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lululemon是哪加拿大的。瑜伽服装品牌露露柠檬 (Lululemon) 短短几年时间就从众多体育服装品牌中脱颖而出,而且露露柠檬 (Lululemon) 如今已俨然成为时尚的代名词。lululemon,中文名称:露露乐檬,在 1998 年由 Chip Wilson 于加拿大温哥华创立的运动服装品牌。该品牌创建之初,公司白天是一家工作室,而到了晚上则摇身一变成为一间瑜伽馆。最初,露露乐檬只专注设计女士瑜伽服饰。随着获得许多人的喜爱,还有品牌大使和精英运动员的反馈。后来,露露柠檬 (Lululemon) 似乎已经不只是一个服装品牌,而演变为一种生活方式。在美国的上东区,Lululemon 的购物袋几乎随处可见,袋子上印着鼓舞人心的话语,比如"每天做一件让自己惊讶的事情"等等。而在西彻斯特,露露柠檬 (Lululemon) 似乎已经是一种社交工具,一个刚搬到这里的妇女说,因为








UL 是一家产品安全测试和认证机构,她也是美国产品安全标准的创始者。在一个多世纪的岁月里, UL 已对成百上千种产品和部件进行了相关的安全标准测试并按照国际标准评估其管理系统 在美国,对消费者来说 UL 就是安全标志的象征。全球, UL 是制造厂商最值得信赖的合格评估提供者之一。 UL 是英文保险商试验所( Underwriter Laboratories Inc. )的简写。 UL 安全试验所是美国最有权威的,也是界上从事安全试验和鉴定的较大的民间机构。它是一个独立的、非营利的、为公共安全做试验的专业机构。它采用科学的测试方法来研究确定各种材料、装置、产品、设备、建筑等对生命、财产有无危害和危害的程度;确定、编写、发行相应的标准和有助于减少及防止造成生命财产受到损失的资料,同时开展实情调研业务。总之,它主要从事产品的安全认证和经营安全证明业务,其最终目的是为市场得到具有相当安全水准的商品,为人身健康和财产安全得到保证作出贡献。就产品安全认证作为消除国际贸易技术壁垒的有效手段而言, UL 为促进国际贸易的发展也发挥着积极的作用。UL证书就是你向申请做产品认证成功后,UL向工厂发的证书


E82292是:公司名称:TYCO ELECTRONICS (SHENZHEN) CO. LTD产品是:Magnetically operated switchesOpen type for electronic data processing applications and similar devicesOpen type for industrial control applications地址:TYCO ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY PARK SHIYAN ST BAO"AN DISTRICT SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG 518108 CHINA




ul认证号查询方法如下:a) 按UL证书号查询在“UL File Number”文本框中输入UL档案号接着按“SEARCH”即可譬如查询档案E123456,输入E123456即可b) 按公司资料查询在“Company Name”文本框中输入公司全称或部分关键字(最好是部分关键字),接着按“SEARCH”即可;c) 按CCN查询在“UL Category Code”文本框中输入CCN,接着按“SEARCH”,可查询所有此类产品做个UL的厂家信息;譬如电线CCN为AVLV2,直接输入AVLV2即可d) 按关键字查询在“Keyword”文本框中输入您想查询的 关键字 接着按“SEARCH”即可;譬如电机马达的厂家,直接输入motor,即可找到所有跟motor相关的厂家信息e)按区域查询在“city”输入城市英文名,比如“ningbo”,即可查询所有宁波地区做过UL的厂家信息


ul认证号查询方法如下:a) 按UL证书号查询在“UL File Number”文本框中输入UL档案号接着按“SEARCH”即可譬如查询档案E123456,输入E123456即可b) 按公司资料查询在“Company Name”文本框中输入公司全称或部分关键字(最好是部分关键字),接着按“SEARCH”即可;c) 按CCN查询在“UL Category Code”文本框中输入CCN,接着按“SEARCH”,可查询所有此类产品做个UL的厂家信息;譬如电线CCN为AVLV2,直接输入AVLV2即可d) 按关键字查询在“Keyword”文本框中输入您想查询的 关键字 接着按“SEARCH”即可;譬如电机马达的厂家,直接输入motor,即可找到所有跟motor相关的厂家信息e)按区域查询在“city”输入城市英文名,比如“ningbo”,即可查询所有宁波地区做过UL的厂家信息


ul认证号查询方法如下:a) 按UL证书号查询在“UL File Number”文本框中输入UL档案号接着按“SEARCH”即可譬如查询档案E123456,输入E123456即可b) 按公司资料查询在“Company Name”文本框中输入公司全称或部分关键字(最好是部分关键字),接着按“SEARCH”即可;c) 按CCN查询在“UL Category Code”文本框中输入CCN,接着按“SEARCH”,可查询所有此类产品做个UL的厂家信息;譬如电线CCN为AVLV2,直接输入AVLV2即可d) 按关键字查询在“Keyword”文本框中输入您想查询的 关键字 接着按“SEARCH”即可;譬如电机马达的厂家,直接输入motor,即可找到所有跟motor相关的厂家信息e)按区域查询在“city”输入城市英文名,比如“ningbo”,即可查询所有宁波地区做过UL的厂家信息






www.ul.comdatabase把E******输入UL File Number 这一项然后search 就可以看到 这号码是那个公司对哪些型号申请的认证,


UL有非常强大的查询网:http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm具体查询方法:a) 按UL证书号查询 在“UL File Number”文本框中输入UL档案号接着按“SEARCH”即可 譬如查询档案E123456,输入E123456即可 b) 按公司资料查询 在“Company Name”文本框中输入公司全称或部分关键字(最好是部分关键字),接着按“SEARCH”即可; c) 按CCN查询 在“UL Category Code”文本框中输入CCN,接着按“SEARCH”,可查询所有此类产品做个UL的厂家信息; 譬如电线CCN为AVLV2,直接输入AVLV2即可




UL认证编号查询的地址是:http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm第一步,把这个网址在复制到地址栏,点打开第二步:下面以台烽电子有限公司为例输入他们编号为E348815在1的框里。(UL File Number 中输入E348815)再按SEARCH键查找,就是2箭头指的第三:当下面的报表出来以后点3或是4就有自己想要的报表希望能帮到你!

if you want my advice ,you should turn on effects then your smurfs can gaze up at the stars ,and enj

如果你需要我的建议, 你可以打开魔力效果,然后你的蓝精灵会抬头凝视着星星,然后...


fullprice线的人群注重皮包实用性和价值,追求的是真正中产阶级可以买得起的轻奢 logo要弱化,outlet线的消费人群更注重性价比,追求的是品牌标志,logo要凸显。两条线从设计团队,到工厂加工所用的皮革或PVC,拉链,金属扣等原材料都是不一样的,所以价格上面也会有一定的差距。outlet用于低价位段对市场对手的阻击,而fullprice则使用原有的价格段,实现品牌多价格段高市场占有率的覆盖。在名牌价格高高在上的时代,在各行各业激励竞争的时代,OUTLET能够稳居泰山之位的原因,首先吸引人们的当然是其难以想象的物超所值的世界名品,为时尚人士找到了购买名品的窗口,致使消费者都趋之如鹜。outlet(销售方式)OUTLET首创于美国,已有上百年历史,是欧美发展最为强劲的零售业态,并逐渐风靡盛行欧美、东南亚等诸多国家。最初OUTLET为工厂直销店,清仓促销处理库存积压和换季清理库存,是每个卖家难免都会遇到的情况,也是库存管理中重要的一个“科目”。OUTLET进入二十世纪七十年代呈现出快速发展的势头,通过诸多品牌经营,极大满足消费者的需求,并采取与百货业、大卖场、超市等错位经营的方针,以自己独特的经营个性而存在,百分百地迎合了消费者的需求及心态,所以发展尤为迅速。以上内容参考:百度百科——outlet (销售方式)

英语Congratulations on your engagement怎么翻译?

英语congratulations on your engagement. 翻译为中文意思是恭喜你订婚!例如,Hearty congratulations on your engagement. Hoping you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together. 衷心祝贺你们订婚之喜,祝你们在共同的生活中幸福快乐。



这句话这样翻译对么?Xiangtan is a profound historical and cultural det...

首先,你要清楚这句话原本是从中文翻译成英文的,而翻译有的是字面翻译,有的是意译,有的是错译这个句子和翻译明显不敢恭维.湘潭是一座历史文化底蕴深厚的文化古城。 第二个文化明显可以去掉,也就是湘潭是一座历史文化底蕴深厚的古城。Xiangtan is a ancient city with profound history and culture. 这样不是更加简洁有力吗?detail 是细节的意思,估计作者是想用来表达底蕴,但是很明显表现力不够。

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was so profound that only a few scientists could understand it.


[A] intense[B] passionate[C] profound[D] turbulent


我的zen-cart网站批量上传商品easy populate突然变成这样,无法更新商品是怎么回事?如图所示。

查看目录/tmp/phpqjhmzk路径下是否有什么不同, 传的是不是 csmax09.csv.再者检查下服务器空间是否满了

海运提单ETD DCB on 27 Jul,and ETA SIN on 31 July是什么意思

补充回答ETD是预计开船日的意思 所以应该是预计7月27日开船,DCB是深圳的大铲湾ETA是预计到港日,SIN是新加坡 31.july就不用解释了吧请记得船公司给的都是预计

Pulp的《I Spy》 歌词

歌曲名:I Spy歌手:Pulp专辑:Different Class / Deluxe EditionBoA - I SPYI spy my eye. You think you"re gonna take me home.瞒名 丁捞 隶绢 汝矾 泅鄂茄 DJ"s playing 加俊 狐廉勉眠哥 呈甫 踌咯临霸 匙 妇捞 啊绰措肺 急琶秦捞固 呈甫 磊必秦辑 蝶扼坷霸 秦滚赴 唱唱客 窍唱 登绰 吧 惑惑秦 毫 Tonight弊 啊娇俊 朝 单妨哎 磊脚 乐促搁 促啊客 Shy boyYour eye is spy ye~捞哩 郴 庇啊俊 弧埃 郴 涝啊俊Talk to me all night long茄曼 茫酒吭带 郴啊 呈狼 VenusI spy my eye. You think you"re gonna take me home葛滴 传阑 泪矫 化板瘤矫急阑 肛免 Dancing queen篮 唱窍瘤父 郴 固家绰 混哥矫 澄 氢秦 林绰 芭具 蠢哺毫炔圈窃俊 见捞 杠绢 呈公 绊刮窍瘤绰 付颊捞 搓阑 芭府肺 澄 郴霸 该败毫弊 哆芭款 匙 皑沥阑 促 傈窍矾 客Meet at the dance floorYour eye is spy ye~捞哩 郴 庇啊俊 弧埃 郴 涝啊俊Talk to me all night long茄曼 茫酒吭带 郴啊 呈狼 VenusI spy my eye. You think you"re gonna take me homeHey, don"t take it too personallyI don"t know, I don"t want to rush things. I justwanna have a good time辑肺 妇阑 波郴林绊 家蜡窍绰 Party噶汲烙篮 鞘夸 绝捞 胶哥甸绢Come into my heart. Meet me at the dance floorYour eye is spy ye~捞哩 郴 庇啊俊 弧埃 郴 涝啊俊Talk to me all night long茄曼 茫酒吭带 郴啊 呈狼 VenusI spy my eye. You think you"re gonna take me homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8567619

单屏的高尔夫模拟器,什么牌子比较好比较精准一些,是美国的full swing golf ,还是韩国的golfzone。


Pull The Curtain 歌词

Pull The Curtain演唱 Sum 41专辑 Underclass Hero(Where"d I go wrong?)Pull the curtain, beginBear a noise, wearing thin nowIt"s wearing thin now(Where"d I go wrong?)Close my eyes, realizeI"ve become the victimized nowDesensitized nowThe one and only day has comeI"ll pay for all the bad things I"ve done(Where"d I go wrong?)Something"s wrong because I find the glamourIn the darkside, In the darkside(Where"d I go wrong?)Cheap regrets, can"t forgetFalling victim to the dead still,Unpaid in my mindThe one and only day has comeI"ll pay for all the bad things I"ve doneIt"s gonna take me, you don"t know tragedyI"ve been to hell and back, can ya tell it?Close my eyes and lay me down to sleepI fear the worst might be the heart"s just to explodeAnd my time is up so...Why can"t I just lie?The living dead awake, the horror show beginsSo pull the curtains over me(Bring on the panicThe uncontrolling manicIt"s a free for all commemoryEvery last word)I forget the dreams in my mindDrown the thoughts that have me confinedGood as dreams as black as the nightNo one told me end is a lieSuffocate the dreams in my mindDrown the thoughts that have me confinedGood as dreams as black as the nightNo one told me end is a lieNow we"re gone, do you still feelthe same? Well now, can"t you see?I need help to stop me from myselfWell can"t you help me now?End...http://music.baidu.com/song/1273529

求高中英语常见短语动词。。。(如 take,break,pull,go,make等等。。 解释详细点。。。)

1. add to增加,增进 add … to把…加进… add up相加 add up to总计,所有这一切说明 1) I don"t think these facts will ________ anything. 2) Fifty new books have been ________ the library. 3) The music _________ our enjoyment of the film. 4) You must have made a mistake when you _______ the bill ________. ( add up to, added to, add to, added…up )2. break away from打破,脱离,挣脱,改掉 break down出毛病,身体(精神)衰弱,分解,拆开 break off暂停,中断 break in强行进入,插话 break into闯入break into pieces成为碎片 break out爆发 break up捣碎,驱散,瓦解,学期结束,拆散 break through突破 1) The criminal managed to break _______ ______ the police and ran into the woods. 2) When he heard the news, he broke _______ and cried. 3) Don"t break ________ while others are speaking. 4) Why don"t you break ________ for a few minutes and have some coffee? 5) When does school break ________? 6) After harvest we break _________ the soil with a tool pulled by two oxen. ( away from, down, in, off, up, up ) 3. bring up抚养,呕吐,提出 bring about造成 bring out拿出,出版 bring in引入,引进,挣钱 bring back使回想起 bring down使下降,使倒下 1) The shopkeeper brought his price _________ to only five dollars. 2) The school has brought _________ new foreign teachers to teach oral English. 3) The song brought ___________ happy memories of our schooldays. 4) Do you know what brought ___________ this misunderstanding? 5) The kind old man agreed to bring __________ the young orphan. 6) We decided to bring the matter ___ at the next meeting. 7) The wind brought _______ a lot of trees last night. 8) Next month they will bring ________ a new edition of the book. ( down, in, back, about, up, up, down, out )4. call on号召,拜访(某人) call at拜访、参观(某地) call for去叫某人, 要求, 需要 call up使回忆起, 征召入伍 call in召集,请某人来 call out大喊,高叫 call off取消,不举行 1) Doctors are often called _____ in the middle of the war. 2) Please wait for me at home. I"ll call _______ you at your house at seven tonight. 3) The trains calls _______ several big cities between Beijing and Guangzhou. 4) He called her name __________, but she didn"t answer. 5) The sports meet was called ____ on account of the rain. ( in, for, at, out, off)5. come about发生,出现 come down下跌,落,降,传下来 come in进来 come into (sight/being/existence/use/notice/effect) come on来临/ 快点 come out出版,结果是 come along一道来,赶快 come to达到 (an end/an agreement/a stop)苏醒,合计,总共是 come over走过来 come up发芽,走近 come across偶然碰到 come back回想起 come from来自,源自 1) I come _________ the book I lent you last month. 2) How did it come _________ that you both got lost? I thought you had a map. 3) It suddenly came _________ to me where I had seen the boy before. 4) Come __________ now, or else we shall be late. 5) He came __________ me like a tiger. 6) The price of petrol has come _________ since the beginning of this year. 7) The word came __________ use many years ago. 8) When the examination result came _________, he had already got a job. 9)The bill came __________ over a thousand dollars. 10) I sowed the seeds over a month ago, but they haven"t come __________ yet. ( for, about, back, on, at, down, into, out, to, up )6. cut across抄近路 cut down砍倒,削减 cut off切断,割掉,断绝关系 cut up连根拔除,切碎 through剪断,凿穿 cut out删(省)掉,戒掉 cut in插嘴 1) Don"t cut ___ this tree. It will be very shady in summer. 2) You must cut ________ the number of cigarettes you smoke, or it will cause illness. 3) We decided to cut _________ the moor(旷野) to the village. 4) Cutting the tree ____ means cutting the tree into pieces. 5) The electricity was cut ___________ when the lady refused to pay the bill. 6) We were having a pleasant conversation when Tom cut __________. (down, down, across, up, off, in )7. die of (disease/hunger/grief/old age)死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因) die from死于(意外事故、情形) die away渐渐消逝 die out绝种 die down(炉火)渐熄 die off逐一死去8. fall behind落后 fall over one"s feet 跌跤 fall down掉下,跌倒 fall back撤退,后退 1) Babies often fall _____ when they are learning to walk. 2) Our team seems to have fallen __________ the others. 3) As soon as the enemies fell __________, the people returned to their village. 4) She fell__________ the bench and had her leg broken. (down, behind, back, over ) 9. go in for从事,喜爱,参加 go through通过,经受 go over复习,检查 go up(价格)上涨,建造起来 go after追捕,追赶 go against违反 go ahead先行,开始吧,问吧,说吧 go away离开 go by时间过去 go down下沉,降低,(日、月)西沉 go on(with)继续进行 go with相配,陪同 go without没有,缺少 go out外出,熄灭 go all out全力以赴 go off爆炸,进行,变坏,断电,停止供应 go back on背约,食言 go beyond超出 1) Many new factories have gone __ in the past few years. 2) Rents have gone __________ greatly recently. 3) Many years have gone ___________ since we first met. 4) Let"s continue our journey until the sun goes _______. 5) His actions went ___________ the will of the people, 6) I can"t do it, for it goes ___________ my duty. 7) Over 100 students went ____________ this entrance examination. 8) The bomb went ____________ and killed ten people. 9) The buyer went ___________ the car carefully before reaching a decision. 10) This tie doesn"t go ___________ my blue shirt. 11) If you think you can solve the problem, go ______. 12) Many students went __________ playing basketball. (up, up, by, down, against, beyond, through, off, over, with, ahead, in for ) 10. get down下来,记下,使沮丧get down to致力于,专心于 get on进展,进步,穿上,上车 get off脱下,下车 get in收集,插(话) get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假 get over忘记,越过,克服,从疾病中恢复 get along with进展,相处 get up起床 get through打通电话,完成,通过 get round消息传开 get close to sth. 接近,几乎 get into (trouble) get to (know) get back取回,收回 get out 1) She spoke so fast that I couldn"t get ____ what he said. 2) We will find ways to get _________ difficulties. 3) The story has got __________, and everyone knows about it. 4) When I get _________ with the report, I"ll go to the cinema. 5) After a delicious meal the two men got __________ to business. 6) Don"t always get __________ a word when others are speaking. 7) It took me a long time to get ___________ such an unpleasant experience. (down, over, round, through, down, in, over)11. give away赠送,泄露,出卖 give out发出,疲劳,分发,公布 give off发出(光、热、气体) give in (to sb.) 屈服 give up放弃,让(座位) 1) His accent at last gave him __________. 2) The liquid gave ________ a strong smell. 3) The headmaster gave ___________ the names of the prize-winners. 4) The soldiers gave _________ the town to the enemies. 5) Who will help me to give the books ___________? 6) Don"t believe in those who give his friends ________. 7) After a long walk, my strength gave ____________. (away, off, out, up, out, away, out)12. hand in交上,提交 hand out分发 hand down流传,遗传13. hang about闲逛 hang up挂电话14. hold back阻止,隐瞒 hold up举起,使停顿 hold on别挂电话,等,坚持 hold out持续,坚持,伸出 hold down控制,镇压 1) I"m sure he is holding something _________. 2) She managed to hold ______ her emotion until her guests had left. Then she cried. 3) Tell him to hold ________ a moment. I"ll come soon. 4) Our food supply won"t hold _________ for more than a few days. 5) The train was held ________ as a result of the floods. 6) These measures helped to hold ___________ the city"s population. 7) Hold ___________ your left arm, please. (back, back, on, out, up, down, up)15. keep up (courage, English, spirits)保持, keep up with跟上 keep off (grass)不接近,离开 keep away from避开,不接近,离…远远的 keep out of keep to (rules, promise)坚持,遵守 keep on继续,坚持下来 keep back阻止,留下,隐瞒,扣下 keep from克制,阻止 1) The angry lady told the strangers to keep ________ from her. 2) I can hardly keep ________ my tears after hearing his words. 3) Only pride kept her __________ bursting into tears. 4) I can scarcely keep __________ asking him what he has done. 5) "Don"t touch me," screamed the woman, "Keep __________!" 6) Keep _________ until you succeed. 7) Keep _________ your courage, and you"ll succeed in the end. 8) The thick coat can keep the cold ___________. 9) Always try to keep ___________ the rules when you play a game. 10) I can"t keep ________ with everything you"re doing. (away, back, from, from, off, on, up, out, to, up) 16. knock at/on敲 knock into撞到某人身上 knock down撞倒 knock out of把…敲出 knock over撞倒 knock off停止工作,休息 1) The boxer soon knocked his opponent _________. 2) The office stuff knocks _________ at six every day. 3) Try knocking __________ the window and see if there is anyone indoors. 4) He was so absorbed in his book that he knocked __________ the car parked there. (down, off, on, into)17. leave for离开前往 leave out删去,遗漏 leave behind遗留,忘记拿走 leave to留给,遗嘱赠于 leave over遗留,剩下,延期 1) "Whose name has been left __________?" demanded the teacher. 2) When he died, he left all his property _____ his niece. 3) He suddenly realized that he had left his umbrella ___________. 4) Don"t leave this matter _________ until tomorrow. 5) Leave some meat ___________ for tomorrow. 6) Those are questions left _________ by history. (out, to, behind, over, over, over)18. look up查找,向上看 look through翻阅,浏览 look on旁观 look on…as看作 look into调查 look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找 look out(for)当心 look about / around/round四下查看 look down upon瞧不起 look back upon回忆,回顾 look ab. up and down仔细打量某人look ab in the face/eyes直视某人 1) I spent two hours looking ______ the students" papers. 2)Look _______! There is a big hole in front. 3) He took part in the game, and the rest of us just looked ______ and cheered for him. 4) The old man looked _____ upon the days of his youth. 5) She was so snobbish(势利)that she looked __________ upon all his neighbours. 6) The police promised to look __________ the case as soon as possible. 7) He looked __________ but saw nobody, and he listened but hear nothing. (through, out, on, back, down, into, about/around/round)19. make up编造,配制,打扮,组成 make up for弥补 make into / of / from 制成 make out弄懂,发现,看出,填写,开列(清单) make for走向,驶往,促使 1) Can you make this length of cloth __________ a suit? 2) I asked the driver if he was making ___________ London? 3) My father made __________ a check for me to buy the camera. 4) We must make the loss _________ next week./ He tried hard to make ________ for the damage he had done. 5) He made __________ a story, which I found hard to believe. 6) Someone is coming, but I can"t make ___________ who it is. (into, for, out, up/up, up, out)20. pass away去世 pass by经过 pass down(on)…to传给 pass through经历 pass over漠视,忽视 1) The old clock has been passed ________ to me from my grandfather"s grandfather. 2) The man passed ___________ last week in peace. 3) We are passing ____________ difficult times. 4) The secretary passed ___________ the details in the first part of his report. (down, away, through, over)21. pay back还钱,报复 pay for付钱,为…受到惩罚,因…得到报应 pay off还清 1) How much did you pay __________ the dictionary? 2) You should pay _________ the money you borrowed from me. 3) I"ll pay him ____________ for all his crimes(罪行) against me. 4) Some day, you"ll pay __________ what you have done today. 5) Has she pay ____________ the debt yet? (for, back, back, for, off)22. pick up拾起,获得(information),接人,站起,收听,自然习得(language /knowledge),恢复重获(pick up health) pick out挑选,辨认,看出 1) I picked the information __________ while waiting in the queue. 2) My friend has arranged to pick me _________ at 6:00. 3) The patient has picked _________ health during the last two weeks. 4) She picked _______ the most expensive pair of shoes. 5) I can"t pick John ___________ in the crowd. 6) Can I pick __________ VOA with this short-wave radio? 7) He fell down suddenly, but picked himself ___________ quickly. (up, up, up, out, out, up, up) pick cotton/flower/leaves/words选词23. put up搭起,张贴,举起,安装,投宿,安排住下 put up with忍受 put out伸出,扑灭 put off推迟 put into放进,翻译 put away放好,存钱 put down记下,平息 put on穿戴,上映,增加(put on weight/speed) put forward 提出,提前 put through 接通电话 put aside放到一边 put back放回 1) He put _________ half his wage every week. 2) The government soon put __________ the revolt(暴乱). 3) Put your watch __________. It"s slow. 4) He put __________ his hand for me to shake. 5). Please put me __________ to Extension(分机)2. 6) We put ___________ for night at the village inn. 7) He is very proud, and he often put _________ airs.(摆架子) 8) We had a telephone put _____________ in our office. 9) I can"t

pull bear的尺码为什么最低定在165


石家庄勒泰pull bear为啥撤柜了?





  1、注册或者登陆。  如果没有账号的,要先在购物网站注册一个账号,如果已经有账号,就可以直接在网上搜索您想要买的宝贝版型价格及款式。  2、全网搜索宝贝,货比三家。  在搜索栏中输入要搜索的内容,然后点击搜索,要找的东西就会罗列出来了。也可以通过人气,销量,信用,价格,总价等选项进行排序,缩小选择范围。  3、选定宝贝,联系卖家。  通过比较选中了想要的那款宝贝,然后就可以与掌柜的在线交流,询问关于快递,价格,质量,规格等的问题。通过网内通信工具直接和卖家交流。  4、达成意向,拍下宝贝。  如果双方对价格,快递,质量,规格等问题都能达成一致,这时候就可以拍下宝贝了。输入购买数量,点击立刻购买就可以了。  5、确定地址,进行留言。  确认订单信息,主要包括收获地址,收货人姓名,电话,右边,所选商品的数量,单价,运送方式等,如果对商品有特别的要求可以给卖家留言。  6、提交订单,进行付款。  确认无误后就可以提交订单,然后进入付款界面。输入网上银行的卡号和密码就可以进行支付了,此时,您是付款至支付宝,等你收货确认之后,支付宝才会把钱支付给卖家  7、等待发货,收货。  提交订单并且成功付款之后就可以等待卖家发货了,一般在发货后可以在购物网站查询卖家发货状态及物流状态,也可以通过卖家提供的物流单号在物流官网进行查询包裹运行状态。  8、确认收货。  在购买的商品宝贝到货时,快递公司会给买家/事先约定的收件人打电话联系派送及签收,在收到包裹时务必进行及时检查包裹的外包装状态,如果包裹有异常:包裹有划伤,刺穿,压扁等就要注意仔细检查包裹内物品是否完好,如果物品出现损毁或其他意外买家有权拒签的,如果检查包裹没什么问题就可以签收了,签收收并且要到网上去确认评价。  9、 双方互评,完成交易。  确认收货之后,通过网络支付平台将钱支付给对方。然后双方互评;  注意:买家尽量要如实填写评价要公正认真,因为这您的评价可能会影响到后来的买者。

南京哪里有买Stradivarius、Pull & Bear、Bershka







是西班牙服饰品牌Pull &Bear和ZARA都隶属于Inditex集团。Inditex公司已经成为一个市值超过80亿美元的集团公司,是西班牙排名第一,全球排名第三的服装零售商。没有注册中文商标,用谐音“普勒贝尔”





有哪些类似于pull&bear ,h&m 之类的欧洲男生品牌 便宜一些的

c&a bershka springfield topman Cheap Monday 脑塞 暂时就这些 附送美国的gap old navy forever21


牛仔裤的号码与尺码小常识: 牛仔裤号码与腰围和臀围尺码的大致对照表: 26号牛仔裤:1尺9寸,臀围:2尺6;裤长:一米零三(厘米); 27号牛仔裤:2尺0寸,臀围2尺7;裤长:一米零五(厘米); 28号牛仔裤:2尺1寸,臀围2尺8:裤长:1米零八(厘米) 26-28号牛仔裤是比较多人适合的尺码! 29号牛仔裤:2尺2寸,臀围2尺9; 30号牛仔裤:2尺3寸,臀围3尺; 31号牛仔裤:2尺4寸,臀围3尺1 ; 32号牛仔裤:2尺5寸,臀围3尺2; 33号牛仔裤:2尺6寸,臀围3尺3 从34号到38号是属于超大尺寸的超大号牛仔裤了



pull and bear. 的产品尺码和国内这些品牌尺码是否一样!鞋,衣服,裤子 谢谢


bershka,pull&bear 是什么名牌?

pull&bear ,巴适卡 (Bershka) 是Inditex旗下品牌,同时也是西班牙快速时尚品牌ZARA的姐妹品牌。pull&bear 、巴适卡 (Bershka) 是以年轻人市场为目标,以年轻前卫,充满街头感的设计风更进军中东市场。 巴适卡 (Bershka) 是西班牙街头风格年轻品牌,以性感路线为主。巴适卡 (Bershka) 的休闲装带动时尚潮流的同时更加令人的激情燃烧至沸点。 西班牙时装界的真正革命源自开创Inditex集团的阿芒索·奥特加,Inditex是20年来西班牙最成功的企业之一。 该集团麾下拥有ZARA,巴适卡 (Bershka) ,MassimoDutti,PullandBear,Stradivarius和Oysho等品牌。如今已成为一个市值超过80亿美元的集团公司,于近年超越了美国的GAP、瑞典的H&M,成为全球排名第一的服装零售集团,在全球52个国家拥有2116家分店。



请问下谁那有pull the radish英文完整故事?故事的第一句应该是on a summer day...

没找到开头是ON A SUMMER DAY 的,另外找了两篇拔萝卜相关的,希望对你用用第一篇Pull out the radishThe farmer and his wife live on the farm.“Look, our radish grows so big. I want to eat the radish for dinner.”“Let"s pull up the radish.”“OK, you pull on the radish, I"ll pull on you.”The wife pulls on the farmer. The farmer pulls on the radish.“Come on! Oh, no!”The radish does not come up.“Cow ,please help me pull up the radish. We want to eat the radish for dinner.”“Sure ,I"ll help you.”“Cow, please pull on me.”The cow pulls on the wife. The wife pulls on the farmer. The farmer pulls on the radish.“Come on !Oh, no.”The radish still does not come up.“Dog, please help me pull up the radish. We want to eat the radish for dinner.”“Sure, I"ll help you.”“Dog, please pull on me.”The dog pulls on the cow. The cow pulls on the wife.The wife pulls on the farmer,.The farmer pulls on the radish.“Come on.”The radish still does not come up.“Cat, please help me pull up the radish. We want to eat the radish for dinner.”“Sure, I"ll help you.”“Cat, please pull on me.”The cat pulls on the dog.The dog pulls on the cow. The cow pulls on the wife.The wife pulls on the farmer,.The farmer pulls on the radish.“Rat,please help me pull up the radish.”“Sure.”The rat pulls on the cat.The cat pulls on the dog.The dog pulls on the cow. The cow pulls on the wife.The wife pulls on the farmer,.The farmer pulls on the radish.“Come on ! One , two , three,go!”The radish comes out!“Hooray!” 第二篇 The rabbit pull out the radish The rabbits love the radish, and there is no such one when she feels hungry. Then she decides to pull some out, and she just did it. But things seems goes to the other way. The radish is so big that she even could"t pull them a little! She was so hungry and had no energy. "What can I do know?" she thought. At the same time, a rat passed by. "Hey,do you need some help?" The rabbit was so happy and the rat just come into this "big project". But they still can"t move it anymore. That is the truth that the radish is too large too move. As soon as they were in trouble, a bear came here and asked,"Hey,you, what"s up?" "Can you help me?"the rabbit said, "We just lack of energy to move this radish." "With my pleasure." And then the bear entered and they pulled together. "One,two,one, two..." After their hard work,the radish was finally moved out! "Horray!That"s so good!" said the rabbit. And she will not be hungry any more. That is just a fairytale but we can learn somethings from it, that is the power of yourself might so small, but it will be enlarged when a lot of powers get together---which from your friends,your family and your compaion.

pull off 有没有“迷倒众人”的意思?

pull off1. 拿掉;拉开(某人或某物);扯下;撕开;剥掉例句: These naughty kids have pulled off all the rose buds.这些淘气的孩子把所有玫瑰花蕾都摘掉了。2. 把(机动车)开到路旁停车处(或路边);把(车、船等)开离:例句: The boat pulled off from the shore.这条船驶离海岸。3. 脱掉(衣、帽、鞋等):例句: The boy fulled his shirt off and threw it onto his bed.这个男孩把衬衣一脱往他的床上一扔。4. (成功或艰苦地)完成;赢得:例句: Father enjoys pulling off a miracle.父亲总喜欢一举惊人。5. [美国俚语]干(坏事、犯法的事):例句: The bandits pulled off a daring bank robbery.这伙强盗胆大包天,竟把银行抢了。总结这些个意思,好像不能妄下结论有你所说的这个意思呢!

昨天在pull&bear家买了裤子 它的尺码是 EUR34 MEX24 UK6 ITA38,请问这在中国是什么尺码啊,




北京哪里有zara 、hm、 ca 、bershka、 pull and bear之类的比较集中?

朝阳门外的悠唐生活广场,相当的集中,除了你说的ca其他的都有。另外东直门来福士有zara hm和bershka

有哪些像pull and bear 的休闲品牌

forever 21, H &M, GAP 这些都是欧洲的牌子,很大众也比较时尚便宜。

pull Bear有什么特别意思

如果是Bear 大写很可能是代表Bear是一个专有名词,建议联系上下文,看看是否是个牌子或者其他象征意义。如一个团队的名字或者代号

pull and bear 尺码表问题


10分:长春哪有Bershka,pull and bear ,H&M ,ZARA,C&A 这些牌子

长春目前有两家ZARA 一家在欧亚商都【1、2层】 一家在欧亚卖场【中国最大ZARA店面】【1层】 H&M目前长春有两家 一家在巴黎春天百货【1、-1层】 另一家在长百大楼【1、2层】 bershka在长春欧亚卖场【1层】 pull&bear在长春欧亚卖场【1层】 他们都挨在一起 还有Massimo Dutti 、Stradivarius、Oysho都在长春欧亚卖场【1层】



pull&bear 这牌子NB挖?一般在什么价位

ZARA 旗下的pull&bear 【西班牙】 价位不是很贵比zara和mango便宜多了,价格和杰克琼斯差不多 400~2000吧 Pull and Bear是西班牙的时尚休闲品牌,属于Inditex集团。该品牌的产品线主打年轻人市场。秉承舒适简约、便于穿着的的设计理念,取材于新科技、体育以及最新的音乐及艺术潮流的设计灵感,结合顾客的观点,Pull and Bear为现代的都市青年一代奉献出了其具有独特风格的服装。 目前在中国只有北京, 上海, 沈阳有店铺




西班牙的一个服装品牌。pull&bear于1991年创立,它和zara一样,同属于Inditex集团。Pull&Bear服装连锁店的创建始源于Inditex集团市场细分的营销策略 的成果。当时,男性消费群体对于具备国际时尚潮流但又不失简约风格的服装需求越趋强大,Pull&Bear应运而生。扩展资料:产品系列:Pull&Bear拥有针对男生和女生的独立系列服装。在店铺中可以找到卫衣、T恤、牛仔、百慕大短裤、运动服以及帽子,它们基本都是以棉质为主。为伴随品牌成长的大男孩和女孩们提供日装和晚装,包括工作时穿的服装以及休闲服。除了服装,同时还销售鞋子、配件、香水以及太阳镜。目标客户:目标客户群是忠实于社区生活环境并成为社区一份子的年轻人。参考资料来源:pull and bear官网-关于我们参考资料来源:百度百科-pull and bear

shoeiX14 上的pull and bear 啥意思?

赞助商的名字 一家西班牙的服饰品牌

亚马逊fulfillment center是什么意思?跟亚马逊仓库一样吗?


英语作文题目should we do housework?

I think we should do housework. Every family has lots of housework. Everyone should learn to do some of it. Because doing housework can help us be more responsibility. And it can help us take good care of ourselves and others. Besides, I think it"s a good kind of exercise,too. We can get lots of pleasure and relax from it. It"s a good experience to do some housework. What"s more, we"ll feel proud of ourselves. So I often help my parents do some housework, such as cleaning the room, washing the dishes and so on.

schedule和to do list的区别



Lullabysing by Exo Kris and Kevin ShinKrisuff1aI"m sorryFeel like i"ve something to say but its stuck in my headCan"t let it goyou know how much i care for you and love youDon"t ever let me goPleaseMomI love youKevinuff1aIt has been so rough for me this past few yearsI know what"s just been struggle and stressI wrote this for you momKrisuff1aHey mom(hey mom)I know something i begI fought with you i hurt youBut deep inside i love so much and deepI"d rather die than see you leaveJust give me one more chancePleaseKevinuff1aLast night i woke dope, burning the streetsCause my mind"s in the hall, tears crawling silentSing what"s up with my pride,and i hate to see the right sideshrreddin" like cancerI become the cause of the devil insideKris:I knowI used to say i will be a good kidbut everything i leave your tears fall outit"s like a rainy day never endand i never get back to my headOh god please Kevin:seven years in the makingIts has been rough and not for mebefore you, I"m sure when I"m blind tooBut all_____like tooShhh.....Don"t hushI promise there"s always a light at the end of darknesslisten to my voice and witness(I smile)Kris:i smileDon"t wanna see you cryJust sing me a lullaby(sing me a lullaby)I cryFor you to see you smileThis will be my lullaby(mom i just want to be with you)I smileDon"t wanna see you cryJust sing me a lullaby(sing me a lullaby)I cryFor you to see you smileThis will be my lul...laby(always and forever)

molecular plant显示under review就是送审了吗

1. Submitted to Journal当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。2. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那里,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态:① Editor assigned 编辑分派② Editor Declined Invitation 编辑拒绝邀请,这时主编不得不将投稿文章重新分派给其它编辑。3. Reviewer(s) invited说明编辑已接手处理,正在邀请审稿人中。有时该过程会持续很长时间,如果其中原因是编辑一直没有找到合适的审稿人,这时投稿者可以向编辑推荐审稿人。4. Under review审稿人的意见已上传,说明审稿人已接受审稿,正在审稿中,这应该是一个漫长的等待(期刊通常会限定审稿人审稿时间,一般为一个月左右)。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。5. required review completed审稿结束,等编辑处理,该过程短则几天,长则无期,科学堂有一篇文章出现required review completed状态已近一个月了,还是没有消息。6. Decision in Process到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。7. Minor revision/Major revision小修/大修,这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的(因为修改后一般会再发给审稿人看,所以一定要细心的回答每一个审稿人的每一个问题,态度要谦逊,要让审稿人觉得他提的每个问题都很有水准的,然后针对他的问题,一个一个的做出答复,能修改的就修改,不能修改的给出理由,而且都要列出来,文章的哪一段哪一行修改了最好都说出来,记住:给审稿人减少麻烦就是给你自己减少麻烦!另注:有时,审稿人会在修改意见里隐讳里说出要你仔细阅读某几篇文献,这时可要注意了,其中某些文章可能就是评审者自己发表的,这时你最好在你的修改稿中加以引用),修改后被拒绝的例子也多不胜数的。8. Revision Submitted to Journal修改后重新提交,等待编辑审理。9. Accepted如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。一步会比较快,但也有慢的。看杂志的。10. Rejected相信大家见了Rejected,都会很郁闷。但也不要太灰心,耐心将评审意见看完,一般评审者会给出有益的建议,相信看后你会有所收获

We would need a delivery address fort he proforma invoice! for在这是表“用途”吗?


culture 的简单英文介绍

culture 的简单英文介绍Culture introduction to the simple English 简单的英语文化简介simple English introduction of culture 简单的英语介绍文化cultureCulture is singer dance actor model world first superstar dengfan singer model film tv dance four world first.Culture world first superstar dengfan world first.culture perfect. Culture dengfan first.culture文化 文化在歌手舞蹈影视模特 Culture is singer dance actor model 世界第一巨星邓凡歌手舞蹈影视模特四种均世界第一.world first superstar dengfan singer model film tv dance four world first.文化世界第一巨星邓凡世界第一.Culture world first superstar dengfan world first.文化完美; culture perfect. 文化邓凡第一; Culture dengfan first.


1.按Ctrl+Shift+C或F12, 调出 DevTools(开发者工具)栏,如下图所示。注:这里解释一下我说的“功能完整”,其实就是有没有DevTools。如果没有出现的话,你可以选择下载一个新的浏览器。u200b2.如果下面没有Console drawer的话,点击右上角的三点标志,然后选择“Show Console Drawer”,u200b3.然后点击Console Drawer左上角的三点标志,然后选择“Network Conditions”,u200b4.是打开的Network Conditions调试栏。可以在下拉列表中选择不同的浏览器和系统进行模拟,u200b5.如果你想模拟的浏览器不在列表中,可以自定义一个。具体方法为:在如图的红框内输入UA代码。

有一首jeffree star的歌里面有一句词好像是particular『听着像』,单词成句,很有

i"m on the top there is no luck never turned around to stop make my move make you move make you wanna hear me talk see me walk see me fuck see me suck a lollipop wanna get messy i"ll make you hot make you rock i"ll leave the wou3002

谁有 jeffree star 在beautiful killer 里面那首lollipop luxury 的歌词?

i"m on the topthere is no lucknever turned around to stopmake my movemake you movemake you wanna hear me talksee me walksee me fucksee me suck a lollipopwanna get messyi"ll make you hotmake you rocki"ll leave the world in shocki"m your tease i"m your fueli just wanna see you droolon your knees pretty pleaseyou wish you were my main squeezelllluxuryfuck mei"m a celebritycan"t take your eyes off mei"ll make you fuke me just to get somewherefuck mei"m a celebritycan"t take your hands off mei know you wanna suck me what you waiting forlipgloss and lollipoplet"s rock our water popcan"t take your eyes off mei"m all that you can seelipgloss and lollipopi"ll make your feet drop can"t take your eyes off mei"m everthing you wanna bemmm hot damnhere i cometell me how you want it doneat the mall in the hall on your momma"s bedroom wall you can choose either way you you will end upon the news[ha yeah just like you want it right?]do i make you wetit"s all about the C.U.N.T[i wanna hear you say]love my pink knifeyou wish you had a slice of me


在本届CES 2023展会上,海信带来了旗下ULED系列的多款新品,包括有U6K、U7K、U8K以及ULED X新品,实现了全系MiniLED技术的新突破。海信U6K产品尺寸覆盖50英寸-85英寸,搭载4K MiniLED面板,可以实现600nit亮度以及200个背光分区,内置海信Hi-View Engine画境引擎以及高通Dot Color技术。同时海信U6K的Game Mode Plus功能支持了AMD Freesync以及ALLM自动低延迟技术,还支持60Hz的vVR可变刷新率,可以为消费者提供流畅的扩展体验。海信U7K同样搭载4K MiniLED面板,峰值亮度可以达到1000nit,支持500个背光分区。同样内置海信Hi-View Engine画境引擎以及高通Dot Color技术,支持杜比视界、杜比全景声,声音部分可以实现2.1多声道包围。与U6K不同的是,U7K的Game Mode升级为Pro版本,支持Freesync Premium Pro、144Hz VRR/MEMC技术以及ALLM自动低延迟模式。并且U7K还支持了WiFi 6e技术,可以实现更快的网络传输。海信U8K的MiniLED面板峰值亮度可以达到1500nit,能够实现超过1000个背光分区,对于画面的明暗控制表现更好。搭载与U7K相同的海信Hi-View Engine画境引擎、高通Dot Color技术、Game Mode Pro、WiFi 6e高速网络传输、杜比视界、杜比全景声功能。不过海信U8K实现了2.1.2环绕声道包围,并且在面板方面选择了防眩光低反射面板,可以消除大部分的外界光线反射,带给观看者更为纯净的画面。作为旗舰的ULED X电视则只有85英寸一个型号,内置20000个MiniLED灯珠以及海信Hi View Engine X画境引擎,峰值亮度可以达到2500nit,背光分区数量则提升至了5000个,还可以实现16bit AI MiniLED亮度管理。支持杜比视界、杜比全景声、HDR10、HDR10+、HLG。声音方面则配备了CineStage X技术,能够实现4.1.2的环绕声场包围,提供更为出色的影院听感。同样支持Game Mode Pro以及WiFi 6e,属于海信ULED系列中的顶级产品。预计海信ULED四款新品会在今年春季登陆国内市场,售价将成为消费者最关注的部分。王者之心2点击试玩

black friday!it should be true[流汗]



regulate ["reɡjuleit] vt. 调节,规定;有系统的管理;控制;校准We must try our best to regulate our expenditure.我们必须尽力控制开支。adjust [05"d0105st] vt. 校准;调整,使…适合 vi. 调整,校准;适应How to adjust oneself bad mood?如何调节自己的坏情绪?就是regulate是普遍用于调节实际的东西。。。adjust有 使适应 的意思。可以用于调节虚无的东西。。。。

triangular shipment在外贸中是什么意思?是不是转船?

应该是转口贸易,就是三方贸易转口贸易又称中转贸易(intermediary trade)或再输出贸易(Re-Export Trade),是指国际贸易中进出口货物的买卖,不是在生产国与消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国转手进行的贸易。这种贸易对中转国来说就是转口贸易。交易的货物可以由出口国运往第三国,在第三国不经过加工(改换包装、分类、挑选、整理等不作为加工论)再销往消费国;也可以不通过第三国而直接由生产国运往消费国,但生产国与消费国之间并不发生交易关系,而是由中转国分别同生产国和消费国发生交易。

HTS Schedule B Code:9405.99.4090的翻译是:什么意思

HTS Schedule B Code:9405.99.4090高温超导B计划代码:9405.99.4090

求心灵终结2.0C中rulesmd拉恩武器的代码 拉恩的武器是MutationRailgun



[DISK]UIName=Name:DISKName=Floating DiskPrerequisite=YAWEAP,YATECHPrimary=DiskLaserSecondary=DiskDrainStrength=600 ;700Category=AirPowerArmor=mediumIsTilter=yesTooBigToFitUnderBridge=trueTechLevel=2Landable=noBalloonHover=yesJumpJet=yesTurret=yesTurretSpins=yes;gs unit is one big turret so it can use existing permaspinSight=9Speed=15CrateGoodie=noCrusher=noOwner=YuriCountryCost=1800Soylent=1750Points=25ROT=100;gs super fast turn, ie turn on spotIsSelectableCombatant=yesVoiceSelect=FloatingDiscSelectVoiceMove=FloatingDiscMoveVoiceAttack=FloatingDiscAttackCommandVoiceSecondaryWeaponAttack=FloatingDiscStealVoiceFeedback=CrashingSound=FloatingDiscDieMoveSound=FloatingDiscMoveLoopCreateSound=FloatingDiscCreatedLocomotor={92612C46-F71F-11d1-AC9F-006008055BB5} ;JumpjetSpeedType=HoverMovementZone=FlyMoveToShroud=yesThreatPosed=20 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsConsideredAircraft=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=14DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSysDamageSmokeOffset=100, 100, 275Weight=3.5VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SIGHT,FASTEREliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROFAccelerates=falseZFudgeColumn=8ZFudgeTunnel=13Size=3ElitePrimary=DiskLaserEJumpjetSpeed=16 ;params not defined use defaults (old globals way up top called Jumpjet controls)JumpjetClimb=8 ; JumpjetCrash=15 ; Climb, but downJumpJetAccel=10JumpJetTurnRate=100;gs superfast turn on spot, from 2JumpjetHeight=750JumpjetWobbles=.1 ; ! value of zero stop wobbles? NO! Wobbles of zero means div by 0 crash. "How many wobbles would you like?" "0" "You must have wobbles!!! I kill you!"JumpjetDeviation=15JumpjetNoWobbles=yes ; Really small numbers on two lines above don"t actually slow down the wobbling since it is the amplitude of a sinusoidal curveCrashable=yes ; JJ plummets down like aircraftTiltCrashJumpjet=yes; can handle tilting while falling without freaking outDeathWeapon=BlimpBombEffectDeathWeaponDamageModifier=.1;gs needs a death weapon or it will do one laser blast"s worth of crash damage. This gives controlSelfHealing=yesDeploysInto=noDeployer=noDeployFire=noOccupier=noImmuneToPsionics=noCrushable=no

红警2共和国之辉rules.ini文件中 那个文件修改天启的武器和级别

[APOC]UIName=Name:APOCName=ApocalypseImage=MTNKCategory=AFVTargetLaser=yesPrimary=120mmx 第一武器Secondary=MammothTusk 第二武器Strength=800Explodes=yesPrerequisite=NAWEAP,NATECHCrateGoodie=yesArmor=heavyTurret=yesTechLevel=7Sight=6Speed=4Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,ArabsCost=1750Soylent=1750Points=60ROT=5Crusher=yesSelfHealing=yesCrewed=noIsSelectableCombatant=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60VoiceSelect=ApocalypseSelectVoiceMove=ApocalypseMoveVoiceAttack=ApocalypseAttackCommandVoiceFeedback=DieSound=GenVehicleDieMoveSound=ApocalypseMoveStartCrushSound=TankCrushMaxdebris=3Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1}Weight=3.5MovementZone=DestroyerThreatPosed=40 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSysAllowedToStartInMultiplayer=noZFudgeColumn=9ZFudgeTunnel=15Size=6VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTER 老兵升级提升的项目EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF 英雄升级提升的项目ElitePrimary=120mmxE






[SREF]UIName=Name:SREFName=Prism TankPrerequisite=GAWEAP,GATECH; SJM removed; see abusive section below...; Primary=Comet; ElitePrimary=SuperComet ; Elite WeaponStrength=150Category=AFVArmor=light; SJM: begin abuse of turret-changing code ----Turret=yes ;temp until tank art doneTurretCount=4WeaponCount=1Weapon1=CometEliteWeapon1=SuperComet ; Elite WeaponIsChargeTurret=true; SJM: end abuse ------------------------------IsTilter=yesTooBigToFitUnderBridge=trueTechLevel=8Sight=8Speed=4CrateGoodie=yesCrusher=yesOwner=British,French,Germans,Americans,AllianceCost=1200Points=50ROT=5IsSelectableCombatant=yesAllowedToStartInMultiplayer=noExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60VoiceSelect=GenAllVehicleSelectVoiceMove=GenAllVehicleMoveVoiceAttack=GenAllVehicleAttackCommandVoiceFeedback=DieSound=GenVehicleDieMoveSound=PrismTankMoveStartMaxdebris=3Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1}MovementZone=DestroyerThreatPosed=40 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSysDamageSmokeOffset=100, 100, 275Weight=3.5VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SIGHT,FASTEREliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROFAccelerates=falseZFudgeColumn=8ZFudgeTunnel=13Size=3
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