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2023-07-17 07:19:54
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vegas是拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州的最大城市。以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之一。拉斯维加斯“Las Vegas”源自西班牙语,意思为“肥沃的青草地”,名字来自很多年前的西部开拓者,人们将这片荒凉干旱的不毛之地命名为“牧草地”,来祈祷一片肥沃的草原,好放牧牛羊。地理位置拉斯维加斯地处内华达州被荒凉的石漠和戈壁地带包围的山谷地区,雨量很少,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷多风沙,偶然的暴雨会导致洪水,昼夜温差大。市内有高架铁路。总面积293.6Km ,平均人口密度为1630人,其中白人占70%左右,有23%是拉美裔白人,黑人占10%,亚裔占5%,除了在唐人街经商的黄种人外,在赌场中的发牌员有很多亚裔人。自然环境拉斯维加斯地处美国内华达沙漠边陲,周围环绕着1000-3000米的高山。拉斯维加斯的气候四季分明。夏季是典型的沙漠性气候,正午的温度常常高达38℃左右,最高可达45℃以上。晚间的温度相对凉爽。常常会有雷阵雨天气,温度要超出平均水准。冬季整体上是气候温和适宜,白天的平均温度在15℃左右。尽管偶尔会出现非常高温天气,但是春季和夏季仍然是最宜人的季节。拉斯维加斯很少受到恶劣气候的袭击,并且是全国所有的大城市中相对湿度最低的区域之一。 周围都是沙漠,和死亡谷一样干燥。
2023-07-16 20:22:391


Las Vegas is unique among U.S. cities. Famous for luxury casinos and show palaces offering non-stop recreation on the "Strip" and in downtown Casino Center, the city has over the years become synonymous with glitter and glamour. Las Vegas since the late 1980s has acquired another identity as a center for business, finance, transportation, and services; still the "Entertainment Capital of the World," it has actively and successfully cultivated a diversified economy. The Las Vegas resident can enjoy legalized gaming, yet more often will take advantage of the diverse range of cultural and recreational opportunities offered in the city and in the surrounding area.
2023-07-16 20:22:511


2023-07-16 20:23:185


vegas是拉斯维加斯,美国著名的赌城,全称是Las vegas,但美国人喜欢简称为vegas,拉斯维加斯是美国内华达州最大的城市,克拉克县的县治,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。拉斯维加斯位居世界四大赌城之一,是一座以赌博业为中心的旅游、购物、度假的世界知名度假城市,拥有“世界娱乐之都”和“结婚之都”的美称。特点每年来拉斯维加斯旅游的3890万旅客中,来购物和享受美食的占了大多数,专程来赌博的只占少数,成为一座巨大的国际城市,拉斯维加斯只用了十年。拉斯维加斯地处内华达州被荒凉的石漠和戈壁地带包围的山谷地区,雨量很少,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷多风沙,偶然的暴雨会导致洪水,昼夜温差大。
2023-07-16 20:23:331


2023-07-16 20:23:461


Las Vegas is the largest city in Nevada, USA, and a city with a high international reputation.Las Vegas built on May 15, 1905, due to the desert edge of Nevada, so the high temperature of Las Vegas throughout the year.Las Vegas is one of the world"s four largest casinos, is a gambling industry as the center of tourism, shopping, vacation world famous resort city, with "the world"s entertainment capital" and "marriage capital" reputation.Every year to Las Vegas travel 38.9 million passengers, to shop and enjoy the majority of food, made a special trip to a small number of gambling. From a humble dilapidated village, to a huge international city, Las Vegas only took ten years.If you are still a few dollars left behind, go to Las Vegas may be salted out, if you spend more money, go to Las Vegas may experience the chatter of the tramp. Las Vegas is like this, one side is hell, one side is heaven.In 2014, the United States casino Las Vegas became the world"s most newly married couples choose honeymoon destination.翻译:拉斯维加斯是美国内华达州最大的城市,在国际上享有很高的声誉。拉斯维加斯建于1905年5月15日,由于内华达州的沙漠边缘,所以拉斯维加斯全年高温。拉斯维加斯是世界四大赌场之一,是以博彩业为中心的旅游、购物、度假世界著名的度假城市,具有“世界娱乐之都”和“婚姻之都”的美誉。每年到拉斯维加斯旅游的旅客达3890万人次,去购物和享受大部分食物,专程去赌博的人数很少。从一个简陋破旧的村庄,到一个巨大的国际城市,拉斯维加斯只用了十年时间。如果你还剩下几块钱,去拉斯维加斯可能会被盐分掉,如果你花更多的钱,去拉斯维加斯可能会经历流浪汉的喋喋不休。拉斯维加斯就是这样,一边是地狱,一边是天堂。2014年,美国拉斯维加斯赌场成为全球新婚夫妇选择蜜月最多的目的地。
2023-07-16 20:24:002


2023-07-16 20:24:172


  1、拉斯维加斯属于美国内华达州。  2、简介  拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州的最大城市,成立于1905年5月15日,以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之一,拥有“世界娱乐之都”和“结婚之都”的美称。从一个巨型游乐场到一个真正有血有肉、活色生香的城市,拉斯维加斯在10年间脱胎换骨,从一百年前的小村庄变成一个巨型旅游城市。  3、历史沿革  “Las Vegas”源自西班牙语,意思为“肥沃的青草地”,因为拉斯维加斯是周围荒凉的石漠与戈壁地带唯一有泉水的绿洲,由于有泉水,逐渐成为来往公路的驿站和铁路的中转站。拉斯维加斯建于1854年是由当时在美国西部的摩门教徒建成的,后来摩门教徒迁走了,美国兵使其变成一个兵站,但这里人口还是很少很少。  1829年,墨西哥的商人发现了这块巨大的谷地,开始在此聚居。随后一批来自犹他州的摩门教徒移居到此。  1888年,联合太平洋铁路通达使这里逐渐兴旺。一个小镇建立起来。  1905年5月15日,“拉斯维加斯”正式建市。内华达州发现金银矿后,大量淘金者涌入,拉斯维加斯开始繁荣,但如同西部各采矿城镇一样,一旦矿被采光就会被抛弃。1910年1月1日,关闭所有的赌场和妓院。  1930年代,其东南47公里处胡佛水坝筑成,坝后的米德湖为世界最大的人工湖之一,充足的水电供应也促进了拉斯维加斯城市的发展。  1931年在美国大萧条时期,为了度过经济难关,内华达州议会通过了赌博合法的议案,拉斯维加斯成为一个赌城,从此迅速崛起。拉斯维加斯的主要经济支柱是博彩业,由于赌场是个淘金碗,美国各地的大亨纷纷向拉斯维加斯投资建赌场,甚至日本的富豪、阿拉伯的王子、著名演员均来投资。  1946年,拉斯维加斯出现了大型赌场。50年代发展为以赌博为特色的著名游览地,60年代开辟了沙漠疗养区。城市经济主要依赖旅游业,市内多豪华的夜总会、酒店、餐馆和赌场, 有查尔斯顿娱乐区和峡谷国家博览馆。城郊是矿区和牧场,有规模颇大的内利斯空军基地、美国能源研究所和开发局的内华达试验场。每年5月的赫尔多拉多节,居民穿着古老的西部服装举行竞技表演和游行。  1990年甚至中国城也在拉斯维加斯落户,很快成为亚裔美国人的聚集地,拉斯维加斯成为美国发展最迅速的城市。
2023-07-16 20:24:283


Red Roses: A red rose is an unmistakable expression of love. Red Roses convey deep emotions - be it love, longing or desire. Red Roses can also be used to convey respect, admiration or devotion. A deep red rose can be used to convey heartfelt regret and sorrow. The number of red roses has special romantic meanings associated with them. 12 red roses is the most popular of all which conveys "Be mine" and "I love you" 有些单词稍难了点,查查吧
2023-07-16 20:24:431

LAS VEGAS 城市面积,相当于中国哪个城市?

拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)是西部旅游城。位于内华达州东南角,西南距洛杉矶466公里。 市区面积142平方公里,人口25.8万(1990);大市区面积712平方公里;位于大盆地内一宽广谷地中,海拔670米。气候干旱,但自流泉周围土肥草盛。1839年印第安人开始在此聚居。如果说以上的数据真实的话,规模只能是中国的一个镇。中国城市市区面积排名关键词: 城市市区面积 位次 城市名 称级别 隶属关系 面积(平方千米)1 重庆市 省级 中央 823002 哈尔滨市 副省级 黑龙江 537753 长春市 副省级 吉林 205324 北京市 省级 中央 168005 杭州市 副省级 浙江 165966 大连市 副省级 辽宁 132377 沈阳市 副省级 辽宁 129428 成都市 副省级 四川 119399 青岛市 副省级 山东 1102610 天津市 省级 中央 1100011 西安市 副省级 陕西 998312 宁波市 副省级 浙江 936513 武汉市 副省级 湖北 840614 济南市 副省级 山东 817715 广州市 副省级 广东 726316 南京市 副省级 江苏 642117 上海市 省级 中央 580018 深圳市 副省级 广东 205019 厦门市 副省级 福建 163820 香港 特区 中央 110121 澳门 特区 中央 25.8 以上是我国主要省会的城区面积。
2023-07-16 20:24:505

Las vegas为何被称作是罪恶之城?

2023-07-16 20:25:563

为什么有时候las vegas会被叫成vegas?有什么区别

las vegas是一个地名,拉斯维加斯http://baike.baidu.com/view/413982.htm?fr=ala0_1_1Vegas可以作为拉斯维加斯的简称但更多的是Sony Vegas的简称(一个专业视频编辑软件) http://baike.baidu.com/view/1430800.htm
2023-07-16 20:26:032


Zip Code 英文的邮编意思89101 一直到 89199都是les vegas 的邮编 要看你的街区位置
2023-07-16 20:26:132

美剧las vegas(赌城风云)主题曲歌名叫什么?

赌城风云歌手:张继聪 专辑:to be or not to be LRC歌词 HOT打印预览 曲:张继聪词:张继聪 火火于black jack赌摊中的他斩将过关不甘心手中的一pair 9与8凭运气如做戏还是搏得到一只4于show hand赌摊中的他不怕哂冷身家像沙滩的沙身边美女亦围着了他谁会遇好即收渴望赢尽宇宙如果恋爱都一样随时随地重伤贪心想得到更好偏看不到手里已经得到得不到可能更好天知道其实胜负也无从预告筹码换上一生赌债情节任你安排不必每铺都买于black jack赌摊中的他不再过关庄家烟king胜过了他9与8无运气如做戏还是搏不到一只4于show hand赌摊中的他不怕哂冷一注便输光身家身边美女亦输着变卦筹码换上鲜花婚介忘记为你安排拉斯维加斯买不必于赌中得到所有精神玩够便应该走开收心养性别沿路博爱
2023-07-16 20:26:311

Las Vegas的音标是什么?

/la:s `vega:s/
2023-07-16 20:26:383

在美剧las vegas第一季里 扮演nessa的那个黑人女演员叫什么

Marsha ThomasonBirth Place: Manchester, England, UK Date of Birth: January 19, 1976 Heritage: British 扮演新的飞行员NAOMI,演员名Marsha Thomason 出身地:曼彻斯特,英国 生日:1976/1/19 祖籍:英国 一双眼睛让我们联想起了"冰雪女王"她还参演过NBC连续剧"拉斯维加斯"里的大厅BOSS 12岁就进入演绎生涯,她参加了OLDHAM剧院表演班,然后她开始向她的爱好表演业进军 在BBC的好几部连续剧里参加过演出,包括"BURN IT",BRAZEN HUSSIES"还有"PIE IN THE SKY" "PLAYING THE FIELD",他还参加了ITV的系列"WHERE THE HEART IS".......... 和Helen Mirren (QUEEN女主角,今年OSCAR最佳女主角)参演过1996年的Prime Suspect 5 最终初次登上伦敦皇家大剧院参加" Breath Boom "的演出 实现美国梦想,和 MARTIN LAWRENCE参演了美国喜剧片"Black Night"还制作了独立电影"PURE" 还与Eddie Griffin 参演了My Baby"s Mama,和搞笑天皇一起拍摄了Haunted Mansion,Thomason在伦敦和络杉矶不定期居住 ps:《las vegas》一般翻译成《赌城风云》
2023-07-16 20:26:451

犯罪现场调查Las Vegas第六季第三集的剧情描述(越多越好)

我找了好久才找到这些,对不起,找不到那一集的骚动的 拖车房地区发现一个爆炸现场和一男一女两具shiti,其中男尸是一个已婚的房屋经纪,而女死者并非他妻子,警察怀疑是这个男人的妻子因为发现丈夫外遇愤而杀人,但经过__调查发现是一个酗酒者因为酒后驾车撞坏了屋里的煤气装置而引起爆炸;在找寻这部酒后肇事车辆的时候,警察发现另一部车的后箱里面一男一女两具尸_体,男死者是一个毒_贩,女死者是一个黑人女孩,在一家面包店打工,经过调查发现,毒_贩哄骗女孩利用面包藏_毒运_毒,就在两人在车里约会之时,一个精神有问题的毒品买家将两人击毙;同时,在工业区却发现一个住在高档地区的已婚贵妇赤身死在大街上,原来这个女人一边是贵妇,一边却喜欢在一种叫做“香槟车”上举行的脱_衣派对上跳_脱_衣舞,结果中途和人发生争执被赤身推下车,身无分文的她想要从一个乞丐那里偷十元钱以取回自己存放在停车场的车,结果却被乞丐击中头部而_死。 客房服务 一个出租车司机和一个叫做沙麦的老挝乘客死于枪_击,司机在车里,而乘客在车外的地面上,警察根据沙麦脚上的泥土找到了另一辆车和车上的一名死者诺伊,经过调查发现是诺伊的哥哥为得到保险金而雇佣沙麦杀了诺伊,事后又将沙麦杀人灭口,出租车司机则是意外死于从沙麦身体里穿过的飞弹;当红明星朱利安死于棕榈树大酒店的贵宾套房,死因为窒息,但没有任何勒痕或掐痕,疑凶可能是他的前妻兼经纪人,因为害怕遭到解雇而杀人,也可能是一个朱利安死时因为磕药过量而昏倒在另一个房间的年轻女人,还有可能是一个潜进朱利安房间预备偷东西的职业小偷,同时一个在朱利安死前与其共度两小时缠绵时光的红衣女郎也是重大嫌犯,最终鉴证人员通过案发现场的一双丝袜推断出,是朱利安自慰时为了追求快感而将丝袜套在自己的脖子上发生意外而死,这正是所谓的“致命的高_潮”。 有本事咬我 911接到一个男人的报警电话,声称他妻子摔下楼梯意外死亡,调查人员通过现场鉴证发现意外死亡和被钝_物打击致__死两套理论都讲得通。正在这时,警察发现这个男人的第一任妻子也是摔下楼梯意外死亡,于是检察官签发了开棺验尸的命令,但验尸证明第一任妻子确实属于意外死亡,调查似乎陷入僵局。但就在这时,调查人员发现夫妇俩早已貌合神离,妻子与上司有奸情,而丈夫也与一个牙医大玩趣味游戏,于是妻子威胁要将丈夫的秘密公布而匿名向其勒索,不料所有的事情被丈夫与前妻的女儿知晓,为了保护自己的父亲,女儿将自己的继母打死,而父亲为了保护女儿而把案发现场布置成意外摔倒致死的样子。 枪神 一个男人发现被抛尸在一户人家的院子里,调查人员根据现场的脚印追踪到沙漠中的一个掩体下面,里面整齐地放着十三张床,其中十一张床上每张上面都躺着一具尸体,现场的墙上画着一些怪诞的宗教图案。调查人员从现场一部烧毁的汽车车牌上顺藤摸瓜,发现一个叫做约瑟芬的男人建立了一个叫做“灵魂生还者”的团体,招募易受影响的年轻人,以带领他们的灵_魂升天为借口骗取他们的钱财。正在他们准备升天的前夕,团体中的一个女孩发现了约瑟芬的秘密并愤而将其打死,正在这时团体中另一个女孩艾玛的男友也追踪至此,打算将自己的女友带离这里,为了不阻碍大家升天的时间,女孩又将艾玛的男友杀死,大家集体将其抛尸并喝下毒药集体自杀,女孩看到大家惨死,逃离出来,但最终难逃法网。 泡泡糖的踪迹 一家四口神秘失踪,家里血迹遍地,却未发现任何尸_体,调查人员在现场发现一个地下大麻种植室,原来这家人靠暗中种植大_麻赚钱。根据现场留下的子弹和指纹,警察找到了三个嫌疑犯,他们都是这家人中失踪的儿子杰里米的高中同学,原来杰里米的同学向杰里米买大麻,谁料杰里米的父母没有按照预定计划出门,而是呆在家里,于是事情激化,争斗之中杰里米的同学将其一家灭口并抛尸在海里,警察将尸体打捞起来却发现只有三具尸_体,杰里米十岁的小妹妹卡西不在其中。调查人员尼克一直怀疑聪明的卡西并没有死,他根据卡西沿路留下的泡泡糖及时将卡西救回。 秘密和苍蝇 一个单身妈妈被人谋杀在家里,她的孩子在她旁边的婴儿床上,验尸结果显示死者竟然是个处女,DNA显示孩子和死者并无血缘关系,通过调查发现死者是一位代孕母亲,她接受了一对不孕夫妇中的丈夫的精子,并由于这对夫妇的放弃而拥有了这个孩子,谁知丈夫不久后死于车祸,妻子痛不欲生,于是妻子的母亲为了减轻自己女儿的痛苦,将代孕母亲杀死,以重新得回孩子的抚养权;一个即将被定罪的谋杀嫌疑犯因为得到一位昆虫专家伪造的关于苍蝇在尸_体上孵化的录像带而即将脱罪,但录像带从各方面看起来都找不出漏洞,检控官最后向葛瑞森求助,葛瑞森经过各方面的实验和检测终于发现了孵化过程中的漏洞,推翻了作伪证的昆虫学家的证据,并将凶手绳之以法。 谁射出的子弹 警察和一伙手持重械的疑犯在一个西班牙人聚居区发生枪战,三个疑犯死亡一个逃逸,一名警员殉职,还有一名骑单车上学的高中生中枪昏迷,由于这个地区的西班牙人和警察的冲突由来已久,各方证人都指摘是警察设计了现场,在疑犯投降后开枪,并射杀无辜的高中生等,媒体也介入进来,使得警察面临极大的压力,并展来了内部调查。案情扑朔迷离,正当调查人员根据线索在一家旅馆找到在逃的嫌疑犯时,在押送嫌疑犯时一颗不明子弹将疑犯当场击毙,案情再次陷入了僵局。 谁射出的子弹(下) 鉴证人员通过核对弹道,调查枪支来源,重建案发现场,发现警察是清白的,嫌-疑犯都是在枪战中正常死亡,警察并没有设计陷害,在逃的那名疑犯是被其运毒集团-的同伙击毙,昏迷的高中生也并非被警察所射击,而是在逃的那名嫌疑犯将其击倒并抢走他的单车以加速逃跑,但通过弹道比较,却发现殉职的警察贝尔是在枪战的混乱中被警长布瑞斯意外_打死的,布瑞斯非常痛苦,但最终得到了贝尔的妻子的谅解。 人吃人 一个男人被发现_死_在垃圾罐旁边,验尸发现他竟然是吃_东西撑死的,正常人一公升大的胃_里竟然装了六_公升的食物,但没有任何被强行灌_入食物的痕迹,葛瑞森_通过查阅资_料发现死者是患了一种叫做普拉德威利的神经系统疾病,这种病会导致不受控制的持续饥饿,且大脑接受不到来自胃_部的信息,以致于病人在逃出家人看管后不受控制地吃东西,最终撑死;一对夫妇
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fear,and loathing in las vegas的乐队介绍

Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas于2008年在神户成立,最早发表过自主制作CD「Soorching Epochal Sensation」。2009年现主唱“So”加入形成6人阵容,在发售1000张限定单曲并全部售光后便开始积极参加演出,这时他们的平均年龄才不到20岁。2010年11月24日,Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas发表了第一张完整专辑「Dance&Scream」,独特强烈的曲风使首张专辑创下了惊人的销售记录,单曲《Love at First Sight》被街机游戏jubeat copious收录。2011年7月13日,Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas发售迷你专辑「NEXTREME」,其中主打歌《Chase the Light!》被选为《逆境无赖开司 破戒录篇》的片头曲,《Jump Around》也被实况足球2012被收录。2012年1月11日,限量单曲「Just Awake」发布后马上售光,在被选为《全职猎人2011》片尾曲的同时也被街机游戏jubeat sauser收录。2012年8月8日,Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas发布第二张专辑「All That We Have Now」,专辑在日本37处巡演全部销售完毕 ,Oricon日本公信榜周销量排行第四。2013年9月,原贝斯手Mashu离队,新成员Kei加入。2014年1月15日,Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas发布了单曲「Rave-up tonight」破最佳纪录排进Oricon单曲周榜第2名,并被选为《高达Extreme VS. Maxi Boost》的主题曲。2014年8月6日,Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas第三张专辑「PHASE 2」发布,其中”Virtue and Vice”和“Thunderclap”分别是《极黑的布伦希尔特》《战国BASARA Judge End》的片头曲。2015年1月7日《寄生兽 生命的准则》片头曲,单曲「Let Me Hear」发售,很多国内听众也是从这时开始了解这支乐队的。2015年5月13日,Fear,and Loathing in LasVegas发售新单曲「Starburst」,并于9月30日发布第四张完整专辑「Feeling of Unity」。
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求美国LAS Vegas 五金展展馆附近的GNC专卖店地址?

这些店都在拉斯维加斯:Gnc 3170 N Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89108 7085 W Ann Rd # 110, Las Vegas, NV 89130 3860 W Lake Mead Blvd # 105, North Las Vegas, NV 89032 215 N Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89107 1306 W Craig Rd # D, North Las Vegas, NV 89032 4300 Meadows Ln # 162, Las Vegas, NV 89107 W Charleston Blvd # 24, Las Vegas, NV 89135 3200 Las Vegas Blvd S # 1615, Las Vegas, NV 89109 4130 S Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89103 9360 W Flamingo Rd # 107, Las Vegas, NV 89147
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2023-07-16 20:27:461

离开拉斯维加斯leaving las vegas

应该是爱的吧,只是Ben本来就是想酗酒而死的,他不是说I came here to drink myself to death,Sera还问他要多长时间的呢,可是即使是和Sera的爱情依然是绝望的,本的行为没有迫不得以的理由,而只是一种绝望中单纯的自我毁灭,这段绝望之中产生的爱情本来就令人哀伤无望,而且越是在这绝望之余的一点点可怜的温情却越令人魂断神伤,再加上这一切发生在这个灯红酒绿的城市,在这里个人的情绪都在繁华之中恍惚迷离着,这无望的爱情和寂寞的人生只能湮没于这巨大城市的一角
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美国城市大小排名前五十名: 1) 纽约, 纽约(人口 8,084,316) 2)洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚(人口 3,798,981) 3)芝加哥, 伊利诺伊(人口 2,886,251) 4)休斯敦, 得克萨斯(人口 2,009,834) 5)费城, 宾夕法尼亚(人口 1,492,231) 6)菲尼斯, 亚利桑那(人口 1,371,960) 7)圣迭戈, 加利福尼亚(人口 1,259,532) 8)达拉斯, 得克萨斯(人口 1,211,467) 9)圣安东尼奥, 得克萨斯(人口 1,194,222) 10)底特律, 密执安(人口 925,051) 11)圣约瑟, 加利福尼亚(人口 900,443) 12)印第安纳波利斯, 印第安纳(人口 783,612) 13)旧金山, 加利福尼亚(人口 764,049) 14)哥伦布, 俄亥俄(人口 725,228) 15)奥斯汀, 得克萨斯(人口 671,873) 16)巴尔的摩, 马里兰(人口 638,614) 17)Milwaukee, 威斯康辛(人口 590,895) 18)波士顿, 马萨诸塞(人口 589,281) 19)华盛顿, 哥伦比亚特区(人口 570,898) 20)帕索, 得克萨斯(人口 577,415) 21)西雅图, 华盛顿(人口 570,426) 22)丹佛, 科罗拉多(人口 560,415) 23)夏洛特, 北卡罗来纳(人口 580,597) 24)沃斯堡, 得克萨斯(人口 567,516) 25)波特兰, 俄勒冈(人口 539,438) 26)奥克拉荷马市, 俄克拉何马(人口 519,034) 27)图森, 亚利桑那(人口 503,151) 28)新奥尔良, 路易斯安那(人口 473,681) 29)拉斯维加斯, 内华达(人口 508,604) 30)克利夫兰, 俄亥俄(人口 467,851) 31)长滩, 加利福尼亚(人口 472,412) 32)亚伯科基, 新墨西哥(人口 463,874) 33)堪萨斯城, 密苏里(人口 443,471) 34)Fresno, 加利福尼亚(人口 445,227) 35)弗吉尼亚海滩, 弗吉尼亚(人口 433,934) 36)亚特兰大, 佐治亚(人口 424,868) 37)萨加门多, 加利福尼亚(人口 435,245) 38)奥克兰, 加利福尼亚(人口 402,777) 39)Mesa, 亚利桑那(人口 426,841) 40)土尔沙, 俄克拉何马(人口 391,908) 41)奥马哈, 内布拉斯加(人口 399,357) 42)米尼亚波尼斯, 明尼苏达(人口 375,635) 43)檀香山, 夏威夷(人口 378,155) 44)科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多(人口 371,182) 45)圣路易斯, 密苏里(人口 338,353) 46)惠科塔, 堪萨斯(人口 355,126) 47)圣塔安那, 加利福尼亚(人口 343,413) 48)匹兹堡, 宾夕法尼亚(人口 327,898) 49)阿灵顿, 得克萨斯(人口 349,944) 50)辛辛那提, 俄亥俄(人口 323,885)参考资料:http://www.city-data.com/top1.htmlTop 100 Biggest CitiesNew York, New York (pop 8,084,316) Los Angeles, California (pop 3,798,981) Chicago, Illinois (pop 2,886,251) Houston, Texas (pop 2,009,834) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (pop 1,492,231) Phoenix, Arizona (pop 1,371,960) San Diego, California (pop 1,259,532) Dallas, Texas (pop 1,211,467) San Antonio, Texas (pop 1,194,222) Detroit, Michigan (pop 925,051) San Jose, California (pop 900,443) Indianapolis, Indiana (pop 783,612) San Francisco, California (pop 764,049) Columbus, Ohio (pop 725,228) Austin, Texas (pop 671,873) Baltimore, Maryland (pop 638,614) Milwaukee, Wisconsin (pop 590,895) Boston, Massachusetts (pop 589,281) Washington, District of Columbia (pop 570,898) El Paso, Texas (pop 577,415) Seattle, Washington (pop 570,426) Denver, Colorado (pop 560,415) Charlotte, North Carolina (pop 580,597) Fort Worth, Texas (pop 567,516) Portland, Oregon (pop 539,438) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (pop 519,034) Tucson, Arizona (pop 503,151) New Orleans, Louisiana (pop 473,681) Las Vegas, Nevada (pop 508,604) Cleveland, Ohio (pop 467,851) Long Beach, California (pop 472,412) Albuquerque, New Mexico (pop 463,874) Kansas City, Missouri (pop 443,471) Fresno, California (pop 445,227) Virginia Beach, Virginia (pop 433,934) Atlanta, Georgia (pop 424,868) Sacramento, California (pop 435,245) Oakland, California (pop 402,777) Mesa, Arizona (pop 426,841) Tulsa, Oklahoma (pop 391,908) Omaha, Nebraska (pop 399,357) Minneapolis, Minnesota (pop 375,635) Honolulu, Hawaii (pop 378,155) Colorado Springs, Colorado (pop 371,182) St. Louis, Missouri (pop 338,353) Wichita, Kansas (pop 355,126) Santa Ana, California (pop 343,413) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (pop 327,898) Arlington, Texas (pop 349,944) Cincinnati, Ohio (pop 323,885) Anaheim, California (pop 332,642) Toledo, Ohio (pop 309,106) Buffalo, New York (pop 287,698) St. Paul, Minnesota (pop 284,037) Corpus Christi, Texas (pop 278,520) Aurora, Colorado (pop 286,028) Raleigh, North Carolina (pop 306,944) Newark, New Jersey (pop 277,000) Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky (pop 263,618) Anchorage, Alaska (pop 268,983) Louisville, Kentucky (pop 251,399) Riverside, California (pop 274,226) Bakersfield, California (pop 260,969) Stockton, California (pop 262,835) Birmingham, Alabama (pop 239,416) Jersey City, New Jersey (pop 240,100) Norfolk, Virginia (pop 239,036) Baton Rouge, Louisiana (pop 225,702) Hialeah, Florida (pop 228,149) Lincoln, Nebraska (pop 232,362) Greensboro, North Carolina (pop 228,217) Plano, Texas (pop 238,091) Rochester, New York (pop 217,158) Glendale, Arizona (pop 230,564) Akron, Ohio (pop 214,349) Garland, Texas (pop 219,646) Madison, Wisconsin (pop 215,211) Fort Wayne, Indiana (pop 210,070) Fremont, California (pop 206,856) Scottsdale, Arizona (pop 215,779) Montgomery, Alabama (pop 201,425) Shreveport, Louisiana (pop 199,033) Lubbock, Texas (pop 203,715) Chesapeake, Virginia (pop 206,665) Mobile, Alabama (pop 194,862) Des Moines, Iowa (pop 198,076) Grand Rapids, Michigan (pop 196,595) Richmond, Virginia (pop 197,456) Yonkers, New York (pop 197,234) Spokane, Washington (pop 196,305) Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia (pop 193,101) Glendale, California (pop 199,430) Tacoma, Washington (pop 197,553) Irving, Texas (pop 196,119) Huntington Beach, California (pop 193,799) Arlington, Virginia (pop 189,927) Modesto, California (pop 203,555) Durham, North Carolina (pop 195,914) Boise, Idaho (pop 189,847) Winston-Salem, North Carolina (pop 188,934)
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Asia 亚洲 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall, China 中国长城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝 Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 Oceania 大洋洲 Great Barrier Reef, Australia 澳大利亚大堡礁 Sydney Opera House, Australia 澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院 Ayers Rock, Australia 澳大利亚艾尔斯巨石 Mount Cook, New Zealand 新西兰库克山 Europe 欧洲 Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院 Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门 Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫 Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫 Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德国科隆大教堂 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比萨斜塔 Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场 Venice, Italy 意大利威尼斯 Parthenon, Greece 希腊巴台农神庙 Red Square in Moscow, Russia 莫斯科红场 Big Ben in London, England 英国伦敦大笨钟 Buckingham Palace, England 白金汉宫 Hyde Park, England 英国海德公园 London Tower Bridge, England 伦敦塔桥 Westminster Abbey, England 威斯敏斯特大教堂 Monte Carlo, Monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡罗 The Mediterranean 地中海 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople) Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院 Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门 Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫 Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫 Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德国科隆大教堂 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比萨斜塔 Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场 Parthenon, Greece 希腊巴台农神庙 Red Square in Moscow, Russia 俄罗斯莫斯科红场 Big Ben in London, England 英国伦敦大本钟 Buckingham Palace, England 英国白金汉宫 Hyde Park, England 英国海德公园 London Tower Bridge, England 英国伦敦塔桥 Westminster Abbey, England 英国威斯敏斯特大教堂 The Mediterranean 地中海 America 美洲 Niagara Falls, USA 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 美国夏威夷檀香山 Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Yellowstone National Park, USA 美国黄石国家公园 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA 美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆 Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA 美国纽约自由女神像 Times Square, New York City, USA 美国纽约时代广场 The White House, Washington DC., USA 美国华盛顿白宫 World Trade Center, New York City, USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心 Central Park, New York City, USA 美国纽约中央公园 Hollywood, California, USA 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞 Disneyland, California, USA 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美国内华达拉斯威加斯Niagara Falls, New York State, USA 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布 Bermuda 百慕大 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁 Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河 Yellowstone National Park, USA 美国黄石国家公园 Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA 美国纽约自由女神像 Times Square, New York City, USA 美国纽约时代广场 The White House, Washington DC., USA 美国华盛顿白宫 World Trade Center, New York City, USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心 Central Park, New York City, USA 美国纽约中央公园 Yosemite National Park, USA 美国尤塞米提国家公园 Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷 Hollywood, California, USA 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞 Disneyland, California, USA 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美国内华达拉斯威加斯 Miami, Florida, USA 美国佛罗里达迈阿密 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA 纽约大都会艺术博物馆 Acapulco, Mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科 Cuzco, Mexico 墨西哥库斯科
2023-07-16 20:28:386

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2023-07-16 20:29:541

莎拉&布莱曼Sarah Brightman拉斯维加斯演唱会

中文名称:2004拉斯维加斯演唱会+新歌 英文名称:Live From Las Vegas 资源类型:APE 版本:EMI正版 发行时间:2004年09月 专辑歌手:Sarah Brightman 莎拉·布莱曼 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: snoopy0932出品必为精品! 现场奇迹见证无数,美声天后只有唯一 女神献礼首张拉斯维加斯现场录音专辑! 「永相随」、「公主彻夜未眠」、「歌剧院魅影」、「回乡之路」等15首现场演唱经典名曲 全新单曲追加收录「撒哈拉沙漠之雪」。 在历经2003一整年的世界巡回演唱「The Harem World Tour」之后,莎拉布莱曼借着这张在拉斯维加斯的现场演唱会录音作为她这场巡回之旅的纪念专辑,也作为她与全世界乐迷 的一次难忘心情记事。在过去三个月间,她一连在全美举行了五十场的演唱会,这些演唱会和她这一张现场演唱专辑一样,延续了去年六月的「Harem」专辑所引用的中东主题,将近年来欧美热衷的东方主义人文关怀带进音乐中。在这张她于今年三月间来到拉斯维加斯米高梅豪华花园露天剧场(MGM Grand Garden Arena)所作的演唱会现场录音中,收录了她历年来畅销的歌曲,其中像是「告别的时刻」、「月亮」、「公主彻夜未眠」、「苍白的浅影」等曲,都是她近年来多张专辑中的主打畅销名曲,这张实况专辑中并首度在她与EMI签约后演唱了前夫韦伯的百老汇名作「歌剧魅影」中的名曲,片中也加收了一首她特别进录音室灌录的新曲「撒哈拉之雪」。 本专辑加入VeryCD Mp3共享计划 专辑曲目: 01 Kama Sutra 爱 02 Harem Overture 一千零一夜 03 It"s a Beautiful Day 美好的一天 04 Dust in the Wind 风中之尘 05 Who Wants to Live Forever 渴望永生 06 Anytime, Anywhere 随时随处 07 La Luna 月亮 08 Nessun Dorma 公主未眠夜 09 The War is Over 结束战争 10 Free 自由 11 A Whiter Shade of Pale 苍白的浅影 12 The Phantom of the Opera Suite 歌剧院魅影 13 Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again 回乡之路 14 Time to Say Goodbye 永相随 15 A Question of Honour 荣誉之争 Bonus Strdio track 16 Bonus Studio Track - Snow On The Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠的雪
2023-07-16 20:30:001

美剧《赌城风云las vegas》全部下载,最好是迅雷下载,画质越清楚越好 邮箱719646790@qq.com

2023-07-16 20:30:071

Love at First Sight Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas 的歌词 谢谢

Love at First Sight   一见钟情  They"re both convinced   他们彼此深信   that a sudden passion joined them.   是瞬间迸发的热情让他们相遇  Such certainty is beautiful,   肯定的刹那是如此的美丽   but uncertainty is more beautiful still   但不确定的瞬间却更为美丽   Since they"d never met before, they"re sure   虽然他们从未见过面,但他们确定   that there"d been nothing between them.   在他们之间没有任何东西阻碍他们   But what"s the word from the streets, staircases, hallways— 可是街上的,阶梯上的字句是什么 perhaps they"ve passed each other a million times?   也许他们已错过对方百万次   I want to ask them   我要问他们   if they don"t remember—   如果他们不记得   a moment face to face   面对面的那一刻   in some revolving door?  perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd? 也许一句对不起已在人潮中 a curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver?   一句拨错号码曾在电话中   but I know the answer.   可我知道答案   No, they don"t remember   不 他们并不记得   They"d be amazed to hear   他们听了会觉得不可思议   that Chance has been toying with them   那机会一直在作弄他们   now for years.   那么多年   Not quite ready yet   还不是准备得很好   to become their Destiny,   以成为他们的命运   it pushed them close, drove them apart,   它让他们亲近 也让他们分开   it barred their path,   让他们在两条平行线   stifling a laugh,   一笑置之   and then leaped aside.   然后放在一边   There were signs and signals,   是有迹象可寻的   even if they couldn"t read them yet.   就算他们没能解读   Perhaps three years ago   也许是在三年前   or just last Tuesday   或只是在上星期二   a certain leaf fluttered   from one shoulder to another?   从一个肩膀到另一个   Something was dropped and then picked up.   有些东西掉了然后又被捡起   Who knows, maybe the ball that vanished   谁知道   into childhood"s thicket?   在童年的时刻   There were doorknobs and doorbells   有敲门声也有门铃声   where one touch had covered another   在接触的时刻   beforehand.   Suitcases checked and standing side by side.   行李检查了被置放在一边 One night, perhaps, the same dream,   在一个夜晚 也许 在同一个梦中   grown hazy by morning.   在早晨起雾   Every beginning   每一个开始   is only a sequel, after all,   只不过是一个   and the book of events   书中的章节   is always open halfway through.   一直都是在半途中
2023-07-16 20:30:241


2023-07-16 20:30:324


猫(Cats) - (1981) Nightingale - Original London Cast (1983) Song and Dance - Sarah Brightman & Wayne Sleep (1984. 2007再版) Andrew Lloyd Webber"s Requiem - 多明戈,布莱曼,英国室内乐团,马泽尔 (1985) 歌剧魅影(The Phantom of the Opera - Original London Cast) (1987) Carousel - Studio Cast (1987) Repo! The Genetic Opera! (2008) 原声 The World is Full of Married Men (Singing "Madame Hyde") Granpa (Singing Make Believe) 专辑 天籁森林 (The Trees They Grow So High,又称Early One Morning) (1988第一版,1998再版) 遗忘的歌声(The Songs That Got Away) (1989) 走过岁月(As I Came of Age) (1990) 韦伯之歌(Sings the Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber) (1992) 水(Dive) (1993) 臣服(Surrender) (1995) 飞(Fly) (1995) 永志不渝(Time To Say Goodbye/Timeless) (1997) 重回失乐园(Eden) (1998) 月光女神(La Luna) (2000) 金选(Classics) (2001) 喝彩(Encore) (2002) 一千零一夜(Harem) (2003) 爱改变一切(Love Changes Everything: The Andrew Lloyd Webber CollectionⅡ) (2005) 真爱传奇(Symphony) (2008) 真爱永恒 冬之歌 (A Winter Symphony) (2008) [编辑] 合集与现场音乐会 The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection (1997) FlyⅡ (限量发售) (2000) The Very Best of 1990-2000 (2001) The Harem Tour CD (限量发售) (2003) The Harem World Tour: Live From Las Vegas (2004) Classics: The Best of Sarah Brightman (只发行于欧洲) (2006) Diva: The Singles Collection (全球发售,除欧洲外) (2006.10.3) Symphony: Live In Vienna (2008) (限量发售) 单曲 "I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper" (1978) "The Adventures of a Love Crusader" (1979) "Love in a UFO" (1979) "My Boyfriend"s Back" (1981) "Not Having That!" (1981) "Him" (1983) "Rhythm of the Rain" (1983) "Unexpected Song" (1984) "All I Ask of You (with 克里夫·理查德)" (1986) "Doretta"s Dream" (电影《窗外有蓝天》(A Room with a View)主题曲) (1987) "Anything But Lonely" (1990) "Something to Believe In" (1990) "Amigos Para Siempre" (1992) "Captain Nemo" (1993) "The Second Element" (1993) "A Question of Honour" (1995) "How Can Heaven Love Me" (与 Chris Thompson) (1995) "Heaven Is Here" (1995) "告别的时刻"(Time to Say Goodbye) (与 安德烈·波伽利) (1996) "Just Show Me How to Love You" (1997) "Who Wants to Live Forever" (1997) "Tu Quieres Volver" (1997) "There for Me" (1998) "Eden" (1998) "Deliver Me" (1999) "So Many Things" (1999) "The Last Words You Said" (主唱理查·马克斯) (1999) "斯卡布罗集市"(Scarborough Fair) (2000) "苍白的浅影"(A Whiter Shade of Pale) (2001) "Harem" (2003) "美好的一天"(It"s a Beautiful Day) (2003) "What You Never Know" (2003) "Free" (2004) "Snow on the Sahara" (2004) "I Will Be with You (Where the Lost Ones Go)" (与 Chris Thompson) (2007) "Running" (2007) "Pasión" (与 Fernando Lima) (2007) "我和你"(You and Me) (与刘欢) (2008) Gregorian与莎拉·布莱曼 "Don"t Give Up" "Moment of Peace" "Join Me" "Voyage, Voyage" Sash!与莎拉·布莱曼 "The Secret" (2007) 莎拉·布莱曼与北京奥运 "You and me" (2008) 《我和你》 2008年北京奥运会主题曲 视频 In Concert (1997) A Gala Christmas in Vienna (1998) One Night In Eden (1999) La Luna: Live In Concert (2001) Classics: The Best of Sarah Brightman (2002) (限量发售) Harem: A Desert Fantasy... (2004) The Harem World Tour: Live From Las Vegas (2004) Diva: The Video Collection (2006) Symphony: Live In Vienna (2008) (限量发售) 记得采纳啊
2023-07-16 20:30:391

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2023-07-16 20:30:471

求 离开拉斯维加斯 Leaving Las Vegas 百度云免费在线观看资源

《离开拉斯维加斯》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TjPopKq5kDbIqZ47IpsgsQ 提取码:6u3d《离开拉斯维加斯》是由迈克·菲吉斯执导,尼古拉斯·凯奇、伊丽莎白·苏、丹尼·休斯顿、朱利安·山德斯等主演的爱情电影。该片改编自约翰·奥布瑞安的同名小说《离开拉斯维加斯》,讲述了一个失意剧作家去拉斯维加斯酗酒而死的故事,该片于1995年10月27日在美国上映。如果资源不正确,或者版本不正确,欢迎追问
2023-07-16 20:30:531

迈克 杰克逊的英语介绍

Awards 2006 MTV Japan Video Music Awards: (Tokyo, Japan / May 27, 2006) Legend Award 2005 Guiness Book Of World Records: (issue 2006) Best-selling Album Of All Time: "Thriller" with global sales of over 51 million copies to date Longest Music Video: "Ghosts" (USA, 1996), with 35 mins Most Valuable Sculpture By A Living Artist: "Michael Jackson and Bubbles", a porcelain sculpture created by the artist Jeff Koons in 1988 sold for $5,616,750 at Sotheby"s in New York on May 15, 2001. The piece measures 106.7 x 179.1 x 82.6 cm (42 x 70.5 x 32.5 in). Most Grammy Awards Won In A Year By A Person: At the 26th Annual Grammy Awards in 1984 Michael Jackson won eight Grammy awards. Most Valuable Oscar: David O Selznick"s 1940 Best Film Oscar for "Gone With The Wind" (USA, 1939) was bought by Michael Jackson, for $1,542,000 on June 12, 1999, at Sotheby"s, New York. Honorable Mention - Greatest Distance Moonwalked in One Hour: Adam Hall of San Francisco, California, was over the moon aftering moonwalking through the backstreets of Denver, Colorado, for a distance of 2.41 km (1.5 miles) in one hour on October 22, 2002. A "moonwalk support crew" shadowed 25-year-old Adam in an automobile, measuring his distance with an odometer. The record-setting walk formed part of a longer "Moonwalk for Earth" relay with Ramsey Brookhart (USA) and Joshua Dodd (USA), an attempt to raise awareness of renewable forms of energy. "We live under this brown cloud," said Hall, "and people don"t seem to understand how much of that comes from burning coal to provide electricity. We want people to know that there are other ways to make electricity." 2004 AASA Humanitarian Award: (Washington, D.C., USA / April 1) Humanitarian Award from The African Ambassadors?Spouses Association, AASA, for Michael Jackson"s worldwide humanitarian efforts, particularly in Africa. 2003 Key to the City: (Gary, USA / June 11) Michael was honored with the key of the city by the mayor of Gary. BMI Urban Awards: (Miami, USA / August 5) Best song: "Butterflies" (Marsha Ambrosius, SPZ Music Inc., Michael Jackson, Epic Records) Key to the City: (Las Vegas, USA / October 25) Michael was honored with the key of the city by Mr. Goodman, mayor of Las Vegas. Radio Music Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / October 27) Humanitarian Award (presented by Beyonce Knowles for the first time) Power of Oneness Lifetime Achievement Award: (Universal Studios Hollywood, Globe Theater, USA / November 15) presented for Michael"s lifelong commitment to writing, singing, and speaking about the need to take responsibility for the world"s children and making our world a better place 2002 American Music Awards: (January 9) Artist Of The Century Award NRJ Awards: (Cannes, France / January 19) Best International Male Singer Award NAACP Image Awards: (February 21) Outstanding Music Video: "You Rock My World" Outstanding Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration Outstanding Performance in a Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration Celebrate the Magic Foundation: (announced March 20; presented May 1) 1st Magical Life Award Life magazine - Top 100 Rock & Rollers Of All Time: (published March 20) Michael is listed at #9 on the list. National Academy of Popular Music/Songwriters: (Sheraton Hotel, New York, USA / June 13) Michael is inducted into their Hall of Fame. 30th Anniversary Award (New York, USA / July 6) World Arts Awards 2002: (Vienna, Austria / November 2) For his work as most successful pop artist of the present with what he has written music history (more than 150 Million music units sold). Bambi Awards: (Berlin, Germany / November 21) Pop Artist Of The Millennium Billboard Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / December 9) Special Billboard Award to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Michael Jackson"s 1982 Epic album "Thriller," which spent more weeks at No. 1 (37 weeks) than any other album in the history of The Billboard 200. 2001 MJ Day 10: (March 7) MJ Day 10 Award (presented by Adrian Grant on behalf of millions of loving fans all around the world) Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame: (March 19) Michael Jackson is inducted as a solo artist 2000 World Music Awards: Best Selling Pop Male Artist Of The Millennium G&P Foundation: (Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, USA / November 30) Angel of Hope Award (presented by N-Sync for Michael"s work fighting cancer) 1999 Bollywood Award (Indian Film Industry): Outstanding Humanitarian Award 1998 Bravo Magazine: Silver Otto Award 1997 Bob Fosse Award: Best Choreography In A Music Video, "Ghosts" Bravo Magazine: Silver Otto Award Best Album, "HIStory" Best Show, HIStory Tour Brazilian TVZ Video Awards: Best International Video of the Year, "Blood On The Dance Floor" Dutch Music Factory Awards: Best Male Singer Best Live Act Live! Magazine Reader"s Poll: Most Memorable Male Performer Legend Of Live Entertainment Soul Train Music Awards: Video award is renamed The Michael Jackson Award for Best R&B/Soul or Rap Video Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame: Jackson 5 are inducted 1996 American Music Awards: Favorite Pop/ Rock Male Artist of the Year Blockbuster Entertainment Awards: Favorite Pop Male Award, "HIStory" Bravo Magazine: Golden Otto Award Platinum Otto Award, Lifetime Achievement Award (1st Recipient) Best Male Singer Best Album, "HIStory" Best Show, HIStory Tour Nicest Singer In 1991 Michael signed with Sony Music the largest ever recording contract and released his fourth solo album, "Dangerous". He toured world again in 1992, taking his concerts to countries that had never before been visited by a pop/rock artist. Also Michael founded the "Heal the World Foundation" to help improve the lives of children across the world. In 1994 Michael married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of rock legend Elvis Presley. The marriage only lasted for 19 months, as they divorced in 1996. 1995 saw Michael release a fifth solo album, "HIStory", which was a double album, first half new material and second half half greatest hits. Michael toured again over a legs covering a 2 year period. In between legs of the tour on November 14th 1996, Michael married for his second time to Debbie Rowe who was a nurse that Michael had met in the treatment of his skin pigment disorder. Together they had their first child Prince Michael Joseph Jackson jr born on February 13 1997 and a daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson born on April 3rd 1998. In 1997 Michael released the remix album "Blood On The Dance Floor" which also contained 5 new song linked with a 38min film "Ghosts". This film Michael played 5 roles using the latest special effects and make-up artistry, combined with his dance and music. In September, 2001 Michael celebrated his 30th anniversary as a solo artist with two concerts to be held in New York, USA. Many artists such as Whitney Houston, Usher, Destinys Child, Shaggy and many more performed there own and Michael Jacksons past songs. Michael then reunited with all of his brothers performed there biggest hits. Michael then went onto perform solo some of his biggest hits. In October 2001 Michael released the album "Invincible" so far releasing only 2 singles including the big hit "You Rock My World". Since the release of this first single the album has been surrounded by rumours of a rift with Sony Music and a clear lack of promotion of the album. 参考资料: 参考资料:http://www.mjfanclub.net/history/index.html 回答者: lyhuangxf - 一代宗师 十四级 2008-11-20 20:22 Awards 2006 MTV Japan Video Music Awards: (Tokyo, Japan / May 27, 2006) Legend Award 2005 Guiness Book Of World Records: (issue 2006) Best-selling Album Of All Time: "Thriller" with global sales of over 51 million copies to date Longest Music Video: "Ghosts" (USA, 1996), with 35 mins Most Valuable Sculpture By A Living Artist: "Michael Jackson and Bubbles", a porcelain sculpture created by the artist Jeff Koons in 1988 sold for $5,616,750 at Sotheby"s in New York on May 15, 2001. The piece measures 106.7 x 179.1 x 82.6 cm (42 x 70.5 x 32.5 in). Most Grammy Awards Won In A Year By A Person: At the 26th Annual Grammy Awards in 1984 Michael Jackson won eight Grammy awards. Most Valuable Oscar: David O Selznick"s 1940 Best Film Oscar for "Gone With The Wind" (USA, 1939) was bought by Michael Jackson, for $1,542,000 on June 12, 1999, at Sotheby"s, New York. Honorable Mention - Greatest Distance Moonwalked in One Hour: Adam Hall of San Francisco, California, was over the moon aftering moonwalking through the backstreets of Denver, Colorado, for a distance of 2.41 km (1.5 miles) in one hour on October 22, 2002. A "moonwalk support crew" shadowed 25-year-old Adam in an automobile, measuring his distance with an odometer. The record-setting walk formed part of a longer "Moonwalk for Earth" relay with Ramsey Brookhart (USA) and Joshua Dodd (USA), an attempt to raise awareness of renewable forms of energy. "We live under this brown cloud," said Hall, "and people don"t seem to understand how much of that comes from burning coal to provide electricity. We want people to know that there are other ways to make electricity." 2004 AASA Humanitarian Award: (Washington, D.C., USA / April 1) Humanitarian Award from The African Ambassadors?Spouses Association, AASA, for Michael Jackson"s worldwide humanitarian efforts, particularly in Africa. 2003 Key to the City: (Gary, USA / June 11) Michael was honored with the key of the city by the mayor of Gary. BMI Urban Awards: (Miami, USA / August 5) Best song: "Butterflies" (Marsha Ambrosius, SPZ Music Inc., Michael Jackson, Epic Records) Key to the City: (Las Vegas, USA / October 25) Michael was honored with the key of the city by Mr. Goodman, mayor of Las Vegas. Radio Music Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / October 27) Humanitarian Award (presented by Beyonce Knowles for the first time) Power of Oneness Lifetime Achievement Award: (Universal Studios Hollywood, Globe Theater, USA / November 15) presented for Michael"s lifelong commitment to writing, singing, and speaking about the need to take responsibility for the world"s children and making our world a better place 2002 American Music Awards: (January 9) Artist Of The Century Award NRJ Awards: (Cannes, France / January 19) Best International Male Singer Award NAACP Image Awards: (February 21) Outstanding Music Video: "You Rock My World" Outstanding Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration Outstanding Performance in a Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration Celebrate the Magic Foundation: (announced March 20; presented May 1) 1st Magical Life Award Life magazine - Top 100 Rock & Rollers Of All Time: (published March 20) Michael is listed at #9 on the list. National Academy of Popular Music/Songwriters: (Sheraton Hotel, New York, USA / June 13) Michael is inducted into their Hall of Fame. 30th Anniversary Award (New York, USA / July 6) World Arts Awards 2002: (Vienna, Austria / November 2) For his work as most successful pop artist of the present with what he has written music history (more than 150 Million music units sold). Bambi Awards: (Berlin, Germany / November 21) Pop Artist Of The Millennium Billboard Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / December 9) Special Billboard Award to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Michael Jackson"s 1982 Epic album "Thriller," which spent more weeks at No. 1 (37 weeks) than any other album in the history of The Billboard 200. 2001 MJ Day 10: (March 7) MJ Day 10 Award (presented by Adrian Grant on behalf of millions of loving fans all around the world) Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame: (March 19) Michael Jackson is inducted as a solo artist 2000 World Music Awards: Best Selling Pop Male Artist Of The Millennium G&P Foundation: (Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, USA / November 30) Angel of Hope Award (presented by N-Sync for Michael"s work fighting cancer) 1999 Bollywood Award (Indian Film Industry): Outstanding Humanitarian Award 1998 Bravo Magazine: Silver Otto Award 1997 Bob Fosse Award: Best Choreography In A Music Video, "Ghosts" Bravo Magazine: Silver Otto Award Best Album, "HIStory" Best Show, HIStory Tour Brazilian TVZ Video Awards: Best International Video of the Year, "Blood On The Dance Floor" Dutch Music Factory Awards: Best Male Singer Best Live Act Live! Magazine Reader"s Poll: Most Memorable Male Performer Legend Of Live Entertainment Soul Train Music Awards: Video award is renamed The Michael Jackson Award for Best R&B/Soul or Rap Video 参考资料:http://www.mjfanclub.net/history/index.html
2023-07-16 20:31:082

求Panic at the disco每个人的资料(附图片)详细点。

Brendon Urie 全名:Brendon Boyd Urie 乐队位置:主唱/钢琴/吉他 出生日期:1987年4月12日 出生地: Las Vegas, Nevada 星座:白羊座 头发颜色:黑色 眼睛颜色:棕色 身高:178cm 他在高三时加入乐队,是加入最晚的成员。起初,他是乐队的吉他手,在一次练习中大家发现他的声音不错,一致决定让他当主唱。于是他与当时主唱Ryan Rossd掉换位置。高三时因投入太多精力在乐队上,差一点儿让他没毕业。 他的父母是摩门教徒,十分反对他加入乐队,要求他上大学,他为此被赶出家门,被迫打工来付房租。但现在,他们都支持他了。 他是素食主义者。他是家中五个孩子中最小的,他4个哥1个姐。 他还会手风琴,大提琴,键盘,鼓等乐器。Ryan Ross 全名:George Ryan Ross 乐队位置:吉他/作词 出生日期:1986年8月30日 出生地: Las Vegas, Nevada 星座:室女座 头发颜色:棕色 眼睛颜色:棕色 身高:180cm 体重:100磅(45.5kg ) 最喜欢的乐队:blink182,Third Eye Blind, bottom line,fall out boy,new found glory, rufio, the starting line, homegrown, NOFX, taking back Sunday, name taken, 最喜欢的食物:中国菜,墨西哥煎玉米卷 最喜欢的颜色:黑 最喜欢的名言:"you laugh at me because im different, but I laugh at you because your all the same." 最害怕的事:无家可归问他要钱的人;蜘蛛;女孩 谁是最性感的名人:Britney Spears Avril Lavigne George Ryan Ross出生于Las Vegas, Nevada ,在Bishop Gorman High School上高中。他不想别人叫他George是以为他爸的名字也是George。他的父亲是一个酒鬼,在他3岁时父母离异,他跟随父亲。专集中的两首歌Camisado 和 Nails For Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks写的就是他对父亲那种复杂的感情,Camisado歌词暗示了家庭暴力(The bruises and contusions will remind me what you did when you wake )。 他在University of Las Vegas上大学,但为了有更多精力在乐队上,上完一个学期后便退学了。他父亲对此很不高兴。不幸的是,他还没来得及看儿子成功就被发现在家中死于酒精中毒(2006夏天)。 他和鼓手Spencer5岁就认识,一直是好朋友,他们本来想学滑板,可他们都怕摔交,就想玩玩音乐。1998年圣诞,Ryan求父亲给他买吉他, Spencer也求家长买鼓,然后他们组了个乐队叫Pet Salamander,主要翻唱Blink-182的歌。之后他们有拉来同学brent(panic前bass手)组了The Summer League ,brent找来在高中吉他课上认识的Brendon Urie当吉他手,最后乐队改名为panic! at th disco. Ryan觉得自己太瘦了,再怎么吃都没用,Brendon说他是乐队里吃的最多的,但却是最瘦的。 他有个外号叫smeagol(指环王里的古鲁姆,我晕,那里像了~),因为Spencer,brent认为他长的像它。 他有一个狗叫shotgun. 他在每场演唱会都会给自己化不同的眼妆,他也帮Brendon化妆。 他用MAC眼线笔。 当他被问到为什么化妆时,他说:I feel pretty,so pretty. 他看了网上同人女写的关于他和Brendon的小说(porn fiction),他说:孩子们想象我们have sex with each other,有一点恶心。 Ryan很喜欢电影“红磨房”,因此他们把舞台布置的像电影中一样。他一直坚持专集封面、海报都不能出现他们的样子,他想让大家更关注乐队本身。在专集他最喜欢Build God, Then We"ll Talk这首歌。Spencer Smith 全名:Spencer James Smith 乐队位置:鼓手 出生日期:1987年9月2日 出生地: Las Vegas, Nevada 星座:室女座 头发颜色:棕色 眼睛颜色:蓝色 身高:183或更高 最喜欢的乐队:blink-182 ,new found glory ,the starting line ,simple plan ,name taken ,taking back sunday , midtown , rufio ,bottomline ,good charolette , senses fail 最喜欢的食物:鸡脚,奶酪夹饼,中国菜, 最喜欢的颜色:黑 最喜欢的名言:"I love delivering orgasm"s to the masses"- Tom Delonge 最害怕的事:虫子 谁是最性感的名人:Britney Spears, Christina Aguilara and Hillary duff (lizzie mcguire) --Spencer是Brent Wilson 和 Ryan Ross从小到大的朋友。 --为了乐队,他通过网上教学完成高中学业。 --JON说他们4个中,Spencer拥有最好的嗓音。 --乐队在 Spencer祖母的客厅里进行练习。 --他也是素食主义者。Jon Walker 全名:Jonathan Jacob Walker 乐队位置:低音吉他 出生日期:1985年9月17日 出生地: Chicago, Illinos 星座:室女座 头发颜色:棕色 眼睛颜色:棕色 身高:180 乐队新的低音吉他手,唯一一个不是出生在Las Vegas, Nevada的成员。之前给The Academy Is当guitar tech,也给Red Hot Chilli Peppers当低音吉他手。 他喜欢玩"Final Fantasy XII" 他有一只猫叫Dylan. 他说他闻到难闻的气味会有不安全感。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------你晓得在这儿提问怎么不晓得问我。。。。。。。。。。
2023-07-16 20:31:141


美国是个高城市化国家,下面是它的主要城市及区号:Alaska 阿拉斯加 907 Albany(NY) 奥尔巴尼 518 Annapolis 安纳波利斯 410 Atlanta(GA) 亚特兰大 404 Augusta(ME) 奥古斯塔(缅因) 207 Austin(TX) 奥斯汀 512 Baton Rouge 巴吞鲁日 504 Bismarck 俾斯麦 701 Boise 博伊西 208 Boston 波士顿 617 Carson City 卡森城 702 Charleston(WV) 查尔斯顿 304 Cheyenne 夏延 307 Chicago 芝加哥 312 Cincinati 辛辛那提 513 Cleveland(OH) 克利夫兰 440 Columbia(SC) 哥伦比亚 803 Columbus(OH) 哥伦布 740 Concord(NH) 康科德 603 Dallas 达拉斯 214 Denver 丹佛 303 Des Moines 得梅因 515 Detroit 底特律 313 Dover(DE) 多佛 302 Frankfort(KY) 法兰克福 502 Harrisburg 哈里斯堡 717 Hartford(AL) 哈特福德 334 Hawaii 夏威夷 808 Helena(MT) 海伦娜 406 Houston 休斯敦 713 Indianapolis 印第安纳波利斯 317 Jackson(MS) 杰克逊 228 Jefferson City(MO) 杰斐逊城 573 Kansas City(KS) 堪萨斯城 913 Lansing(MI) 兰辛 517 Lincoln(NE) 林肯 402 Little Rock 小石城 501 Los Angeles 洛杉矶 213 Madison(WI) 麦迪逊 608 Memphis 孟菲斯 901 Miami(FL) 迈阿密 305 Minneapolis 明尼阿波利斯 612 Montgomery(AL) 蒙哥马利 334 Montpelier(VT) 蒙彼利埃 802 Morristown(NJ) 莫利斯顿 973 Nashville 纳什维尔 615 New Orleans 新奥尔良 504 New York 纽约 212 Oklahoma City 俄克拉何马城 405 Olympia 奥林匹亚 360 Philadelphia(PA) 费城 215 Phoenix 菲尼克斯 602 Portland(OR) 波特兰 503 Providence(RI) 普罗维登斯 401 Raleigh 罗利 919 Richmond(VA) 里士满 804 Sacramento 萨克拉门托 916 Salem(OR) 塞勒姆 503 Salt Lake City 盐湖城 801 San Francisco 旧金山 415 Santa Fe(NM) 圣菲 505 Seattle 西雅图 206 Springfield(IL) 斯普林菲尔德 217 St Louis 圣路易斯 314 St Paul 圣保罗 612 Tallahassee 塔拉哈西 904 Topeka 托皮卡 913 Trenton(NJ) 特伦顿 609 Washington D. C. 华盛顿 202
2023-07-16 20:31:222

Nicolas Cage
2023-07-16 20:31:3312


如果算上还没上映的(但已经确定会拍摄)《莱姆酒日记》《黑影》 《独行侠》 《项塔兰》 《游客》 《龙纹身的女孩》 《里戈》 《加4》 《革命往事》和 《罪恶之城3》的话 。。德普一共拍摄了74部影片罪恶之城3 Sin City 3 (2012) .....Wallace (rumored) 龙纹身的女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2012) .....(rumored) 加勒比海盗4 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) .....Jack Sparrow 加勒比海盗4:陌生的潮汐Pirates of the Caribbean 4革命往事 Seven Friends of Pancho Villa and the Woman with Six Fingers (2011) 派其奥·维拉的七个朋友,以及一个六根手指的女人游客 The Tourist (2011) .....Frank Taylor 里戈 Rango (2011) .....Rango (voice) Untitled Gore Verbinski Animated ProjectRango项塔兰 Shantaram (2011) .....Lindsay 山特拉姆独行侠 The Lone Ranger (2010) 孤独的骑兵爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland (2010) .....The Mad Hatter 爱丽丝梦游奇境 / 爱丽丝漫游奇境 / 魔境梦游AliceAlice no País das Maravilhas黑影 Dark Shadows (2010) .....Barnabas Collins (rumored) 暗影 / 黑暗阴影莱姆酒日记 The Rum Diary (2010) .....Paul Kemp Hunter S. Thompson"s The Rum Diary当你还是陌生人 When You"re Strange (2009) .....Narration (voice) 当你觉得陌生When You"re Strange: A Film About The DoorsThe Doors - When You"re Strange帕那索斯博士的奇幻秀 The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) .....Tony (1st transformation) 帕纳索斯博士的奇幻秀 / 帕那索斯博士的移动剧场 / 帕纳大师的魔幻冒险 / 柏纳大师奇幻SHOWThe Imaginarium of Dr. ParnassusDas Kabinett des Dr. Parnassus公众之敌 Public Enemies (2009) .....John Dillinger 公敌 / 大犯罪家 / 头号公敌Dimosios kindynosEnnemis publics刚左之父:亨特·汤普森的人生和作品 Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (2008) .....Himself 荒诞新闻 / 杭特汤普森的叛逆速记Gonzo - The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. ThompsonGonzo - Vida y trabajo del Dr. Hunter S. Thompson马龙·白兰度传 Brando (2007) .....Himself - interviewee 永远的马龙·白兰度史特拉莫:未来尚未命定 Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten (2007) .....Himself THE FUTURE IS UNWRITTEN : JOE STRUMMER加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007) .....Captain Jack Sparrow 加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头 / 加勒比海盗:魔盗王终极之战 / 神鬼奇航:世界的尽头 / 加勒比海盗3 / 加勒比海盗3之死亡荣誉Pirates of the Caribbean 3P.O.T.C. 3理发师陶德 Sweeney Todd (2007) .....Sweeney Todd 恶魔理发师 / 疯狂理发师 / 魔街理发师Sweeney Todd, le diabolique barbier de Fleet StreetSweeney Todd: Fleet Streetin paholaisparturi加勒比海盗2:亡灵宝藏 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man"s Chest (2006) .....Captain Jock Sparrow 加勒比海盗2 / 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺 / 神鬼奇航2:加勒比海盗 / 加勒比海盗:决战魔盗王P.O.T.C 2Pirates 2路的转弯处听见吉普赛 When the Road Bends: Tales of a Gypsy Caravan (2006) .....Himself 满城尽奏吉卜赛 / 道路曲折:吉普赛大棚车歌谣Gipsy CaravanGypsy Caravan深海猎奇 IMAX Deep Sea (2006) .....Narration (voice) 深深的海洋 / 深海大进击Deep Sea 3DDenizens of the Deep第77届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) .....Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role The 31st Annual People"s Choice Awards (2005) .....Winner Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) .....Himself 查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) .....Willy Wonka 巧克力冒险工厂 / 朱古力奖门人 / 查理与巧克力工厂Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The IMAX ExperienceCharlie y la fábrica de chocolate僵尸新娘 Corpse Bride (2005) .....Victor Van Dort (voice) 地狱新娘 / 骷髅新娘 / 怪诞尸新娘Tim Burton"s Corpse BrideEl cadáver de la noviaNickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "05 (2005) .....Himself 他们结婚了还有很多孩子 Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d"enfants (2004) .....L"inconnu ...And They Lived Happily Ever AfterHappily Ever After2004年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004) .....Himself 第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) .....Himself - Nominee: Best Actor 第61届金球奖颁奖典礼 The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards (2004) .....Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Motion Picture [Musical or Comedy] 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004) .....Himself - #26: Things They Shouldn"t Have Said/#99: Johnny Depp and the Winona Tattoo (archive foota 浪荡子 The Libertine (2004) .....Rochester 浪子 / 不羁逃情秘密窗 Secret Window (2004) .....Mort Rainey 秘窗 / 笔下窗狂Secret Window, Secret GardenSecret Garden寻找梦幻岛 Finding Neverland (2004) .....Sir James Matthew Barrie 寻找新乐园 / 小飞侠前传之魔幻童心 / 不老的传说J.M. Barrie"s NeverlandVoyage au pays imaginaire奈特·沙马兰隐藏的秘密 The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan (2004) .....Himself M. Night: Portrait of a FilmmakerBreakfast with Hunter (2003) .....Himself 墨西哥往事 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) .....Sands 英雄不回头El Mariachi 3电影之光:卓别林的艺界人生 Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin (2003) .....Himself 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) .....Jack Sparrow 加勒比海盗 / 魔盗王:决战鬼盗船 / 神鬼奇航:鬼盗船魔咒 / 魔盗船The Pirates of the CaribbeanFluch der Karibik救命呐!唐吉诃德 Lost in La Mancha (2002) .....Himself Lost in ManchaDr02mmen om Don Quijote美国毒枭 Blow (2001) .....George Jung 毒王 / 一世狂野Beyaz seytanBijeli prah来自地狱 From Hell (2001) .....Inspector Fred Abberline 开膛手 / 屠出地狱JackDesde el infierno纵情四海 The Man Who Cried (2000) .....Cesar 哭泣的男人The man who cried - Les larmes d"un homme夜幕降临前 Before Night Falls (2000) .....Bon Bon/Lieutenant Victor 当黑夜降临 / 黎明不会来Antes que anochezcaAvant la nuit浓情巧克力 Chocolat (2000) .....Roux 情迷朱古力ChocolateШоколад断头谷 Sleepy Hollow (1999) .....Ichabod Crane 无头睡谷 / 睡谷传奇 / 寂静山谷 / 无头骑士来源 The Source (1999) .....Jack Kerouac 第九道门 The Ninth Gate (1999) .....Dean Corso 魔鬼手记 / 第九扇门 / 鬼上门Neuvième porte, LaNovena puerta, La宇航员的妻子 The Astronaut"s Wife (1999) .....Commander Spencer Armacost 太空异种 / 天外魔种Where It"s At: The Rolling Stone State of the Union (1998) .....Himself 游洛城免地图 L.A. Without a Map (1998) .....Himself (uncredited) I Love L.A.Los Angeles Without a Map赌城风情画 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) .....Raoul Duke/Hunter S. Thompson 赌城情仇 / 恐惧拉斯维加斯 / 恐惧与厌恶在拉斯维加斯Angst und Schrecken in Las VegasDelírio em Las Vegas英雄少年历险记 The Brave (1997) .....Raphael 勇气忠奸人 Donnie Brasco (1997) .....Donnie Brasco/Joseph D. "Joe" Pistone 惊天爆 / 绝地危机BrascoFake坎城人 Cannes Man (1996) .....Himself 戛纳人Canne$ ManCon Man离魂异客 Dead Man (1995) .....William Blake 你看见死亡的颜色吗? / 死人Dead ManJim Jarmusch"s Dead Man天生爱情狂 Don Juan DeMarco (1995) .....Don Juan 这个男人有点色 / 唐璜 德马科 / 唐璜德马科Don Juan DeMarco and the Centerfold千钧一发 Nick of Time (1995) .....Gene Watson 致命时刻 / 要命的决定Gegen die ZeitHoltid02美国诗歌 United States of Poetry (1995) .....Himself 第66届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) .....Himself - Presenter: "Philadelphia" Song 艾德·伍德 Ed Wood (1994) .....Ed Wood 艾得伍德 / 爱在好莱坞的日子Эд ВудEd Vud不一样的天空 What"s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) .....Gilbert Grape 恋恋情深 / 什么吃掉了吉尔伯特·格雷普Gilbert Grape07A quién ama Gilbert Grape?邦尼和琼 Benny & Joon (1993) .....Sam 帅哥娇娃Benny i JoonBenny & Joon - Cora0401es em Conflito亚历桑那之梦 Arizona Dream (1993) .....Axel Blackmar 亚历桑那梦游 / 亚利桑纳之梦 / 亚利桑那之梦The Arrowtooth WaltzArizona猛鬼街6 Freddy"s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) .....Guy on TV (as Oprah Noodlemantra) 猛鬼街大结局 / 半夜鬼上床6A Nightmare On Elm Street 6A Hora do Pesadelo 6 - Pesadelo Final - A Morte de Freddy哭泣宝贝 Cry-Baby (1990) .....Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker 泪眼阿飞剪刀手爱德华 Edward Scissorhands (1990) .....Edward Scissorhands 幻海奇缘Edward aux mains d"argentEdward mit den Scherenh01nden龙虎少年队 21 Jump Street (1987) .....Officer Tom Hanson (69 episodes, 1987-1990) 野战排 Platoon (1986) .....Pvt. Gator Lerner 前进高棉 / 杀戮战场A SzakaszBravos do Pelot00o, OsPrivate Resort (1985) .....Jack BikinivadászokHotel w kurorcie猛鬼街 A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) .....Glen Lantz 半夜鬼上床Les griffes de la nuitA Hora do PesadeloNBC早间新闻 Today (1952) .....Himself (2 episodes, 2005) NBC News TodayThe Rise and Shine Revue
2023-07-16 20:32:101

las vegas是什么意思

拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州的最大城市,成立于1905年5月15日,以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之一,拥有“世界娱乐之都”和“结婚之都”的美称。从一个巨型游乐场到一个真正有血有肉、活色生香的城市,拉斯维加斯在10年间脱胎换骨,从一百年前的小村庄变成一个巨型旅游城市。
2023-07-16 20:32:293


拉斯维加斯属于美国内华达州。附近国家北至加拿大,南至巴拿巴、古巴和墨西哥等国家。拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州的最大城市,成立于1905年5月15日,以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之一,拥有“世界娱乐之都”和“结婚之都”的美称。从一个巨型游乐场到一个真正有血有肉、活色生香的城市,拉斯维加斯在10年间脱胎换骨,从一百年前的小村庄变成一个巨型旅游城市。
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2023-07-16 20:32:575


拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州的最大城市,以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之一。从一个巨型游乐场到一个真正有血有肉、活色生香的城市,拉斯维加斯在10年间脱胎换骨。每年来拉斯维加斯旅游的3890万旅客中,来购物和享受美食的占了大多数,专程来赌博的只占少数。内华达州这个曾经被人讽刺为“罪恶之城”的赌城,已经逐步成熟,成为一个真正的城市了。 维加斯好像是个游戏吧?
2023-07-16 20:33:141


2023-07-16 20:33:222

求heaven or las vegas歌词

Who"ll ever win?有谁会赢Gee, you"re just so ephemeral你的生命不过如此短暂Go back for new回去重新开始For new in vain, it failed只是徒劳Singing on the famous street在著名的大街上唱歌I want to love,to love to love,love me我想爱自己Am I just in heaven or Las Vegas我是在拉斯维加斯还是天堂It"s so much more brighter than the sun is to me在我看来,这里比太阳还要亮He"s a hustler他是个骗子It"s a role, he"ll never make a suit只是欺骗感情Hang on to this坚持做下去So stay and spin and fail and fail一次次的失败Who"ll ever win?有谁会赢Gee, you"re just so ephemeral你的生命不过如此短暂Go back for new回去重新开始For new in vain, it failed只是徒劳Singing on the famous street在著名的大街上唱歌I want to love,to love to love,love me我想爱自己Am I just in heaven or Las Vegas我是在拉斯维加斯还是天堂It"s so much more brighter than the sun is to me在我看来,这里比太阳还要亮The chill must itch in my soul寒冷颤动我的灵魂That"s like any old playing card就像任何旧纸牌一样It must be why I"m thinking of Las Vegas这肯定是我为什么想起拉斯维加斯的原因It"s why it"s more brighter than the sun is to me这就是为何在我看来,这里比太阳还要亮Furthermore, let"s blast it off而且,我们出发I"m dizzy so I go, another bit it off我茫然前行,再走一段Come fantasy, for a carnival嘉年华的,五彩纸屑I"m empty before our wedding婚礼的,五彩纸屑Singing on the famous street在著名的大街上唱歌I want to love,to love to love,love me我想爱自己Am I just in heaven or Las Vegas我是在拉斯维加斯还是天堂It"s so much more brighter than the sun is to me在我看来,这里比太阳还要亮The chill must itch in my soul寒冷颤动我的灵魂That"s like any old playing card就像任何旧纸牌一样It must be why I"m thinking of Las Vegas这肯定是我为什么想起拉斯维加斯的原因It"s why it"s more brighter than the sun is to me这就是为何在我看来,这里比太阳还要亮Maybe there, while you was rail或许当时,你没走的时候I"ll go in and seize your heart and be personal我该去抓住你的心让它属于我I suspect I"m singing to you a tune我想,对你唱这首曲子And still you find the beat and sing it to you soon你找到节奏,很快唱给你听
2023-07-16 20:33:422

fear,and loathing in las vegas的专辑曲目

1.Burn the Disco Floor with Your “2-step”!!2.Hey Girl!! Why Not Party Like a Bitch!?3.Stray in Chaos4.Love at First Sight5.Take Me Out!!6.interlude7.My Dear Lady, Will You Dance With Me Tonight?8.Because You Are Here9.Solitude X"mas10.Beyond the End11.Twilight 1.Chase the Light!2.Jump Around3.The Answer for Unequal World4.Shake Your Body5.Believe Yourself6.interlude7.Short but Seems Long,Time of Our Life 1.Just Awake2.Break Out Your Stained Brain 1.Acceleration2.Scream Hard as You Can3.Crossover4.How Old You are Never Forget Your Dream5.InterludeⅠ6.Just Awake7.Defeat and Beat8.In the End, the Choice is All Yours9.Ley-Line10.InterludeⅡ11.Don"t Suffer Alone 1.Rave-up Tonight2.The Courage to Take Action3.Step of Terror4.Ley-Line -BOOM BOOM SATELLITES REMIX-5.My Dear Lady, Will You Dance With Me Tonight? -Takkyu Ishino"s Rave 1991 Remix-6.Chase the Light! -ヒャダインのリリリリ☆リミックス- 1.Never Say “Never”2.Evolution (Retake)3.Just Awake (serph remix) 1.Are You Ready to Blast Off?2.Rave-up Tonight3.Swing It!!4.Thunderclap5.Interlude6.Virtue and Vice7.Nail the Shit Down8.Rain Inside Your Eyes9.Counterattack by the Sesame Sized Bodies10.Flutter of Cherry Blossom11.StayasWhoYouAre 1.Let Me Hear2.Sparkling Sky Laser3.Abyss 1.Starburst2.Struggle to Survive 1.Cast Your Shell2.Meaning of Existence3.Escape from the Loop4.Starburst5.Interlude6.Party Boys7.Gratitude8.Ignite Your Frail Mind9.The Demon Called Careless10.Let Me Hear11.Journey to Aim High
2023-07-16 20:33:491

fear,and loathing in las vegas的乐队成员

So–主唱、编程Minami–核嗓、键盘Sxun– 吉他、伴唱Taiki– 吉他Tomonori– 鼓手Kei– 贝斯 Mashu–贝斯(2008-2013)
2023-07-16 20:34:031

Immortality [Live - Las Vegas 1997] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Immortality [Live - Las Vegas 1997] (Album Version)歌手:Bee Gees - Featuring Celine Dion专辑:One Night OnlyThe Rasmus - ImmortalStrange signs, crooked signalsStrike down the last aerialsHeaven"s bendingBelow the world beginsto breakLife"s endingThe time has come to escapeDown to the chambersDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondWe chose the silenceHatred, cruel violenceWe should be ashamedWe had a chance thatwe ignoredAnd now it"s too lateThe end is knocking onthe doorReady to claim usDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondSurrender to my loveSacrifice your soulYour picture in the frameIs fading like a ghostNever say goodbyeNever be aloneNever say good nightNever say dieDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondImmortal loveis breakingThe one last bondhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7901641
2023-07-16 20:34:331

Leaving Las Vegas 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving Las Vegas歌手:Sheryl Crow专辑:Sheryl Crow - Hits And RaritiesLife springs eternalOn a gaudy neon streetNot that I care at allI spent the best part of my losing streakIn an army jeepFor what I cant recallOh Im banging on my TV setAnd I check the oddsAnd I place my betI pour a drinkAnd I pull the blindAnd I wonder what Ill findI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasLeaving for good, for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodUsed to be I could drive up toBarstow for the nightFind some crossroad truckerTo demonstrate his mightBut these days it seemsNowhere is far enough awaySo I"m leaving Las Vegas todayLeaving Las VegasLights so brightblackjack on a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodfor goodI"m standing in the middle of the desertWaiting for my ship to come inBut now no joker, no jack, no kingCan take this loser handAnd make it winI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving Las Vegasfor goodfor goodI quit my job as a dancerAt the lido des girlsDealing blackjack until one or twoSuch a muddly line betweenThe things you wantAnd the things you have to doI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodleaving for goodLeaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasAnd I won"t be backNo I won"t be backNot this timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8183925
2023-07-16 20:34:391

Leaving Las Vegas 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving Las Vegas歌手:Various专辑:2012 Original Motion Picture SoundtrackLife springs eternalOn a gaudy neon streetNot that I care at allI spent the best part of my losing streakIn an army jeepFor what I cant recallOh Im banging on my TV setAnd I check the oddsAnd I place my betI pour a drinkAnd I pull the blindAnd I wonder what Ill findI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasLeaving for good, for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodUsed to be I could drive up toBarstow for the nightFind some crossroad truckerTo demonstrate his mightBut these days it seemsNowhere is far enough awaySo I"m leaving Las Vegas todayLeaving Las VegasLights so brightblackjack on a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodfor goodI"m standing in the middle of the desertWaiting for my ship to come inBut now no joker, no jack, no kingCan take this loser handAnd make it winI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving Las Vegasfor goodfor goodI quit my job as a dancerAt the lido des girlsDealing blackjack until one or twoSuch a muddly line betweenThe things you wantAnd the things you have to doI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodleaving for goodLeaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasAnd I won"t be backNo I won"t be backNot this timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7877550
2023-07-16 20:34:461

Viva Las Vegas 歌词

歌曲名:Viva Las Vegas歌手:Elvis Presley & The Jordanaires专辑:Pure... AmericaTwilight City gonna set my soulIt"s gonna set my soul on fireGot a whole lot of money that"s ready to burnSo get those stakes up highThere"s a thousand pretty women waiting out thereThey"re all waiting, they"ll never make airAnd I"m just the devil with a lung to spare, soViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva Las VegasHow I wish that there were moreThan the 24 hours in the dayEven if I ran out of speed, boyI wouldn"t sleep a minute of the wayOh that blackjack and poker and the roulette wheelI"ll poach your money lost on every dealAll you need is sonar and nerves of steel, soViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva Las VegasWhere the neon signs flash your nameThe one-arm bandits cash inAll soap"s down the drainViva Las VegasTurning day into nighttimeTurning night into daytimeIf you see it onceYou"ll never be the same againGotta keep on runningGonna have me some moneyIf it costs me my very last dimeIf I wind up brokeThen I"ll always remember thatI had a swingin" timeOh, I"m gonna give it everything I"ve gotLady Luck"s with me, the dice stay hotGot coke up my nose to dry away the snot, soViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva, viva Las VegasBy:B-side~~~啊!~~终于弄完整张专辑的歌词拉~~http://music.baidu.com/song/7294386
2023-07-16 20:34:521

Fear, And Loathing In Las Vegas这个乐队唱过哪些动漫歌曲?

  《1st》  1. Burn the Disco Floor with Your2-step!!  2. My Dear Lady, Will You Dance With Me Tonight?    《2nd》  1.Hey Girl!! Why Not Party Like A Bitch!?  2.Evolution~Entering the New World~  《Take Me Out!! / Twilight》  1.Take Me Out!!  2. Twilight  《Dance & Scream》   1.Burn the Disco Floor with Your2-step!!  2.Hey Girl!! Why Not Party Like A Bitch!?  3.Stray in Chaos  4.Love at First Sight  5.Take Me Out!!  6.interlude  7. My Dear Lady, Will You Dance With Me Tonight?  8.Because You Are Here  9.Solitude X"mas  10.Beyond the End  11. Twilight  《NEXTREME》  1.Chase the Light!  《NEXTREME》  2.Jump Around  3.The Answer for Unequal World  4.Shake Your Body  5.Believe Yourself  6.interlude  7.Short but Seems Long,Time of Our Life  《All That We Have Now》  01. Acceleration  02. Scream Hard as You Can  03. Crossover  04. How Old You are Never Forget Your Dream  05. InterludeⅠ  06. Just Awake  07. Defeat and Beat  08. In the End, the Choice is All Yours  09. Ley-Line  10. InterludeⅡ  11. Don"t Suffer Alone
2023-07-16 20:34:591