家网站。重点词汇解析:merchant英 ["mɜːtʃənt] 美 ["mɜːrtʃənt] n. 商人;店主;专家adj. 商业的;商船的n. (班轮提单)货方;签约方The merchant had received a shipment of tea.这个商人收到了一船茶叶。bargain with merchants 与商人讨价还价become a merchant 成为商人扩展资料同近义词——dealer 常用词汇 英 ["diːlə(r)] 美 ["diːlər] n. 商人;经销商;发牌者;毒品贩子The dealer was slavering over some precious stones.那商人对一些宝石垂涎欲滴。petty dealer 小商小贩plain dealer 质朴的商人retail dealer 零售商2023-07-17 13:01:235
commercial,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时译为“商业的;营利的;靠广告收入的”,作名词时译为“商业广告”。单词发音英[ku0259u02c8mu025cu02d0u0283l]美[ku0259u02c8mu025cu02d0ru0283l]短语搭配COMMERCIAL INVOICE [会计] 商业发票 ; 贸易发票 ; 发票 ; 商务发票commercial revolution 商业革命Commercial Aviation [航] 商业航空 ; 商用航空 ; 民用航空双语例句Due to commercial variations in composition and to manufacturing limitations, they should not be used for specification purposes. 由于商业的变异组成,并制造业的局限,他们不应当被用来为规范的目的。If we will draw the correct invoice as the commercial invoice. 如果正确我们将以此发票做为这次的商业发票。Well, not commercial beer. 嗯,不是商业啤酒。2023-07-17 13:02:072
Merchant Bank 是什么意思啊?
merchant,商业的,bank,银行。merchant bank ,商行2023-07-17 13:02:392
- SKU:Stock Keeping Unit 最小销售单元 指销售过程中,以最小交货单元交付给消费者的方式. Amazon uses a Merchant SKU to identify a Seller"s product. While the listing has an ASIN as the unique identifier, the Seller relates their product to that listing with their Merchant SKU. 标识卖家的产品 If a seller adds a listing without specifying the MerchantSKU, Amazon will auto-generate it with a random combination of numbers and letters. It is possible to relate these random MerchantSKUs to regular product skus but ideally you should really try to use a MerchantSKU that will help you recognize the product. 未指定SKU,则随机数字和字母自动组合生成 By default, SellerCloud will post the ProductID as the MerchantSKU when posting new products to Amazon. 默认为产品ID2023-07-17 13:02:461
Jia2023-07-17 13:02:521
什么是亚马逊merchant id
Citizen ID Number:公民身份证号码 如果是国内地址,则需在“Country”一栏选择“China”中国,选好之后,下方会自动出现填写Citizen ID Number的输入框,在这里填写收货人的身份证号码即可。2023-07-17 13:03:281
merchant account 什么意思
商人账户;商业帐户;营业帐号;银行帐号2023-07-17 13:03:364
merchant haulage是什么意思
merchant haulage英 [u02c8mu0259:tu0283u0259nt u02c8hu0254:lidu0292] 美 [u02c8mu025atu0283u0259nt u02c8hu0254lu026adu0292]货主内陆运输 货方接运货方拖运;由货主自行内陆托运;货主接运haulage英 [u02c8hu0254:lu026adu0292] 美 [u02c8hu0254lu026adu0292]n.公路[铁路]货运业,公路[铁路]运费 双语例句1. The haulage company was a carrier of machine parts to Turkey. 该公路货运公司负责将机械零件运往土耳其。来自柯林斯例句2. the road haulage industry 公路货运业来自《权威词典》3. If the Government introduces a carbon tax on road haulage, then carriage by water will become more attractive. 如果政府开始对公路运输征收碳税,那么水运就会变得更加具有吸引力。来自柯林斯例句4. Haulage distances are not excessively long. 拖运距离并不十分远.来自辞典例句5. SEA - PROMISE Freight runs its own warehouse and haulage team in Tianjin, China. 天津海诺国际货运代理有限公司在天津拥有自己的协议仓库,可承接铁路 、 陆地的到货交付.来自互联网2023-07-17 13:03:453
亚马逊的seller account 和merchant account是什么意思
都是一个意思啊 都是卖家账户2023-07-17 13:03:531
商人businessman2023-07-17 13:04:153
adj.东罗马帝国的,拜占庭式的 n.拜占庭人,拜占庭派的建筑师,画家英英解释1个名词解释1. a native or inhabitant of Byzantium or of the Byzantine Empire4个形容词解释1. of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it[例]* Byzantine monks* Byzantine rites2. of or relating to or characteristic of the Byzantine Empire or the ancient city of Byzantium2023-07-17 13:04:471
merchantbusinessman请采纳2023-07-17 13:05:201
商人用英语怎么读 商人英语是啥呢
1、商人的英语:merchant,读音:[u02c8mu025c:tu0283u0259nt]、 2、merchant英 [u02c8mu025c:tu0283u0259nt] 美 [u02c8mu025c:rtu0283u0259nt] n.商人;店主;批发商;零售商。adj.商人的;商业的。 3、merchant的用法示例如下:He returned to his motherland that year, disguised as a merchant. 那年他扮作商人回到了祖国。2023-07-17 13:05:341
商人 businessman (常用); merchant ; trader merchant 很高兴为你解答满意望采纳2023-07-17 13:05:432
商人 businessman (常用); merchant ; trader merchant 商人;尤指进出口批发商人 ; 零售商;店主 trader 商人; (证券等的)投机商 女商人business woman不法商人 lawbreaking merchants 乔装成商人 disguise oneself as a merchant古董商人 antiquary皮货商人 furrier印度商人 banian外国商人 alien merchant金融商人 trader-financier食品商人 provision merchant2023-07-17 13:05:594
“merchant”与“business man”两个词有什么区别?
merchant: 指从事批发生意的大商人,尤指从事国际贸易的大商人,但在美国或苏格兰等地,也指一般商人。businessman: 指有经验、善于经营、从事各种买卖活动的买卖人、实业家或工商业家。这些名词均有“商人”之意。参考资料小牛英语.小牛英语[引用时间2018-3-7]2023-07-17 13:06:491
merchant与businessman的区别如下: merchant指从事批发生意的大商人,尤指从事国际贸易的大商人,但在美国或苏格兰等地,也指一般商人。 businessman指有经验、善于经营、从事各种买卖活动的买卖人、实业家或工商业家。 其他近义词还有:trader、tradesman、dealer、pedlar、salesman。 trader指从事贸易工作的人,也指贩子。tradesman指零卖商人,开小店的商人。dealer不单独使用,必须和表示行业的词连用(例如book dealer)。pedlar指走街串巷叫卖的“小贩”。salesman通常指“售货员,推销员”。2023-07-17 13:06:562
商人的读音是:shāngrén。商人的拼音是:shāngrén。结构是:商(上下结构)人(独体结构)。注音是:ㄕㄤㄖㄣ_。词性是:名词。商人的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】商人shāngrén。(1)以买卖商品谋利的人。二、引证解释⒈贩卖货物的人。引《左传·僖公三十三年》:“郑商人弦高,将市於周。”宋曾巩《义仓》:“至开元,自王公以下至於商人皆有入,故义仓之实,至六千万以上。”老舍《四世同堂》四五:“北平人准知道这些分散在各胡同里的日本人是侦探,不管他们表面上是商人还是教师。”三、国语词典从事买卖的人。如:「商人甲骨,周人金文都是珍贵的古史资料。」词语翻译英语merchant,businessman德语H_ndler(S,Wirtsch)_,Gesch_ftsmann(S)_,Kaufmann(S,Wirtsch)_法语commer_ant,marchand四、网络解释商人(职业名)商人是指以一定的自身或社会有形资源或无形资源为工具获取利润并负有一定社会责任的人,或者是指以自己名义实施商业行为并以此为事业的人。关于商人的近义词估客市井贩子关于商人的诗词《高士咏·郑商人弦高》《郑商人弦高》《商人妇》关于商人的诗句商人所尊神莫作商人去莫作商人妇关于商人的单词tradermerchantmerchantmandealerspeculatorshopkeeperhucksterhardwareman关于商人的成语豪商巨贾重农轻商动如参商共商国是商山四皓商彝周鼎富商蓄贾无尖不商商彝夏鼎富商巨贾关于商人的词语商彝夏鼎动如参商商山四皓含商咀徵重农轻商一片宫商兄弟参商无尖不商富商巨贾富商蓄贾关于商人的造句1、这几个朋比为奸的商人和官员,最后都被移送法办。2、为了侦察敌情,他化装成商人进城去了。3、他是一位目光短浅的商人,错过数次发财致富的机会。4、公益事业捐款会上,那个商人一毛不拔。5、解放前繁重的捐税,使商人们叫苦连天。点此查看更多关于商人的详细信息2023-07-17 13:07:271
merchant常指有固定店铺的生意人,或批发商businessman多指到处活动去做生意的人.或指做小本生意的人.2023-07-17 13:07:342
男商人:Business man,女商人:business woman。business:1、贸易(不可数)常用短语do business; in business; go into business2、工作(不可数)常用短语on business3、营业额(不可数)4、职责,归……管的事(不可数)常用短语none of sb."s business5、重要事情,要点(不可数)unfinished business尚未了结的事务例句:Mr. Jones is in the business of selling cars.琼斯先生从事汽车销售。扩展资料近义词区分merchant,businessman,trader,tradesman,dealer这些名词均有“商人”之意。1、merchant指从事批发生意的大商人,尤指从事国际贸易的大商人,但在美国或苏格兰等地,也指一般商人。2、businessman指有经验、善于经营、从事各种买卖活动的买卖人、实业家或工商业家。3、trader指从事贸易工作的人,也指贩子。4、tradesman指零卖商人,开小店的商人。5、dealer指商人时多与表商店的字连用。2023-07-17 13:08:054
商人的词语解释是:商人shāngrén。(1)以买卖商品谋利的人。商人的词语解释是:商人shāngrén。(1)以买卖商品谋利的人。注音是:ㄕㄤㄖㄣ_。拼音是:shāngrén。词性是:名词。结构是:商(上下结构)人(独体结构)。商人的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、引证解释【点此查看计划详细内容】⒈贩卖货物的人。引《左传·僖公三十三年》:“郑商人弦高,将市於周。”宋曾巩《义仓》:“至开元,自王公以下至於商人皆有入,故义仓之实,至六千万以上。”老舍《四世同堂》四五:“北平人准知道这些分散在各胡同里的日本人是侦探,不管他们表面上是商人还是教师。”二、国语词典从事买卖的人。如:「商人甲骨,周人金文都是珍贵的古史资料。」词语翻译英语merchant,businessman德语H_ndler(S,Wirtsch)_,Gesch_ftsmann(S)_,Kaufmann(S,Wirtsch)_法语commer_ant,marchand三、网络解释商人(职业名)商人是指以一定的自身或社会有形资源或无形资源为工具获取利润并负有一定社会责任的人,或者是指以自己名义实施商业行为并以此为事业的人。关于商人的近义词贩子市井估客关于商人的诗词《贾妇怨·嫁与商人头欲白》《__曲·莫作商人妇》《高士咏·郑商人弦高》关于商人的诗句今嫁商人岂妾意莫作商人妇莫作商人去关于商人的单词merchantspeculatordealerhuckstermerchantmanhardwaremantradershopkeeper关于商人的成语无尖不商重农轻商共商国是商鉴不远含商咀徵富商巨贾商山四皓商彝夏鼎动如参商商彝周鼎关于商人的词语商彝周鼎重农轻商豪商巨贾动如参商共商国是商鉴不远移商换羽含商咀徵兄弟参商商彝夏鼎关于商人的造句1、西双版纳森郁的林木吸引了众多商人。2、为了侦察敌情,他化装成商人进城去了。3、不要被打折的现象蒙蔽了,精明的商人是不会做赔钱的生意的。4、这几个朋比为奸的商人和官员,最后都被移送法办。5、投机商人悖入悖出,钱来得快去得也快。点此查看更多关于商人的详细信息2023-07-17 13:08:491
商人的网络解释是:商人(职业名)商人是指以一定的自身或社会有形资源或无形资源为工具获取利润并负有一定社会责任的人,或者是指以自己名义实施商业行为并以此为事业的人。商人的网络解释是:商人(职业名)商人是指以一定的自身或社会有形资源或无形资源为工具获取利润并负有一定社会责任的人,或者是指以自己名义实施商业行为并以此为事业的人。词性是:名词。拼音是:shāngrén。注音是:ㄕㄤㄖㄣ_。结构是:商(上下结构)人(独体结构)。商人的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】商人shāngrén。(1)以买卖商品谋利的人。二、引证解释⒈贩卖货物的人。引《左传·僖公三十三年》:“郑商人弦高,将市於周。”宋曾巩《义仓》:“至开元,自王公以下至於商人皆有入,故义仓之实,至六千万以上。”老舍《四世同堂》四五:“北平人准知道这些分散在各胡同里的日本人是侦探,不管他们表面上是商人还是教师。”三、国语词典从事买卖的人。如:「商人甲骨,周人金文都是珍贵的古史资料。」词语翻译英语merchant,businessman德语H_ndler(S,Wirtsch)_,Gesch_ftsmann(S)_,Kaufmann(S,Wirtsch)_法语commer_ant,marchand关于商人的近义词估客贩子市井关于商人的诗词《贾妇怨·嫁与商人头欲白》《咏史五首其四·商人》《商人·履癸昆吾祸莫移》关于商人的诗句莫作商人妇一曲清商人物此商人所以兼并农人关于商人的单词traderspeculatorhardwaremanmerchantshopkeeperdealermerchantmanhuckster关于商人的成语商彝夏鼎动如参商含商咀徵共商国是无尖不商豪商巨贾商彝周鼎富商巨贾商山四皓重农轻商关于商人的词语富商蓄贾商山四皓重农轻商豪商巨贾共商国是商鉴不远动如参商商彝夏鼎兄弟参商商彝周鼎关于商人的造句1、投机商人悖入悖出,钱来得快去得也快。2、他是一位目光短浅的商人,错过数次发财致富的机会。3、西双版纳森郁的林木吸引了众多商人。4、外国商人纷纷来我国洽谈生意。5、公益事业捐款会上,那个商人一毛不拔。点此查看更多关于商人的详细信息2023-07-17 13:08:551
商人的词性是:名词。商人的词性是:名词。注音是:ㄕㄤㄖㄣ_。结构是:商(上下结构)人(独体结构)。拼音是:shāngrén。商人的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】商人shāngrén。(1)以买卖商品谋利的人。二、引证解释⒈贩卖货物的人。引《左传·僖公三十三年》:“郑商人弦高,将市於周。”宋曾巩《义仓》:“至开元,自王公以下至於商人皆有入,故义仓之实,至六千万以上。”老舍《四世同堂》四五:“北平人准知道这些分散在各胡同里的日本人是侦探,不管他们表面上是商人还是教师。”三、国语词典从事买卖的人。如:「商人甲骨,周人金文都是珍贵的古史资料。」词语翻译英语merchant,businessman德语H_ndler(S,Wirtsch)_,Gesch_ftsmann(S)_,Kaufmann(S,Wirtsch)_法语commer_ant,marchand四、网络解释商人(职业名)商人是指以一定的自身或社会有形资源或无形资源为工具获取利润并负有一定社会责任的人,或者是指以自己名义实施商业行为并以此为事业的人。关于商人的近义词市井估客贩子关于商人的诗词《夜闻商人船中筝》《高士咏·郑商人弦高》《__曲·莫作商人妇》关于商人的诗句莫作商人去商人已富贵矣;莫作商人妇关于商人的单词tradershopkeeperhucksterhardwaremandealermerchantmanmerchantspeculator关于商人的成语富商蓄贾动如参商商山四皓商彝夏鼎共商国是无尖不商豪商巨贾商彝周鼎商鉴不远重农轻商关于商人的词语商彝夏鼎无尖不商动如参商移商换羽商山四皓兄弟参商重农轻商富商巨贾共商国是含商咀徵关于商人的造句1、投机商人悖入悖出,钱来得快去得也快。2、解放前繁重的捐税,使商人们叫苦连天。3、不要被打折的现象蒙蔽了,精明的商人是不会做赔钱的生意的。4、外国商人纷纷来我国洽谈生意。5、这几个朋比为奸的商人和官员,最后都被移送法办。点此查看更多关于商人的详细信息2023-07-17 13:09:011
dealer n. 经销商;商人 v. 商人merchant n. 商人,批发商;店主 adj. 商业的,商人的 trader n. 交易者;商人;商船businessman n. 商人distributor n. 经销商;发行人 [电] 分配器;分配者;散布者;[电] 配电盘2023-07-17 13:09:082
商家shāngjiā[businessman] 即指私人商业者2023-07-17 13:09:323
问题一:“商家”用英语怎么说 producer/busines *** an /chapman /dealer /merchant merchantman/ monger /trader /manufacturer 问题二:商家的英文怎么写 企业家entrepreneur 一般生意人busines *** an小生意人、小店老板merchant 问题三:商家,英语单词 seller 问题四:信用好的商家英语怎么说 习惯说法是 A reputable c鸡mpany reputable 的英语定义是 “considered reliable” 被认为可靠的 . 问题五:“代理商”用英语怎么说? agent n. 代理(商) 问题六:我们的产品与其他商家是不一样得用英语怎么翻译 Our products are different from those of other"s. 问题七:淘宝商户用英语怎么说 淘宝商户 Taobao merchant 英 [?m?:t??nt] 美 [?m?t??nt] n. 商人; 批发商; 店主; 零售商; adj. 商人的; 商业的; 问题八:“优秀商户”用英文怎么说 Excellent mercial tenant2023-07-17 13:09:511