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美国鹰牌服装(American Eagle)好吗.?是名牌吗.?跟阿迪,耐克比,哪个好些.?


美国鹰牌服装(American Eagle)好吗.?是名牌吗.?跟阿迪,耐克比,哪个好些.?



白头鹰白头鹰是北美大陆特有的大型猛禽。美国国会在立国之初认为白头鹰象征着自由、力量和勇气,因此在1782年把它定为美国的国鸟。在美国的国徽、硬币和很多具有爱国主义色彩的装饰物上,都可以见到白头鹰的图案。The bald eagle is the bald eagle North American continent large birds of prey. The Congress of the United States in the early years of the Republic that the eagle is a symbol of freedom, strength and courage, so in 1782 it is the national bird of the United states. The national emblem, coins and many patriotic color decoration in the United States, we can see the eagle pattern.